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The purpose of this cross-sectional study (n = 92) was the further identification of the unique psychosocial challenges facing those living with lupus. Specifically, the study aim was to clarify which particular lupus symptomatology may result in which emotional states. The authors review relevant literature, discuss findings, and provide evidence-based recommendations for social workers providing services to patients with lupus. Key findings include the following: Frequent flare-ups resulted in the highest need for assistance with feelings of depression, anxiety, and socioeconomic challenges. Hair loss had the most significant impact on depression, anxiety, and socioeconomic coping. Being hospitalized in the past year for lupus also significantly impacted depression, anxiety, and socioeconomic coping. And, finally, the participants reported that having friends to rely on reduced their reported depression and anxiety. Fatigue from lupus was seen as the highest correlate of anxiety.  相似文献   

The stressful effects of both poverty and racism contribute to the fact that heart disease is a leading cause of death for poor and minority populations. In spite of this, there is an absence of reported psychosocial interventions with these vulnerable populations. This paper describes a structured group treatment model based on cognitive-behavioral interventions for lower SES Anglo, Black, and Hispanic patients who have had a heart attack. The rationale for using this approach is developed through a review of the literature, and the treatment strategy is described in some detail.  相似文献   


Examination of similarities and differences in the issues families face can help determine whether models for families with a child coping with serious emotional disorder (SED/behavioral disorder (BD)) warrant inclusion in, or adaptation of, interventions for families with an adult member coping with a mental disorder. Families attending psycho-education workshops identified problems faced in managing their family member's illness. Composite lists of problems generated by 175 participants were categorized and sorted, using previously established methods for determining reliability and validity. Fourteen categories were identified for children and fifteen for adults, with ten overlapping. Family members attending the child-focused workshops more often listed mood symptoms and problem behaviors. Family members attending the adult-focused workshops more often listed family issues, denial and noncompliance, and positive symptoms of psychosis. Problems identified by families with a child coping with SED/BD may be sufficiently distinct from those of families with an adult coping with mental illness to warrant separate and distinct interventions.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study is to identify the types of stresses experienced and the coping strategies used by mothers who are responsible for providing care to their chronically ill and disabled children. A qualitative approach was selected to systematically document the experiences and highlight individual coping strategies. Purposive sampling was used in this qualitative pilot study, fifteen (15) mothers who were known to the researcher as well as two schools that specifically cater for children with disabilities were selected to participate in the study. Thirty questionnaires were handed out of which fifteen were returned. Data was collected using the coping Health Inventory for Parents (CHIP) to measure the extent to which parents perceived a number of coping strategies to be helpful in coping with the chronic illness of their child (ren). The scale comprised 45 items with 3 subscales. The results highlighted the types of stresses that were experienced by the mothers and the coping strategies practiced by these mothers when caring for their disabled children. Mothers who care for chronically ill children are faced with daily stress that relates to care as well as their personal life.  相似文献   

From the symbolic interaction perspective, the study examined the effect of loss of spouse on 30 rural widows in three Montana counties at 6 and 12 months after death of spouse. Participants were given a measure of psychological husband presence, a coping inventory, a health measure, and a measure of self-esteem. The results revealed a high level of adjustment among the rural widows at both 6 and 12 months after death of spouse, and a qualitative shift in the focus of the coping behaviors from 6 to 12 months after the husband's death. These results suggest that within this select sampleit is possible for widows to adjust to their new status and develop a positive and satisfying life as a single woman.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Sally Johnson, 66, Church Street, Fordingbridge, Hants SP6 2BE Summary How does it happen that the well-intentioned efforts of localauthority social services departments to offer guidance to theirsocial worker employees in coping with violent clients actuallyresult in declarations that violence is inevitable and in theexpectation that the social worker on the ground will manageit? This paper discusses the problem of violence against socialworkers and the response of four local authority social servicesdepartments as expressed in guide-lines issued to staff. Thefirst part of the paper examines the background of news eventsand theories of aggression against which the guide-lines wereproduced. The second part discusses the response of the localauthority social services departments as employers to the problemsof assessing risk and coping with violence and its aftermath.  相似文献   

This article explores how religion, as a meaning system, influences coping with adversity. First, a model emphasizing the role of meaning making in coping is presented. Next, religion as a meaning system is defined, and theory and research on the role of religion in the coping process are summarized. Results from the author's study of 169 bereaved college students are then presented to illustrate some of the pathways through which religious meaning can influence the coping process in making meaning following loss. Findings indicate that associations between religion and adjustment vary across time since loss, and that these associations are mediated by meaning-making coping. Finally, implications for individual and societal well-being and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Four separate series of parents' groups were held between 1977and 1981 in order to help certain parents of children who sufferfrom cystic fibrosis which is a serious life-threatening disease.These group experiences were found helpful by those parentswho did not have overt problems and who were therefore unlikelyto be referred for individual counselling. Families who hadobvious problems, for example marital, financial or psychiatricwere apparently not helped by the experience, nor were the parentsof newly diagnosed patients. As a result of this groupwork experiment it may be possibleto predict those families who are unsuitable for groupwork help.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on an employee’s perception of his or her own labour market outcome. It proposes that the basic earnings function, by adopting an approach that ignores perception effects, is likely to result in biased results that will fail to understand the complexities of the wage distribution. The paper uses an orthodox job search framework to illustrate the nature of this problem and then adapts the model to take onboard the theory of cognitive dissonance. The search model indicates how workers may adopt a coping strategy in order to reduce the disutility associated with the wage underpayment that develops. Then, by modelling cognitive dissonance, the paper highlights the weaknesses of using purely human capital proxies to understand labour market outcome. The analysis goes some way to explaining why individuals with equivalent human capital investment can have disparate earnings profiles.  相似文献   

This study investigates caregiver health, burden and coping strategies of family caregivers to institutionalized and community-dwelling Alzheimer's disease patients. Patient residence was significantly related to caregiver health status, sources of burden and the efficacy of various strategies for reducing burden. Implications for intervention with family caregivers are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The development of coping strategies by a combination of behaviourmodification, casework and milieu therapy is discussed withreference to the case of a nine-year-old boy admitted to a childpsychiatric in-patient unit. Admission had been precipitatedby his violent and uncontrollable behaviour at home. The plannedreturn of the child to his family is stressed as an importantpart of the treatment.  相似文献   

This study reports the development and evaluation of a program to increase adolescent mothers' ability to cope by promoting their interpenonal and cognitive skill and social supports. Program development efforts identified high-stress situations for young mothers and informed construction of a skills-training program to improve direct and indirect methods for handling stressful situations. Adolescent mothers in the program more than a comparison group of teenage mothers report improved self-reinforcement and interpersonal problem-solving after the groups and at 4-month follow-up. Videotape performance measures indicated that trained participants increased their interpersonal skills for buildmg and keeping social supports. Self-reports of social supports and parenting skill showed modest posttest gains but significant improvement by follow-up. Measures of well-being show change for participants with the lowest well-being at pretest. Consumer ratings were favorable. These results argue that social and cognitive skills training can increase social supports and perceptions of parenting skill and enhance well-being for those mothers at greatest risk.  相似文献   

随着商业竞争的升级和"996"加班文化的盛行,快节奏、 高强度的工作状态使得员工心理压力剧增,员工抑郁成为了中国社会重要的公共卫生问题.依据资源保存理论,从工作和生活两方面考察了中国员工的抑郁影响因素.基于CFPS2016的数据分析结果表明:工作因素(工作满意度)和生活因素(家人共处和休闲娱乐)均与员工抑郁显著负相关;生活因素会通过影响生活满意度间接地减弱工作因素与员工抑郁之间的关系;家人共处的上述间接调节效应对于男性和女性员工均成立,但休闲娱乐的上述间接调节效应只在男性员工样本中得到验证.因此,为了有效缓解员工抑郁,应该更加关注工作和生活中积极因素的共同作用.  相似文献   

The present study examined strategies for coping with peer victimization as predictors of peer victimization experiences and broader peer relationship outcomes across the transition to middle school, and tested for possible gender differences in these associations. Participants included 123 early adolescents (Mage = 12.03 years at T1; 50% males; 58.5% European Americans, 35% African Americans, 6.5% of other races/ethnicities) who reported on strategies for coping with peer victimization at T1 (summer before the transition to middle school) as well as experiences of peer victimization and loneliness at T1 and T2 (spring of the first year of middle school). Teachers reported on peer victimization and peer competence at T1 and T2. Conflict resolution predicted higher teacher‐reported peer competence. In contrast, revenge‐seeking predicted higher self‐reported peer victimization (among girls but not boys) and loneliness, and support‐seeking predicted higher teacher‐reported peer victimization and lower teacher‐reported peer competence. In addition, cognitive distancing predicted lower teacher‐reported peer victimization and lower self‐reported loneliness among boys but not girls. Results are discussed with reference to the specific context of peer victimization and developmental period of early adolescence.  相似文献   

This study compared boys’ and girls’ coping responses to videotaped representations of marital conflict that varied in conflict content, tactic, and the gender of the parent engaging in conflict behaviour. Participants were 398 children (208 boys, 190 girls) aged 12–13 years old living in the United Kingdom. Child‐related conflict exchanges characterized by hostile behaviour (e.g., physical aggression) elicited greater mediation efforts by children. Children were more likely to mediate father‐enacted conflict. Girls, relative to boys, endorsed more mediation to fathers’ physical aggression and mothers’ pursuit of an issue and were more avoiding of mothers’ physical aggression and threats to intactness of the family. Findings underscore the importance of considering parent and child gender in determining children’s coping efforts in the context of interparental conflict.  相似文献   

日本应对金融危机的政策及其思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着美国次贷问题引发的世界性金融危机不断加深, 日本经济也开始出现了衰退.对此, 日本政府积极采取了危机应对政策.日本银行也认为为了稳定金融市场,持续不断地积极地提供资金是非常重要的.在积极推行一般对策的基础上, 日本银行陆续出台了一些非传统措施, 以支持企业融资和金融机构贷款.20世纪90年代泡沫经济崩溃后, 日本经济曾陷于"资产负债表"衰退,在应对此次危机时,为防止经济陷入恶性循环,应该借鉴泡沫经济留下的经验遗产,认真思考危机应对政策的效果与成本.  相似文献   

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