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原工业化时期西欧的家庭、婚姻与社会的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋帆  陈钦庄 《浙江学刊》2002,(5):207-211
1 970— 80年代 ,门德尔斯将 1 4-1 8世纪末的西欧农村家庭工业 ,给出了一史“原工业化”的概念 ,引起较大的反响。“原工业化”是指以市场为主导向 ,以农村家庭工业的迅速发展 ,并与商品农业相共存为特征。农村家庭工业经济是以“劳动—消费平衡”原则运行的。原工业化促使西欧的家庭、婚姻与社会发生了较大的变化。家庭作为劳动单位组成 ,男女的劳动能力是婚姻的主要前提条件。家庭的规模扩大了 ,家庭的劳动分工也导致家庭角色的变化 ,同时促使了社会的演变。农村工业生产者在生活方式与消费观念均产生较大的改变 ,一种“平民文化”得到体现 ,产生消费“过量的”奢侈品的倾向 ,以显示自己的社会地位的提高。这种演变最终将导致工业化时代的到来。  相似文献   

杨芳勇 《社会工作》2008,(23):20-22
一 城市化的基本含义是指由于工业化而引起的人口向城市集中的过程,是一定经济条件下人口城市化的过程。人口城市化是人口、社会生产力逐渐向城市转移和集中的过程,是引起产业结构、消费结构发生重大变化的乡村经济向城市经济的转变过程。我国的城市化进程走过了一条独特的发展道路。从工业化进程来看,绝大多数经济学家都认为,中国已进入了工业化的中期。  相似文献   

刘念 《社会工作》2008,(3):10-10
从发达的国家和地区来看,慈善事业始终与社会工作紧密相连,相互依存、相互促进。受到工业化所引起的社会结构变化的影响,早期社会工作不断学术化和制度化,逐渐演变为现代意义上的社会工作。现代意义的慈善事业是近现代才发展起来的非制度型的社会化公益事业。慈善救助则是慈善的内核和本质——无偿援助的一种集中体现。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战以后,美国纽约市出现了"去工业化"的现象,制造业在城市经济中的比重不断减少,而服务业的比重却在不断地增加。战后纽约这种"去工业化"和后工业产业集聚的现象,则是其后工业经济形成的主要标志和特征。在后工业经济时代,纽约市民的收入结构、消费结构和社会结构亦发生了相应的变化,诸多社会问题进一步显现。  相似文献   

张亮  付倩倩 《社会》2001,(7):41-43
城市家庭生产功能在网络社会的复归———SOHO帕森斯的传统结构功能主义一向认为 ,家庭作为一种经济、政治和福利机构的重要性在日益下降。在生产劳动与家庭紧密结合的前工业化时代 ,家庭的生产功能以及其人口的再生产功能推演出家庭在政治、宗教、福利保障、教育以及消费娱乐等一切方面不可替代的重要性。而随着工业化和城市化的发展 ,由于家庭生产根本无法与社会化生产相竞争 ,城市家庭的生产功能逐渐弱化 ,在经济功能上变成了一个纯粹的消费场所。由此 ,家庭在观念上逐渐缩小为以满足家庭成员的情感需求为主要功能的场所。目前大陆绝…  相似文献   

沈松平 《浙江学刊》2001,46(5):138-141
本文选择江浙地域社会为背景,把士绅在近代的演变纳入以上海为中心和首位城市的近代长江下游区域城市等级网络体系中加以考察,从人与环境(城市近代化)互动的角度窥视晚清士绅演变的全貌及其对中国近代化及城市近代化的影响,揭示晚清士绅演变的差异性和必然性,从而说明为什么辛亥革命会功败垂成,为什么资产阶级民主政治的种子只在少数中心城市生根开花,而在广大州县基层社会却收效甚微.  相似文献   

鲍静静 《社科纵横》2014,(11):133-138
近代基督教学校的学生群体,是中国新式学生阶层的组成部分,既带有时代的特征,又受到基督教学校特有因素的影响。对于这一近代中国社会演变大背景下的特殊群体,本文选择广东地区的基督教中学为考察对象,分析其学生来源结构变化与就业去向变化,展现基督教中学学生从乞儿到贵族的独特历史场景,反映基督教教育与近代中国社会变迁的适应过程。  相似文献   

城市空间社会结构变迁三论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
轩明飞  陈俊峰 《社会》2004,2(2):34-37
作为社会变迁的一种合理路径,现代化在世界范围内成为了各国竞相追逐的目标。现代化是从18世纪后期工业革命以来人类社会所经历的一场全面的社会变革,从社会学的角度看,它主要包括工业化、城市化、理性化、世俗化、科层化等方面的内容。人类社会发展的历史表明,现代化的主要内容基本上是在城市社会空间结构中进行,在城市发展的特定时间段落——城市现代化进程中——展开的。城市现代化以城市化的生活方式变迁为其核心内容,通过人口与空间规模的不断扩张得到具体的反映。城市化作为现代化的目标与手段,表明了整个社会结构与社会关系的深刻变化。而城市空间社会结构的变迁发展则是城市空间结构的集聚扩散与城市社会结构在经济、社会与文化价值观念上不断协调整合的结果。  相似文献   

社会工作是工业化、城市化的产物。推进社会工作离不开"城市土壤"。经过三十多年的改革开放,中国城市,特别是东部沿海城市的面貌发生了深刻的变化,为推进社会工作的发展准备了物质条件和人文环境。但是,中国城市因其各自独特的文化情境  相似文献   

自 2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,西方工业化国家的经济结构几乎都经历了从工业社会向后工业社会的调整和转型 ,就业、人口和社会福利体制发生的重大转变导致了城市贫困及相关的社会问题。本文首先分析了城市贫困及相关概念 ;其次分析了西方国家在就业、人口和福利制度领域发生的社会经济变化及其引起的城市贫困风险 ;最后 ,探索了城市贫困在社会经济空间上的成因机制 ,总结和归纳了西方学者的理论解释。  相似文献   

With the rise in popularity of market‐based responses to social policy challenges, the stewardship of quasi‐markets or public service markets, is a key concern for governments worldwide. Debates about how to manage quasi‐markets have focussed on high‐level decision‐making processes. However local actors, in particular street level bureaucrats, are a key part of the complex work of managing quasi‐markets. We examine how street level bureaucrats act as local market stewards in a new quasi‐market for disability care, the Australian National Disability Insurance scheme. We find that the street level bureaucrats, known as local area coordinators, act as shapers of local markets but that their contributions are informal and often restricted by formal structures and processes. For example, we found evidence that the use of key performance indicators can disrupt effective local stewardship efforts towards a procedural approach. We conclude that introducing principles of the polycentric governance approach can improve connections between local market knowledge holders and central decision‐making agencies, thereby improving market stewardship and outcomes.  相似文献   

孟庆延 《社会》2019,39(4):1-34
相声是起源于中国民间社会并一直流传至今的传统艺术形式,在其百余年的发展过程中,形成了固定的表演形式和独特的内在结构。相声还经历了一个从“江湖”到“庙堂”的历史进程,在这一过程中,相声的演出方式、文本结构及其作品风格,随着历史与社会状况的变迁而不断调整,成为了兼具民情表达与政治之双重要素的文本类型。在本文中,笔者尝试运用相声本子(文本)、地方史志、回忆录等多种材料,在澄清相声的缘起、属性与结构特征的同时,基于历史社会学与阐释人类学等理论视域,选取不同历史时期的典型相声作品展开分析,一方面,呈现作为社会表达的相声文本的多重结构,另一方面,揭示相声作品演进变化背后的内在逻辑,并分析其中所蕴含的民情表达与政治效应的相互关系。  相似文献   

This literature review analyses the adoption and development of a street‐level perspective in public management, social policy and social work. The last years have seen a prominent revival of a perspective based on Michael Lipsky's street‐level bureaucracy approach in the debates conducted within all three disciplinary fields. Based on 71 key publications in public management, social policy and social work, the review analyses the adoption of the street‐level bureaucracy approach during the period 2005–2015, pointing out the main themes of the debate within, as well as overlaps and differences between, the three disciplines. The findings show the potential of better integrating the different perspectives and taking stock of the articulated debate. Lastly, the review discerns a common viewpoint for further street‐level research, emphasising its importance for the critical analysis and understanding of street‐level work as a vital dimension of responsive and accountable institutions and as a decisive moment to shape positive policy outcomes on the ground. Key Practitioner Message: ? The use of discretion by frontline practitioners and their role as policy actors on the ground has become an important focus of research; ? This literature review shows that the debate has gone far beyond discussing discretion as an all‐or‐nothing issue, pointing out both positive and negative aspects of discretion and developing comprehensive frameworks to explain the use of discretion at the street‐level; ? However, street‐level research has traditionally rather neglected the notion of professionalism. The social work literature brings in the perspective of professionalism; more research efforts are needed to better explore and explain how professionalism matters in relation to challenges and dilemmas of different policy and practice fields.  相似文献   

This paper adopts a qualitative case study on the generalist service delivery model of I‐Care, a Durban‐based non‐governmental organization that works with male street children. Fifteen face‐to‐face interviews were conducted with 10 I‐Care employees and 5 former street children. A focus group was set up with I‐Care employees. Although existing literature is forthright about a generalist approach for children at risk, it remains unclear how to implement this approach in practice. This paper reviews a continuity of 5 fundamental social work practices for working with street children: (a) outreach work, (b) child–family and child–community mediation, (c) transitory care centres and programmes, (d) brokerage, and (e) mentorship and follow‐ups. The study analyses how these practices contribute to the capability and agency expansion of the street children and outlines challenges that service providers and former street children experience. The main challenges acknowledged are balancing between the agency and protection of street children and the adaptation of children to street life. The study proposes intervention strategies to overcome these challenges.  相似文献   

根据笔者的调查,流浪少年儿童流浪期间生活没有保障,有65%的流浪少年儿童曾经受到过欺负,有30.1%的流浪少年儿童曾经被人诱劝加入组织。所以,必须对流浪少年儿童实施主动救助。郑州大学社会工作专业的大学生志愿者将外展社会工作方法应用于流浪少年儿童的救助与保护,大力开展街头巡回救助,同时吸收已经接受救助的流浪少年儿童参与进来,协助外展社会工作者发现和帮助还在街头流浪的少年儿童,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

姜春艳 《社会工作》2009,(22):21-23
我国的流浪儿童数量呈上趋势。但目前的救助多从矫正流浪儿童的偏差行为入手,以遣送回家为最终目的,并没有真正保护儿童的切身利益。笔者通过在南京流浪儿童保护中心的实证案例调查,用ERG需求理论和优点视角进行分析,从而提出了中心可以开展的新服务,包括对原生家庭的关注和儿童本身的培训等,力图对南京流浪儿童保护中心的实际工作有所帮助和借鉴。  相似文献   

魏伟 《社会》2014,34(2):94-117
2012年被媒体称为中国“女权行动元年”。通过考察这一年发生的“占领男厕所”、“受伤的新娘”、“上海地铁反性骚扰”和“光头姐抗议教育部”等产生广泛社会影响的性别事件,文章分析了街头行为艺术作为一种新的抗争行动手法在当代中国社会的形成和发展。相比近年来抗争政治研究整体蓬勃发展的局面,国内学界对抗争行动形式库的研究较为缺乏。本文首先对这一领域的理论视角和相关研究进行了梳理和评述,然后简要呈现街头行为艺术在中国抗争政治景观中的兴起。文章的主体部分围绕这一抗争行动手法的三个关键词——街头、行为和艺术,结合近年倡导性别平权街头行动的实证资料,详细阐述了它们各自对于抗争行动的意义及其对实施效果的影响。最后,文章提出从政策改变、参与动员和文化变迁三个层面,评估运用街头行为艺术进行诉求表达和政策倡导的成效。  相似文献   

This study addresses the relationship between street youth shelters and formal child welfare systems in Toronto, Canada. Two case examples, Covenant House (CH) and Youth Without Shelter (YWS), are examined through archival material, participant observations and structured interviews with 21 front-line and managerial shelter workers. The findings suggest that both shelters have formed reciprocal and unequal partnerships with formal child-welfare organisations. The consequences of such an arrangement are threefold: (1) CH and YWS no longer possess an internal environment to support traditional street youths; (2) both shelters have strayed from their original intentions; and (3) many shelter workers express frustration within this dynamic. Several recommendations are put forward to support the survival of youth shelters: advocating increased government daily rates; seeking a balance between building a legitimate public image and an alternative street youth reputation; making every effort to house hard-core street youths; and building innovative internal programmes to act as referral points.  相似文献   

This article draws on qualitative research which focused on worker experiences of Workfirst activation during the Job Services Australia (JSA) contract of employment services. The Workfirst orientation of Australian labour market programmes created imperatives for activation workers to monitor job seeker compliance with activity tests. As part of the broader cohort interviewed in the study, activation workers were interviewed about the way sanctions were used to discipline job seekers in street‐level exchanges. These workers had experienced the transition from the Job Network to JSA and had observed how a shift to Workfirst became institutionalised in organisational practices and culture. Concepts from Bourdieu's field theory are used to situate activation workers in the employment services field that became more managerial during the transition to Workfirst and where sanction‐based practice was mainstreamed. Drawing also on Peillon's sociology of welfare, employment services are described as part of the welfare field in which the activation workers experienced the misrecognition associated with Workfirst, which is described as a structure of domination. The analysis employs the concept of intersubjective recognition to draw attention to the subjective and objective co‐construction of street‐level interactions. This study has implications for understanding how welfare reforms affect activation workers, the contributors to the erosion of employment services capability, and the need for investment in workforce development in the employment services sector.  相似文献   

张雪筠  王怡 《社会工作》2009,(12):28-30
本文分析了社区残疾人公共服务的概念、特点、内容,并提出了残疾人社区公共服务的组织框架。指出社区残疾人公共服务体系是指政府及其公共部门运用公共权力,通过社区这一平台,通过灵活运用多种机制和方式,根据残疾人的需求为残疾人提供服务的过程。而目前我国的社区残疾人公共服务体系应当是一个以街道、乡镇政府为责任主体、以居(村)委会以及基层残疾人组织为依托和实施主体,以商业性服务为补充的社会公共服务体系。  相似文献   

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