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王知白 《职业》2008,(5):68-69
在中国,房地产行业是国家调控政策重点关注的对象是老百姓茶余饭后热衷谈论的话题,是媒体发掘焦点和赚取广告费的金矿,是经济学家你方唱罢我登场的秀场。尽管如此,5年时间里,楼价依然在无数信誓旦旦的预言、无数激情四射的檄文和无数叫骂声中快速且坚定地增长着。备受关注的房地产行业,在残酷的竞争和不绝于耳的指责声中逐渐走向成熟。  相似文献   

刘维新 《城市》2010,(4):3-5
一、高房价的成因高房价成为2010年两会期间议论的热点,这反映了广大群众对高房价的不满情绪。为何会形成高房价?为何中央调控房价政策在实践中不能体现,而越调控房价越  相似文献   

千不怕,万不怕,就怕专家教授谈城市化。这是老百姓调侃学院书斋里的教授们,借城市化来力挺高房价的一句口头禅。这帮教授们再也找不出任何理由来帮开发商鼓吹房价了,唯一找到的理由就是城市化。最著名的一句话是,“这次房价会调整三五年,但是,中国房价长期仍然看涨,因为中国城市化将要持续到2025年”。  相似文献   

业内原本预测十八大之后房地产调控才会逐渐松绑,之前会保持稳定。但现在看来,国际经济形势的变化,国内经济下行的压力,以及地方债务问题,都使得调整不得不提前。最迟年末,中国房价可能会再次迎来涨势。  相似文献   

王知白 《职业》2008,(13):68-69
在中国,房地产行业是国家调控政策重点关注的对象,是老百姓茶余饭后热衷谈论的话题,是媒体发掘焦点和赚取广告费的金矿,是经济学家你方唱罢我登场的秀场.  相似文献   

刘云  刘海讯 《城市》2014,(2):72-75
正2013年底召开的中央经济工作会议在涉及房地产业时指出:要努力解决好住房问题,加大廉租住房、公共租赁住房等保障性住房建设和供给,做好棚户区改造。与2011年末、2012年末的中央经济工作会议强调房地产调控的提法有所不同,此次会议未提及房地产调控和商品房市场,但这并不意味着中央会放松调控或退出调控。值得关注的是,此次会议格外强调保障房建设。十八届三中全会《决定》也提出健全符合国情的住房保障和供应体系,表明了中  相似文献   

黄凌翔  尚聪敏 《城市》2010,(8):40-46
房地产业自成为我国支柱产业以来,就一直是我国宏观调控的重点,特别是2002年以来,不断出台的有关房地产业的调控政策,综合了货币、财政、土地等多种手段,但由于房地产业的复杂性,并适逢全球金融危机,这些调控政策大多表现为短期性和多变性,绩效并不理想,暴露出我国房地产业宏观调控目标的不确定性。  相似文献   

石薇  芦佳丽 《科学发展》2013,(11):95-100
为确保房地产调控效果长期化,上海应在坚决贯彻中央房地产调控框架的同时,因地制宜地积极创新政策工具,制定符合实际的区域性调控指标,相机抉择,精确制导。短期,上海可采取“市场”与“保障”双管齐下,强化以“保供应、抑投资”为主要思路的供需总量调节手段;中期,培育以“疏导投资、引导消费”为主要思路的供需结构调节机制;长期,培育以金融创新为载体、以资产管理为核心的房地产业转型模式。  相似文献   

新一轮房地产调控已有时日,尽管部分城市楼市成交量已经出现多达六成的降幅,但成交均价仍然坚挺,甚至还有不少楼盘不降反升,楼市调控似乎进入了越调越涨的怪圈。地方政府面临着来自中央日益严厉的调控问责压力,也显得进退两难。据住建部房地产市场监管司的一位负责人透露,尽管在遏制高房价方面地方政府没有以书面形式签订责任书,但是对于重  相似文献   

房地产经济是指国家运用经济、法律和行政等手段,从宏观上对房地产业进行指导、监督、调节和控制,促进房地产市场总供给与总需求、供给结构与需求结构的平衡与整体优化,实现房地产业与国民经济协调发展的管理活动。本文主要分析了我国房地产市场存在的问题、进行宏观调控的必要性,提出了调控的建议。  相似文献   

Some social implications of high density housing   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

In this article, I extend the literature on return migration by exploring the gendered mechanisms of return for highly skilled Ghanaian migrants. Drawing on interviews with Ghanaian women and men who returned in their prime productive years, I examine their decision‐making, the strategies they implement and the challenges they negotiate in the process. While the decision to return was straightforward, the actual processes circumscribing it contained tensions and compromises that involved renegotiations of gender identities, roles and norms, which themselves intersected with class differences. The empirical analyses emphasize how skilled migrants capitalize on their class status, social networks and transnational activities as means not only to return but also, for some, to mitigate the impacts of separation for themselves and their families as they seek to accomplish specific goals.  相似文献   

In the Federal Republic of Germany, the government's efforts to integrate foreigners wishing to stay in the country have as a precondition that the number of foreigners taken as a whole will remain at approximately the same level. In September 1974, the foreign resident population in the Federal Republic of Germany amounted to about 4.127 million; by September 1985 it had risen to 4.365 million. Behind this slight increase is hidden a considerable flow of migrants in both directions. During the period 1974-1984, there were a record 4.774 million arrivals and 5.124 million departures. Thus, the increase in the foreign resident population is attributable entirely to the foreign children born. Since 1% of foreigners are expelled, the 5.1 million departures were almost exclusively voluntary decisions to return to their countries of origin. A bill adopted by the Federal Government in 1983, and which expired in 1984, promoted the willingness of migrants in the Federal Republic of Germany to return to their countries of origin. 2 of its particularly strong incentives follow: 1) Return assistance for all foreigners who had become unemployed as a result of bankruptcy and the closing down of a factory or firm for foreigners who had worked at least 6 months on shortened hours was covered. If a foreigner and his family permanently left the Republic before September 30, 1984, he received DM 10,500 plus DM 1500 for each dependent child. About 39,000 foreigners together with their families returned to their home countries with this incentive. 2) Payment of the employers' contribution to the official social security fund was made. More than 250,000 foreigners together with their families left the Republic under this scheme. Another bill to provide returning foreigners with building savings loans for housing construction is expected to go into effect at the beginning of 1986. Foreigners from other than the European Community member states are entitled to benefit from this plan. Loans are not to exceed DM 60,000 and will be paid out up to the end of 1993.  相似文献   

美国次级房贷危机对我国住房金融的警示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张智  曹国强 《城市》2007,(9):25-28
次级贷款是指住房抵押贷款市场中的次级抵押贷款.与一般抵押贷款不同的是,次级抵押贷款贷给那些信用等级较差或偿还能力较弱的住房抵押贷款者,贷款利率则比一般抵押贷款高出2~3个百分点.  相似文献   

The Egyptian experience has rarely been incorporated into housing literature within the context of self-build technique. In the last five decades, Egypt has passed through various self-build housing policies. This paper demonstrates shifting the onus of self-build techniques, and shows how these policies and changes affected the urban poor. The paper develops an understanding of the recent transformations of self-help techniques in Egypt through five phases and transpired into varied forms of urban policies. It highlights the shifting liaison of the state and civil society within the implementation of self-build housing. An analysis of self-build housing options designed to accommodate the urban poor concludes the study.  相似文献   

In 1999-2000 a team of professionals and researchers carried out the largest research study so far undertaken with recipients of housing adaptations in England and Wales to discover how effectively the adaptations had achieved their objectives. Amongst the findings was evidence that well-designed adaptations had beneficial, and/or preventative effects on both physical and mental health; that these benefits were long-term and that they extended beyond the disabled person to help the health of other family members. The evidence presented is linked with key themes from other research to trace in detail the pathways that lead from unadapted or badly adapted housing to mental and physical ill health. It is suggested that these themes, including the meaning of home and the concept of intrusion are vital to understanding how health gains may be achieved through adaptation, and are useful and relevant to the broader debate on links between housing and health.  相似文献   

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