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青年志愿者作为志愿服务队伍的主体部分,其需要能否得到有效满足直接关系到志愿组织队伍的整体稳定和志愿服务活动的持续性发展。目前,青年志愿者的需要状况整体呈现较低层次的生存性需要与较高层次的发展性需要的两极分化特征。追求理解尊重是全体志愿者的首位需要;青年志愿者较中老年志愿者、高学历志愿者较低学历志愿者、高经济收入志愿者较低经济收入志愿者有着更强烈的发展性需要。应针对青年志愿者不同的需要,采取差别性的激励措施。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国志愿者服务事业快速发展,特别是近十年来我国多次举办大型国际赛事、展会,大量招募志愿者从事赛会服务,志愿者在社会发展中的作用日益凸显。志愿者服务于社会公共事业,政府理应给予他们必要的权益保护。理清政府在志愿者权益保障中的角色定位与重要作用,通过完善志愿者组织的管理制度,为志愿服务提供必要的财政保障以及必要的监管措施,推动我国志愿者事业又快又好地发展。  相似文献   

一天.一位学传媒的朋友和笔者聊起志愿者.因为是准同行.所以很自然地说起媒体视野中的志愿者。她感觉。媒体报道志愿者总体上并不多。我承认这点。我说,能引起媒体兴趣的是“志愿者事件”。比如去年年初南方冰冻灾害中的志愿者.紧接着是汶川地震后的百万志愿者,然后是50万奥运志愿者。他们在2008年轰炸式地群体性出现,媒体自然“兴奋”。  相似文献   

随着大学生志愿者服务的发展,学者们在观察、总结大学生志愿者服务开展的典型案例、经验做法的同时,也逐渐开始关注大学生志愿者服务背后的思想政治教育的力量。通过对学术界关于大学生志愿者服务研究已有成果的归纳、梳理和评述,有利于促进大学生志愿者服务更好地开展。  相似文献   

随着近些年来志愿者一词频频出现在我们的生活中,很多人开始对志愿者有所了解。也有很多人参与其中,这其中青年志愿者是一大主力军,近些年来全国各高校对志愿者活动也是高度重视,很多高校自主建立了校内的志愿者联合会,但当前我国高校志愿者活动中也存在一些问题,本文将对其存在问题进行分析。  相似文献   

志愿者专业化发展的内生模式是通过调动和开发自身的自发性、积极性、主动性,达到促进志愿者自身的成长和实现自我价值的发展过程。志愿者专业化发展中"内生模式"的动力取向可以从社会期待、方针政策的导向作用,以及志愿者发展需要、志愿者身心和谐发展的目的四个方面来激发。志愿者专业化发展的过程离不开外部力量有目的、有计划地干预。志愿者专业化发展中"外控模式"的协同实践,包括自主学习平台的构建、管理制度的构建、智能化管理平台的构建等。为了达到志愿者专业化发展中"内生模式"与"外控模式"的协同效应,在志愿者队伍建设中需要坚持人职匹配的原则、梯队发展构建的原则、分级分层分类构建的原则。  相似文献   

张帆 《公关世界》2023,(7):88-89
本文简单的分析了当前高校图书馆志愿者工作的意义及现状,和高校图书馆青年志愿者团队的管理障碍。并以福建船政交通职业学院图书馆志愿者团队为例,重点介绍了该学院图书馆志愿者团队管理办法,以期为高校图书馆志愿者团队的管理提供更好的工作思路。  相似文献   

前不久颁布的《中国企业志愿者新浪潮白皮书》显示:企业志愿者正成为中国公益事业的新力量,而其中超过七成集中在跨国公司的喇国分部。 但是在企业志愿者繁荣的背后,却问题重重。记者经过调查发现。针对为打工子弟学校提供服务的企业志愿者,尤其是外企志愿者所提供的服务与服务对象的需求不能有效对接,且企业志愿者本身就存在不可持续性等问题。  相似文献   

目前,四环游戏小组的志愿者团队主要由学生志愿者、家长志愿者和社区志愿者构成。其中,学生志愿者是组织的核心成员,他们不仅要做好自己的本职工作,同时还肩负着一个重要的职责,即凝聚每个志愿者的力量,增强组织认同感,推进组织化发展。回望四环游戏小组的成长经历,团队活动开展、团队制度建设和团队文化建设可以说是该志愿团队整体建设的三大支柱。  相似文献   

生活中。志愿者的身影随处可见。特别是在一些非同寻常的日子里,志愿者的形象更加伟岸,他们将志愿精神展现得淋漓尽致。人们欢迎志愿者,赞美志愿精神。但是,习惯于简单地把志愿者看成是做好事的人或好心人。  相似文献   

改造"城中村",有利于改善居民居住生活质量,促进城乡统筹发展;有利于盘活存量用地,推进土地的节约、集约利用;有利于改善城乡形象、推进宜居城市建设。上海进一步推进"城中村"改造,须加强领导,推进"城中村"改造的体制机制建设;要均衡各方利益,调动政府、开发商和农民三方的积极性;要摸清底数,对纳入全市统一改造计划内的"城中村"实行目录管理;要因地制宜,针对各个"城中村"不同的情况进行分类指导;要突破创新,建立、健全支持"城中村"改造的政策体系;要营造氛围,形成有利于推进"城中村"改造的良好外部环境。  相似文献   

上海教育国际化的核心内涵是通过教育活动国际化、教育者与受教育者的国际化、教学机构国际化以及国际维度与观念融入过程的国际化等途径,推动上海整体教育水平的提高,吸引和培养高素质的国际型人才,服务于上海经济社会可持续发展的大局。上海教育国际化的配套政策要围绕优质教育资源的引入和输出展开:制定“引智”政策,以吸引优秀海外专家、学者,扩大开放现行科研体系,引入教育国际化高端资源;制定教学计划与课程国际化建设、“留学上海”系列服务、优质教育资源引进、“国际化品牌项目”支持、全社会共同参与、服务体系信息化等政策。建立以政府各相关部门为主体的管理体系、以高校及其他办学机构为主体的教学体系及以企业、各类社会组织及市民为主体的社会服务体系。  相似文献   

In this era of rapidly urbanising human populations, urban practitioners are under increasing pressure to create resilient and sustainable cities and towns. Urban ecologists currently have a unique opportunity to apply solid, evidence-based research to help create biodiversity-rich and sustainable cities and towns for the future. Unfortunately, there is currently a mismatch between the questions planners, designers and decision-makers are asking urban ecologists that would allow them to improve the biodiversity outcomes in urban areas, and the questions urban ecologists must ask to contribute to the development and application of the science of urban ecology. For a number of reasons, urban ecologists over the past 25 years have primarily focused on describing the patterns of biodiversity in cities and towns using broad, aggregate predictor variables (e.g., distance to city center, land-use, percent cover of impermeable surfaces and vegetation, etc.). We refer to these results as ‘low-hanging fruit’. If the discipline of urban ecology is going to provide the necessary information to inform actions to preserve and enhance urban biodiversity, we need to move beyond place-based research, and work towards the development of confirmed generalizations regarding the relationship between the structure and function of urban ecosystems and biodiversity. We propose three essential strategies for achieving this refined understanding: 1) defining the study window to place the study into a broader global context, 2) collecting and using more explicit question-driven measures of the urban condition in order to improve our understanding of urban ecological drivers, as well as recording more detailed ecological responses to provide insights into the ecological mechanisms underlying an observed response, and 3) expanding studies to include multiple cities, regions and countries. These strategies will help to expedite the ability of urban ecology to contribute to the creation of biodiversity-rich, healthy, resilient cities and towns.  相似文献   

在创新驱动发展、经济转型升级的新形势下,上海就业状况出现了一些新的变化:一是就业总量增长缓慢,就业结构受产业结构调整影响较大;二是就业人口加速流向郊区,区域性就业问题日益凸显;三是失业群体年龄分化,双高失业现象尤为突出。因此,在就业总量和就业结构上对就业体制机制提出了新的要求。上海应构建一个功能较齐备的市场就业系统,以制度保障、产业协调发展、政企协作、市场发挥作用和个人积极就业为导向,逐步构建多层次就业体系,进一步促进就业,实现高质量就业、充分就业和合理就业的目标。为此,一是要优化失业保险调整机制,建立就业促进基础平台;二是要构建多层次就业促进体系,实现充分就业;三是要对接产业调整导向,实现高质量就业。  相似文献   

Recent advances in technology and the increasing volumes of data that they enable have led to a wave of scholarly and popular attention to big data. While big data is often heralded for its ability to provide insight, the data, its analysis, and its outcomes are not evenly distributed. Currently, scholarship on big data is extending past work on the digital divide, theorizing a new big data divide. While this work most directly addresses the issues of ownership and access to big data, some work extends the divide to issues relating to skill and use. This extension opens up new complications relating to identity, social sorting, use, agency, and global development that are inextricably related to the issues above and to the study of big data. These issues go beyond the simple language of the digital divide extending inquiries into the realm of digital inequalities more generally. Any work on big data and the big data divide needs to engage with a more broad‐based notion of digital inequalities to be better equipped to handle the complex issues above, as well as the material, democratic, and identity problems that big data bring about.  相似文献   

This article presents data from a longitudinal study of 72 women who entered therapy in the mid-1980s to deal with the longterm consequences of childhood sexual abuse. Voluntary participants, who were initially reached through their therapists, were surveyed in 1986, 1988, and 1992. With the help of their therapists, the women whose abusers were alive and available faced the questions of whether to confront them, and if so, when and how. In general, responses to the first survey were characterized by a desire to confront without the readiness to do so, responses to survey two by completed confrontations, and responses to survey three by reconfrontations. Findings supported recommendations regarding helping clients to plan, practice, and carry out confrontations safely. They also showed that more recognition should be given to the aftermath of confrontation, debriefing, and reconfrontation, and to survivors with specialized needs, such as women formerly amnesic to their abuse. Clinical implications of these findings and recommendations for clinicians are discussed.  相似文献   

Gambia, the smallest country on the African continent, is one of the largest contributors, per capita, to irregular migrants in Europe. Aspirations to migrate are ingrained culturally, to the extent that they can be understood as a rite of passage. Unfilled rites, associated with involuntary immobility, have led to pervasive frustration and feelings of entrapment, locally referred to as having the nerves syndrome. This article explores the societal and cultural significance of migration in this context, exploring the meanings that this especially has for effective migration management. It provides evidence and context for the deep motives, embedded socially and culturally, for migration as a significant mechanism to maintain status and achievement of adulthood. In view of this, initiatives by foreign and domestic governments and NGOs to work on campaigns and strategies to entice citizens to remain and work at home should be carefully considered. Foreign policies and funds to so-called empower youth to stay in their home countries may be misleadingly ineffective. The academic literature does not sufficiently address this.  相似文献   

Self-harm behavior exhibited by adolescents with developmental disabilities can be the most challenging behavior for caregivers and health care professionals to address. Past interventions have taken a behavioral approach and focused on functional analysis to guide assessment and treatment. However, self-harm behavior is becoming more recognized as a means of communication. Therefore, it is important for health care professionals and caregivers to listen to adolescents' attempts to communicate and try to understand the meaning of the behavior. Early assessment is crucial to understanding the meaning of the behavior, and early intervention is necessary to prevent escalation or chronicity. Thorough assessment guides interventions and must be implemented in the context of clients' families and social world, and the broader community. Establishment of trusting relationships among adolescents, their families, and health care professionals is imperative. This article discusses self-harm behavior from a psychosocial perspective related to prevalence, onset, purpose, maintenance, and escalation. It also introduces a comprehensive framework to guide assessment and intervention.  相似文献   


Experimental vignettes were used to investigate attributions relating to child sexual abuse with a focus on the degree of blame allocated to the family and to society, factors thought to be particularly relevant in a collectivist society. One hundred and sixty-two undergraduates in Singapore evaluated media reports describing a case of child sexual abuse. A 2 x 2 x 2 between-subjects design manipulated victim sex, perpetrator sex, and victim–perpetrator relationship. Participants rated the vignettes on degree of blame and prevention potential and rated the abusiveness of the case. Individualism and collectivism attitudes of the participants were also measured. While the highest blame ratings were attributed to perpetrators, significantly more blame was attributed to the family and to society than to the victim. The demonstration of the present attributions of blame to family and to society is a timely finding given recent recommendations to broaden approaches to child abuse prevention by moving away from a reliance on school based child protection programs, which leave the onus on the child to prevent and report abuse, toward a public health approach, which is particularly inclusive of parent and community education approaches . Allocation of some blame to victims, in spite of their status as children, while not a unique finding in victimology research, emphasizes the challenges still to be faced in encouraging the reporting of child sexual abuse.  相似文献   

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