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马馨 《公关世界》2022,(2):129-130
晚清民国时期社会教育的兴起是伴随着民族危机下的"教育救国"思潮产生的,以"唤起民众"、"作新民"为基础,旨在弥补学校教育带来的各类问题.在此过程中,社会教育地方化实践冲击着原有的教育空间,借"教育救国"重塑权力结构.以民众教育馆为例,作为社会教育中心机构,它通过传播现代知识、开展民生服务等方式重构民众的知识体系和生活空间,进而重新确立国家和民众之间的联系.  相似文献   

颅相学是一门兴起于19世纪欧洲的伪科学,后逐渐流行于世,成为殖民主义的帮凶,19世纪的印度也深受其害。因而,受民族灾难及家庭教育的影响,巴苏通过对一次颅相学试验的想象,以及富有特色的小说叙事,成功实现了对殖民医学的反写,强烈批判了种族主义和颅相学,表达出对西方科学传播的抵制态度。同时,小说也提醒读者要注意东方文学作品中西方的科学活动以及西方科学家们的言行所体现出的复杂意义。  相似文献   

胡丽娜 《职业》2016,(34):111-112
平面设计是一项需要综合化与创意化表达的设计工作.版式设计是伴随着现代科学技术和经济的飞速发展而兴起的,它体现着文化传统、审美观念和时代精神风貌等各个方面,被广泛应用于各个领域.  相似文献   

英国崛起的制度秘密 中世纪时,英国在欧洲还是一个无足轻重的国家.但是到了近代,英国迅速崛起,靠着日益富强的国力和强大的海军,先后在16、17、18世纪击败了西班牙、荷兰、法国,成为所向无敌的海上霸主,之后,英国又将其殖民地扩大到世界各个角落,逐步建立起人类有史以来最庞大的"日不落"殖民帝国.  相似文献   

<正>众所周知,维多利亚时期,英国国力渐强,通过海外殖民,大英帝国版图日益扩大,最终形成日不落帝国。在此过程中,文化领域也迎来了空前发展:在英国海外扩张背景下,各种远航、探险、寻宝主题的故事应运而生,赖德·哈格德的《她》《阿莎归来》就是该时期历险小说的代表作品。相较于同时期其他历险小说,哈格德的作品中出现更多女性形象,且这些女性形象颠覆了传统女性家庭天使形象:以权力欲控制削弱了男性的男子气概,并且对父权制社会既定秩序和持续发展形成威胁。这些特征反映出哈格德对新女性影响下的传统女性形象被进一步颠覆,社会结构受到冲击这一现象的忧虑,以及其对帝国殖民主义宏图受到消极影响、传统性别秩序发生颠倒等问题的深刻思考。  相似文献   

麦思杰 《社会学研究》2012,(3):203-222,246
在帝国时期,风水是乡村民众社会生活的重要内容之一,既投射着地域社会的权力秩序,亦反映了国家制度与民间文化的结合。历时性地探讨风水话语的演变,可以让我们从另一侧面了解到民众空间观念与地域社会构建之间的复杂互动过程。本文试图以清代广西昭平县黄姚街的风水演变为个案,分析府江流域社会在逐步整合至王朝权力体系的过程中,当地民众围绕着开户立籍、地方团练等重大历史问题,如何透过空间观念的不断重述来创造与组织其社会生活。  相似文献   

19世纪初,奥斯曼帝国成为美国公理会差会的首要传教目的地之一.美国传教士在奥斯曼帝国的活动对美国海外传教的发展具有重要意义.作为美国对外扩张的先锋,美国传教士与奥斯曼帝国的博弈是历史上基督教与伊斯兰教互动关系的缩影,它代表着"基督教的美国"与"最后的穆斯林帝国"之间的文明碰撞.在与帝国穆斯林、犹太人以及基督徒的互动中,美国传教士始终以实现新教在奥斯曼帝国最大程度的传播为目标,其宗教关怀下掩盖着谋求自身国家利益的本质.美国传教士的活动对奥斯曼帝国具有一定影响,它在促进帝国教育和妇女事业发展的同时,还间接助长了帝国境内民族主义运动的兴起,并为帝国的解体埋下隐患.  相似文献   

伏生 《安家》2008,(7):204-205
地图被认为能够为我们提供有关陌生地点的可靠信息,当我们到达新目的地时.地图是我们最可靠的工具.除了提供特殊区域和地点的地理肖像外,地图也有政治意义.描绘了很多生活上的特征,如人口分布、社会生态、国界划分及民族等.  相似文献   

塑造民族认同依赖对民族整体特征的把握,领土对民族的建构作用使领土成为民族的整体特征。领土与个人日常生活之间存在时间和空间上的双重断裂,如何弥合双重断裂成为把握领土特征的重要问题。地图是领土的再现形式之一,基于地图之上的领土建构和话语生产是弥合双重断裂的一种方式。文章以共青团中央微信公众号地图类推文为研究对象,探讨共青团如何使用地图进行领土建构和话语生产。一方面,共青团以复线历史的叙事方式重整历史材料,弥合过去与现在的断裂;另一方面,共青团以叙事技巧营造参与感与互动感,以现代地理技术强化画面感,弥合个人日常生活区间与宏大领土范围的断裂。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代末80年代初兴起的新公共管理运动,其基本的核心理念之一是对政府进行重塑,以改变传统政府效率低下的局面,传统的公共行政流程受到企业业务流程再造和政府再造理论的挑战。重塑行政流程就是从流程角度对政府的工作流程进行再造,以期取得组织绩效的显著提高。  相似文献   

Studies on transnational cultures have shown that local, national identities are not necessarily subordinated to, or erased by, the globalizing forces of the economy. Rather, the local mediates transnational cultures as well as it is transformed by the crossing of cultural boundaries. Likewise, emerging interdisciplinary and cultural studies approaches to Latin(o) popular music examine the ways in which musical production, circulation and reception create cultural spaces that challenge hegemonic notions of national identity and discrete cultural boundaries. This article examines the figure of the Queen of Salsa, Celia Cruz, and the tensions among the multiple, transnational subjectivities that are constituted through her musical repertoire, her performances on stage, the aesthetics of her body, and her public statements in interviews. Having spanned more than sixty years of performances and recordings, Celia Cruz's diverse repertoire and musical selections have served as a performative locus for the negotiations of her Cubanness (her exile and national identity) and a hemispheric, Latin American identity that also includes the United States. Likewise, her construction of blackness as an Afro-Cuban woman transforms and is transformed by her collaborations with African-American musicians and singers, from jazz to hip-hop. Celia Cruz has also crossed racial and cultural boundaries by collaborating with Anglo musicians and by tropicalizing rock music. Her staged persona and her body aesthetics also reveal the fluidity with which the Queen of Latin music assumes diverse racial, national and historical identities while she simultaneously asserts her Cubanness through the use of Spanish on stage. Celia Cruz serves as a complex and intriguing icon of the relational nature of nationalism and transnationalism.  相似文献   

Via four case studies we explore the extent to which digitization is transforming how people access and engage with the arts. The first case study is the online auction house eBay. We focus on a unique system whereby millions of users rate each other's integrity and reputations in a digital venue via a transparent system open to all users and visitors alike. The second case study examines the Screen Actors Guild strike against the advertising industry, which drew attention to the potential for and limitation of the replacement of human actors by digitized replicas. Third, we focus on e-books in the context of the prediction that most books, music and film entertainment will eventually be distributed electronically to the average household. The fourth case study analyzes the Napster debate over file sharing and duplication of online music. We focus on the ability of Napster to create a huge community of users sharing their own copies of digital music. From this point of view Napster represented a uniquely efficient and large-scale dream, a modern form of the cooperation and sharing of property envisaged by classical anarchist philosophers of the nineteenth century. On the other hand, and as always in anarchistic uprisings, another class claimed proprietary ownership in the material being shared and saw in Napster mostly collective theft on the part of ordinary citizens. Three of these four case studies centrally involve ordinary people using the digital media in creative and innovative ways. We conclude by arguing, against those who are skeptical about the transforming power of digitization, that even in the short time that it has been widely available digitization has so increased people's ability to interact creatively with products that this amounts to a qualitative change which, over the next few decades, is likely to develop so far as to justify the label revolution.  相似文献   

As in other Arab-Muslim states, women's status in Tunisia is based upon the superiority of male elders. However, the legal status of women in the family in Tunisia differs from that in other countries in the region. From independence in 1956, the state of Tunisia has been involved in legislating the status of women in the family, denying women the right to vote for members of the constituent National Assembly. The 1956 Code on the Status of the Person allows women to agree freely and personally to their marriage, established the minimum age of marriage for women at greater than 17 years, requires a pre-marriage medical certificate, and allows the wife to consent to the marriage of her children when they are minors. A woman may contribute to the costs of a marriage if she has the means, wives may cooperate with husbands in family matters and child rearing, and they automatically assume guardianship of minor children in the event of a husband's death. In the event of divorce, the wife can assume certain guardianship prerogatives if the male guardian has behaved improperly. The 1956 code forbade polygamy, makes divorce available to both spouses, gives women the right to manage their own assets, and recognizes and protects other para-family rights. Women therefore have the right to abortion in an approved hospital within the first 12 weeks, may grant their nationality to their children with the consent of the husband, and married women have the right to adopt children. The author describes the barriers to the actual practice of such civil law and building democracy in the family.  相似文献   

My book, A Boy’s Journey: From Nazi-Occupied Prague to Freedom in America (2019) chronicles the first 15 years of my life in the context of the Holocaust, a war and an occupation, relatives disappearing, father returning from a concentration camp, and meeting Jewish relatives who resisted and survived. It is also a story of immigration and assimilation, learning a new language and a new culture in America, of forgetting the old and developing a new identity.  相似文献   

《Home Cultures》2013,10(2):187-210
Despite a rich literature on the power dynamics of households within domestic space, the specificities of home consumption have been undertheorized within broader accounts of consumption and identity. Consumption frequently is conceptualized as a individualistic process, undertaken by a single self-reflexive actor. Focusing upon the purchasing, acquisition and display of furniture and other domestic goods, this article reflects upon the role of home consumption in identity construction within both individual households as well as different household groups. We argue that home consumption at times may be equally important to both individual and multiple households—despite conventional associations between homemaking and the nuclear family. Notions of the self may be dissipated in collective provisioning by households consisting of couples, although fractures and conflict also may undermine general agreements about shared space. Both the making of the landscape inside the home and the narration of this making are ongoing projects undertaken within and through the diverse webs of relationship among individuals within a household.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(1-2):155-165
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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