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This study considers the binary classification of functional data collected in the form of curves. In particular, we assume a situation in which the curves are highly mixed over the entire domain, so that the global discriminant analysis based on the entire domain is not effective. This study proposes an interval-based classification method for functional data: the informative intervals for classification are selected and used for separating the curves into two classes. The proposed method, called functional logistic regression with fused lasso penalty, combines the functional logistic regression as a classifier and the fused lasso for selecting discriminant segments. The proposed method automatically selects the most informative segments of functional data for classification by employing the fused lasso penalty and simultaneously classifies the data based on the selected segments using the functional logistic regression. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated with simulated and real data examples.  相似文献   

Summary. We propose a class of semiparametric functional regression models to describe the influence of vector-valued covariates on a sample of response curves. Each observed curve is viewed as the realization of a random process, composed of an overall mean function and random components. The finite dimensional covariates influence the random components of the eigenfunction expansion through single-index models that include unknown smooth link and variance functions. The parametric components of the single-index models are estimated via quasi-score estimating equations with link and variance functions being estimated nonparametrically. We obtain several basic asymptotic results. The functional regression models proposed are illustrated with the analysis of a data set consisting of egg laying curves for 1000 female Mediterranean fruit-flies (medflies).  相似文献   

Many areas of statistical modeling are plagued by the “curse of dimensionality,” in which there are more variables than observations. This is especially true when developing functional regression models where the independent dataset is some type of spectral decomposition, such as data from near-infrared spectroscopy. While we could develop a very complex model by simply taking enough samples (such that n > p), this could prove impossible or prohibitively expensive. In addition, a regression model developed like this could turn out to be highly inefficient, as spectral data usually exhibit high multicollinearity. In this article, we propose a two-part algorithm for selecting an effective and efficient functional regression model. Our algorithm begins by evaluating a subset of discrete wavelet transformations, allowing for variation in both wavelet and filter number. Next, we perform an intermediate processing step to remove variables with low correlation to the response data. Finally, we use the genetic algorithm to perform a stochastic search through the subset regression model space, driven by an information-theoretic objective function. We allow our algorithm to develop the regression model for each response variable independently, so as to optimally model each variable. We demonstrate our method on the familiar biscuit dough dataset, which has been used in a similar context by several researchers. Our results demonstrate both the flexibility and the power of our algorithm. For each response variable, a different subset model is selected, and different wavelet transformations are used. The models developed by our algorithm show an improvement, as measured by lower mean error, over results in the published literature.  相似文献   

Principal component analysis (PCA) and functional principal analysis are key tools in multivariate analysis, in particular modelling yield curves, but little attention is given to questions of uncertainty, neither in the components themselves nor in any derived quantities such as scores. Actuaries using PCA to model yield curves to assess interest rate risk for insurance companies are required to show any uncertainty in their calculations. Asymptotic results based on assumptions of multivariate normality are unsatisfactory for modest samples, and application of bootstrap methods is not straightforward, with the novel pitfalls of possible inversions in order of sample components and reversals of signs. We present methods for overcoming these difficulties and discuss arising of other potential hazards.  相似文献   

We develop functional data analysis techniques using the differential geometry of a manifold of smooth elastic functions on an interval in which the functions are represented by a log-speed function and an angle function. The manifold's geometry provides a method for computing a sample mean function and principal components on tangent spaces. Using tangent principal component analysis, we estimate probability models for functional data and apply them to functional analysis of variance, discriminant analysis, and clustering. We demonstrate these tasks using a collection of growth curves from children from ages 1–18.  相似文献   

When functional data are not homogenous, for example, when there are multiple classes of functional curves in the dataset, traditional estimation methods may fail. In this article, we propose a new estimation procedure for the mixture of Gaussian processes, to incorporate both functional and inhomogenous properties of the data. Our method can be viewed as a natural extension of high-dimensional normal mixtures. However, the key difference is that smoothed structures are imposed for both the mean and covariance functions. The model is shown to be identifiable, and can be estimated efficiently by a combination of the ideas from expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, kernel regression, and functional principal component analysis. Our methodology is empirically justified by Monte Carlo simulations and illustrated by an analysis of a supermarket dataset.  相似文献   

Shi, Wang, Murray-Smith and Titterington (Biometrics 63:714–723, 2007) proposed a Gaussian process functional regression (GPFR) model to model functional response curves with a set of functional covariates. Two main problems are addressed by their method: modelling nonlinear and nonparametric regression relationship and modelling covariance structure and mean structure simultaneously. The method gives very good results for curve fitting and prediction but side-steps the problem of heterogeneity. In this paper we present a new method for modelling functional data with ‘spatially’ indexed data, i.e., the heterogeneity is dependent on factors such as region and individual patient’s information. For data collected from different sources, we assume that the data corresponding to each curve (or batch) follows a Gaussian process functional regression model as a lower-level model, and introduce an allocation model for the latent indicator variables as a higher-level model. This higher-level model is dependent on the information related to each batch. This method takes advantage of both GPFR and mixture models and therefore improves the accuracy of predictions. The mixture model has also been used for curve clustering, but focusing on the problem of clustering functional relationships between response curve and covariates, i.e. the clustering is based on the surface shape of the functional response against the set of functional covariates. The model is examined on simulated data and real data.  相似文献   

In modern statistical practice, it is increasingly common to observe a set of curves or images, often measured with noise, and to use these as the basis of analysis (functional data analysis). We consider a functional data model consisting of measurement error and functional random effects motivated by data from a study of human vision. By transforming the data into the wavelet domain we are able to exploit the expected sparse representation of the underlying function and the mechanism generating the random effects. We propose simple fitting procedures and illustrate the methods on the vision data.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to assess and compare several statistical methods for hyperspectral image supervised classification only using the spectral dimension. Since hyperspectral profiles may be viewed either as a random vector or a random curve, we propose to confront various multivariate discriminating procedures with functional alternatives. Eight methods representing three important statistical communities (mixture models, machine learning and functional data analysis) have been applied on three hyperspectral datasets following three protocols studying the influence of size and composition of the learning sample, with or without noised labels. Besides this comparative study, this work proposes a functional extension of multinomial logit model as well as a fast computing adaptation of the nonparametric functional discrimination. As a by-product, this work provides a useful comprehensive bibliography and also supplemental material especially oriented towards practitioners.  相似文献   

This empirical paper presents a number of functional modelling and forecasting methods for predicting very short-term (such as minute-by-minute) electricity demand. The proposed functional methods slice a seasonal univariate time series (TS) into a TS of curves; reduce the dimensionality of curves by applying functional principal component analysis before using a univariate TS forecasting method and regression techniques. As data points in the daily electricity demand are sequentially observed, a forecast updating method can greatly improve the accuracy of point forecasts. Moreover, we present a non-parametric bootstrap approach to construct and update prediction intervals, and compare the point and interval forecast accuracy with some naive benchmark methods. The proposed methods are illustrated by the half-hourly electricity demand from Monday to Sunday in South Australia.  相似文献   

In contrast to the common belief that the logit model has no analytical presentation, it is possible to find such a solution in the case of categorical predictors. This paper shows that a binary logistic regression by categorical explanatory variables can be constructed in a closed-form solution. No special software and no iterative procedures of nonlinear estimation are needed to obtain a model with all its parameters and characteristics, including coefficients of regression, their standard errors and t-statistics, as well as the residual and null deviances. The derivation is performed for logistic models with one binary or categorical predictor, and several binary or categorical predictors. The analytical formulae can be used for arithmetical calculation of all the parameters of the logit regression. The explicit expressions for the characteristics of logit regression are convenient for the analysis and interpretation of the results of logistic modeling.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Functional data analysis is a growing research field as more and more practical applications involve functional data. In this paper, we focus on the problem of regression and classification with functional predictors: the model suggested combines an efficient dimension reduction procedure [functional sliced inverse regression, first introduced by Ferré & Yao ( Statistics , 37, 2003 , 475)], for which we give a regularized version, with the accuracy of a neural network. Some consistency results are given and the method is successfully confronted to real-life data.  相似文献   

Nonparametric regression methods have been widely studied in functional regression analysis in the context of functional covariates and univariate response, but it is not the case for functional covariates with multivariate response. In this paper, we present two new solutions for the latter problem: the first is to directly extend the nonparametric method for univariate response to multivariate response, and in the second, the correlation among different responses is incorporated into the model. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are studied, and the effectiveness of the proposed methods is demonstrated through several simulation studies and a real data example.  相似文献   

Functional data analysis has emerged as a new area of statistical research with a wide range of applications. In this paper, we propose novel models based on wavelets for spatially correlated functional data. These models enable one to regularize curves observed over space and predict curves at unobserved sites. We compare the performance of these Bayesian models with several priors on the wavelet coefficients using the posterior predictive criterion. The proposed models are illustrated in the analysis of porosity data.  相似文献   

Recently, several methodologies to perform geostatistical analysis of functional data have been proposed. All of them assume that the spatial functional process considered is stationary. However, in practice, we often have nonstationary functional data because there exists an explicit spatial trend in the mean. Here, we propose a methodology to extend kriging predictors for functional data to the case where the mean function is not constant through the region of interest. We consider an approach based on the classical residual kriging method used in univariate geostatistics. We propose a three steps procedure. Initially, a functional regression model is used to detrend the mean. Then we apply kriging methods for functional data to the regression residuals to predict a residual curve at a non-data location. Finally, the prediction curve is obtained as the sum of the trend and the residual prediction. We apply the methodology to salinity data corresponding to 21 salinity curves recorded at the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta estuary, located in the Caribbean coast of Colombia. A cross-validation analysis was carried out to track the performance of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

Many fields of research need to classify individual systems based on one or more data series, which are obtained by sampling an unknown continuous curve with noise. In other words, the underlying process is an unknown function which the observed variables represent only imperfectly. Although functional logistic regression has many attractive features for this classification problem, this method is applicable only when the number of individuals to be classified (or available to estimate the model) is large compared to the number of curves sampled per individual.To overcome this limitation, we use penalized optimal scoring to construct a new method for the classification of multi-dimensional functional data. The proposed method consists of two stages. First, the series of observed discrete values available for each individual are expressed as a set of continuous curves. Next, the penalized optimal scoring model is estimated on the basis of these curves. A similar penalized optimal scoring method was described in my previous work, but this model is not suitable for the analysis of continuous functions. In this paper we adopt a Gaussian kernel approach to extend the previous model. The high accuracy of the new method is demonstrated on Monte Carlo simulations, and used to predict defaulting firms on the Japanese Stock Exchange.  相似文献   

Sparsity-inducing penalties are useful tools for variable selection and are also effective for regression problems where the data are functions. We consider the problem of selecting not only variables but also decision boundaries in multiclass logistic regression models for functional data, using sparse regularization. The parameters of the functional logistic regression model are estimated in the framework of the penalized likelihood method with the sparse group lasso-type penalty, and then tuning parameters for the model are selected using the model selection criterion. The effectiveness of the proposed method is investigated through simulation studies and the analysis of a gene expression data set.  相似文献   


We present methods for modeling and estimation of a concurrent functional regression when the predictors and responses are two-dimensional functional datasets. The implementations use spline basis functions and model fitting is based on smoothing penalties and mixed model estimation. The proposed methods are implemented in available statistical software, allow the construction of confidence intervals for the bivariate model parameters, and can be applied to completely or sparsely sampled responses. Methods are tested to data in simulations and they show favorable results in practice. The usefulness of the methods is illustrated in an application to environmental data.  相似文献   

Functional logistic regression is becoming more popular as there are many situations where we are interested in the relation between functional covariates (as input) and a binary response (as output). Several approaches have been advocated, and this paper goes into detail about three of them: dimension reduction via functional principal component analysis, penalized functional regression, and wavelet expansions in combination with Least Absolute Shrinking and Selection Operator penalization. We discuss the performance of the three methods on simulated data and also apply the methods to data regarding lameness detection for horses. Emphasis is on classification performance, but we also discuss estimation of the unknown parameter function.  相似文献   

Advances in data collection and storage have tremendously increased the presence of functional data, whose graphical representations are curves, images or shapes. As a new area of statistics, functional data analysis extends existing methodologies and theories from the realms of functional analysis, generalized linear model, multivariate data analysis, nonparametric statistics, regression models and many others. From both methodological and practical viewpoints, this paper provides a review of functional principal component analysis, and its use in explanatory analysis, modeling and forecasting, and classification of functional data.  相似文献   

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