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未来30年上海城市发展愿景目标,定位于全球“人才汇集、资源集散、信息交互、文化交流”的枢纽型城市,通过极强的联通性和枢纽型功能,体现全球范围内的资源集聚力、创新辐射力、战略领导力和发展影响力.实现“四个力”的关键是上海要在全球具有极大的人文魅力和极强的创新活力.  相似文献   

枢纽功能是节点城市的基本功能,取决于城市所在区位、城市之间连接的物质设备、技术基础等条件.在建设全球城市进程中,上海应确立交通、科创、产业、区域四大枢纽功能.枢纽功能在城市之间流动空间的发挥,需有功能性战略通道的支撑.上海战略通道重点是“一带一路”的区域战略通道和高端服务业总部集聚的价值战略通道.全球城市的功能体现在资源配置上,而功能的实现需要功能性组织机构和功能性平台,上海需要加强建设不同类型的城市平台经济.  相似文献   

未来30年全球发展大势和中国崛起前景,将为上海深度融入全球城市网络打开更广阔的空间,为上海形成具有全球影响力的城市功能提供更强大的动力.上海作为卓越的全球城市,将突出表现在3个方面:具有全球竞争力和影响力的世界级综合性全球城市,在全球城市网络体系中发挥枢纽功能的核心节点城市,彰显中华文化特质和引领现代文明的全球城市.  相似文献   

张小英 《城市》2018,(1):25-34
在当今经济全球化背景下,供应链日益成为产业组织的一种主流生产模式.广州作为我国五大国家中心城市之一、 亚太地区重要的区域性全球城市之一以及珠三角城市群的核心城市,从全球供应链整合视角探讨建设枢纽型网络城市,加快融入全球供应链体系,强化广州在全球供应链体系中高端环节把控和枢纽地位,对更好地引领粤港澳大湾区加快融入全球供应链体系,更好地服务国家供应链安全战略具有重要意义.笔者基于全球供应链体系视角,阐述全球供应链体系内涵特征,预判全球供应链体系未来发展趋势,分析广州在全球供应链中的价值和功能,提出广州打造全球供应链体系枢纽节点的对策建议.  相似文献   

城市空港经济一般是指城市依托大型机场特别是大型枢纽机场的综合优势,发展具有航空指向性的产业集群,即以航空港为推动力而形成或带动的产业经济体系,促使资本、技术、人力等生产要素在机场周边集聚的一种新型经济形态、一种具有现代服务性特征与新经济时代特征相结合的新型城市经济。国际大型航空枢纽作为全球高能级生产要素的最佳融合点,并由此衍生的高端产业,已成为引领世界经济发展的新趋势和新潮流。  相似文献   

人才是促进城市社会经济转型发展的重要因素。在文献分析的基础上,以杭州市为实证,应用核密度分析法对2000年、2010年、2016年杭州市的人才规模和空间格局进行计算分析。结果显示:杭州市的人才规模具有"先快后慢"的增长趋缓特征;人才分布格局具有从"单中心结构"向"多中心结构"演化的趋势;城市中心区是各年龄阶段人才的高度集聚区域,同时城市外围空间已成为人才规模增长与空间集聚的主要区域。进一步判断:城市地理空间对人才集聚格局具有重要的影响作用;城市重要的研究型大学、创新型企业和政策措施等对人才集聚起到明显的促进作用并使城市外围的人才分布表现出显著的空间分异特征。在此基础上,对促进城市人才规模增长、优化人才分布格局以及创新发展提出相应的空间对策建议。  相似文献   

人才流动在我国企业的发展中被认为是一道难题,并将其与企业的发展作为一项对立的零和博弈。的确,人才僵化或者人才流失,是现代企业发展的制约因素,但是人才合理有序流动是国际经济一体化和社会化大生产的豁然要求,也是人才自我发展的有效途径。在新的历史时期,深入研究人才流动的原因及对策,对于企业健康发展,人才的价值实现,达到帕累托效率最优,具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

周阳 《城市观察》2012,(1):132-142
综合考虑中心城市、国家城市等级体系和世界/全球城市网络等方面,论述了国家中心城市的一般定义、本质特征和核心功能。国家中心城市具有和重点城镇群互为依托,全球城市网络的重要功能节点,等级和格局随经济重心的转移而变化,共性和特色并存等特征,以及控制管理、协调辐射、城市服务和信息枢纽等功能。据此采用层次分析法对12个城市进行评价,以广州为参照得出了它们的国家中心城市指数得分。  相似文献   

汪怿 《科学发展》2014,(3):72-77
建设中国(上海)自由贸易试验区,对人才开发而言,带来的是市场化、国际化、要素集聚的机遇;同时也提出了更新、更高的要求,包括将人才储备作为自贸试验区建设目标实现的前提,将优化人才队伍和环境作为自贸试验区可持续发展的关键动力,将具有国际竞争优势的人才制度作为自贸试验区赢得国际竞争的的重要基础。因此,建设自贸试验区,必须把人才开发问题放在重要地位,要将自贸试验区建成集聚各类人才的枢纽,建成具有国际竞争优势的人才制度的试验基地;要强化人才开发的重要策略,包括集聚和造就一流人才,建设适宜居住、充满活力、和谐幸福的人才环境等。  相似文献   

何雪松 《科学发展》2016,(12):112-118
为了形成一个具有弹性的、可持续发展的全球城市社会架构,迈向2050年的上海需要在社会治理、社会政策与文化融合等方面作出前瞻性的战略思考.而"活力、仁爱、包容、和谐"将成为迈向2050年的上海的全球城市愿景.上海作为一个全球城市,其社会治理架构的核心要素应是开放、流动、多元、参与,这是文化融合与社会和谐的出发点.  相似文献   

余文凯 《科学发展》2016,(11):102-112
上海应以推进智慧城市建设、提升城市能级、建设世界级全球城市为目标导向,打造 “智能发达、创新活跃、生态宜居、和谐包容”的智慧城市:实施“网络空间强国战略”,持续提升形成全球网络与信息枢纽;深化“四个中心”建设,提升上海全球资源战略配置能力;布局“大数据、人工智能”产业,提升上海科技创新全球影响力与领导力;加速“互联网+”的融合与重构,激发上海产业与市场活力;加强智慧城市建设,提升城市规划、治理、服务能级;凝练城市文化,抢占“中国文化”输出战略高地;推动区域联动发展,打造世界级城市群全球门户.  相似文献   

For a long time, geographic regions were considered the dominant spatial arbiter of international migration of people. However, since the late 1970s, many scholars have argued that movements reach beyond contiguous regions to connect distant, dispersed, and previously disconnected countries across the globe. The precise structure of world migration, however, remains an open question. We apply network analysis that incorporates spatial information to international migration-stock data to examine what multilateral structures of world migration have emerged from the interplay of regional concentration (local cohesion) and global interconnectedness (global cohesion) for the period 1960–2000. In the world migration network (WMN), nodes represent countries located in geographic space, and edges represent migrants from an origin country who live in a destination country during each decade. We characterize the large-scale structure and evolution of the WMN by algorithmically detecting international migration communities (i.e., sets of countries that are densely connected via migration) using a generalized modularity function for spatial, temporal, and directed networks. Our findings for the whole network suggest that movements in the WMN deviate significantly from the regional boundaries of the world and that international migration communities have become globally interconnected over time. However, we observe a strong variability in the distribution of strengths, neighborhood overlaps, and lengths of migration edges in the WMN. This manifests as three types of communities: global, local, and glocal. We find that long-distance movements in global communities bridge multiple non-contiguous countries, whereas local (and, to a lesser extent, glocal) communities remain trapped in contiguous geographic regions (or neighboring regions) for almost the whole period, contributing to a spatially fragmented WMN. Our findings demonstrate that world migration is neither regionally concentrated nor globally interconnected, but instead exhibits a heterogeneous connectivity pattern that channels unequal migration opportunities across the world.  相似文献   

At the global level, international migration can be considered as a network of migration exchanges between different countries. Employing an exploratory network analysis of the international migration structure, the present paper examines the structural characteristics of this network and the status of the countries. The analysis is done using the socio-spatial approach. Results show that as the severity of network ties grow, the number of ties reduce significantly and ties are asymmetric. Most of the migrations in the international migration structure have also taken place outside the near and neighboring countries. The network analysis showed two migration patterns of "International Migratory Highways" and "Migratory Clusters". In the first migration pattern, migrations are largely asymmetric and towards the major centers of immigration, while in the second one, migrations are mostly symmetric and within specific geographical areas.  相似文献   

World Cities are acknowledged to be a key aspect of globalization. In many accounts, these cities are depicted as rivals in a global marketplace, their economic success a result of their competitive advantage. However, what has not been fully acknowledged is their connectivity and, in addition, the time and effort taken by specific ‘attendants’ to produce the World City network. Accordingly, this article aims to advance understanding of World City network formation by developing a conceptual model that focuses on four major attendants (firms, sectors, cities and states) that enact network formation through two nexuses —‘city‐firm’ and ‘statesector’— and two communities —‘cities within states’ and ‘firms within sectors’. The utility of this model is demonstrated by drawing upon interviews conducted in offices of 39 advanced producer service firms in banking and law. These interviews were undertaken in three World Cities (London, New York and Singapore) in the wake of the East Asian financial crisis, an event that challenged the consistency of the World City network. Showing how attendants sought to maintain and transform the World City network at this key moment of crisis, we conclude that studies of city competitiveness ultimately need to focus on the cooperative work that sustains global networks.  相似文献   

This article brings the role of talent migration to the discussion of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) mainly focusing on academic talents. We explore the foundation for BRI's talent development as a long-term and gradual process building on policies dating back to China's opening in 1978. China's opening saw an increased number of individuals who could improve their skills, knowledge, and network from China globally or inside China from elsewhere on the globe. These global experiences have resulted in the Chinese government, companies, and institutions' necessity to compete for talent or human resources on a global “market”. We interpret the call for establishing people-to-people connections within the BRI as an intensification of China's existing talent strategy. However, at a micro-level, we continue to find that international talents and returned migrants perceive themselves as outsiders which hinders China's talent attraction policies and results in a circular movement of academic talents to and from China  相似文献   

董鹏  卓元 《科学发展》2013,(8):50-59
当前,全球金融危机深层次影响正逐步显现,全球经济和金融体系的风险还在积聚,经济复苏的基础仍很脆弱,危机远远没有结束。在全球金融危机持续发酵的过程中,按照G20峰会确定的改革方向,金融稳定理事会、巴塞尔委员会等国际组织正共同努力推动金融监管改革,但金融体系长期积累的问题短期内难以消化,还需要全球政策制定者和监管当局加强政策协调,凝聚共识,在刺激经济增长和实施长期结构化改革之间寻求平衡。针对金融领域存在的风险隐患,中国为坚守不发生系统性和区域性金融风险的底线,必须完善相关配套政策,全面构建中国银行业的审慎监管体系。  相似文献   

While the international human rights norm literature has revolved mainly around the diffusion and implementation of human rights at the national and global level, less is known how international human rights norms are adopted on the local level. To fill this gap, this article will focus on the Cities for Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) campaign which encourages cities in the United States to adopt ordinances incorporating principles set forth by UN CEDAW. This article will analyze how the Cities for CEDAW campaign frames international gender norms to make them relevant in local contexts. Drawing on original interviews with Cities for CEDAW activists, this article will further our understanding how local human rights activists can utilize international human rights treaties to integrate human rights norms on the local level.  相似文献   

国际创新中心是指科技创新资源密集、科技创新实力雄厚、创新文化发达、创新氛围浓郁、科技辐射带动能力较强,具有良好科技发展潜力和人文自然环境、较强国际竞争力和影响力的城市或区域,是全球新知识、新技术和新产品的创新源地和产生中心之一。上海科技创新实力雄厚,稳居全国各地区前列,具备建设国际创新中心的先天优势。上海要实现创新驱动转型发展,必须在城市总体发展格局中进一步凸显科技创新功能,全面实施科教兴市战略、人才强市战略和文化强市战略,全力以赴抓好张江国家自主创新示范区建设,使科技创新功能成为城市功能的核心和关键,着力增强城市科技创新实力和国际综合竞争力,到2020年基本建设成为具有雄厚竞争力、强大辐射力和广泛影响力的国际创新中心城市,成为全球创新资源配置中枢、国际创新知识生产源地、世界创新经济战略高地和国际科技创新竞合平台。  相似文献   

Port and maritime studies dealing with containerization have observed traffic concentration and dispersion throughout the world. Globalization, intermodal transportation, and technological revolutions in the shipping industry have resulted in both network extension and rationalization. However, lack of precise data on inter‐port relations prevent the application of wider network theories to global maritime container networks, which are often examined through case studies of specific firms or regions. In this article, we present an analysis of the global liner shipping network in 1996 and 2006, a period of rapid change in port hierarchies and liner service configurations. While we refer to literature on port system development, shipping networks, and port selection, the article is one of the only analyses of the properties of the global container shipping network. We analyse the relative position of ports in the global network through indicators of centrality. The results reveal a certain level of robustness in the global shipping network. While transhipment hub flows and gateway flows might slightly shift among nodes in the network, the network properties remain rather stable in terms of the main nodes polarizing the network and the overall structure of the system. In addition, mapping the changing centrality of ports confirms the impacts of global trade and logistics shifts on the port hierarchy and indicates that changes are predominantly geographic.  相似文献   

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