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在当今经济全球化背景下,供应链日益成为产业组织的一种主流生产模式.广州作为我国五大国家中心城市之一、 亚太地区重要的区域性全球城市之一以及珠三角城市群的核心城市,从全球供应链整合视角探讨建设枢纽型网络城市,加快融入全球供应链体系,强化广州在全球供应链体系中高端环节把控和枢纽地位,对更好地引领粤港澳大湾区加快融入全球供应链体系,更好地服务国家供应链安全战略具有重要意义.笔者基于全球供应链体系视角,阐述全球供应链体系内涵特征,预判全球供应链体系未来发展趋势,分析广州在全球供应链中的价值和功能,提出广州打造全球供应链体系枢纽节点的对策建议. 相似文献
上海社会科学院课题组 《科学发展》2016,(2):12-19
上海建设创新型全球城市,其具体功能特征体现为以全球金融中心、全球信息中心为核心,以全球航运中心和全球贸易中心为先导支撑的全球流量枢纽;以创新汇聚、筛选和释放功能为核心的自主创新与开放创新兼备的全球创新策源地;与长三角地区协同构筑世界级城市群和全球城市区域,担当起对内衔接中国东部沿海地带和长江经济带、对外衔接“一带一路”的核心流量枢纽和控制节点的辐射引领功能. 相似文献
人才合作是京津冀一体化进程中的一项重要内容,文章立足于当前京津冀人才一体化的现实趋势,提出了在京津冀人才合作的进程中张家口市人才发展的对策。 相似文献
上海应积极借鉴全球城市提升吸引力的先进经验和做法,立足实际,以三引、三提、三增为抓手,以满足人才优质美好生活需要、健康安全保障需要、良好文化氛围需要、深层包容发展需要为核心,增强对全球创新人才的磁力与黏性,吸引创新人才、留住创新人才,形成人与城市和谐共进的合力,助力上海早日建成卓越全球城市. 相似文献
上海应积极借鉴全球城市提升吸引力的先进经验和做法,立足实际,以"三引、三提、三增"为抓手,以满足人才"优质美好生活需要、健康安全保障需要、良好文化氛围需要、深层包容发展需要"为核心,增强对全球创新人才的磁力与黏性,吸引创新人才、留住创新人才,形成"人与城市和谐共进"的合力,助力上海早日建成卓越全球城市. 相似文献
上海应积极借鉴全球城市提升吸引力的先进经验和做法,立足实际,以"三引、三提、三增"为抓手,以满足人才"优质美好生活需要、健康安全保障需要、良好文化氛围需要、深层包容发展需要"为核心,增强对全球创新人才的磁力与黏性,吸引创新人才、留住创新人才,形成"人与城市和谐共进"的合力,助力上海早日建成卓越全球城市. 相似文献
上海应积极借鉴全球城市提升吸引力的先进经验和做法,立足实际,以"三引、三提、三增"为抓手,以满足人才"优质美好生活需要、健康安全保障需要、良好文化氛围需要、深层包容发展需要"为核心,增强对全球创新人才的磁力与黏性,吸引创新人才、留住创新人才,形成"人与城市和谐共进"的合力,助力上海早日建成卓越全球城市. 相似文献
Populations around the world are rapidly ageing, with some of the fastest change occurring in less-developed countries. One of the key determinants of the capabilities of older people, and whether they can achieve the things that are meaningful to them, is the environment in which they live. There is growing interest globally on how to foster “age-friendly” environments, and the World Health Organization's Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities now includes over 250 member cities with responsibility for around 100 million people. This paper outlines the background to the Network and describes some innovative strategies being adopted by members in different parts of the world. 相似文献
纽约、伦敦和东京在非核心功能疏解过程中不断整合城市发展空间,提升城市整体竞争力,积累了丰富的经验.从国际经验看,三级圈层结构应当成为上海城市功能疏解的基本模式.因此,应当基于上海各区及周边地区的基本条件,确定上海非核心功能疏解的方向,匹配上海疏解的非核心功能. 相似文献
低碳城市的战略选择与模式探索 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
自2006年起,我国对低碳城市建设进行了有益的理论研究和实践探索。本文在总结分析我国低碳试点城市建设取得的成果、充分借鉴国外低碳城市建设先进经验的基础上,提出了我国低碳城市的建设模式——“六位一体”的低碳城市发展道路,试图为我国的低碳城市建设提供借鉴和参考。 相似文献
Jessieca Jones 《Asian Ethnicity》2010,11(3):343-369
This paper is based on a case study of a small group of Hakkas who have left the village-town of Beruas in the state of Perak on the west coast of the Malaysian Peninsula to make their homes overseas – mostly in cultures which are very different from the Hakka environment in which they grew up. It looks at: the reasons why they left their hometown; how they identify themselves in their new place of residence; who they married; their offspring in relation to the their mother tongue (Hakka) and traditions; how they see the future of ‘Hakka culture’ and the social and cultural costs of living overseas and marrying outside the dialect. 相似文献
Patrick Bond 《Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations》2006,17(4):357-369
This paper considers three different conceptualizations – three politico-ideological perspectives within civil society – on global-scale economics and geopolitics. The standpoints can be termed “Global justice movements,” “Third World nationalism,” and the “Post-Washington Consensus.” These three perspectives stand in contrast to the fusion of neoliberal economics and neoconservative politics that dominates the contemporary world. The three approaches sometimes converge, but more often than not they are in conflict; as are the civil society institutions that cohere to the three different political ideologies. From the three different analyses flow different strategies, concrete campaigning tactics, and varying choices of allies. The World Social Forum provides hints of a potentially unifying approach within the global justice movements based upon the practical themes of “decommodification” and “deglobalization” (of capital). It is, however, only by facing up to the ideological divergences that the global justice movement can enhance its presence.
Patrick Bond (Director)Email: |
Helmut K. Anheier 《Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations》2007,18(1):1-15
This paper argues that the current academic debate about global civil society has reached a point where some assessment or reflection could be useful for informing the course of future research in the field. Behind this call for an assessment is the very nature of the debate and emerging gaps and weaknesses that together produce a potential slow-down in generating new knowledge and understanding of global civil society. There are several shortcomings to the current research approach: the failure to take account of other civil society traditions; the failure to address the relationship between global civil society, conflict, and violence; and, most critically, the neglect of the notion of civility, both conceptually and empirically. The balance of the paper then explores the implications of this new assessment of global civil society research. 相似文献
T. Olaf Corry 《Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations》2006,17(4):302-323
According to enthusiasts the concept of global civil society is spreading rapidly and becoming pivotal to the reconfiguring of the statist paradigm. However, critics have recently grown more numerous and outspoken in opposition to the term claiming that it is actually perpetuating statism by grafting the idea of civil society onto the global by way of an unhelpful domestic analogy. This paper examines the role the concept is playing in perpetuating/reconfiguring statism. First it summarizes current criticism by identifying three basic accusations: the ambiguity of the term, the “domestic fallacy,” and the undemocratic effects of using it. Second, these criticisms are considered in turn and it is concluded that all three points relate, ultimately, back to the failure of the critics themselves and some global civil society theorists to move beyond a state-centered framework of interpretation. In the final section it is shown how global civil society discourse is beginning to move not only the concept of “civil society” away from its state-centred historical meanings, but also how it is contributing to changing the content of the concept of “the global.”
T. Olaf CorryEmail: |
中国城镇化的风险主来自两个方面:一是人为因素,即中国特定的制度和政策背景产生的城市化问题;二是市场因素,是由市场追求效率导致的市场失灵。中国新型城镇化风险及其所带来的区域格局新变化,对上海全球城市崛起将产生重要影响。上海全球城市的推进应建立在健康的城镇化模式基础上,走符合国情、符合上海发展特色的现代化建设道路。 相似文献