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Cet article analyse un cas ou la position théorique de Parsons concernant «l'in-flation de confiance» dans les autorités politiques est opérant dans un groupe à l'occasion d'une crise nationale. Un analyse de contenu de 1047 lettres à lèditeur démontre que leurs auteurs arriverent aux mêmes conclusions mais à partir de significations subjecteurs les plus diverses et une grande variété de prises de positions idéalogiques. Dès lors, le consensus dans les systèmes de valeur devenait aleatoire: on chercha à le susciter par le biais de deux stratégies de leadership. D'une part on cherche à revaloriser l'attachement aux valeurs les plus fondamentales; d'autre part on veut créer la crainte par un dénigrement de l'ennemi. Une analyse plus poussée évonce les conséquences possibles pour le système de la répugnance chez les membres a mener une analyse critique des politiques de leurs dirigeants. This paper explores a case where Parsons' inflation of trust in political authorities was operating among system members during a national crisis. A content analysis of 1047 letters to the editor shows that writers reached the same conclusion but through widely different subjective meanings and ideological positions. Hence, value consensus was seen as problematic, and its source was sought in an exploration of two leadership strategies: inculcation of attachment to core values, and mobilization of fear through vilification of the enemy. Further analysis suggests the consequences for the system of a reluctance among members to scrutinize the policies of political leaders.  相似文献   

Utilisant les données d'une étude ménee à travers le Canada en 1976, les deux sous-échantillons cités dans le titre sont comparés en termes de leur conscience des protestations de la part des Amérindiens, et du degré d'approbation envers leurs tactiques spécifiques de protestation. Des niveaux très bas de conscience caractérisent les deux sous-échantillons, et en particulier, celui des francophones. Alors que ni l'un ni l'autre des sous-échantillons ne démontre une attitude réactionnaire envers les protestations amérindiennes, les anglo-phones ressortent avec beaucoup moins d'approbation que les francophones envers l'affirmation protestataire des Amérindiens. Un schéma classificatoire est développé afin de raffiner les concept de réaction (‘back-lash’). Using data from a 1976 nation-wide survey, the two subsamples cited in the title are compared in terms of awareness of native Indian protest and degree of (dis)approval of specific protest tactics used by Indians. Low levels of awareness characterize both subsamples, particularly that of the francophones. While neither subsample exhibits an atti-tudinal backlash to Indian protest, anglophones are significantly less approving of Indian protest assertiveness than are francophones. A classificatory schema is developed to refine the concept of backlash.  相似文献   

La conception de la maladie et de l'organisation des soins de santé est influencéd par les téeories culturelles et sociales. Le traitement de la tuberculose chez les Indiens et les Inuit canadiens en fournit un bon exemple. La quantité et la qualité des soins de santé dispensés par le gouvernement fédéral aux autochtones souffrant de tuberculose ont beaucoup varié d'une époque à l'autre. l'explication de ce phénomène peut être très différente, selon le point de vue de l'observateur. Il faudra intensifier la recherche si nous voulons comprendre l'effet global du traitement de la tuberculose sur les sociétés autochtones et sur les relations entre autochtones et allochtones au Canada.
Concepts of disease and the organization of health care are influenced by cultural and social theories. An example of this process is the treatment of tuberculosis among Indian and Inuit groups in Canada. The quantity and quality of health care extended by the federal government to tubercular native Canadians has varied over time. The explanations for this phenomenon can differ according to the observer's perspective. More research is needed if we are to understand the overall effect of tuberculosis treatment on native society and on native/non-native relations in Canada.  相似文献   

La conception de la maladie et de l'organisation des soins de santé est influencée par les théories culturelles et sociales. Le traitement de la tuberculose chez les Indiens et les Inuit canadiens en fournit un bon exemple. La quantité et la qualité des soins de santé dispensés par le gouvernement fédéral aux autochtones souffrant de tuberculose ont beaucoup varié d'une époque à l'autre. L'explication de ce phénomène peut être très différente, selon le point de vue de l'observateur. Il faudra intensifier la recherche si nous voulons comprendre l'effet global du traitement de la tuberculose sur les sociétés autochtones et sur les relations entre autochtones et allochtones au Canada.
Concepts of disease and the organization of health care are influenced by cultural and social theories. An example of this process is the treatment of tuberculosis among Indian and Inuit groups in Canada. The quantity and quality of health care extended by the federal government to tubercular native Canadians has varied over time. The explanations for this phenomenon can differ according to the observer's perspective. More research is needed if we are to understand the overall effect of tuberculosis treatment on native society and on native/non-native relations in Canada.  相似文献   

With the decline of public trust in corporate America, organizations must consider ways to improve their relationships with key publics. One of the best strategies to build trust is through engaging in transparent communication (Rawlins, 2009). The increase in the popularity of social media has brought both challenges and opportunities for organizational transparency. This study used multiple methods to explore whether public relations professionals believe they are using social media to communicate transparently, to investigate how social media can be used to improve transparency along with its benefits and challenges, and to identify how transparency is used in social media campaigns.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze what kinds of frames have been used in British Petroleum's (BP's) press releases, which dealt with the Gulf oil spill crisis that occurred in April 2010. A content analysis was conducted to explore the different frames used by BP in its press releases to deal with the crisis. The main and sub themes are also analyzed through a content analysis of press releases. This study attempts to examine BP's crisis communication strategy through press release usage by closely analyzing the frames and themes that were used. This study found that BP attempted to update the public on what the company was doing to resolve the oil spill crisis, and that they made every effort to manage the crisis by using the company's official update frame. In addition, by using the social responsibility frame, BP aimed to show the public that they had intentions of taking responsibility for the oil spill. Finally, BP used a minimal number of defensive frames as a way of showing the public that they did not want to flee from the responsibility of the oil spill crisis.  相似文献   

Depuis sa parution en 1965, La mosaïque verticale de John Porter est considéré, presque à l'unanimité, comme la première étude vraiment complète de la structure des classes dans la société canadienne. Les auteurs de cette communication contestent cette idée et soutiennent que cette distinction revient de droit — à quelques nuances près — au livre peu connu de Leonard Marsh paru en 1940 sous le titre Canadians In and Out of Work: A Survey of Economic Classes and their Relation to the Labour Market. Les auteurs présentent également une brève explication de type «sociologie de la connaissance» de l'accueil différent qu'on a réservé aux deux études. John Porter's The Vertical Mosaic, published in 1965, is generally regarded as the first comprehensive study of Canada's national class structure. This paper makes the (qualified) argument that it is Leonard Marsh's little-known volume, Canadians In and Out of Work: A Survey of Economic Classes and their Relation to the Labour Market, published in 1940, that deserves this mark of distinction. The paper also provides a brief ‘sociology of sociology’ type of explanation for the difference in the receptions accorded the two volumes.  相似文献   

Dans cet article, nous examinons la célèbre thèse de S.M. Lipset, qui affirme que la révolution américaine a créé des differénces durables entre les valeurs canadiennes et américaines. Nous reconsidérons tout d'abord l'affirmation centrale de la thèse selon laquelle l'exode des loyalistes vers le Canada a ancré de façon permanente des systémes de valeurs distincts dans les deux sociétés. Notre analyse suggère que, au sein de la population générate, les loyalistes n'ont joué qu'un rôle négligeable dans la promotion de différences fondamentales. Nous comparons ensuite les deux sociétés sur le plan historique en utilisant plusieurs indicateurs ‐ classes sociales et structure économique, compositions ethnique et religieuse, modèles d'immigration et d'urbanisation, culture et organisation politiqUes ‐ afin de cerner des divergences importantes dans l'expérience et le milieu dans lequel vivaient les deux peuples, divergences qui auraient pu favoriser ces différences. Nous concluons que les deux populations se ressemblaient étonnamment, ce qui sous‐entend qu'elles partageaient probablement le même quotidien, les mêmes perspectives et valeurs au cours de la période révolutionnaire et pendant plusieurs dizaines d'années par la suite. This paper examines S.M. Lipset's widely known thesis that the American Revolution engendered lasting differences in Canadian and American values. We first reconsider the key claim of the thesis: that the Loyalist exodus to Canada permanently entrenched distinct value systems in the two societies. Our analysis indicates that, within the general population, the Loyalists had a negligible effect in promoting core differences. We then compare the two societies historically on several indicators—class and economic structure, ethnic and religious composition, immigration and urbanization patterns, and political culture and organization—to identify significant divergences in the peoples' backgrounds and experiences that may have promoted major differences. We find that the two populations were strikingly alike, suggesting that their everyday lives, outlooks, and values were probably quite similar during the Revolutionary era and for several decades afterward.  相似文献   

This essay reviews the coverage of the Occupy Central movement in the UK national daily press from the first notice of the growing movement in July 2013 to the time of writing in January 2015. This is a relatively small subset of the total mentions of Hong Kong in the UK press, which cover a wide range of cultural, leisure, sport, and business stories. Hong Kong is very far from invisible to the UK press in “normal” times but, given that the UK is the former colonial power in Hong Kong, and that the terms under which the territory was returned to China were formalized in an inter-state agreement between the UK and China (the Joint Declaration, ratified in 1985), it is reasonable to assume that developments in the constitutional situation would attract very considerable attention on the part of the UK government. Studies of foreign news suggest that nationally specific factors tend to influence news salience so we would concomitantly expect that the UK newspaper press would devote substantial amounts of space to reporting and discussing the issues raised by these developments.  相似文献   

Dans cet article, nous examinons l'influence de la religion sur les modèles de colonies de peuplement des Hollandais au Canada après la guerre. D'après les données historiques, des différences existaient dans l'assimilation des catholiques hollandais et des calvinistes hollandais au Canada. Lorsque les immigrants hollandais sont arrivés au Canada au début des années cinquante, les catholiques se sont inté‐grés aux églises et aux écoles catholiques existantes alors que les calvinistes orthodoxes ont entrepris de forger leurs propres structures sociales et culturelles, car, selon eux, les institutions canadiennes ne reflétaient pas leurs croyances idéologiques et religieuses. La religion a joué un rôle important dans l'émergence de communautés hollando‐canadiennes contrastées. Nous partons du modèle de pluralisme et d'intégration volontaires de Driedger (1996: 39) afin d'élaborer le cadre théorique de cet article. In this paper the influence of religion on the postwar settlement patterns of Dutch‐Canadian immigrants is examined. Historical data show that there were differences in the assimilation patterns of Dutch Catholics and Dutch Calvinists within Canada. When Dutch immigrants arrived in Canada in the early 1950s, the Dutch Catholics joined existing Catholic churches and schools, while the orthodox Dutch Calvinists undertook the building of their own social and cultural structures because they could not find Canadian organizations based on their ideological and religious beliefs. Religion played an important role in the emergence of contrasting Dutch‐Canadian communities. Driedger's (1996:39) model of voluntary pluralism and integration provides the theoretical framework for this study.  相似文献   

Cette étude de six groupes ethniques à Winnipeg démontre clairement l'importance de la ségrègation residentielle pour le maintien d'un degré de totalité d'un système institutionnel. La communauté francophone se maintient en suivant le modèle que Joy décrit comme s'appliquant au Québec, à savoir celui d'une zone centrale s'étendant dans la région qui l'encercle et se caracterisant par une mobilite intra-régionale considérable. Par ailleurs, les Scandinaves n'ont jamais réussi àétablir une base institutionnelle assez complète dans une zone écologique à part. Ils se sont alors dispersés comme l'auraient prédit les assimilationistes. Contrairement à la prédiction de Joy, la formation de deux communautés juives ségrégées a suivi la mobilité massive de Juifs vers les régions s'étendant dans les banlieues de West Kildonan et River Heights où ils ont établi un nouveau système d'institutions ethniques, abandonnant presque complétement la zone du North End où se trouvait le centre initial de la communauté juive. The importance of residential segregation for the maintenance of institutional completeness is clearly demonstrated by this study of six ethnic groups in Winnipeg. The French community maintainers follow Joy's Quebec core area pattern in St Boniface with extensions of their ethnic belt adjacent to the core and extensive intra-area mobility. On the other hand, the Scandinavians were never able to establish a very complete ethnic institutional base in a segregated ecological area, so they scattered as assimilationists would predict. Contrary to Joy's prediction, extensive Jewish mobility into their West Kildonan and River Heights suburban extended belt areas resulted in the establishment of two new segregated Jewish communities where they have created new complexes of ethnic institutions, leaving the original North End Jewish core area almost entirely.  相似文献   

Cet article examine l'hypothèse selon laquelle le sentiment, chez les Canadiens-français, que leur vie, tant actuelle que future, est gérée par des forces extérieures, atteint un niveau plus élevé que chez les Canadiens de langue anglaise. Basés sur un échantillonage d'une étude nationale qui remonte à 1977, les résultats obtenus n'appuyent cette hypothèse que dans une dimension sur six. Cette dimension touche au vécu du répondant qui, dûà des circonstances imprévues, s'est vu obligé de modifier ses projets. Quant aux autres dimensions, les francophones sont plus aptes que leurs confrères à planifier leur avenir et plus optimistes quant à la réalisation de leurs projets. Ils sont plus aptes également à qualifier leur vie d“active‘ plutôt que de ‘passive.’ Le sentiment de mener leur vie comme ils l'entendent est au même niveau à peu près dans les deux groupes, et tous les deux se voient dans leur stituation actuelle comme ‘capables’ plutôt que ‘faibles.’ La possibilité que ces résultats reflètent les changements survenus récemment dans l'opinion publique de la société québécoise moderne est discutée brièvement. This paper tests the hypothesis that French Canadians more often perceive their present and future lives as controlled by external forces than do English Canadians. Based on a national sample survey conducted in 1977, results suggest support for the hypothesis on only one of six measures of perceived control. This item concerns the respondent's actual experience of having to change plans due to unforeseen circumstances. On the other items the French are more likely to favour planning for the future and more optimistic that future plans will eventually work out. The French are also somewhat more likely to characterize their lives as ‘active’ rather than ‘passive.’ The two groups are about equally likely to believe that they can run their lives the way they want and to see their present lives as ‘capable’ rather than ‘helpless.’ The possibility that these findings parallel recent changes in the climate of opinion of modern Quebec society is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Cet article pose trois questions: 1) Pourquoi étudier les inégalités entre les autochtones? 2) Quel est l'écart entre les salaires et les revenus de la population canadienne en général et ceux des différents peuples autochtones? et 3) Jusqu'à quel point existe‐t‐il des inégalités entre les peuples autochtones ainsi qu'entre la population autochtone et la population non autochtone? Cet article montre une tendance générale de l'augmentation des disparités mesurées ainsi que de la polarisation des revenus chez tous les groupes autochtones compara‐tivement à la population non autochtone. Pour ce qui est de l'inégalité entre les groupes autochtones, les Inuits se classent au sommet de la pyramide, suivis des Indiens inscrits, des Indiens non inscrits et, finalement, des Métis. This article addresses three questions: 1) Why study intra‐Aboriginal inequality? 2) What is the gap in wages and income between the general Canadian population and the different Aboriginal peoples? and 3) How much inequality exists within the Aboriginal groups and between Aboriginal groups and the non‐Aboriginal population? The article points to a general pattern of increase in measured disparity and polarization in income for all Aboriginal groups in comparison to the non‐Aboriginal population. In terms of intra‐Aboriginal inequality, Aboriginal groups rank from Inuit at the high end, through Status Indians, to non‐status Indians and, finally, to Métis.  相似文献   

Using content analysis, this paper explores the policy-making trends for Internet governance in China. It examines the manner by which policy changes over time, the different policy-making agencies in the country, and the various application scopes and topical focuses of policy. This paper aims to determine the distribution of key policy decisions over different policy-making agencies and which policy issues receive the most attention from China's government in its efforts to regulate the Internet.  相似文献   

The article introduces the preliminary results of an ongoing research project aiming to explore how the promises of NBIC to improve and cure the human mind and body are portrayed and what themes and actors the coverage makes salient in the public discourse. Focusing on the Italian daily press in the period 2002–2006, news stories about the two application areas of converging technologies related to brain enhancement and human–machine interfaces are examined here. Preliminary findings show an overwhelmingly positive coverage and a hegemonic position of natural and life scientists and medical doctors in the media discourse on converging technologies.  相似文献   

An analysis of 120 corporate websites from Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States reveals, for the first time, international results about the implementation and use of virtual press rooms. This article shows the importance that large international companies attribute to Web-based media centers to achieve organizational objectives and to meet journalists’ demands for information and audiovisual resources. The study also shows, however, that most press rooms are far from being complete, efficient, easy-to-use, reliable and updated on a daily basis. In fact, there is not a single country from those analyzed that consistently stands out from the rest. In most of them, good results in certain areas coexist with significant shortcomings in others, resulting in some cases in poor press rooms that may not achieve the desired public relations objectives.  相似文献   

This study assessed the frequency with which the marital and family therapy journal literature focused on problems associated with aging in a family context. Content analysis was used to assess the prevalence of later life family concerns in two leading journals, Family Process and the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, during a 10-year period (1976-1985). Results indicate that neither journal covered later life family issues to any appreciable degree. It is concluded that elders in marital and family relationships constitute a new frontier for the extension and elaboration of family therapy.  相似文献   

This study examined newspaper coverage of the battle between two pharmaceutical companies in the arthritis painkiller market and the impact that the companies’ public relations activities had on the way the story was presented. A framing analysis was used to determine the relationship between the companies’ messages and press content. Frames consistent with the companies’ objectives occurred, but most stories were rated as neutral, with an almost equal number of favorable and unfavorable stories. This suggested that the companies may have influenced the press on what to cover but not necessarily what to say.  相似文献   

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