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This essay provides an analysis of conflicts of interest (COIs) that arise in university relationships with private industry and articulates the concept of an "institutional" COI. It compares personal and institutional COIs in order to shed some light on the difficulties universities face in managing their own COIs. The essay discusses some proposed strategies for responding to institutional COIs, such as developing independent boards to monitor and oversee the university's COIs, building firewalls between various parts of the university to prevent financial interests from affecting university functions, creating independent research institutes, and prohibiting some types of university investments.  相似文献   

Conflicts of interest (COIs) cloud vaccine safety research. Sponsors of research have competing interests that may impede the objective study of vaccine side effects. Vaccine manufacturers, health officials, and medical journals may have financial and bureaucratic reasons for not wanting to acknowledge the risks of vaccines. Conversely, some advocacy groups may have legislative and financial reasons to sponsor research that finds risks in vaccines. Using the vaccine-autism debate as an illustration, this article details the conflicts of interest each of these groups faces, outlines the current state of vaccine safety research, and suggests remedies to address COIs. Minimizing COIs in vaccine safety research could reduce research bias and restore greater trust in the vaccine program.  相似文献   

This article argues that the three major elements of typical university conflict-of-interest (COI) policies (i.e., disclosure, management, and elimination of conflicts via divestiture or recusal) are likely to be insufficient for screening out many worrisome influences of financial COIs. Current psychological research challenges the effectiveness of disclosure, management plans are unlikely to address the wide range of ways that financial COIs can influence scientific judgment, and it is often impractical to eliminate conflicts. Identifying the limits of these policies highlights the importance of considering alternative strategies, such as encouraging more independently funded esearch, in order to maintain the integrity of science.  相似文献   

Federal and institutional policies recommend the criterion of "seriousness" as a guide for sanction assignment in cases where researchers have been found to have committed research misconduct. Discrepancies in assessments of seriousness for similar acts of misconduct suggest the need to clarify what might be meant by the seriousness of research misconduct and how the criterion can be used to assign sanctions. This essay demonstrates how determinations of seriousness can differ depending on the set of ethical appeals employed and argues that an expanded lexicon for talking about the seriousness of research misconduct would help to promote fairness and consistency in sanction assignment. It concludes with some policy recommendations for those charged with research misconduct sanction assignment and for those who oversee research integrity at institutional levels.  相似文献   

Much attention has been given to financial conflicts of interest (COIs) in bioscience research. Yet to date, surprisingly little attention has focused on other COIs that arise in supervisor--student relations. We examine a spectrum of related situations, ranging from standard graduate supervision through to dual relationships sometimes found in research with commercial potential. We illustrate some of the less-obvious factors that can bias supervisory judgment, and situate financial COI along a spectrum of forces that are deserving of recognition. We conclude by providing two sets of recommendations: one for individual supervisors, and the other for institutions and policy-makers.  相似文献   

从高中升入大学是人生的重要转折点,相当一部分大学新生存在着不同程度的心理适应问题,本文从影响心理适应能力的内外原因入手进行分析,并提出提高大学新生心理适应能力的建议与对策。  相似文献   

Federal and institutional policies recommend the criterion of “seriousness” as a guide for sanction assignment in cases where researchers have been found to have committed research misconduct. Discrepancies in assessments of seriousness for similar acts of misconduct suggest the need to clarify what might be meant by the seriousness of research misconduct and how the criterion can be used to assign sanctions. This essay demonstrates how determinations of seriousness can differ depending on the set of ethical appeals employed and argues that an expanded lexicon for talking about the seriousness of research misconduct would help to promote fairness and consistency in sanction assignment. It concludes with some policy recommendations for those charged with research misconduct sanction assignment and for those who oversee research integrity at institutional levels.  相似文献   

李元 《求是学刊》2003,30(4):105-110
探讨中国文化的源头,先秦时代的"诸子文化"是其中一个最为重要的环节,特别是当先秦的"诸子文化"被视为世界文化的一个不可或缺的文化源头之后,搞清它产生的文化背景就成为一个迫切需要解决的课题.本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,扬弃了陈旧的一元论的思维模式,进入多元化的探讨,并且通过比较文化学的方法,提出了"贵族文化"、"官僚文化"、"征服者文化"、"被征服者文化"的新概念,为解决这一问题找到了新的视角.  相似文献   

马寒 《创新》2011,5(5):124-126,128
大学文化是大学建设发展的文化土壤,是大学间相互区分的基本标识。建设和发展优秀大学文化已经成为现代大学核心竞争力的重要组成部分。然而长期存在的主题性、结构性、组织性、建设性等难题严重制约了我国大学文化的建设和发展,损伤了大学文化在引领大学发展进程中的前沿地位和应有价值。以和谐理论指引大学文化建设、消弥矛盾与冲突,将是我国大学文化建设的一个必然的路径选择。  相似文献   

粱昆 《社会工作》2009,(2):13-15
本文讨论了现代社会工作利他行为的制度化、职业化特征。以效用函数作为分析工具尝试分析了社会工作助人活动中福利参与者个人福利的变化,以及根据帕累托准则带来的社会福利的增加。  相似文献   

黄大宏 《唐都学刊》2002,18(1):85-87
康保成《“瓦舍”、“勾栏”新解》[1] 一文将宋元商业性娱乐场所“勾栏”一词的语源上溯至汉译佛经的影响 ,持论新颖 ,却欠允切。勾栏从一种建筑式样名称转变为演出场所名 ,当与中国传统杂技百戏等艺术表演的场地特征有关 ,佛教影响是其中介 ,而非本源与直接原因。  相似文献   

This essay provide an overview of the "interpretive" or "hermeneutic" approach to psychological research. It draws primarily on the work of Wilhelm Dilthey (1833–1911), a philosopher and literary historian who is generally recognized as the "father" of the modern hermeneutic enterprise in the social and human sciences. Dilthey argued that the human world was sufficiently different from the natural world that special methods were required for its study. Hermeneutics, the deliberate and systematic methodology of interpretation, was the approach Dilthey proposed for studying and understanding the human world. This essay summarizes Dilthey's vision of hermeneutics and considers his conception of the so-called hermeneutic circle, which characterizes the complex dynamics involved in the process of interpretation. It then illustrates Dilthey's approach by interpreting a brief interview narrative using a method based on his work. It concludes with an exploration of some of the ethical implications of adopting a hermeneutic approach to psychological research.  相似文献   

Many scientific journals, government agencies, and universities require disclosure of sources of funding and financial interests related to research, such as stock ownership, consulting arrangements with companies, and patents. Although disclosure has become one of the central approaches for responding to financial conflicts of interest (COIs) in research, critics contend that information about financial COIs does not serve as a reliable indicator of research credibility, and therefore, studies should be evaluated solely based on their scientific merits. We argue that, while it is indeed important to evaluate studies on their scientific merits, it is often difficult to detect significant influences of financial relationships that affect research credibility. Moreover, at least five factors can be examined to determine whether financial relationships are likely to enhance, undermine, or have no impact on the credibility of research. These include as follows: whether sponsors, institutions, or researchers have a significant financial stake in the outcome of a study; whether the financial interests of the sponsors, institutions, or researchers coincide with the goal of conducting research that is objective and reliable; whether the sponsor, institution, or researchers have a history of biasing research in order to promote their financial goals; how easy it is to manipulate the research in order to achieve financial goals; and whether oversight mechanisms are in place which are designed to minimize bias. Since these factors vary from case to case, evaluating the impact of financial relationships depends on the circumstances. In some situations, one may decide that the financial relationships significantly undermine the study's credibility; in others, one may decide that they have no impact on credibility or even enhance it.  相似文献   

王程韡  王路昊 《社会》2013,33(6):30-58
脱耦与合法性重建是组织社会学研究的核心和中国科技孵化器建设事业的重点。已有研究对组织特性和可利用的社会、文化资源的强调,并不能完满地解释中国大学孵化器脱耦中的合法性动员机制。本文通过对南方某成功运作的大学孵化器的扎根理论分析发现,当面对强大的环境神话压力时,无法实现经济效率的初创期组织必须首先完成合法性重建,才能进行正式的制度化。该孵化器成功的关键在于,首先移植已形成特殊信任的校友网络实现道义合法性,再进一步抓住现实机遇,借助项目的成功实现实用合法性。唯一权威领导的塑造和“四不像”模糊制度理念的宣导等都是重建中重要的意义建构的部分,这也离不开与更大的制度场域的重新耦合。  相似文献   

组织嵌入性与求职:以高校毕业生就业为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯龙龙  李锋亮 《社会》2006,26(6):62-62
新经济社会学自格兰诺维特的开创性研究以来已经取得了巨大的进步。很多实证研究关注了劳动力市场上的工作找寻行为。然而,这些研究的分析单位通常放在个体之间的强关系或弱关系这样的联系上。布莱顿和卡瑞亚的研究扩展了已有的分析框架,提出了组织嵌入性的求职方式。使用这种求职方式的人通常隶属于某个组织或机构,而该组织或机构同用人单位具有某种联系。我们把组织嵌入性应用于中国高校毕业生的求职上,研究了不同的招工渠道对工作的影响,主要分析了组织嵌入性求职方式与受教育水平、高校声誉和学生表现,以及毕业生的起薪等因素之间的关系。  相似文献   

进人大学成为个体人生发展过程中一个重要的心理与社会性转折事件,大学新生面临着各种来自生活、人际、心理及学习的新挑战与影响,然而,大多数大学新生对于新生活缺乏必要的心理准备,面对新环境和新的人际关系感到无所适从,精神压力大,思想包袱重,严重影响到正常的学习和生活。作为社会工作专业方法之一的小组工作方法,以小群体为对象来解决具有普遍性特征的社会问题,使受助者在小组中通过个人影响及群体影响塑造及改造能力,学习社交技能,发展个人潜能,是一种有效的方法。本文从小组工作方法的角度探讨如何解决大学新生入学适应问题,希望对解决此类问题提供一些新的思路及工作方法。  相似文献   

法治视域下的现代大学制度,就是在政府宏观管理下的“自主办学”,在多种力量作用下的“民主办学”,在自我约束机制下的“依法办学”。完善中国特色现代大学制度,需要用自治的原则和法治的理念,审视大学现实制度环境和突出问题,理顺大学与政府社会的关系,落实大学办学自主权,强化大学法人地位,大力推进依法治校,实现从“大学管理”向“大学治理”的转变。  相似文献   

Undergraduates read one of the four vignettes depicting a student essay on social stratification, comments by the instructor, and a grade. In a 2 × 2 factorial design we manipulate independent variables of quality of the essay and color of the grading pen. We test hypotheses that a higher quality essay and an aqua grading pen results in higher teaching evaluations. MANOVA show no statistically significant differences on two instrumental evaluation items: instructor is knowledgeable and organized. Statistically significant differences are observed for quality of the essay and color of the grading pen on three expressive items of instructor is nice, enthusiastic, and has rapport with students. Results suggest that instructors should use a grading pen of a neutral color.  相似文献   

This article provides a critical analysis of some accounts of welfare ideologies which have appeared in the last eight years. It is argued that in these accounts welfare ideologies have been presented as ranged along a continuum from "anti-collectivist", "market liberal", or "residual" to "Marxist" or "structural" with intermediate positions variously described as "political liberal", "reluctant collectivist", "social democratic", "Fabian socialist", or "institutional". It is further argued that these one-dimensional accounts are seriously misleading because they fail to give sufficient recognition to the part played by conservatism in the development and justification of modern interventionist states and because they identify Marxism with collectivism and ignore the anti-collectivist strand in socialist thought. These elements are more easily accommodated within an alternative two-dimensional framework for the analysis of welfare ideologies which is briefly outlined.  相似文献   

现实发展与想象建构——欧盟文化政策解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宿琴 《太平洋学报》2010,18(2):41-48
自1992年法律地位确立以来,欧盟文化政策取得了显著成就,同时也越来越显现出一些制度性缺憾和问题。那么这些文化政策的发展究竟给一体化进程中的欧洲联盟政体带来什么样的影响,文化政策对欧洲意识的塑造又具有怎样的意义,本文试图针对以上问题进行详细剖析。  相似文献   

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