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Christopher John Kazanjian 《Intercultural Education》2011,22(5):371-380
Border pedagogy is a multicultural educational approach utilized in multicultural settings to help students understand their histories and experiences and how it affects their identities and cultures. The approach seeks to produce intellectuals that transcend physical and metaphysical boundaries. The goal of border pedagogy is to remove cultural and political barriers to attain a greater conceptualization of the human experience. This paper will discuss border pedagogy in the contemporary Mexican/American border region. 相似文献
Nigel Thrift 《Journal for Cultural Research》2013,17(1):29-57
Abstract The worlds of academe and capitalism are moving ever closer together as the cultural value attributed to theory by managers increases. This paper documents this process and, at the same time, provides a critique of it. Accordingly, the paper is in three parts. The first part shows how the discursive make‐up of academe and capitalism have become remarkably similar. The second part of the paper then documents the rise of a ‘soft capitalism’ based upon new discourses of management, which, at the same time, provides powerful technology of justification. The final part of the paper shows that the new discourses of management have a hard edge which impoverishes its practices but may also allow the space for other social models to grow. 相似文献
Eschbach K Hagan J Rodriguez N Hernandez-leon R Bailey S 《The International migration review》1999,33(2):430-454
"Debates about United States border control policies have generally ignored the human costs of undocumented migration. We focus attention on these costs by estimating the number, causes and location of migrant deaths at the southwest border of the United States between 1993 and 1997.... Deaths from hyperthermia, hypothermia and dehydration increased sharply from 1993 to 1997 as intensified border enforcement redirected undocumented migration flows from urban crossing points to more remote crossing areas where the migrants are exposed to a greater risk of death." 相似文献
《Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series》2012,49(4):19224C-19224C
Alvin W. Wolfe 《Social Networks》1979,1(1):53-64
The encyclopedic inventory of the first half of the twentieth century, “Anthropology Today”, published in 1953, gave little inkling that within a few decades developing trends in social theory, in field experience, in electronic data processing, and in mathematics would combine to bring to prominence a distinctive theoretical approach using a quite formal network model for social systems. Now, sophisticated mathematics and computer programming permit sophisticated network models — networks seen as sets of links, networks seen as generated structures, and networks seen as flow processes. Although network thinking has shown a dramatic rise from the “Anthropology Today” of 1953 to the current anthropology of 1978, it is predicted to soar in the next quarter century, much of the weighty burden of network analysis having been lifted from us by ever more rapid electronic data processing. 相似文献
The rise and fall of the fact/value distinction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Oliver James 《Sociologie du Travail》2005,47(3):323
Governments not only regulate business and society but also themselves in the form of regulation of publicly owned and/or funded bodies. Regulation of the public sector involves regulators operating at arms-length from those they regulate using systems of standard setting, monitoring and enforcement. In the past three decades in the UK, regulation has become increasingly important both in terms of absolute resources devoted to the activity and relative to other forms of control (particularly self-control by public sector professionals and control within large integrated bureaucratic structures). These trends have, in part, been fuelled by executive politicians' attempts to control public services and demands from citizens and users for better quality and efficiency. In the past decade, more explicit and extensive review of regulation of the public sector has been undertaken. Whilst not as developed as private sector Regulatory Impact Analyses these reviews have promoted the use of techniques including regulatory enforcement pyramids and risk based regulatory approaches. — Special issue: New patterns of institutions. 相似文献
Theory and Society - 相似文献
随着中国经济快速增长和经济总量的扩大,中国在世界的影响日益加深,近一段时期关于中国经济崛起带来的许多需要探索的命题摆在了中国和世界面前。对于中国来说,一方面需要准确把握未来中国的国家和国际定位,绸缪未来中国的发展;另一方面也需要让世界进一步了解未来中国进一步发展对世界将产生什么样的影响,减少对中国崛起的误解和误判,避免带来更多不必要的摩擦和冲突。这其中包括四个相关命题:怎样看待中国经济的崛起?中国经济的崛起意味着什么?一个21世纪的中国将如何在世界民族之林崛起?中国在应对全球挑战和全球治理中又将如何定位?这一系列问题需要深入探索和做出回答。 相似文献
"In this article a theoretical model is developed that views undocumented border crossing as a well-defined social process influenced by the quantity and quality of human and social capital that migrants bring with them to the border, and constrained by the intensity and nature of U.S. enforcement efforts. Detailed histories of border crossing from undocumented migrants originating in 34 Mexican communities are employed to estimate equations corresponding to this model.... As people gain experience in border crossing, they rely less on the assistance of others and more on abilities honed on earlier trips, thus substituting migration-specific human capital for general social capital.... On all trips, the intensity of the U.S. enforcement effort has little effect on the likelihood of arrest, but INS involvement in drug enforcement sharply lowers the odds of apprehension." 相似文献
Pia Jolliffe 《Journal of youth studies》2017,20(10):1313-1327
This article examines youth transitions within a context of forced migration including rural areas in Eastern Myanmar and temporary shelters for displaced persons at the Thai-Myanmar border, as well as a Jesuit education project in Chiang Mai province. The study is informed by a life course approach that emphasizes the interlinkage between individual biographies and socio-political developments. Drawing on qualitative research methods such as participant observation, participatory research methods, essay writing and informal interviews, research data highlight the pivotal role of formal education even in a context of war and displacement. Making the vertical transition from one school stage to the next gives meaning and structure to the lives of the displaced youth who participated in this study and shapes their horizontal transitions between different geographical and social spaces along the Thai-Myanmar border. In this respect the study suggests that within the continuum of displacement at the Thai-Myanmar border ethnicity and citizenship status, coupled with social relations and individual skills for institutional networking, predominantly shape young Karen womeńs and meńs pursuit for education, as well as their decisions to interrupt their studies for transition to work. 相似文献
Sue Campbell Clark 《Community, Work & Family》2002,5(1):23-48
This article is about how individuals enact their work and home environments to create balance, by communicating with family about work and with work associates about family. Three themes of this type of communication are identified from interviews and a focus group. Questionnaire data from a sample of 179 individuals who work and have family responsibilities are used to examine factors that influence the amount of communication and the effect of communication on work/family balance. Results show that communication with family about work and communication at work about family varies depending on the permeability of the work and home borders. Individuals who engage in these types of communication show greater work satisfaction, higher work functioning, higher satisfaction with home and family activities, and have more functional families. Este artículo se trata de cómo, por mediación de la comunicación con la familia sobre asuntos de trabajo y con colegas sobre asuntos familiares, se puede manejar el ambiente laboral y el ambiente del hogar para crear un equilibrio entre los dos. Se utilizaron entrevistas y un grupo de enfoque para identificar tres temas de este tipo de comunicación. Se emplean datos de una muestra de 179 individuos con responsabilidades laborales y familiares para examinar factores que influyen en la cantidad de comunicación y el efecto de comunicación en el equilibrio laboral/familiar. Los resultados indican que la comunicación con la familia sobre el trabajo, y la comunicación en el trabajo sobre la familia, varían según la permeabilidad de las fronteras entre el trabajo y el hogar. Los individuos que participan en estos tipos de comunicación demuestran niveles mas altos de satisfacción laboral, funcionamiento laboral, satisfacción con actividades familiares/hogareños y tienen familias mas funcionales. 相似文献
Alana Lentin 《Information, Communication & Society》2017,20(10):1539-1553
Mobile apps for antiracism have become valuable pedagogical and activist tools for their real-time and mapping capabilities, their portability and intimate bodily presence, which enables a reaction exactly when an act of racism occurs. In this article, five mobile apps aimed at producing antiracism education or intervention outcomes from the United Kingdom, Australia and France are the focus of an interrogation of the ways in which racism and antiracism are framed and the strengths and weaknesses of these initiatives for countering dominant forms of everyday racism. We identify a number of different approaches to racism and antiracism in our inquiry, which lead to particular sets of aims, features and uses: the app as a tool for capturing, reporting and responding to racist acts; as a way of reinforcing a wider sense of community identity and solidarity; to demonstrate racism, especially Islamophobia, and make its forms visible, and as a means for challenging racism through raising awareness and encouraging bystanders to oppose it. We argue that while these apps are well disposed to exposing and manifesting isolated incidents of racism in everyday life, we question their potential for transformative societal outcomes beyond the level of unilateral action in the context of events experienced as unique incidents. 相似文献
The rise of an ideal: tracing changing discourses of wellbeing 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Eeva Sointu 《The Sociological review》2005,53(2):255-274
Wellbeing is a quality in demand in today's society. Wellbeing is virtue that is much desired, much promoted, and much debated. Yet, as an ideal, wellbeing is not a concept set in stone. Rather, conceptualisations and experiences of wellbeing are produced in and through wider social perceptions and practices. This article outlines and analyses contemporary conceptualisations of wellbeing and suggests that ideas of wellbeing capture and reproduce important social norms. Indeed, the increasing popularity of the ideal of wellbeing appears to reflect shifts in perceptions and experiences of individual agency and responsibility. In particular, dominant discourses of wellbeing relate to changes in subjectivity; they manifest a move from subjects as citizens to subjects as consumers. In a consumer society, wellbeing emerges as a normative obligation chosen and sought after by individual agents. This article is informed by social theories of subjectivity and critical analyses of selected newspaper reports from 1985 to 2003. 相似文献