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文章探讨在当前我国社会化养老初级阶段,家庭在老年照料中的不可替代角色及家庭照顾者的重要作用。借助于问卷调查收集数据资料,分析被照顾老年人的基本特征,探析作为主要照料者的家庭成员的照料负担、照料内容、希望得到的支持与帮助;并探寻从经济支持、替代性照顾服务、心理支持、培训服务等方面构建以家庭照顾者需求为导向的支持体系。  相似文献   

解决农村贫困重度残疾人照护问题,既是党和政府的明确要求,也是残疾人和家属的热切期盼.湖南省农村贫困重度残疾人托养照护专项实践的主要启示:一是照护服务能有效改善农村重度残疾人生活质量和巩固脱贫攻坚成果;二是规划部署和经费配置是解决照顾问题的关键所在;三是"家庭自付+村社支持+政府补贴"的付费方式在实践中具有可行性和可持续性;四是农村地区需要优先发展保障急需的基本生活照护和寄宿照护服务,需要根据残疾人生活自理能力和家庭照护能力精准提供适合的照护服务.建议将"优先重点解决城乡低收入重度残疾人照护问题"纳入"十四五"规划及政府实事工程任务,加快建立以家庭照护为基础、社会化照护为支持、集中照护为补充的重度残疾人照护服务体系,完善以生活自理能力和家庭照护能力为核心指标的优先保障对象精准识别机制,通过"两补提标"、建立家庭照护和集中照护机构统一认定制度、评价制度和支持机制,完善残疾人帮扶机制.  相似文献   

陈蓉  胡琪 《城市观察》2015,(3):126-131
文章以上海为例探讨在当前我国社会化养老初级阶段,家庭照料的重要作用,指出社会化养老服务体系不是替代家庭养老功能,而是应该维持家庭的照顾能力,帮助和支持家庭更好地履行养老责任。最后,文章从政策制定及法律保障、医保梯度支付、居家养老服务提供、支持家庭照料者几个方面构建鼓励家庭成员承担老年照料的支持体系。  相似文献   

本文以湖北省红安县易地扶贫搬迁集中安置点的残疾人家庭为研究对象,依据残疾发生对象将残疾人家庭分为两类,第一类是残疾父母健康子女家庭,第二类是健康父母残疾子女以及残疾父母残疾子女家庭。从人口负担和家庭经济两方面分析农村残疾人家庭各阶段返贫风险,研究结果表明,在家庭形成、扩展、收缩和解体四个阶段中,第一类家庭在扩展阶段和解体阶段返贫风险较高,在形成阶段和收缩阶段返贫风险较低。对这类家庭,在评估解体阶段返贫风险的时候不应忽略子女的赡养义务。第二类家庭虽然难以用现有的家庭生命周期阶段划分方式进行定量分析,但从家庭生命周期角度可判断返贫风险趋势:如果残疾子女不具备劳动能力,从该子女出现残疾家庭状况就可能日益恶化,且难以摆脱困境;如果残疾子女具备一定劳动能力,需要警惕返贫发生。第二类家庭中,有多个子女的家庭比仅有一个子女残疾的家庭返贫、致贫的风险大幅降低。应防止残疾父母家庭贫困的代际传递效应。  相似文献   

杨泽民 《职业》2008,(33):52-54
<正>2002年下半年以来,浙江省慈溪市横河镇职成校与慈溪市、横河镇二级残联联合对该镇1192名残疾人中的783人进行了以职业和就业指导为重点的帮扶培训。2005年,其成果获宁波市人民政府"优秀教学成果"二等奖,社会效益和经济效益得到了当地政府和相关部门的认可。这一培训,对于农村成人学校如何开展残疾人职业培训以及科学发展观指导下的农村成人教育的实践有很多启示意义。  相似文献   

现实生活中,残疾人对医疗的需求远高于普通人,因残致贫、返贫现象非常严重,因此对残疾人医疗保障政策的研究具有重要意义。基于京津冀残疾人医疗保障政策,本文从残疾人基本医疗保险、医疗救助和特殊政策三个视角比较分析三地残疾人医疗保障政策的沿革、特点及优劣势,并以此为基础,总结出天津市残疾人医疗保障政策存在医疗费用过高、现行制度存在漏洞、残疾人医疗救助力度不大且针对性不强、残疾人异地就医难等问题。据此提出天津市应着力于完善残疾人医疗保障普惠、特惠政策,通过拓展和创新专为残疾人设计医疗保险项目及优惠,强化残疾预防工作和提高医疗救助力度等具体建议。  相似文献   

2005年,我在湘西的龙村进行了社会工作专业实习,实习内容之一是“家居康复服务”。在实习过程中,我对这种以老年人、残疾人等社会弱势人群为主要目标人群的新服务理念和手法以及社会工作者的角色等有了更多的认识。  相似文献   

当前,农村地区彝族青年的婚姻困境问题明显,形式变异的买卖婚在强大的社会心理支撑下普遍存在,婚姻困境中的性别差异明显,青年男女的婚姻自由受到限制,固守传统婚姻形式造成多种社会问题。破解农村地区彝族青年婚姻困境,需要给予公共政策支持的外力推动,形成解决这一问题的内生动力,并最终帮助彝族青年男女突破婚恋的物质和精神束缚,促进农村地区婚姻进步和经济社会发展。  相似文献   

In this article, the demographic characteristics of family caregivers for seniors in rural communities are assessed to examine whether their circumstances could facilitate or impede their well-being. Services available in rural communities for family members providing ongoing care to frail seniors is examined, particularly those that provide health and social services. How families access these services and whether there are specific barriers in service provision are analyzed based on current social work practice and the research literature. Trends for future services are identified as well as whether these trends support new roles for social workers in rural settings.  相似文献   


With the introduction of economic reforms, families in China are challenged by a variety of family-related problems. Demographic and social changes are affecting both the capacity and willingness of the family to provide care for the elderly. The Chinese Government is aware of the importance of the family in the welfare of its citizens, and has promulgated a series of laws and regulations prescribing family obligations. Yet formal services supporting families are extremely underdeveloped, and it is urgent that the government formulate an effective policy to facilitate, support, and maximize family care.  相似文献   

In the past decade the United States Congress has debated and passed legislative policies concerned with women's work, both in the family and in the labor force. The Family Support Act of 1988 and the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 fall into this category of legislative policy. A comparative study of Congressional testimony in each case reveals that these two pieces of legislation are excellent examples of how federal policies—and the debates which fashion these policies—maintain and promote a system of policy stratification that perpetuates differences based on gender, race, class and marital and occupational status.  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查与个案访谈相结合的方法,对鄂西北农村208名留守儿童的家庭教育状况进行了研究探讨。文章从当前家庭教育“喜”与“悲”二个方面对留守儿童的家庭教育状况进行了全面分析,并在此基础上提出了针对留守儿童家庭教育中存在问题的主要对策。  相似文献   


The need for persons adjudged incompetent is sometimes crucial to performing necessary research. However, this is a complicated proposition since the rights of mentally challenged persons must be protected. There is an acknowledged need to balance the objective requirements of scientific research with the rights and concerns of those who are the subjects of experimentation. This article discusses the role of social workers concerning the participation of mentally challenged persons in experimental research.  相似文献   

Disabled persons in the United States often lack usable public transit. The two most common solutions put forth are lift equipped buses on a fixed route and demand-response paratransit systems. Both of these programs have serious drawbacks in terms of service provided and costs, but a combination of them can begin to resolve the problem of public transit for disabled persons. The arguments for and against the use of lift buses and paratransit systems are analyzed. A policy recommendation is made.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on interdisciplinary and interorganizational concerns which are involved in the development of technology which will be of use to physically disabled persons. The paper is divided into five parts: (1) The concepts, 'interdisciplinary' and 'interorganizational' are described and defined. (2) Then, a number of concerns and problems involved in interdisciplinary and interorganizational work are identified. (3) From parts 1 and 2, an interdisciplinary/interorganizational framework is developed. (4) This framework is then used to analyze some problems and to examine possible solutions, focusing on the development of technology for physically disabled persons. (5) The paper ends with conclusions and recommendations.  相似文献   

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