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人是马克思哲学研究的核心思想,人学思想贯穿于马克思整个的思想体系中。马克思主义哲学的思想变革实际上是人学观上的一场思想变革。马克思的人学理论的内涵十分丰富,其中关于人的本质、人的价值和人的发展理论具有重要的理论和实践价值。马克思的人学观还具有重要的当代意义,对于我们的社会主义现代化建设和人的全面自由发展都具有不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

在许多伟大的历史人物中,马克思占有卓绝的地位。在马克思的许多伟大思想中,人学思想是一个重要的方面。文章通过探究马克思人学的动因、马克思人学形成过程及其发展,总结出马克思人学的主题、核心、方法论、功能、思维方式及根本价值目标。从马克思人学的角度提出了推进改革开放,实现中国梦的方式方法,为社会主义深层次的解放人、开发人打下基础。  相似文献   

马裴伟陈曦 《职业》2023,(22):44-47
本文根据职业院校学生思想动态调查结果以及对教师、学生、教学方法、社会环境四个影响因素的分析,从教师政治和数字素养的培养、优化思政课教学、创新运用数字化媒体技术、合力开展思政实践教学四个路径进行探究,以期增强思想政治理论课育人实效性,提升学生价值认同,实现知、情、意、信、行统一,解决好“培养什么人、怎样培养人、为谁培养人”的根本问题。  相似文献   

科学原则指的是从客观现实出发来考察人的一种方法,它表明应把人放到特定的现实生活世界中来研究,遵循的是现有原则和事实性原则。价值原则指的是从人的主体性出发来考察人的方法,它遵循的是人文关怀原则。科学原则与价值原则的统一是马克思人学辩证法的核心。科学原则与价值原则的统一思想主要是基于历史唯物主义的立场,从作为主体的社会人,在同外部世界发生多重关系而形成的活动系统结构中对客体所表现出来的一种自主的、能动的状态和趋势,即人的本质力量出发,去考察人及人的一切历史活动。一切社会历史活动都应以根本造福于人类的生存和发展需要为目的,以保证人自身本质力量的充分发挥和人自身自由而全面发展的价值实现。  相似文献   

通过简述和分析我国残疾人教育事业的发展和现状、面临的问题,以及对残疾人教育事业重要性的分析,提出残疾人教育的五大有效途径,藉此来解决我们在残疾人教育中存在的问题,更好地推进残疾人教育事业的发展.使残疾人能够获得平等的教育权利,并能为社会创造价值和做出贡献.  相似文献   

赵娜 《公关世界》2022,(22):34-35
情感认同作为人自我确证的一个重要标识,不是拒绝承认主体情感的一致性,而是更好的发扬主体性,体现主体的价值性。主体的情感属性是与民族性同时生成的,并通过认同实现的一种存在。这样的情感认同具有层次性,以理性认知为基础,最终诉诸于主体的价值认同,以积极情感的展现充分体现人的主体性。  相似文献   

集体仪式是“饭圈”开展实践活动的基本样态,其中生成的价值认同造就了“饭圈”的差异与同一。集体仪式本质上是一种符号互动过程,为“饭圈”价值认同生成提供了实践动力。“饭圈”的价值认同并非对“某一价值”的抽象认同,其本质是粉丝对“饭圈”社会关系的归属感。受集体仪式影响,“饭圈”价值认同的演化过程包括强化、转移、危机、重构四个方面。“饭圈”的集体仪式为治理“饭圈”价值生态、引导青年粉丝价值观念提供了切口。从规则筑基、关系破壁、主流引领三个方面,我们能够借助集体仪式对“饭圈”的价值认同加以引导,帮助粉丝群体树立正确的价值观念。  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值观的凝练不仅是中国特色社会主义现代化建设的重大理论创新,也是马克思主义中国化理论成果的又一次理性升华。本文试图从个体价值认同视角出发,理清社会主义核心价值观的科学内涵与个体价值认同间的关系,从社会个体层面探究个体对社会主义核心价值观的价值认知与评价、深入价值认同,最终实现个体对核心价值观的价值自觉和实践自觉。  相似文献   

霍冰鹏  席琦  庞根明 《职业》2014,(27):118-119
新兴媒体,处于人生目标选择期的职业院校学生产生了很大影响。本文分析了新媒体对职业院校学生产生的积极影响及负面作用,通过调研了解学生对新媒体的依赖程度和受影响的范围,对他们的人生观和价值观的变化进行了分析,并探讨了职业院校德育工作努力的方向。  相似文献   

建立地方残疾人专门的国家职业技能鉴定场所,探索残疾人特殊的职业技能鉴定的规律、标准和规范,是开发和提升残疾人特殊人力资源的有效途径.一、残疾人职业技能被低估的缘由长期以来,残疾人参加的国家职业技能鉴定都是依照健全人的标准来执行的.例如,计算机操作技能,是信息社会的一项基本的职业技能,但按照健全人的技能标准,残疾人很难通过鉴定,对视力残疾人来说,更是无法达到鉴定的目标.  相似文献   

The International Federation of L'Arche is made up of intentional, ecumenical, faith-based communities where people with and without developmental disabilities live together. Data on the worldwide federation offers an understanding of L'Arche communities that celebrate and encourage diversity and solidarity. Characteristics of clients and assistants as well as the daily running of homes reveal the inner workings of the program. Through assessing strengths and weaknesses, it is shown that even though L'Arche is a small movement that cannot serve every person with a developmental disability by providing a home and a place of belonging, this program offers a program model with many strengths that should be replicated.  相似文献   

As community inclusion efforts continue to develop, the recognition of the capacity and rights of persons with cognitive and learning difficulties to participate in planning their own programs has been increasingly acknowledged by providers. This paper presents a needs assessment which was conducted with a small group of people with disabilities, to ascertain their perspectives on community integration for the purpose of social and recreational activity. Anchored on acknowledgment of the rights of people with disabilities to exercise self determination, a focus group methodology was used to provide the opportunity for the client group to have a voice in developing their own recreation opportunities.  相似文献   


In the decade since initial implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the United States, many questions have arisen pertaining to the rights of employers and employees in light of the employment of and services that must be provided to persons with disabilities. One of the most controversial aspects of the legislation is the issue of direct threat. This relates to the concern that workers or clients with disabilities may be a threat to others due to their condition. Integral to this fear is the employer's ability to protect persons within the work environment from such a threat, while remaining in compliance with the ADA. This paper considers the issue of direct threat and its pertinence to the social work profession, and provides recommendations for employers and supervisors in the field.  相似文献   

Prejudice or Ambivalence? Attitudes Toward Persons with Disabilities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M  rten S  der 《Disability & Society》1990,5(3):227-241
Attitudes toward persons with disabilities are often assumed to be negative and prejudiced. This assumption is shared by researchers with different theoretical perspectives and is usually based on quantitative empirical studies. The assumption of attitudes as prejudiced is questioned in this article. Based on a review of attitude research the argument is developed that most research is based on a simplified notion of attitudes and an accompanying simplistic methodological approach. Given the limitations of theory and methods, some conclusions can nonetheless be drawn about the content of attitudes toward persons with disabilities. An interpretation in terms of prejudice does not, however, fit these data very well. Instead an interpretation in terms of ambivalence is suggested, where reactions toward persons with disabilities are seen as a result of conflicting values. Such an interpretation can help to free attitude research from its present focus on the structure of thinking, rather than content, and help trace the linkage between individual responses and societal ideologies.  相似文献   


The following provides a summary of a recent poll taken by Harris and commissioned by the National Organization on Disability (NOD). A summary is offered of each question explored in the poll. The findings suggest that people with disabilities continue to be treated as second class citizens.  相似文献   

Research has shown that performance on the Assessment of Basic Learning Abilities (ABLA) test correlates with language assessments for persons with developmental disabilities. This study investigated whether performance on ABLA Level 6, an auditory-visual discrimination, predicts performance on a receptive language task with persons with severe developmental disabilities. Five participants who passed ABLA Level 6, and five who failed ABLA Level 6, were each tested on five 2-choice discriminations that required them to point to pictures of common objects after hearing their names. Four of the five participants who had failed ABLA Level 6 failed all of the receptive name recognition tasks. All five participants who had passed ABLA Level 6 passed all of the name recognition tasks. The practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   


Persons with disabilities are a distinct and insular minority group within the United States. Given the fact that social workers offer critical social services to this group, it is important for social work programs to offer meaningful curriculum content on persons with disabilities. This article presents key issues that social work educators should find useful for teaching about persons with disabilities. Specifically, a discussion is offered on the disability civil rights movement, the culture of disability, models for defining disability, knowledge areas on disability issues, teaching tasks and strategies for focusing on persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

为及时发现现有残疾人就业培训体系的不足,从而在理论上和实践上提供有针对性的对策建议,本文在柯式模型的基础上,将全国范围内参加就业培训或接受就业支持的残疾人作为研究对象,以问卷法和访谈法相结合的方式收集数据,经由专家评价和统计处理后编制出残疾人就业培训效果评估问卷,并进一步探索年龄、婚姻状况、地域和就业形式等显著影响残疾人培训效果的因素.此外,研究还发现就业培训效果与残疾人培训满意度、月收入显著正相关;而除了农业户口种养殖就业形式的残疾人以外,八种就业形式和无就业残疾人的培训满意度与培训效果总均分均存在显著正相关.  相似文献   

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) created pathways for people who are refugees with disabilities to resettle and build new lives. Resettlement country Australia, in response to its CRPD obligations, created greater access to the waiver of visa health requirements for humanitarian entrants. This article chronicles key documents demonstrating that the CRPD has been an effective instrument for improving access to resettlement for people with disabilities. The article also describes new challenges to Australia’s compliance with the CRPD as it fails to address multiple discrimination of people from refugee backgrounds with disabilities, an area of concern to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for which it has issued guidance. This article proposes creating a United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Resettlement Submission Category for disability to improve resettlement programmes’ compliance with the CRPD.  相似文献   

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