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本文结合考虑公司融资决策参考依赖特征及资本结构动态调整行为,构造相对杠杆这一新的财务杠杆度量指标重新检视了财务杠杆在资产定价中发挥的作用,并将中美市场进行对比分析.研究表明,相较于实际杠杆,相对杠杆能更好地解释股票溢价,在中美市场均表现出对股票收益的显著正向影响,但同时也存在差异性.在中国市场账面相对杠杆的股票溢价解释能力较弱,而在美国市场账面相对杠杆仍与股票收益显著正相关;在中国市场过度杠杆对股票收益的影响明显强于杠杆不足,而在美国市场两者表现出较为对称的影响;同时在中美市场以不同方式在Fama-French三因素模型中引入相对杠杆定价因子所得到的定价模型能显著提升原模型的定价能力,有更好的定价表现.  相似文献   

我国上市公司可转债融资选择的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来发行可转债已成为上市公司筹集外部资本的重要融资工具之一。利用Logis- tic回归分析方法检验了公司财务杠杆、成长性、盈利能力、股权结构、公司规模、募集资金规模及行业因素同上市公司在可转债与增发A股选择倾向之间的关系。实证结果发现,可转债融资选择倾向与财务杠杆呈显著负相关,与公司规模呈显著正相关,与公司盈利能力和募集资金规模呈负相关,但显著性水平较低,与公司成长性、第一大股东持股比例以及行业因素无显著相关性。  相似文献   

This study analyses the distribution of power among the several blockholders of a firm and the identity of those blockholders as a determinant of firm leverage. Using a sample of 694 firms from 12 Western European countries, our results support a negative relationship between ownership concentration in the hands of the main blockholder and firm leverage. Moreover, we detect that the presence of a second and third large shareholder (beyond the first blockholder) has a significant positive effect on the leverage ratio. In addition, the results show that contestability in family firms plays a more relevant role. Finally, we show that family firms do have significant impact on firm leverage level, and this impact varies depending on the legal framework and institutional environment. In our main sample the results show family firms negatively affect market leverage, supporting the theory that family firms are more averse to an increase in the debt level due to the risk of bankruptcy and financial distress as a result of having an under-diversified portfolio. In contrast, the opposite effect is found in the sample that excludes the United Kingdom. This last result cannot be explained by agency theory, given that family businesses are those that suffer less from Type I agency problems. This result suggests either some difficulty in financing their investments by issuing new equity or the need to use debt as a signal of the quality of its investments. Our results prove to be stable against a battery of robustness tests.  相似文献   

公司债务期限结构与违约风险   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在资产风险水平、负债比率等因素一定的情况下,短期债务比例与违约概率呈类U形关系,基于风险规避角度的最优债务期限结构是存在的,并且这一最优短期债务比例与资产风险水平正相关,与负债比率负相关.我国上市公司短期债务比例普遍较高,根据理论预测和实证检验得出,进一步提高短期债务比例将会使公司违约风险继续扩大,进而危及我国的信用体系和金融秩序.  相似文献   

杠杆收购是股权收购交易的主要形式,所以对于股权收购而言,债权和股权的价值估算至关重要。但一方面鉴于股权收购交易所需的大量资金,股权收购主要采用分层债务结构进行债务融资,另一方面囿于收购的目标公司具有显著的特质风险,传统的Leland模型无法对这类债务和股权进行定价。为此,本文基于股权收购的多层融资结构,构建数理模型研究了股权收购交易的债权和股权的定价方法,并分析了最优破产决策和违约概率。基于实证参数值,模型预测的股东内部收益率和违约概率与实证结论十分接近。当标的资产价值下降时,目标公司的杠杆比率快速提升,优先级较低的债务迅速贬值,从而解释了投资者抢购安全资产的动机。通过对比分析,本文发现采用单层融资结构会提高融资成本,使得股权受损,这为分层债务结构提供了理论依据。最后,本文比较静态分析了标的资产波动率和市场利率对估值和破产决策的影响,结论支持了实证研究中有关市场利率与股权收购相关性的结论。  相似文献   

In this article, we study how the operational decisions of a firm manager depend on her own incentives, the capital structure, and financial decisions in the context of the newsvendor framework. We establish a relationship between the firm’s cost of raising funds and the riskiness of the inventory decisions of the manager. We consider four types of managers, namely, profit, equity, firm value, and profit‐equity maximizers, and initially assume that they may raise funds to increase the inventory level only by issuing debt. We show that the shareholders are indifferent between the different types of managers when the coefficient of variation (CV) of demand is low. However, this is not the case when the CV of demand is high. Based on the demand and the firm’s specific characteristics such as profitability, leverage, and bankruptcy costs, the shareholders might be better off with the manager whose compensation package is tied to the firm value as opposed to the equity value. We, then, extend our model by allowing the manager to raise the required funds by issuing both debt and equity. For this case we focus on the equity and firm value maximizer managers and show that our earlier results (for the debt only case) still hold subject to the cost of issuing equity. However the benefit of the firm value maximizer manager over the equity maximizer manager for shareholders is considerably less in this case compared to the case where the manager can only issue debt. The Board of Directors can take these factors into consideration when establishing/modifying the right incentive package for the managers. We also incorporate the notion of the asymmetric information to capture its impact on the board of directors’ decision about the managers’ incentive package.  相似文献   

基于上市公司高管人员过度自信的股利分配决策模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现有相关研究成果的基础上,在假设公司高管人员过度自信的条件下,建立恰当数学模型研究上市公司高管人员过度自信对公司股利分配决策和外部融资决策的影响机理。研究结果表明,当上市公司高管人员对未来经营环境比较乐观时,其现金股利分配水平和债务融资数量将随着其过度自信程度的提高而增多;当上市公司高管人员对未来经营环境比较悲观时,其现金股利分配水平和债务融资数量将随着其过度自信程度的提高而减少。上市公司的现金股利分配水平和债务融资数量随着公司股票价格上涨和债务融资利息率上升而减少;股权融资数量随着公司股票价格上涨和债务融资利息率上升而增加。论文研究工作在理论上扩展和深化了Deshmukh、Goe和Howe等人的相关研究成果。  相似文献   

本文使用中国非金融上市公司截面数据,应用一系列OLS实证检验终极所有权结构对资本结构选择的影响。研究发现,终极所有权结构确实影响资本结构选择。具体而言:(1)现金流量权与债务水平正相关;(2)控制权与债务水平负相关;(3)控制权和现金流量权的分离度与债务水平负相关;(4)控制权超过现金流量权的公司具有显著低的债务水平;(5)终极控制股东是国有公司的债务水平显著低于终极控制股东是民营等非国有的公司;(6)董事会成员中终极控制股东派出的董事越多的公司具有相对多的债务水平。本文提供的经验证据支持这样的论点——在控制权超过现金流量权的情况下,终极控制股东会利用手中的控制权"掏空"上市公司,股权融资偏好和减少债务融资以摆脱对"隧道"行为约束的效应明显。  相似文献   

This paper analyses 220 preannouncements of new products and their effect on shareholder value on American and European stock markets. Overall, the results show a positive significant reaction of abnormal returns on preannouncements. Additionally, determinants of the strength of the shareholder value effect are analyzed. Whereas market-related (country and industry) and preannouncement-related factors (detailedness of preannouncement, mentioning a launch date, and the preannouncement of multiple products) do not have an influence on the size of the effect, company-related and product-related factors can explain the magnitude of the reaction. Our model extends prior empirical literature by showing a higher explained variance of the strength of the shareholder value effect. In particular, there exists a negative relationship between company size and abnormal returns and return on equity and abnormal returns, whereas the newness of the product for the market has a positive influence on abnormal returns.  相似文献   

为研究BOT项目有限追索权融资中贷款资金与股本资金在贷方和项目公司之间合理分配问题(即BOT最优融资结构),本文考虑项目公司和贷方根据CAPM方法进行投资决策,通过分析它们投资策略在利益上的冲突关系而建立一个BOT融资模型,并且用博弈论方法研究模型最优解的存在性及其性质。研究结果不仅为项目公司和贷方提供了对BOT项目融资决策的理论方法,而且为政府对BOT项目的管理提供了重要的理论工具。  相似文献   

The German Corporate Tax Reform Act of 2008 requires an adjustment of classic valuation concepts because it limits interest deduction from taxable income depending on the operating performance of the company. By using time- and state-contingent discount rates in a risk-neutral valuation with predetermined debt levels, a theoretically sound valuation result is obtained. However, a modified APV-concept which assumes deterministic debt over the planning horizon and constant leverage in the terminal value phase also yields consistent valuation results when two types of tax shields with different levels of risk are distinguished.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of layoff announcements on the market value of German listed companies. Analyzing 136 announcements being published between 2000 and 2009, the results show marginal abnormal returns but high variance indicating that the market reaction might depend on specific characteristics. As potential determinants we particularly discuss the reasons for layoff, the size of layoff and the voluntariness of layoff. We find that reactive reasons like plant closures have a negative impact on shareholder value whilst active reasons like cost improvements enhance shareholder value. The size of layoff tends to induce negative effects. A voluntary layoff announcement however increases the value of a firm. Furthermore, we find a positive relationship between abnormal returns and human capital intensity and a negative one with both the manufacturing industry membership and financial leverage. In addition, the regression model extends prior literature since its coefficient of determination exceeds those in Anglo-American studies.  相似文献   

In this paper we present empirical evidence on the relationship between board remuneration of a sample of large Spanish companies and a set of explanatory variables such as performance and size of the company. The objective is to provide additional empirical evidence based on the agency theory for the Spanish institutional context, which differs from most ‘Anglo–Saxon’ model studies. We focus on the impact of a company's governance structure on the relationship between pay and performance. Specifically, we consider ownership concentration and firm leverage as key determinants of the board–shareholders relationship. Our results confirm the positive relationship between board remuneration and company performance, which is stronger for book values than for stock market measures. Industry performance also explains the remuneration and provides useful information for evaluating board behaviour. Company size is also related to board remuneration and affects the pay–performance relationship, although it is not relevant when we use an elasticity approach. Finally, the governance structure of companies is relevant when explaining the power of the compensation–performance relationship, and differences between the impact of ownership concentration and firm leverage on this relationship are found.  相似文献   

This study addresses the controversial issue of how non-financial performance affects the cost of debt capital and access to it. The relationship between corporate social performance and two measures of debt cost (accounting-based and market-based) and the measure of debt access are analysed by means of a multi-theoretical framework combining economics with social theories. By observing a sample of listed European non-financial firms over an 8-year period from 2005 to 2012, we find a negative relationship between corporate social performance and interest rate. Consistent with this result, we find a positive relationship between corporate social performance and debt rating. Thus, corporate social performance has a positive role in reducing the cost of debt capital. Moreover, firms with better corporate social performance are more attractive to lenders in terms of leverage allowance. Overall, our findings provide deeper insight into the reasons why companies should improve their corporate social performance.  相似文献   

债务悬空(Debt Overhang)会导致公司陷入财务困境,阻滞其开展正常的投融资活动。现有研究表明,发行或有可转债(Contingent Convertible Bonds,简称CoCos)有望成为一种应对债务悬空的有效方法。本文以债务悬空应对方法及其定价为研究主题,通过改进CoCos债转股的触发阈值,即以债务悬空发生时公司资产账面价值作为触发阈值,以解决现有CoCos产品在债务悬空应对的适配性方面的不足。具体地,结合债务悬空发生时公司资本结构的特征,考虑转股后的破产清算,基于结构化信用衍生品定价方法进行建模,进而得到CoCos债转股及破产清算时公司资产账面价值的触发阈值,并给出了公司资产、普通债、CoCos、股权价值的解析解,据此进一步计算CoCos和普通债的信用价差及公司的财务杠杆。最后,通过数值模拟,探析了波动率、发行期限以及息票支付的税盾效应对CoCos和普通债信用价差的影响,及CoCos和普通债的发行期限和数量对财务杠杆的影响;得到了通过适当提高CoCos合约的债转股比例,可以有效降低债务悬空发生可能性的结论。  相似文献   

苏坤  张俊瑞 《管理学报》2012,(3):466-472
以2004~2008年我国上市公司为研究对象,从终极控制人的视角实证检验了终极控制股东特征对公司资本结构的影响。研究表明,负债融资扩大了终极控制股东可控制的资源,便利了其攫取行为,且不会导致控制权的稀释,终极控制股东两权分离程度与资本结构显著正相关。较高的现金流权能够有效制约终极控制股东通过扩大负债融资获取私有收益的行为,终极控制股东现金流权对其两权分离程度与资本结构间的关系具有显著的调节作用。与非国有控制公司相比,国有终极控制股东通过扩大负债融资获取私有收益的动机相对较弱,其两权分离程度对资本结构的正向影响也相对较小。  相似文献   

由于金融资产收益的条件波动率不仅是金融市场风险度量的重要指标,而且呈现出明显的杠杆效应。因此,本文运用能够刻画波动率杠杆效应的LGARCH(Leverage GARCH)模型对金融市场条件波动率进行建模分析,进而运用Granger-Causality检验分析了中国股市与周边股市波动风险的传导效应。实证结果表明,在整个样本区间,上海股市与周边重要股市的联系比较微弱,仅与香港股市存在一定的风险传导关系,而与东京、新加坡股市却不存在传导关系。然而,在我国股市对境外合格机构投资者(Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors,QFII)开放后,中国股市与周边股市的波动风险传导关系明显异于对QFII开放之前和整个样本期的风险传导关系,上海股市与香港、东京、新加坡股市间的波动风险传导关系均显著增强。  相似文献   

企业集团控制下的关联企业违约相关性度量研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
作为商业银行的重要客户,企业集团是多个企业的法人联合体.企业集团内的关联企业违约与否,常常受集团母公司的影响,并且集团内任一企业发生违约,都可能导致集团内其它关联企业发生违约,最终给银行造成巨大的累积信用风险.因此,度量集团内关联企业的违约相关性是银行防范集团客户信用风险的重要环节.基于此,通过将企业集团母公司的资产价值作为影响其控制企业的违约强度公共风险因子,结合违约强度模型,分析这些关联企业的随机违约强度过程,进而得到集团控制下的关联企业违约相关性度量模型.研究表明,企业集团控制下的关联企业违约相关性与母公司持有它们的股权比例成正向变化关系,但是股权比例的变化对违约相关性变化的影响较小.  相似文献   

基于对"内部资本市场融资替代效应"的分析,本文以金字塔结构复杂性衡量内部资本市场规模,采用2005年我国270家民营上市公司为样本,实证检验金字塔结构对上市公司资本结构的影响。结果表明,金字塔结构复杂性与上市公司全部非银行借款率、短期非银行借款率显著正相关。这表明金字塔结构越复杂,上市公司越倾向利用内部资本市场提供的非银行借款。研究结论从"内部资本市场融资替代效应"角度解释了我国民营上市公司广泛隶属于金字塔结构的合理性。  相似文献   

Although studies of student employment (‘earning while learning’) mostly find positive wage effects, they do not adequately consider the relation of the employment to the field of study. We investigate how different types of student employment during tertiary education affect short‐ and long‐term labour market returns. Beyond examining differences between non‐working and part‐time working students, we distinguish between student employment related and unrelated to the field of study. Our results show significant positive labour market returns of ‘earning while learning’ only for student employment related to the field of study. These returns consist of a lower unemployment risk, shorter job‐search duration, higher wage effects, and greater job responsibility.  相似文献   

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