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正在我国,每年平均发生13000多万例人工流产,重复流产率高达50%。调研显示,目前最常用的避孕方法就是佩戴安全套,而44%的人认为SEX的时候,带上安全套就安全了,事实上,59%的人并不清楚正确的使用方法,使用安全套出现的问题也不少。以上数据,出自世界避孕日的调研报告。安全套使用有误致避孕失败紧急避孕药来救火安全套是用乳胶制作,除了戴反了、老化等问题,不少人由于使用不当,更造成了破裂、滑脱等尴尬情况。以下6种使用误区,即使戴了安全套也不安全。误区1:将避孕套戴到一半  相似文献   

网络公共事件的演变逻辑 10月23日,上海知名论坛宽带(KDS)上有网友转发了“90后女生殴打同学”的视频,该视频引发众多网友热议。很多网友表示痛恨打人者“熊姐”的暴力之举,并发起了人肉搜索。不久,该女生的真实姓名、家庭地址和学校地址均被“挂”到网上。网友们不仅“说”,而且还要“做”。10月26日下午,“屠熊大会”在“熊姐”所在学校上海市南湖职校二分校门前召开。一场由虚拟世界“燃起”的网络公共事件就这样形成了。该校门口的校牌上被贴上了黄色的“愤怒脸”图案。约200名网友聚集在一起高喊:“校长出来道歉!这是上海的耻辱,教育界的耻辱!”最后在警方的及时介入下,事件才得以平息。  相似文献   

《中国改革》杂志8月14日的文章说,当一些本发端于单纯的刑事、治安、民事或经济案件演变为公共事件时,我们几乎都可以看到:涉及的法律、司法程序多受到公众的普遍质疑,相关执法人员或当地政府也不是以中立的调查者和公正的仲裁者形象出现于公众议论中。  相似文献   

卢祎 《现代交际》2012,(3):97-98
在网络飞速发展的今天,它已经成为了媒体的重要组成部分,在形成舆论方面也具有自己的特点。本文论述了我国网络舆论监督的现状,在此基础上分析了网络舆论监督的利与弊,并提出了适当的建议,以抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

杭州飙车案是如何演变为公共事件的?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年5月7日晚,杭州街头,从浙江大学毕业两年的青年谭卓被一辆飞驰的三菱跑车撞倒身亡。此事经杭州媒体曝光之后迅速引发社会舆论关注,特别是5月8日发表在“19楼论坛”的《富家子弟把马路当F1赛道,无辜路人被撞起5米高》,让本次事件同当前社会热议中的“80后”、“90后”、“富二代”和“纨绔子弟”问题挂起钩来,从而使一起交通肇事件开始升级为公众事件。  相似文献   

“地沟油”事件暴露出政府公共管理存在重大缺陷,主要表现为缺乏预防管理观念,安全监管与管理不到位,官员问责制和政府绩效评价制度不完善。政府管理部门应进行深刻反思,选择恰当的路径提高政府公共管理水平。  相似文献   

职业高中学生普遍存在着自卑心理,厌学现象,学习信心和兴趣不足。但他们的可塑性强,思维活跃,潜意识中有掌握新知识要求和获得一技之长的愿望。他们同样需要教师把课讲的生动、形象,以及获取教师的尊重和信任。因此,作为教师必须掌握深受学生欢迎的课堂教学艺术。而传统的教学方式已完全不能适应现在学生所提出的那些要求了,从而提出了新课程改革。  相似文献   

本来受邀撰写昆明暴恐事件中的社会工作介入,未及动笔,马航失联事件突然爆出,面对失联者家属日益加深的焦虑和不断蔓延的惶恐,作为一个以助人为使命的社会工作者,相信很多人同样迫不及待地期望介入进来,用我们的专业来抚慰受难的同胞。  相似文献   

近年来,我国自然灾害、流行疾病等突发性公共事件频频发生,从2003年的SARS(非典),2004年禽流感事件,2005年四川猪链球菌事件,2007年的太湖蓝藻爆发,  相似文献   

娄峻峰 《公关世界》2008,(10):12-12
“蝴蝶效应”在社会学界用来说明:一个坏的微小的机制,如果不加以及时地引导、调节,会给社会带来非常大的危害,戏称为“龙卷风”或“风暴”:一个好的微小的机制,只要正确指引,经过一段时间的努力,将会产生轰动效应,或称为“革命”。三鹿奶粉引发的乳业行业的全面品牌危机正是“蝴蝶效应”的典型。  相似文献   

This article reports on the often suspected but rarely researchedtendency of survey respondents to give opinions on topics towhich they have given little or no thought. The findings, basedon a question about a fictitious public affairs issue, do showthat the magnitude of the problem is substantial. But the dataalso demonstrate that this phenomenon does not represent simplerandom error, reflecting instead basic social-psychologicaldispositions which can be elicited, unwittingly, in the contextof the interview.  相似文献   


RJB Review of Journals and Books

Political Science Quarterly, The Journal of Public and International Affairs  相似文献   

This article exhorts development workers to develop an understanding of their own cultural heritage in order to understand how cultural subjectivity influences their work. While not endorsing "cultural relativism," the authors stress that women must work within their own cultures to develop empowerment and combat culturally legitimized practices which are harmful to women. Cultural constructs must be examined in order to understand such issues as the Northern tendency to encourage personal individualism and the Southern tendency to organize along communal lines. Gender identity is also a social construction which calls for a consideration of each situation (or harmful practice) as uniquely based in a given cultural context. General agreement exists, however, that in order to tackle gender oppression, women must be empowered and their status must be improved. Thus development initiatives should support longterm investment in research and programs, illiteracy rates must be decreased, and educational opportunities must be sought in every program. Women's groups must link up to share resources with each other and with traditional nongovernmental organizations. Governments should 1) integrate a gender component into every Ministry; 2) emphasize literacy for girls and women; 3) support local women's initiatives; 4) provide gender-sensitive training for professionals in critical fields; 5) increase attention to the needs of young women; and 6) offer more women visible official posts in public service.  相似文献   

闲话“发表”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长久以来,“发表”这个词的含义被过分神秘化、狭隘化了。发表渐渐疏离于它的本来含义“抒发表达”而更具社会学和传播学的意义。其自然属性一天天萎缩,社会属性则一天天壮大。发表成了必须借助大众传播手段才能得逞的一种目的和结果。于是乎发表由本能的需要(或者欲望)退化为一种颇受社会尊重的贵族气息浓重的特殊劳动,参加这种劳动的人正在把“发表”当作事业和重要谋生手段——发表得来的报酬无论由哪种传媒(报纸、杂志或视听媒体)支付一律称为“稿费”。随着大众传媒的蓬勃发展和稿酬的持续“攀高”,喜爱发表的人越来越多了,然而,人类整体的发表欲望却越来越受到压抑。  相似文献   

"绿色经济"也称之为"生态经济".现在还有一种最新的时髦说法,即"绿色经济"就是"奥运经济"."绿色经济"是以生态环境建设和城乡绿化建设为基本产业链的,而其重要的源发地就在城镇、特别是在大中城市.因此,说到"绿色经济"就离不开说绿化,当然更离不开说城市绿化.  相似文献   

We have almost no data on how and when couples stop using condoms. This qualitative study investigated the process of condom discontinuation. From November 2013 to April 2014, a total of 25 women living in a college town in the Midwest, ages 18 to 25, participated in semistructured interviews centered around three domains: partner interactions, contraceptive use, and sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention. Analysis followed a critical qualitative research orientation. Participants described actively seeking the best options to prevent pregnancy, perceiving condom discontinuation in favor of hormonal methods as a smart decision, and reported wanting to discontinue using condoms due to physical discomfort. Oftentimes, nonverbal communication around contextual instances of condom unavailability paved the way for discontinuation. Participants indicated the decision to stop using condoms was neither deliberate nor planned. Condom discontinuation rarely occurred at one point in time; instead, it was preceded by a period of occasional use. Even after participants described themselves as not using condoms, sporadic condom use was normal (typically related to fertility cycles). This study provides a more detailed understanding of how and why emerging adults negotiate condom discontinuation, thereby enhancing our ability to design effective condom continuation messages. Attention should be paid to helping emerging adults think more concretely about condom discontinuation.  相似文献   

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