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自从改革开放以来,我国经济得到了飞速的发展,但是同时环境安全问题也随之出现,经济发展与环境安全之间的矛盾日益突显。一旦有重大环境风险事件发生时,社会稳定就会受到严重的影响,很多时候甚至会对经济社会的正常发展带来巨大的阻碍。所以,为了让经济社会得到健康文明的发展,社会安定和谐,我们非常有必要对造成群体性环境风险的因素进行研究,因此本文从风险社会视角下,对环境风险的特质进行了分析,发现具有途径不明确、损失巨大、主观建构性和人为性的特点,但是针对重大环境风险,传统的方案已经无法适应当前的实际情况,所以应该针对当前环境风险的实际情况,以环境政策、公众参与、信息公开为内容,以程序为中心,构建全新的环境风险行政法治方案。  相似文献   

李俊倩 《职业》2014,(29):158-159
在新的发展形势下,民办高校取得了长足发展,但是随着规模的扩大,财务风险问题愈来愈突出。本文首先阐述了民办高校财务风险管理的意义,并提出现存的财务风险类型,分析其成因,最后有针对性地提出了相关防范措施。  相似文献   

陈甬沪 《科学发展》2011,(2):100-104
正视客观存在的“市场监管中的系统性风险和区域性风险”,既要对风险含义进行深入理解,也要对风险的成因及表现准确表述,更要注重从建立健全统一、开放、竞争、有序的现代市场体系和营造良好的区域经济发展环境出发,着力研究和解决涉及全局和扰乱区域经济发展秩序的问题。通过引入风险管理方法,努力为防范“两个风险”筑起坚实的屏障,有效地避险除害,提升工商部门监管市场秩序水平,更好地服务于“十二五”经济发展和社会平安和谐。  相似文献   

张龙华 《现代交际》2010,(5):110-111
2006年2月16日,财政部颁布了新的中国注册会计师执业准则,这一法规的颁布不仅使我国的审计风险准则与国际接轨,同时也标志着中国新的注册会计师准则体系建立了起来。本文比较传统风险导向审计与现代风险导向审计的区别,分析了采用现代风险导向审计的优越性,并对如何更好的实施现代风险导向审计提出了改进措施。  相似文献   

校园是孕育祖国一代代人才的沃土,在这里充满着朝气蓬勃的年轻一代,他们对于许多新的事物充满了憧憬。爱情更是对处于青春期的学生充满着极大的诱惑力,但由于学生思想认识的不足,经验的欠缺,对于爱情认知的匮乏,往往让他们对美好爱情的向往变成他们失足和挫败的温室。因此,校园的爱情是有风险的,是需要他们正确树立人生观、价值观和世界观来面对的。  相似文献   

王倩 《职业时空》2012,(8):23-26
从世界范围内的发展趋势来看,社会保障基金进入资本市场已经势在必行。但是,社保基金在资本市场的投资运营,必然会面临各种类别的风险,为保证社会保障基金的安全性和收益性,实现社会保障基金的保障功能,对社会保障基金投资中所涉及到的风险加以识别和度量就十分必要。  相似文献   

万岳东 《现代交际》2011,(5):129-129
财务风险是企业众多风险中最重要的风险之一,作为一种信号,它能够全面反映企业的经济状况。本文通过对吉林省欧亚集团的财务分析,总结了财务风险产生的原因,并提出了相应的解决方法及防范措施,以降低风险,提高效益。  相似文献   

近年来,随着就业压力,尤其是大学生群体就业压力的逐渐加大,公务员录用考试逐渐成为了社会的热点,随着公考竞争压力的逐渐加大,风险也在逐步增加,本文正是通过对公务员录用考试中风险的研究,希望能引起对公考中风险和问题的进一步关注。  相似文献   

本文对财务风险问题进行简单研究,从财务风险内涵,特征入手,阐述企业财务风险形成的各种原因,提出对企业财务风险加强防范的措施,提高企业对财务管理环境的适应力与应变力,进而提高财务管理人员规避财务风险的意识,实现企业效益的最大化。  相似文献   

严芳  赵宇  傅巍 《公关世界》2024,(3):28-30
班组是企业的基本生产单位,也是企业一切工作的落脚点和安全管理的基础面,因此,班组是企业安全风险管控的重点。本文基于安全风险的分级管控原则,通过明确班组成员工作职责,梳理班组安全风险管控的方法和步骤,解决班组成员在落实全员安全生产责任制中“做什么,怎么做”的困惑,实现从源头上管控风险,减少安全生产事故(事件)发生。  相似文献   

The Brighter Side of Financial Risk: Financial Risk Tolerance and Wealth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Investors who accept a greater degree of financial risk expect to benefit from higher returns and greater wealth over time. This study explores the relationship between net worth and net financial assets and risk tolerance using data from the 1998 Survey of Consumer Finances. Willingness to take financial risk is associated with a significantly higher net worth for the whole sample, and for samples within age groups. Risk tolerance among those over 65 is among the strongest predictors of a higher net worth.  相似文献   

The Primary Risk     
In the Tavistock tradition, we understand anorganization by first identifying its primary task. Weask, what is this organization set up to do, how is itorganized to accomplish this objective, and what unconscious dynamics limit or distort itsmembers' ability to do their work? This approach whilepowerful, does not help us understand organizations thatlive at strategic junctures in their life cycles. In these situations, the task is to choose atask. We need a conceptual framework to help usunderstand the psychodynamics of organizing and decidingin these situations. The following article develops the concept of the “primary risk”to explain how organizations behave in these situations.It links the primary risk to the psychoanalytic idea ofambivalence and the gestalt idea of the figure/ground relationship. It draws on case material toilluminate its concepts.  相似文献   


This article provides an overview of important themes in European research regarding sexual behavior and the risk for HIV infection. There is a growing critique of HIV prevention among European theorists which focuses on four themes: (1) That current models over-emphasize the role of rational decision-making in sexual behavior; (2) That the [individual is viewed as the unit of research and intervention; (3) That the person is assumed to be static, having qualities which remain unchanged over time; and, (4) That the social/ cultural context of human interaction is ignored in relation to sexual behavior. To counteract these perceived deficiencies, it is proposed that future research and practice incorporate the following elements: sexual behavior as being primarily an interaction between persons as opposed to a decision of individuals; the effects of time on sexual decision-making; the cultural context and its influence on sexuality; the subjective experience of love as relates to sex; the role of power in determining sexual interaction; and the symbolic meaning of sexual acts.  相似文献   

This research examines how deep sea divers learn to expand notions of risk to include practices that violate formal training and may increase vulnerability to injury. Cultural constructions of “normal” or acceptable risk are learned in interaction with experienced divers who define the rules of membership and provide accounts that excuse or justify participation in high risk activities. The research explores how novice divers learn to distinguish categories of formal, normal, and excessive risk as they expand their risk involvement and attempt to achieve membership in the deep diving subculture. The study concludes with a discussion of risk normalization in everyday life and other leisure and occupational subcultures.  相似文献   

Risk assessment in context   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article provides an overview of the context in which decisions about risk are made in child welfare including personal, task, and environmental factors that may contribute to uncertainty and less-than-optimal decision making, as well as some of the methodological challenges posed by the use of current risk assessment instruments. Actuarial, consensus-based, and clinical instruments are discussed and the more successful track record of actuarial decision-making in child welfare and related fields is highlighted. Methodological challenges to assessing risk are also presented including lack of reliability and validity of measures, definitional dilemmas, temporal issues such as changes in risk over time, absence of base rate data, predicting for individuals and sensitivity and specificity of measures. Implications for the design and implementation of risk assessment tools are considered in light of contextual influences and methodological limitations. Lastly, an overview of the contents of Part One of this special issue on risk assessment is provided.  相似文献   

Few topics in the social sciences have witnessed as dramatic an increase in scholarly attention over the past two decades as the topic of risk. In this essay we examine sociological approaches to risk in criminological research and theory. After briefly describing the concept of risk in classical and neoclassical criminology, we turn our attention to three emerging social science perspectives on risk, those associated with the scholarship on risk society, edgework, and governmentality. We examine the new directions that these emerging ``risk paradigms'' open for criminological theory and research, including new perspectives on the motivation for criminal risk-taking, the organization of policing and criminal justice systems, and public and political responses to crime. We conclude by reviewing critiques of the scholarship associated with the new risk paradigms and by suggesting promising future directions for criminological research seeking to advance these perspectives.  相似文献   

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