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随着经济全球化趋势的愈演愈烈,体育产业也正逐渐走向国际化,在这以背景下,我国体育产业已经取得了较快的发展与进步,但是也存在着一些发展中的不足。因此,本研究主要对经济全球化条件下我国体育产业发展面临的机遇与挑战进行分析,力图对加快我国体育产业体制和运行机制的改革,提升我国体育产业国际竞争力。  相似文献   

随着网路技术和信息技术的不断发展,我国社会已全面迈向大数据时代,数字图书馆也受到了一定的挑战。在这样的条件下,数字图书馆想要确保自己的市场价值,必须要将大数据思维运用于自己的经营和管理中,尤其要加强资源建设,注重资源整合的深度和宽度。本文主要以大数据时代为背景,结合技术条件和市场发展,提出数字图书馆在面临挑战和机遇时的具体应对措施。  相似文献   

随着2017年5月举世瞩目的 一带一路国际合作高峰论坛的举行,如何在当前局势下看待全球化给中国带来的机遇与挑战,构建更有活力、更加包容、更可持续的新型全球化就成为了中国当前急需讨论的关键问题。  相似文献   

本文以我国第一夫人彭丽媛出访着国产服装品牌为向导,通过大量有力的论证,说明了目前我国国产服装品牌所存在的一些机遇和挑战,也祝愿国产服装品牌能够在未来大展宏图,享誉世界。  相似文献   

上海自贸试验区实行加快政府职能转变、扩大投资领域开放、推进贸易发展方式改变、深化金融领域开放创新等一系列任务和要求,提出改革管理模式、创新税收制度、实施相关产业政策和建立风险防御体系等政策和措施。这不仅可为其他地区经济改革提供了范例,更有利于中国经济从当前粗放型发展模式向集约型转变。但在转变的过程中,中国经济将面临如何平稳过渡的挑战。  相似文献   

中阿合作既面临机遇也不乏挑战.总体来看,机遇大于挑战,目前中阿合作已进入历史发展的最好时期.本文还就推动中阿关系持续和深入发展提出了若干建议.  相似文献   

在大数据时代,大数据应用的战略价值以为世人所认可。体现在教育领域,高校教学将面临前所未有的机遇和挑战,一方面,通过大数据的应用,可以使高校的教学决策更加科学、教学设计更加合理、教学方式更加个性化、教学效果评估更加客观;但另一方面,高校也面临着数据收集、大数据人才培养以及专门机构设置等一系列挑战。  相似文献   

身为华夏儿女和炎黄子孙,我们祖祖辈辈生活960万平方公里的中国大地上,对国家建设和民族富强具有推卸不掉的责任。特别是经历了近代百年战争的洗礼后,我们深知振兴中华和实现中国梦的重要性。笔者从社会关注的中国梦基本内容和特征出发,论述了中国梦实现过程中可能遇到的困难与机遇,以及面对这些挑战和机遇所采取的应对措施,意在培养国人的爱国情怀。  相似文献   

高校毕业生人数逐年增长,大学生就业趋势不容乐观,大学生自主创业作为缓解就业压力的有效途径,逐渐受到社会各界的广泛关注与支持。大学生创业既具有优势与机遇,同时又不乏挑战和困难。  相似文献   

中阿合作既面临机遇也不乏挑战.总体来看,机遇大于挑战,目前中阿合作已进入历史发展的最好时期.本文还就推动中阿关系持续和深入发展提出了若干建议.  相似文献   

The cybersphere constitutes a global disagreement space where the contested, ongoing ties that link states and the internet come into being. In this paper, a critique of sovereignty and political economy is offered to evaluate contemporary controversies concerning authority, independence, regulation, and access to communications as matters of relationality, materiality, and disagreement. We review China’s promotion of cyber sovereignty as a complicating episode that reflects the development stresses of the sphere. China wishes to establish guardrails for the practices of multipolar global digital capitalism; yet, it has ushered in a variety of internet-related global issues, including in security, privacy, material well-being, developmental justice, and planetary futures. These complex aims invite and expand the dialectical spaces animating the cybersphere.  相似文献   

Suburban wildlife: Lessons,challenges, and opportunities   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The United States, as well as most developed and many developing nations worldwide, is becoming increasingly urban and suburban.Although urban, suburban, and commercial development account for less than one percent to just over 20% of land use among states, 50–90% of the residents of those states can be classified as urban or suburban dwellers. The population of the U.S. as a whole has risen from being > 95% rural in the 1790s to about 80% urban-suburban today. With these changes in land use and demographic patterns come changes in values and attitudes; many urbanites and suburbanites view wildlife and nature differently than rural residents. These are among the challenges faced by wildlife biologists and natural resource managers in a rapidly urbanizing world. In 2003, we convened a symposium to discuss issues related to suburban wildlife. The papers presented in this special issue of Urban Ecosystems address the lessons learned from the early and recently rapidly expanding literature, the challenges we face today, and the opportunities that can help deal with what is one of the biggest challenges to conservation in a modernizing world.  相似文献   

The paper uses the experience of working in Bolivia in the ?eld of child protection to discuss the usage of international contributions and cooperation in the implementation of child protection measures. The challenges and opportunities involved in the implementation of child protection policy and practice in Bolivia are discussed in the context of the realities faced in many countries of South America. The paper describes how a systemic approach was used to provoke change, to maximize the effectiveness of what resources and capabilities already existed and to promote continuing improvement in multidisciplinary cooperation. Where resources are not available for an integrated multisectorial approach dedicated to child abuse and neglect (CAN), leadership and capacity‐building in this way may be used to enable practitioners to transform the challenges of implementation into opportunities for learning and better practice. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of how strategic‐level partnerships, such as Local Safeguarding Children Boards, know about and learn from practice. The death of Baby Peter in Haringey exposed the dangers of reliance on numerical performance data alone to inform leaders about the true state of practice. The drivers for, and impact of, regulatory, media and political pressures on front‐line practice and partnership behaviour are discussed with reference to the rise of organisational risk management and ‘rule‐based’ responses (Munro, 2009 ). These are exacerbated by an overload of negative data about child protection systems which results in contagious ‘attention cascades’ which lead to over‐simplification of complex issues and the rush to quick‐fix solutions. This results in compliance‐based responses designed to avoid ‘blame’, based on individualistic analyses of complex situations. Under these conditions, ‘learning’, such as from serious case reviews, can become regressive (how to avoid future culpability) rather than progressive (how to improve knowledge skills and practice). It is argued that understanding and improving practice require strategic partnerships to have engaged with front‐line staff in order to access practice narratives as well as performance numbers, and to achieve an accurate and systemic analysis of the state of practice and how it can be improved. This calls for collective forms of knowing and reflecting and the paper concludes by describing examples. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王晓玲 《城市》2009,(5):20-24
2007年.大连市实现地区生产总值3131亿元,按可比价格计算比上年增长17.5%.增幅达到1994年以来的最高值。人均生产总值(按常住平均人口计算)达到5.16万元,按年末汇率折算为7067美元。全市GDP超过3000亿元.人均GDP超过7000美元,大连在东北老工业基地振兴中的先导作用日益显现,产业结构不断优化和高级化,东北亚重要国际航运中心建设框架基本形成,大连市的经济社会发展步入一个崭新的历史时期。与此同时,大连城市经济发展所依托的区域经济环境发生了重大变化.东北老工业基地振兴步入了关键时期,辽宁沿海开发又使大连成为“五点一线”沿海经济带的先导,所有这一切都使大连城市发展面临新的机遇和挑战,这是大连在今后的城市发展战略中必须要认真分析的问题。  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines approaches the world’s top public relations agencies used to respond to the risks posed by a new U.S. administration during President Trump’s first 100 days in office. Because the goal of this research was to analyze the public thought leadership of public relations agencies as displayed on their websites (not agency-client relationships), both quantitative and qualitative content analyses were carried out to examine their website content. The purpose was to identify whether agencies’ ethical counsel and leadership were demonstrated; and, if they were, through which approaches and themes.Public relations agencies discussed the Trump victory in a few ways. The most popular theme was the Columnist/Blogger/Critic approach, or a personalized reflection of agency staffers on the Trump victory. The second most popular--yet less frequent--approach was as PR Counsel, aimed at providing professional advice to prepare brands for Trump’s attacks and/or take advantages of new opportunities in the Trump era. The third most popular – the Expert approach – was an in-depth analysis of an issue (for example, health care) and a Trump presidency’s implications. This study addresses implications for risk management in the political sphere of public relations. The response of the public relations industry, as evidenced on agency websites, was less than strategic: We do not practice what we preach (or sell). Recommendations are offered for an improved response to future challenges based on issues management and ethical leadership.  相似文献   

Changes in technology, society and individual behaviours are having impressive effects on data production and use. Social networks, sensors and data infrastructure are generating a massive amount of new data (big data, big corpora, linked data, open data, etc.) that are readily available for the analysis of societies. Official statistics too is starting to pay attention to these unofficial data sources, to the aim of using them within the production processes. Despite the potentials of new data for statistical production, so far we can depict two main effects on official statistics, and especially on population censuses. First of all, there is the digitalization of data construction through both new instruments (e.g. web questionnaires) and new means of collection (e.g. tablets). Furthermore, the integration and the scaling-up of data archives is ongoing. This transition from the traditional ‘door-to-door’ census to new census methods, which make an higher use of technology, is not only a technical result, but it reflects the extent to which digital data are changing the routines of production of statistics and their use to gain social knowledge.  相似文献   

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