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城市公交发展是一项重要的民生工程,也是“碳达峰、碳中和”目标实现的重要保障之一,研究交叉口公交优先对于提高公交运营效率和服务水平具有重要的意义。通过分析公交优先的一些常用方式,并结合交叉口特点,提出了交叉口公交优先的三种方案,并以台州市S82省道—沚京街交叉口为例,对公交优先方案进行论证。  相似文献   

随着社会信息科技的不断进步和发展,给平面印刷品的视觉设计也带来了越来越多的新理念、新可能、新方向。互动式的平面设计给平面印刷品同周围各种环境因素的互动提供了可能,让使用者能够以互动的交流方式融入到相关的信息内容当中。本文就平面印刷品互动设计中的设计理念和设计手法进行简单的论述和分析,以期能够更好的提高平面印刷品的设计水平和质量,促进和推动平面印刷品行业的稳定、持续、和谐发展。  相似文献   

阙玮忠  游林华 《职业》2012,(35):110
随着互联网的迅速发展,与之相伴的是网页设计技术的不断更新,以及对网页美工设计的更高追求,往往一种新技术的推出,又将提出网页美工设计的新理念、新方法。然而,不管怎样变化,网页设计应用平面构成的原理进行,是符合平面设计的规律,因为网页设计的本质也是一种平面设计。因而,研究平面构成在网页设计中的应用,对提高网页设计的教学效果是颇具意义的。  相似文献   

刘振  张祎  慕迪 《交通与港航》2022,9(1):59-63
交叉口是城市交通网络系统的关键节点,在绿灯通行环境下的交叉口过车速度可以精准地反应出路网的畅通程度.该文基于长时间、大样本的车辆轨迹数据,利用卷积神经网络,将数据处理为包含其特征的矩阵,构建车速时序预测模型,能够高效、精准地预测出交叉口过车速度.实验结果表明,MAE平均值为2.06,MAPE平均值为10.57%,说明模...  相似文献   

平面流动媒体广告设计是指能够流动的广告,例如地铁车身广告、公交车广告、出租车广告等等。它具有以下特点:广告载体普及面广,受众资源广;广告形式灵活多样;具有视觉强制性;快速传达性,满足好奇心理。特殊的媒体形式,再加上精致的画面,迎合了现代消费者趋奇的心态。它作为一种特殊的平面媒体载体,在表现手法上可能会有一定的不完善,但是在表现张力和作品画面构成因素以及视觉张力上,它有自己无法被替代的优势。  相似文献   

构成基础是设计类专业的基本入门课程。通过学习和训练创造某些特殊的形象,用最简洁的平面构成中的点线面来描绘复杂的事物,以及他们之间的各种特殊联系。室内设计作为当今的一个热门专业,其平面构成中的基本元素点线面是如何在里面运用并体现呢。  相似文献   

几何约束是参数化技术的基本功能之一,利用其功能在二维草图状态下,对线条进行约束定义,可以进行原理图的仿真,实现机构的快速构型、原理演示的直观明了,尤其适合于方案设计和课堂教学.笔者在使用SolidWorks时,就利用其几何约束和尺寸驱动的参数化功能,在草图状态下,进行了机构原理图的快速构型设计和动态原理性仿真演示.  相似文献   

袁玉苹  潘海涛 《职业》2012,(15):63-64
消防阀门是安装在通风、空调、防排烟系统的风管路上,平时呈开启状态,火灾时当管道内气体温度达到一定温度时自动关闭,起隔烟阻火作用。为了提高消防阀门的整体性能,阀门制造业必须不断的提高产品的加工制造工艺水平。  相似文献   

本文在综合研究了当前服装CAD技术的发展和现状的基础上,对新款职业女装,从结构设计、尺寸收放、传统文化和功能性要求方面,提出新款职业女装的设计思想、设计方案和综合评价,不仅满足职业女性的工作要求和舒适性要求,也体现中国传统文化与现代文化交融的特点。  相似文献   

Software Defined Network简称为SND是近年来提出的最新网络构架设计理念,它的基本属性中有转发和控制平面的分离,且实现了对网络控制和开放灵活编程接口的集中。文章对SND技术进行了详细的介绍,随后在多个SND控制器的组网逻辑和网络结构上进行阐述,最后同时分析了多个SDN控制器的控制平面中的设计需求。  相似文献   

海湾国家非传统安全现状评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非传统安全问题日益受到世界各国的普遍关注。目前海湾国家的非传统安全热点问题涉及人口安全、粮食安全、生态安全以及经济安全,上述问题不仅关乎海湾国家当前利益,同时影响其长远发展。为此,海湾各国纷纷采取措施予以解决并取得一定成效,但仍面临诸多挑战,海湾国家应进一步调整战略积极应对。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to explore key issues regarding the need to provide jobs for women who are making the transition from welfare to wage work. A traditionally male-dominated industry, the secondary wood products industry, in a ten-parish rural region in northern Louisiana is used as a case study. One goal of the project is to explore barriers to expanding job opportunities for women in this industry, which is located in an economically disadvantaged region of the state. In-depth personal interviews were conducted with employers and business owners in this industry, and focus group discussions were conducted among employees at selected sites. Potential barriers to employing women in this industry are discussed, and recommendations for reducing barriers are made.  相似文献   

According to a 2002 study by the U.S. Department of Education, the percentage of “traditional students” on college campuses is declining. Students increasingly are delaying enrollment, attending college part time, working full time, financially independent, and single parents. In this paper, we explore the extent to which sociologists are adapting their teaching to address these shifting demographics. Based on a content analysis of articles published over a 20 year period in Teaching Sociology that suggest strategies for teaching social class inequality we find that most authors assume that their students are “traditional.” Most often this means that students are assumed to come from a privileged, middle class background, lack direct and substantial experience in the labor market, and enter college shortly after graduating high school. Accordingly, most articles advocate classroom strategies of “looking down,” whereby students pretend to be in the shoes of those less fortunate. Examples include creating household budgets based on poverty wages, playing board games, or assuming the role of the poor for a day. These strategies run the risk of being ineffective, alienating, and potentially ethically suspect when used with non-traditional students, whose real life experiences may resemble these simulations. We conclude with recommendations for pedagogical approaches to teaching social class inequality that are more appropriate for, and inclusive of, students from diverse backgrounds. Our goal in this paper is to start a discussion about pedagogy, social inequality, and the non-traditional student.  相似文献   

Despite the recent interest in women working in nontraditional occupations, few analyses have systematically compared the work-related attitudes of such women with those of men holding the same positions. This article presents an exploratory analysis, drawing hypotheses from the “gender” and “job” models described by Feldberg and Glenn (1979), to compare work-related attitudes among male and female correctional officers. Data drawn from a survey of male and female correctional officers working at the same prison facility (three male and one female units) are utilized to contrast the importance of gender, with experiences on the job as determinants of job satisfaction. The results support the job model, which suggests that the attitudes of working women are a function of their position in the organizational structure and immediate working conditions.  相似文献   

Throughout the movie history, literature adapted to movies will be an important part of the movie in the past, at present and in the future. The standard of the film adaptation is gradually updated with the development of the film history. This article points out the disadvantages of the movie White Deer Plain according to Chen Zhongshi's novel, and further illustrates the relationship between faithfulness and creativity in the process of adapting.  相似文献   

Cue reactivity, while increasingly recognized as a central feature of drug and alcohol addiction, is not well studied in gambling. We evaluated the urge to gamble in a simulated casino environment among frequent gamblers who alternated between cycles in which they observed others playing ten hands of Blackjack (first, third and fifth cycle) and cycles in which they played ten hands of Blackjack themselves (second and fourth cycle). The played cycles served as a manipulation for the observed cycles in terms of “priming” (having previously gambled in the environment vs. not) and “anticipation” (expecting more opportunities to gamble in the environment vs. not) and, thus, allowed these conditions: observed cycle 1 = anticipation (+) and prime (−); observed cycle 2 = anticipation (+) and prime (+); and observed cycle 3 = anticipation (−) and prime (+). Subjects’ urge to gamble was greater in the gambling environment than in a neutral setting and both positive anticipation and positive priming increased cue reactivity within the gambling environment. The frequency of gambling outside of the study did not affect cue reactivity. However, a preference for Blackjack (vs. other types of gambling) and observing winning (vs. losing) hands were both associated with stronger cue reactivity in the study. These findings contribute to our understanding of pathological gambling.  相似文献   

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