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奥运圣火境内传递5月4日,北京奥运会火炬境内传递的首站在海南省三亚进行.奥运圣火开始走遍神州大地。与此同时,北京奥运会合作伙伴中国移动通信有限公司在圣火境内的传递过程中,发起组织了一场展巨幅国旗、为奥运加油大型活动。这面巨幅国旗尺寸为88.88m×59.60m、面积超过5000平方米,重量约800斤,是国内展示过的最大国旗。  相似文献   

流云 《当代老年》2008,(8):16-17
2008年5月5日,奥运圣火经过三亚、五指山和万宁传递到琼海,下午6时,全国道德模范姚义德高举奥运火炬,走进庆典现场,并点燃圣火盆。姚义德是奥运圣火传递琼海站的最后一棒火炬手。在海南的火炬手中,既有成龙、章子怡等影视明星,也有李双江、周华健等知名歌者,还有杨澜、刘芳菲等知名主持人。  相似文献   

百年奥运,中华圆梦;圣火传递,万众瞩目。7月29日,奥运圣火在西柏坡——石家庄进行河北首站传递。上午11点半,当奥运圣火传递到石家庄市裕华东路的大石门时,欢乐的气氛再次被推向了一个顶点。此刻,邯郸阳光集团总经理韩玉臣精神抖擞、激动万分,作为第123号火炬手的他高举双臂、健步向前,成为世界注目的焦点和各大媒体捕捉的对象。  相似文献   

2008年是中国的奥运之年,第29届奥运会的圣火即将在北京点燃。那么奥运给中国经济带来了什么呢?  相似文献   

成志新 《老年世界》2008,(15):13-13
第二十九届奥运圣火即将在北京“鸟巢”再放异彩。作为一个中国人,一个过来人怎能不激动,怎能不感慨呢?奥运圣火点燃了中华民族超越百年的期盼,五千年的中华文明史谱写了荣耀与辉煌,也记录过屈辱与苦难。1896年当现代奥林匹克韵火种在希腊重生之时,我中华民族正在受苦受难,被列强称之为“东亚病夫”,古老中国一度几乎被世界遗忘,  相似文献   

也夫 《老年世界》2006,(19):29-29
伴随着2006年第十八届世界杯足球赛的开幕圣火,由满洲里市体育局、老年体协和市委老干部局联合主办的以“群众体育与奥运同行”为主题的大型健身活动在市人民广场隆众举行。  相似文献   

燃烧的奥运圣火在“鸟巢”上空徐徐熄灭,整个中国社会又将重新恢复正常节奏。此刻最需要的认真清点本届北京奥运会留给中国的宝贵精神遗产,那些不会随着奥运荣光一起消逝的东西,会持续地影响未来中国社会的发展历程。  相似文献   

面对西方社会的诬解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今春以来,在法国,先是一些媒体借"3·14"拉萨事件,大范围地煽动反华情绪,言辞激进,置客观事实而不顾;后是部分反华组织借奥运圣火在巴黎传递之际,大肆怂恿抑制圣火的言论与行动,以侮辱中国,而且法国政府对于此次圣火传递的保卫工作连最起码的安全责任都未能尽到;再后来,法国总统以是否出席北京奥运会开幕式为由,摆出一副要挟的姿态.  相似文献   

南昌是"中国人民军队摇篮";井冈山是"中国革命摇篮";瑞金是"共和国摇篮"。中国革命史上,江西这片红色的土地开创无数个革命之先。81年前,革命的圣火在江西这片红土地上传递。从南昌打响第一枪起,革命之火开始点燃,到井冈山的星火燎原,革命之火开始蔓延,再到中国第一个红色政权诞生瑞金,革命的圣火在此熊熊燃烧。而今,奥运圣火追溯着革命圣火传递的路线,追寻革命先烈的足迹,有了这么一趟特殊的"红色之旅"。  相似文献   

这几张闪耀着自信和坚毅的脸孔,对您来说或许熟悉或许陌生。当奥运会的圣火在雅典燃起的时候,她们将与世界上最好的选手竞争,向着奥运奖牌发起顽强的冲击。怀着自己的奥运梦想,承载着这个国家赋予她们的使命,这些可爱的巾帼好手,在出征前发出的是怎样的心声?  相似文献   

如今.象征着和平、友谊和希望的奥林匹克圣火已经点燃。以"和谐之旅"为主题的北京奥运会火炬接力也拉开了帷幕,从而奏响北京2008年奥运会精彩的序曲。圣火将在"祥云"火炬的承载下传遍世界各地和整个中国.有史以来.这是奥林匹亚圣火和中国人民最近距离的亲密接触。  相似文献   

2008年5月8日上午9点12分,珠穆朗玛峰霞光四射,祥云在顶峰飘动,五色经幡、五色哈达迎风飘扬,满载着全中国全世界人民的热切期望,2008北京奥运会圣火登临海拔8844.43米的世界"屋脊"——珠穆朗玛峰。奥运圣火第一次在地球之巅熊熊燃烧,这是我们中国人创造的又一项奇迹。这一刻,奥林匹克精神在世界最高峰传递和平与友谊;这一刻将毫无疑问地被载入史册。  相似文献   

The Olympic Games are increasingly used by non-governmental organizations to demand transnational forms of accountability from public authorities. This article assesses the effectiveness of transnational public opinion surrounding the Beijing 2008 Olympics, when the pressure of Western public opinion was exerted upon the government of the world's most populous non-Western nation to improve its human rights record. Utilizing the concepts of 'imagined global community' and 'transnational public sphere', it finds that the Olympic Games had helped to call into existence a transnational public that ran up against the obstacle posed by the incomplete formation of supra-national forms of governance. The International Olympic Committee, a non-governmental organization, was a weak substitute. Because of the strong desire of Chinese people to take part in transnational deliberations, the article concludes with optimism about the potential of transnational public spheres that include Chinese people to develop toward more effective forms of transnational governance. But the IOC must strengthen the voice of its non-Western members, and Western interlocutors, including the media, must accept their share of the responsibility for creating the conditions for egalitarian dialogue.  相似文献   

Drawing on a five-year qualitative study on the impacts of the Olympic Games on homeless and marginally housed youth in two host cities (Vancouver 2010 and London 2012), this paper explores the instances of ‘symbolic violence’ perpetuated by the institutional infrastructure associated with the Olympics. Following Pierre Bourdieu’s use of the term, symbolic violence refers to the manner in which the young people turned dominant notions of what the desirable Olympic city looks and feels like into a sense of their own non-belonging and/or inadequacy, experienced bodily and emotionally. Feeling pressured to vie for elusive Olympic jobs and volunteer positions, and to be less visible to the thousands of tourist-spectators for the Games, youth in both cities reported a defiant mix of frustrated indignation and resigned acceptance that they did not ‘fit’ the image of the global Olympic city that organizers were trying to convey. The paper argues that this social harm, difficult to measure yet real nonetheless, is an important though unintended legacy of the Olympic Games for homeless and marginally housed youth living in its shadows. The paper also calls for a more sustained engagement with Bourdieu’s concept of symbolic violence in youth studies as a discipline.  相似文献   

北京,一个历史悠久的文化古都,一个古老而现代的城市,在2008年,因为奥林匹克运动而生气蓬勃。自申奥成功以来,北京大街小巷弥漫着浓郁的奥运气息,只等那神圣时刻的到来!  相似文献   

科技奥运 惠及百姓(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥运会,不仅仅是一次体育盛会,也是国家综合实力的集中展现。奥运赛场,不仅是运动员为"更快、更高、更强"的目标奋力拼搏的竞技场,也是最新科技成果竞妖娆的"比武场"。  相似文献   

在2008年5月10日奥运火炬广东汕头传递的仪式上,5位特殊的孩子将扮演重要的角色。2002年4月26日,广东汕头市潮阳区农妇林少华,自然怀孕、自然分娩,顺利产下三男两女五胞胎,成为生命科学的一大奇迹。当年的五胞胎如今已经茁壮成长,入读幼儿园。他们的亮相无疑将成为今年整个奥运火炬传递过程中的精彩亮点。  相似文献   

一场精彩绝伦的闭幕式,为北京冬奥会画上圆满的句号。冬奥火炬虽已熄灭,但激情和精彩永不落幕。在这场新冠肺炎疫情发生以来首次如期举办的全球综合性体育盛会中,共有91个国家和地区近3000名运动员参赛。中国兑现了自己的承诺,向世界奉献了一届简约、安全、精彩的奥运盛会。  相似文献   

Olympic stadia are often regarded as political showcases stemming from a range of influences: the host nation's international politics, the interests of transnational capitalism, site‐specific meanings, and the power of iconic architecture. By examining the 2020 Tokyo Olympic main stadium as a case study, this article analyzes the controversial Zaha Hadid Tokyo stadium design in relation to the Japanese national branding initiative. The article argues that branding should be seen as part of an economic and cultural system that seems to enhance the global value of iconic architects and their buildings. Yet the power of brands can be understood as contingent. Their ambivalent nature entails a tension between exclusiveness and banality; additionally, branded architects may find it difficult to work across the different regimes of global and local politics, and they are of course also constrained by the logic of neoliberal transnational capitalism. By investigating a major global branded architect, Zaha Hadid, the article considers why a new image of Japan could not be adequately created by Hadid's aesthetics and narratives of the Olympic stadium, which could have been regarded as a national cultural legacy. The article then discusses the contested processes of image‐making and narrative creation in relation to the representation of Japan in contemporary Olympic culture. The article concludes with an examination of Kengo Kuma's architecture language in his 2020 Tokyo Olympics stadium design.  相似文献   

This paper is inspired by three issues, namely ongoing research on South Africans of Indian origin, the anecdotal evidence that accumulates through ongoing discussions on a casual level with such people and the increasing interest among researchers about how globalization and transnational movements are impacting upon identity formation among minorities who are seeking employment or a new life in the developed economies of the ‘big five’ English-speaking countries, i.e. the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. It is in countries such as these that a third identity emerges and develops to instill a sense of triple identity. The information here suggests that, when people of Indian origin migrate to one of these countries, they continue to cling to South Africa because it is their country of birth, as well as to India, more for sentimental rather than practical reasons. The topic of this paper reflects a contemporary phenomenon not just among the Indians in South Africa, but also among other diasporas such as Chinese in Latin America, whose new and final emigration destination always seems to be the US. In addition, people of Chinese origin in the countries of Indochina, such as Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, experienced similar patterns of becoming diasporas in Europe, North America and Oceania in the 1970s. However, migration implores them to renegotiate their identities in order to adapt and settle in accordance with their newly adopted host territories. This gives rise to an identity that straddles three countries, which induces the need to examine new ways of identity building in a global transnational economy.  相似文献   

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