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Skills and knowledge in leadership are frequently cited as being key to delivering a vision of quality services and this supposes a relationship between ‘effective leadership’ and transforming services. How students engage with learning about their own leadership potential, however, is a challenge to educators. Leaders are constantly presented with moral and ethical choices within a rapidly changing and challenging environment and are expected to promote distributory and participatory leadership models. This paper shares our experiences of arts-based leadership pedagogy where students were encouraged to confront fundamental moral challenges in their everyday work and to develop leadership skills in moral analysis and judgement through the examination of case studies embodied within well-known literary works. A structured evaluation demonstrated that this method facilitated deeper learning in relation to the students' interrogation of key leadership concepts, and promoted a safe learning environment for engaging in the experience of taking up a leadership and respective followership roles.  相似文献   

世界各国的经验表明,高校开展大学生领导力教育有利于大学生更好地适应未来不断变化发展的现代社会。近些年,我国也开始关注大学生领导力教育问题,但在发展大学生领导力教育过程中存在定位有失偏颇、理解不够全面、教育资源的开发与利用不足等三大瓶颈。为此,对大学生领导力教育进行恰当定位,从大学生成长成才的角度出发开展领导力教育。探索大学生领导力教育长效机制显得十分紧迫和必要。  相似文献   

社会责任型领导力是"有目的的、合作取向的、以价值观为基础的、引领积极社会改变"的过程。调查显示,上海大学生的社会责任型领导力水平低于美国大学生;在社会责任型领导力的所有维度中,上海大学生在"以礼相争"、"改变"、"自我意识"三个维度的水平上最低;性别、是否担任学生干部、是否曾接受过领导力培训、上大学以前的领导经验、团队合作方面的经验、在校园活动及社会实践方面的参与程度,以及对国家大事、社会热点、学校或所在社区事务及班级事务的关注程度等因素均对大学生的社会责任型领导力的发展有重要影响。因此,应大力推进大学生领导力教育,进一步丰富大学生领导力教育的内容,并通过提升大学生领导力教育的覆盖面,减少当前大学生领导力开发中的"马太效应",同时,着重提升大学生的社会兴趣,让大学生们在更多参与校园活动及社会实践中进一步增强领导力。  相似文献   

This paper shows the historical relationship between social structure and Black leadership patterns, and points out their implications for social work education. Accordingly, it indicates that when Blacks were exposed to race relations policies of subjugation, toleration, segregation, and desegregation, they adopted leadership strategies of integration via verbal agitation and political participation, accommodation or separation via acquiescence or nationalism, and integration or separation via nonviolent direct action or violent direct action. Since the current race relations policy is one of tolerance, it is recommended that social work education prepare Black leaders to operate within this social context.  相似文献   

在国民教育中加强对学生的社会主义核心价值观教育,是事关我国未来人才储备和社会可持续发展的重大问题。为破解当前我国学生价值观方面的现实问题,西方德育中价值观教育值得借鉴。我国当前学校价值观教育的内容和方法有待进一步发展。学生领导力教育以价值观教育为核心,重视社会责任感的培养,重视让学生积极参与社区活动培养影响他人的能力,且具有文化兼容性,可以成为社会主义核心价值观教育的一种新途径。  相似文献   

Servant leadership encompassing collaborative mentorship, empowerment and a faculty/student partnership approach contributed to the success of an international social work conference led by undergraduate students and supported by faculty members. Using a retrospective case study design, data were collected from social work undergraduate students on the conference planning committee, reflections of faculty, and documentation from conference evaluations. This paper explores the findings of the conference planning experience and considers how social work principles can foster student engagement and build capacity for undergraduate students to practice leadership skills within higher educational settings.  相似文献   

提高高校学生干部领导力教育的针对性和有效性,应当着力于把握当前中国高校学生干部的领导力水平。对1238名高校学生干部的抽样调查发现,中国高校学生干部的情绪智力领导力总体处于中等水平,且存在不同类别高校、学科、学历、年级、性别等方面的差异。因此,相比"211"高校,普通高校更应加强学生干部领导力的培养;在开展高校学生干部领导力教育的过程中,应考虑大学生的学科差异、性别差异等因素;大学生干部领导力教育应加强情境认知能力的环境觉知和团队洞察方面的内容;加快研究适合中国高校大学生领导力教育的理论和评估工具,以更好地指导大学生领导力教育的实践。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a study investigating how individuals currently in leadership positions within the Council on Social Work Education and the National Association of Social Workers perceive social work leadership. A random sample of 75 deans and directors and 75 executive directors and presidents were selected to participate in a telephone survey employing an eight-item, open-ended questionnaire. The findings define leadership within the social work profession and describe social work leadership as different from other professions. The participants identified essential skills for social work leaders and articulated a mission for social work leadership in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Current philosophy, policy, and practice involving care of persons with serious mental illnesses are reviewed, with a focus on the movement that is usually called deinstitutionalization. Past efforts and future trends are discussed within the context of public mental health systems at the state level. The paper argues for a greater leadership role for social work in providing mental health care in local communities because of the social work tradition of client empowerment, family involvement, and systems intervention.  相似文献   

大学生领导力教育是高等教育的重要使命,是社会变革的现实需要,是当代大学生发展的理性诉求。大学生领导力教育要对领导力进行合理的诠释,避免“早期领导力教育的盲点”.避免大学生领导力教育过程中“贴标签”现象的产生。领导力教育并非易事,它不仅关涉领导理论,也关涉教育实践,同时还要求领导力研究者与教育者的有效结合。  相似文献   

始于20世纪七八十年代的国外大学生领导力教育,于前几年开始影响中国。由于缺乏社会共识和理论研究,国内大学生领导力教育在实践中缺少整体规划和系统设计.故进展较缓慢。本文强调必须从大学使命、提高大学人才培养质量和中国未来领导人才资源的前瞻性开发的战略高度认识大学生领导力教育的重大意义,并通过对大学生领导力教育的对象范围、基本原则与特点、大学生领导力教育与学校其他教育工作的关系以及实施大学生领导力教育的内容、途径与方法等基本问题的论述,对中国大学生领导力教育问题作了较全面的战略性分析,旨在引起各方的重视和关注,力图在理论和实践上推进中国大学生领导力教育的发展。  相似文献   

This paper explores the experiences of social work students on qualifying degree programmes in the UK who have previously been in care or ‘looked after’. Using a sample drawn from three social work programmes in the North West of England, a semi-structured interview schedule was constructed, with the support of social workers who had been in the care system, to examine the individual journeys of 11 students. This paper aims to explore, with this group of students, how their experiences relate to their decision to apply for a place on a social work course, their experience of admission and the duration of the programme. The paper is of particular relevance to social work educators and makes specific suggestions regarding how current practice in social work education might improve.  相似文献   

The social work profession has always been involved in dealing with uncertainty and risk in the life politics of clients. However, it is not easy for young social work students to translate this philosophical disposition into their real life practice with clients. In spring 2003, when the SARS epidemic broke out in Hong Kong, a group of social work students from the Chinese University of Hong Kong were doing their fieldwork practicum. Suddenly confronted by a collective sense of risk in their role as social workers, the students went through a period of unrest, as performing their helping duties brought with it a simultaneous exposure to personal risk. This paper is based on four focus group interviews with these social work students, to understand how they processed their experience of risk during their exposure to the SARS crisis, and how they connected the experience to their social work practice with clients. It is found that the predicament arising from the exposure to personal risk brought about by the SARS crisis during the students' field placement engendered the reflective process that enabled a renewed and personalized meaning of professionalism. The results provide a basis for reflection among social work educators on the role of risk in the training of prospective social workers, and on how social work education can better prepare students for practice in a high‐risk environment.  相似文献   

The requirement for social work students to undergo assessed preparation prior to undertaking their first practice placement raises key questions about the type of knowledge and experience that is needed for those at the start of their training. This paper shows the need for social work educators to become re‐engaged in debates about the practice–theory relationship and to explore what is meant by an incremental approach to learning. A Preparation for Practice Learning module which was delivered to a cohort of Level 1 undergraduate social work students at a London university is described and evaluated. The paper highlights the key themes which emerged from the evaluation; these include the importance of work shadowing, observational learning and the centrality of critical reflection in aiding students' personal and professional learning. A discussion of its effectiveness in preparing students for their first practice learning experience follows. It concludes by recommending how students' learning in relation to the nature of social work and the skills required to undertake the role effectively might be addressed within the curriculum. Finally, a Preparation for Practice Learning model based on these findings is proposed.  相似文献   


In teaching students about ethical decision making in social work, it is essential that the students are able to recognise the moral implications of their work and develop a deep understanding about ethical issues and their personal responsibility for making ethical choices. Thus, more than a “how to do it” approach is needed and teaching students about values and ethics is an essential thread that runs through our experience-based social work education program. The present paper describes a learning unit that sought to teach students about ethical decision making as a critical thinking process and, in so doing, to integrate students’ knowledge and experience of values, ethics, policy, and research in the final year of study. The relationship between values, ethics, policy, research, and social work practice provided an ideal context within which students could learn to integrate their knowledge and experience and apply it directly to their fieldwork practice. The paper ends with our critical reflection on this teaching experience and a critique of decisionist ethical frameworks.  相似文献   

大多数领导者的领导能力萌芽于青少年早期阶段。在当代一些西方国家,领导力被视为个体能力培养中的核心部分;在中国实际的少先队工作中,也包含着许多领导力早期培养的因素。领导力旱期发展是领导理论自身发展的要求.也是个体心理发展连续性的要求,同时体现着终身发展趋势。在领导力发展的影响因素上,领导力特质理论强调先天因素的重要性,而领导行为理论和情境理论则强调环境对领导力发展的作用。家庭对领导力的发展具有重要影响,家庭环境影响领导力特质发展,性别、出生顺序影响领导行为,亲子关系和领导力发展具有相关性。  相似文献   

This article argues that social work academics are educationally remiss for not defining the concepts touted as important for the profession and for our students. Through a content analysis of published literature, the author distilled five core attributes of social work leadership that underpin all other knowledge, personal, and skilled capacities. These core attributes are defined and how they have been used to date is described. This work is aspirational, and the author hopes that other academics and social work professionals may add to its thinking and application.  相似文献   

There are a growing number of students in higher education who experience mental health difficulties and have support needs. The behaviour of small numbers of students on social work programmes indicates also a need to examine the mental health difficulties and needs of social work students. There is only limited factual information on this topic. It is rarely discussed or written about. There is a danger of discriminating against those experiencing such difficulties, especially black or female students. Yet, at the same time, undertaking a social work programme is a demanding experience, as is doing social work itself. Furthermore, on courses leading to a professional qualification, such as social work, there is an obligation to protect the rights of, and assess possible risks to users, as well as to support students. Programmes should give particular attention both to the mental health difficulties and support needs of social work students at selection, during the programme itself and upon conclusion of the programme at a wide range of levels, both within the higher education system and outside that system.  相似文献   

A report from the Interprofessional Education Collaborative and another from the Institute of Medicine cite working as part of interdisciplinary teams as a core proficiency area for improving health care. This article discusses the core competencies of interprofessional education and the essential role for social workers as leaders and facilitators of this practice. Educators will learn how to help students discover the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for successful interprofessional work. Specifically, this article has the following objectives:
  1. Discuss essential elements of effective interprofessional practice;

  2. Present exemplars of interprofessional education involving social work;

  3. Identify the roles for social work in leadership, education, and practice in interprofessional education.


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