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经济增长与就业机制、模式、观念的变革   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文章认为中国的失业问题是人口过剩型失业、经济转型的体制性失业与结构性失业的纵横交错与叠加 ,是转型期的特殊现象。文章指出 :在显化隐性失业、治理公开失业 ,借鉴国际经验 ,培育现代劳动力市场 ,实施反收入政策、人力资本投资政策及社会保障制度市场化的同时 ,还应有中国特色的解决就业问题的新思路、新对策 ,包括弹性就业、阶段性就业模式 ,及与就业机制、模式变革相适应的就业观念的变革。  相似文献   

新中国成立后,北京市对农业政策进行了多项改革。土地政策方面考虑首都土地的长远发展,没收地主、富农土地收归国有,并在一定程度上保护了富农的利益;建立了互助组,出现了土地不分红的高级社;在爱国增产、生产救灾以及农业税收、农业贸易等方面均制定了卓有成效的政策。在各项政策的支持下,北京市的农业生产逐渐恢复。  相似文献   

试析北京市文化创意产业的影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对北京市文化创意产业的发展进行了回顾,分析了文化创意产业发展的影响因素。在对影响因素进行定性分析的基础上,通过建立灰色关联模型进行定量研究,衡量各要素与文化创意产业的关系,研究结果显示政府政策、文化环境在北京市文化创意产业发展中起着较为重要的作用。  相似文献   

"商品""保障"一个不能少——也谈限购政策对北京市房地产市场的影响(郑新等) 数据9目前北京市正在执行的限购政策如同双刃剑,一方面暂缓了北京市房地产市场长期突出的供求矛盾,而另一方面使市场在短期内迅速降温.房地产市场的波动直接影响全市经济的平稳运行,因此对房地产市场的调控不仅仅要使房价"稳中有降",同时也要积极引导房地产市场健康发展,培育北京市房地产市场新的增长支撑因素,使其全面均衡发展.第一,巩固政策性住房成为新增长点."十二五"期间全市要完成100万套保障房的建设计划,政策性住房逐渐成为北京市房地产市场新的增长带动因素.  相似文献   

财税金融是推动“专精特新”企业高质量发展的重要工具,具有不可替代的独特作用。基于政策工具—创新过程的二维分析框架,采用文本分析法,对北京市“专精特新”企业财税金融支持政策的现状与问题进行剖析,结果显示:第一,北京市“专精特新”企业财税金融支持政策兼顾三类政策工具和三大创新环节,但侧重于使用环境侧政策工具,且集中于创新过程的前端与中端;第二,北京市“专精特新”企业财税金融支持政策存在着针对性不强、支撑力不足、保障度不高等问题。结合发达国家财税金融支持中小企业发展的经验,提出了相应的政策建议,即完善财政制度,强化资金引导作用;推动金融创新,提升金融服务质量;优化税收政策,加强税收优惠力度。  相似文献   

加快实现农民工市民化不仅是城乡二元体制改革的需要,也是不断推动我国城镇化发展的需要.本文基于北京市农民工的居住条件、经济条件、社会融入、政治参与和心理适应五个维度的市民化水平,建立了北京市农民工市民化程度评价指标系统,并对影响北京市农民工市民化的主要因素进行了相关分析并提出了政策建议.  相似文献   

发展首都循环经济建设节约型城市   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发展首都循环经济已经成为人们的共识,并首次成为《政府工作报告》的重要议题。本文论述了发展首都循环经济的必要性和迫切性,介绍了北京市发展循环经济的思路、政策和措施,并对进一步发展首都循环经济提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,北京市保障性住房建设历经了跨越式发展,在投资数量和投资结构方面都已处于国内领先水平。预计"十二五"期间,这一建设力度还将进一步加大。因此,尽快对北京市保障性住房的资金供求进行有效预测就显得尤为重要。本文根据北京市保障性住房发展现状,结合区域经济、金融和社会发展条件等因素,分析预测"十二五"期间北京市保障性住房投资的资金需求与供给,并通过计算其资金缺口进行系统性资金平衡方案的设计,最后提出构建完善的保障性住房融资体系等政策建议。  相似文献   

徐明 《北京社会科学》2023,(10):21-33+128
以2012-2022年北京市科技政策为样本,实证分析了科技政策对关键核心技术攻坚的影响效应及作用机制。结果显示:科技政策能够显著推动关键核心技术攻坚,其中培育型政策的影响最大,而基础型政策的影响尚未有效发挥。进一步研究发现,强化研究经费投入强度对科技政策促进关键核心技术攻坚具有正向调节作用。机制检验表明,科技政策的作用主要体现在通过促进基础研究人员集聚助力关键核心技术攻坚。对此,北京市应立足“10+3”高精尖产业的产业链供应链发展需求,制定完善具有国际领先水平、精准前瞻的科技政策;优化基础研究政策体系,提高基础研究人员集聚水平;进一步提高研发投入强度和使用效率;布局国家战略科技力量的同时加快建设国家战略人才力量。  相似文献   

人口数量以及增长情况会对区域的经济发展产生重大的影响,研究基于人口约束下的固定资产投资对区域未来调整投资结构、制定适当投资政策具有重要意义.本文在分析北京市人口发展现状和存在问题基础上,选取1992-2011年北京市人口和固定资产投资额的相关数据,研究人口与固定资产投资之间的关系模型,预测了基于人口约束的北京市固定资产未来投资规模.本文认为北京市严峻的人口问题决定了固定资产投资不能依赖人口拉动的粗放型增长方式,提出了相应的解决对策和建议.  相似文献   

构建我国顶岗实习工伤保险制度的法律思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕娜娜 《创新》2011,5(5):86-89,128
我国有关顶岗实习工伤的立法存在诸多缺陷,导致实践中的困惑,且对顶岗实习各方的权益保护不足,不利于社会和谐。工伤保险模式是必然的选择,在将顶岗实习工伤纳入工伤保险制度时,应考虑其特殊性,做出变通性规定。  相似文献   

刘文勇 《求是学刊》2007,34(6):82-87
自从2002年中央明确提出振兴东北老工业基地以来,解决产业结构调整、升级与就业问题之间的矛盾成为必须要解决的"瓶颈性"障碍。本文将老工业基地就业问题基于经济增长与结构调整的背景之下进行了探讨,明确总结了现阶段黑龙江省的三次产业以及工业内部的就业结构性特征,并结合国外典型就业特征的分析,提出了促进黑龙江省就业水平提升的对策建议。  相似文献   

Tens of millions of small businesses, including countless individually run businesses, are operating in China. Hampered by their scale and limited job creation capacity, China’s small businesses need a more flexible approach to employment. In fact, their small size and their lack of technical expertise and standardized management mean that these small businesses find it hard to operate in strict compliance with labor laws in the way larger businesses do. Some other countries and regions tend to give preferential treatment to small businesses, exempting them from some of the provisions of labor law. China could consider changing the “one size fits all” provisions of its labor law to give preferential treatment to small businesses with regard to terminating employment contracts, drawing up regulations, signing contracts, and anti-discrimination in employment requirements.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the effectiveness of disability employment policy in assisting people with psychiatric disability to find, or return to, paid work. We argue that the poor employment outcomes from current programs establish the need for a paradigmatic shift in the form of a state‐provided Job Guarantee (JG) for people with psychiatric disability. In the absence of measures to generate suitable jobs, forthcoming changes to the eligibility criteria for Disability Support Pension will create risks rather than opportunities. Under the JG, the Federal Government would maintain a ‘buffer stock’ of minimum wage, public sector jobs to provide secure paid employment for this highly disadvantaged group. The role of the state in this alternative model is two fold. First, the state must provide the quantum of JG jobs required. Second, the state must ensure the design of jobs is flexible enough to meet the heterogeneous and variable support needs of workers. This will require effective integration of the JG scheme with mental health, rehabilitation and employment support services.  相似文献   

This article on the Italian case is based on recent trends in labour market reform. We critically review the reform approach adopted in recent years, mainly centred on marginal legislative reforms in employment contracts. The diffusion of flexible labour contracts, especially among the younger generations and women, together with a welfare system still based on employment seniority and job characteristics, have reinforced the segmentation of the Italian labour market and social inequalities. The absence of a negotiating strategy in introducing reforms has also increased social conflict. These trends ask for a comprehensive reform of the welfare system and for active policies to support labour market transitions, a reform which is increasingly considered in the current political debate.  相似文献   

This article addresses two issues in the context of globalization. First it considers whether the goals of successful employment policy and social equilibrium are at all reconcilable. Second it looks at ways in which the labour market prospects of workers who are at a competitive disadvantage, prospects which are poor in many countries, can be improved on a lasting basis. Using the example of export-oriented countries such as Denmark or the Netherlands, it shows that a social State which offers help but expects something back can be an integral part of an effective strategy to generate jobs. This is particularly true where earlier generous transfers are maintained while targeted incentives create the conditions for a flexible economy and a flexible labour market.  相似文献   

In the United Kingdom there has been a shift away from policies promoting early retirement towards an emphasis on extended, fuller working lives. This article examines the nature of policy change in this area and prospects for individuals remaining in work longer. Pension ages for men and women are rising rapidly and by 2028 are likely to reach 67 years. Cash benefits for those out of work before state pension age are becoming harder to access and incentives for working beyond 65 are being enhanced. In this context, restrictions have been placed on the use of mandatory retirement ages by employers. Employees have also been granted the right to request flexible employment. However, a lack of coordinated policy up until now means that important challenges exist with regard to extending working lives. Ill‐health and low levels of qualifications limit the employment prospects of many older people, particularly among those in the poorest segments. Likewise, retention rates of older workers may have improved, but prospects for recruitment in older age remain poor. Policies focusing on the individual have also not yet recognised the extent to which employment in older age is influenced by the household and wider family context.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a modelling approach to assess the cross-region and cross-sector economic impacts of the restrictions imposed by governments to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. The nationwide lockdown imposed in Italy during the first wave of the pandemic is used as a benchmark. However, the adopted approach allows an ex-ante assessment of alternative policy responses, in the event of successive pandemic waves, in order to rationalise the policy intervention and reach the best possible compromise between containing the risk of contagion and reducing economic losses. The used approach consists of a non-linear programming model based on a multiregional Input-Output (I-O) table, which guarantees greater flexibility than traditional I-O analysis. It is applied to estimate both direct and indirect losses of GDP and employment produced by alternative policy responses represented by general and differentiated lockdowns. The evidence deriving from the Italian experience shows a sort of learning process through successive waves based on the introduction of increasingly flexible and tailored policy responses to the pandemic.  相似文献   

There are increasing numbers of families in Australia headed by sole parents, but little is known about the experiences of those who also care for a child with a disability. Additional caring responsibilities have previously been shown to impact on the work participation of parents. This study involved qualitative analyses of interview data conducted with sole mothers with school‐aged children with disability (N = 11). Thematic analysis revealed four themes that enabled and supported participation in the workforce: social support; managing appointments; characteristics of the workplace; and the role of the school. Results suggest the importance of practical help from family and friends in facilitating participation in paid employment. Additionally, the importance of flexible appointment scheduling on the part of service providers was highlighted, as well as the importance of workplace flexibility and supportive workplace cultures. Such factors were important in supporting sole mothers to balance work with care, with important implications for personal and family wellbeing.  相似文献   

王飞 《创新》2012,6(6):52-55,127
政府购买服务在我国方兴未艾,基于政府购买农民工就业培训服务有利于转变政府职能建设服务型政府,有利于促进社会组织发展,有利于提高就业培训效率与质量,有利于满足农民工多样化的就业培训需求等积极意义,我国各地政府采取了政府购买服务方式为农民工提供就业培训服务。当前的传统模式和就业培训券模式这两种政府购买农民工就业培训服务模式均存在一些问题,要切实提高政府购买就业培训服务项目的效果,需要完善政府购买农民工就业培训服务机制,创新多元主体参与政府购买农民工就业培训服务的路径,以及探索其他的政府购买农民工就业培训服务的具体路径。  相似文献   

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