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平欣光 《城市观察》2010,(6):117-129
论述了城镇化对于中国未来发展的重要意义,分析了世界城市化的发展及经验教训,并就中国城镇化推进中需要注意的问题进行剖析,进而指出中国应走特色城镇化之路。文章并就珠三角在中国城镇化进程中应发挥先行作用进行了论述。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the process of tourism-driven urbanization as a local strategy of town development in China. Existing literature has highlighted the role of industrialization in the urbanization process of China’s small towns, but here it is suggested that tourism - a development initiative based on the creation of space for consumption, rather than production - can also foster significant expansion of urbanized built environment and remarkable transformation of local socio-economic structures. The case study suggests that, in contrast to the recent process of industrialization-based urbanization in China’s small towns, tourism urbanization in Zhapo Town, Guangdong Province has been a highly localized development initiative characterized by the absence of foreign capital investment. Tourism-driven urbanization in Zhapo has involved several processes whose joint effect has reproduced the local socio-spatial organization: the rapid of expansion of urbanized built environment; a unique pattern of land use and land development; the booming of tertiary economic sectors; and the emergence of a flexible regime of labor force. In the meantime, the research also contests Mullins’ (1991) classical theorization of tourism urbanization, and suggests that recent tourism-driven urbanization process in Zhapo Town is not the product of the post-modernization of urban cultural manifestations, but is situated within the context-specific space of China’s modernity and is based on relatively standardized provision of tourism-related service and the mass consumption of nature.  相似文献   

杨斌 《城市观察》2013,(6):77-84
城镇化水平是社会经济综合发展水平的客观反映。河南省作为我国的中原腹地,内陆发展高地,具有重要的战略地位。在分析河南省城镇化进程的现状、问题的基础上,通过人口推拉理论,根据城市有效辐射半径,对河南省行政区域进行拆分、重组、合并,进行行政区划再调整的研究,探索一条既可有效推动城镇化建设又可规避发展风险的新型城镇化之路。  相似文献   

包蕾萍  吴岩 《科学发展》2013,(12):97-102
上海推进的公共租赁住房建设,是上海"十二五"期间住房保障体系的重要组成部分,符合深化住房制度改革和加快完善住房保障体系的总体要求,同时也与上海推进新型城镇化建设相呼应。新型城镇化的核心是"人的城镇化",人的安居乐业是新型城镇化的关键所在。上海公租房政策对推动"人的城镇化",具有极为重要的引导作用:强化了对非沪籍居民和中等收入阶层居住权的保障;有助于对工作者居住权利的保障;有助于带动整个区域的和谐、均衡发展。政府在推动公共租赁住房建设的过程中,还须适度扩大规模,改变产权式保障的传统思路;从严实行进出筛选机制,鼓励向上流动;坚持运作市场化、社区社会化、政策政府化;关注产业布局,突出其人才属性。  相似文献   

This paper argues that women and men encounter the processes of migration and urbanization in very gendered ways. It examines state development policies and their role in accelerating the pace of urbanization, Using material from a recently concluded study on single mothers in the lower socio-economic strata, this paper explores the impact of these wider processes on the structure of the family and women from this strata specifically.  相似文献   

论中国城市化进程中的社会管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化是世界发展的潮流。中国城市化是世界城市化的重要组成部分。城市是经济、政治和文化的中心,在社会文明进步中起着主导作用。城市问题也是社会问题,社会问题包含城市问题,城市问题寓于社会问题之中。加强和创新社会管理不能只单独地解决社会问题,必须把解决城市问题结合起来。同样地,解决城市问题也不能只单独地解决城市问题,必须与加强和创新社会管理结合起来。  相似文献   

The role of urban expansion on bee diversity is poorly understood, but it may play an important role in restructuring pollinator diversity observed in rural regions at the urban perimeter. We studied bee communities in two habitats essential for pollinators (residential gardens and semi-natural areas) at 42 sites situated at the edge of greater Montreal, Canada. Bee species richness, abundance and functional diversity all increased with urbanization in both habitat types, but gardens and semi-natural areas supported distinct bee communities with unique responses to urbanization in terms of species turnover. Compared to semi-natural sites, residential gardens supported bees that foraged from a greater number but a lower proportion of available plant species. Bees did not discriminate between exotic and indigenous plant species in either gardens or semi-natural sites and were attracted to flowers in either habitat irrespective of their origins. Protecting semi-natural ruderal areas and providing residential garden habitats for pollinators are both effective means of promoting regional bee diversity in urbanizing regions.  相似文献   

The discourse on habitat and human settlements is increasingly dominated by that of the global, mega-city. If the aim of those of us in the human settlements field are to improve our understanding of and action on habitat and human settlements, this, often exclusive, focus is a mistake. Our habitat is better understood and acted upon as a network of interwoven settlements and surrounding countryside, large and small, themselves interwoven within our larger ecosystem. In this network the habitat of our smaller settlements (smaller cities, towns, villages) and rural areas and our global village also plays a critical role. The assumption can be challenged that urbanization and the mega-city are the critical issues of habitat and human settlements. Evidence suggests that with some rurbanization there is also counter urbanization, the ruralization of cities, and, perhaps most important, a growing urbanization as city-country interactions intensify. Habitat for all and habitat for a healthy, sustainable planet demands our openness to these new concepts and realities. It demands an integrated, balanced, approach which helps a wide range of living settlement nodes, large and small, to nurture each other. Global City and Global Village must go hand in hand. Our planetary and human health depends on it.  相似文献   

以国际商贸中心引领广州国家中心城市建设的战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无论从历史传承还是从现实条件看,"国际商贸中心"都应作为广州现阶段经济发展和都市化进程的核心引擎。选择和实施以国际商贸中心引领广州城市可持续发展的战略,不是简单重复过去"重商主义"的老路,而是以现代流通为引领适应经济全球化的趋势,这不仅是广州基于历史传承、发展阶段和比较优势的必然选择,也是广州主动承担"国家使命"、贯彻扩大内需战略以及代表国家参与国际竞争的大势所趋。  相似文献   

城市化既是“人口的城市化”,也是“空间的城市化”。随着城市化发展,城市内部空间结构重组明显,社会分层现象明显体现在居住空间分化上,城市居住空间分异程度加剧。通过上海人口城市化的发展历程分析,对城市化进程中的上海市城市居住空间结构演变及特征进行剖析,进而对农民工居住空间演变、特征及存在问题进行分析和研究,并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

徐承红  张超 《城市观察》2010,(5):119-126
本文通过对我国城市化历程的回顾,分析了我国城市化发展的历史阶段及其特点。在分析我国城市化存在的重大问题的基础上,提出未来城市化发展的新特点、新趋势是发展以中心城市为核心,带动周边中小城市发展为主的模式,指出该发展模式的特点、意义及其政策建议。  相似文献   

陈恭  刘玉博 《科学发展》2014,(10):109-112
中国城镇化的风险主来自两个方面:一是人为因素,即中国特定的制度和政策背景产生的城市化问题;二是市场因素,是由市场追求效率导致的市场失灵。中国新型城镇化风险及其所带来的区域格局新变化,对上海全球城市崛起将产生重要影响。上海全球城市的推进应建立在健康的城镇化模式基础上,走符合国情、符合上海发展特色的现代化建设道路。  相似文献   

新市镇作为上海城镇化体系中连接城、乡的关键环节,其地位与功能的确立,其与新城的合理分工、功能互补的作用,对上海新型城镇化的发展十分重要。上海应在建设好新城的同时,将新市镇建设放到与新城建设同等重要的地位,以充分发挥新市镇在新型城镇化中的作用。推进新市镇建设,应采取市场主导、政府调控的模式;应强化新市镇规划,通过政府引导,由研究机构、社会力量等对全市新市镇发展进行全面规划;应在发挥市场作用的同时,强化市、区两级政府的协调管理机制;须走新型城镇化的道路,即按照"集约、智能、低碳、绿色"的要求建设可持续发展的生态镇、绿色低碳镇。  相似文献   

In this paper the effect of trade openness on government’s role in the economy is investigated in Pakistan using data for the period 1947–2009. The results demonstrate that there is a significant positive association between trade openness and government size. The explanation appears that as openness increases the size of government will inflate. This association is robust to the inclusion of a wide range of control variables and model specifications. The results support the compensation hypothesis and imply that government consumption plays a risk-reducing role in Pakistan. The empirical findings also highlight the role of other variables in determining the government size. Government size increases with income, democracy, foreign debt and investment, while it decreases with the increase in inflation and urbanization.  相似文献   

中国城镇化发展的每一个历史阶段,都对应了中国经济社会发展中需要解决的核心问题。当前中国城镇化发展面临的瓶颈,其形成有深刻的社会历史制度根源。要从全球及中国发展大战略的角度,历史性地考察中国城镇化道路的历史演变及其逻辑,探寻中国城镇化发展瓶颈的社会历史制度根源,并借鉴国际经验,推动新型城镇化的健康发展。为此,需要在战略认知方面,突破城镇化发展传统思维的束缚,形成创新性的新型城镇化发展战略的理念;在制度建构方面,形成推动和保障城镇化发展的有针对性的战略框架;在动员多元主体力量与资源方面,要实行多元主体间的协调合作,打造城镇化发展的组织化支持系统。  相似文献   

按照人均GDP为标志的发展阶段比较,中国城市化水平比一般国家低了15个百分点,结构上呈现工业化超前和城市化滞后的状态,也形成GDP结构与就业结构之间的严重扭曲。这是建国以来特别是1960年起开始的反城市化道路和政策所致。但1978年以后,并没有真正从理论上认识城市化对于中国经济和社会发展的重要性,在推进城市化的战略、体制和政策上,是犹豫和半推半阻的。城市化滞后给中国的经济和社会发展带来了一系列的问题。事实证明,城市化水平低是城乡差距大的一个重要因素。因此,建国以来,包括改革开放以来,推进城市化方面的犹豫和缓慢,是导致中国经济社会发展诸多问题的重大的深层次原因。  相似文献   

Urbanization problems in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Problems related to urbanization in China are discussed. The author first reviews trends in urbanization over the past 30 years, and then considers the relationship between urbanization and the country's economic growth. Probable future trends in urbanization up to the year 2000 are next described, with a final note on regional differences in urbanization patterns.  相似文献   

余剑  杨忠伟  熊虎 《城市观察》2013,23(1):142-149
本文在对我国城市化质量进行分析的基础上,回顾总结现有城市化模式,指出我国的城市化模式有主动城市化与被动城市化之分,接着具体阐述了现行不同城市化模式的概念与内涵,并对比研究被动城市化和主动城市化在形成动力机制、表征以及存在问题等方面的差异。最后,以实现可持续发展城市化为目标,根据不同城市化模式其自身所特有的问题提出深层次城市化的建议和对策。  相似文献   

赵丽 《城市观察》2013,25(3):178-183
利用分省的2005-2011年面板数据,对产业结构、公共财政支出与城镇化关系进行实证研究,发现产业结构、公共财政支出以及城镇建设水平都对城镇化进程具有显著影响,其中产业结构是首位的影响因素,产业结构的优化升级是推进新型城镇化的重要支撑,而公共财政支出和城镇建设水平的提高对城镇的人口承载力同样具有正效应。  相似文献   

我国城镇化与公共服务均等化实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国城镇化速度峰值的到来,我国经历由快速城镇化发展模式逐渐向内涵式城镇化发展道路的转变。其中,公共服务非均等化是我国城镇化过程中的突出问题。本文在我国城镇化时空发展特征的分析基础上,采用单因素方差分析的方法检验不同城镇化阶段公共服务的投入差异,研究发现:①不同城镇化阶段公共服务投入的种类侧重存在显著差异;②不同城镇化阶段公共服务投入的增长幅度不同;③随着城镇化水平的提升,公共服务的提升与城镇化率的提高不同步特征愈发突出。进而,基于分位回归模型在对地级市尺度的城镇化发展水平与公共服务的关系研究中发现,在城镇化水平达到51%前后呈现出公共服务投入的拐点,与城镇化速度峰值点相吻合。加快向现代公共服务型政府转型,推动公共事务治理的民主性、治理主体的多元化和治理方式的多样性,形成公共服务主体间相互合作、多元互动的社会治理结构是未来我国实现公共服务均等化的发展方向。  相似文献   

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