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熊劼 《领导科学》2020,(5):104-106
传统上下级领导关系主要具有权力方向层面的单向性、等级观念层面的固化性、价值立场层面的对抗性等现实特点,具有极易引发层级矛盾、大大限制工作效率、导致组织机制僵化等负向效应。改进传统的上下级关系,需要充分发挥领导者的主导和带动作用,思想上树立感召力吸引的现代理念,行为上贯彻有限度领导的管理方针,生活上坚持全方位交流的基本思路。  相似文献   

现代职场中,当人与人之间相“接触”的时候,往往会出现很多层出不穷的变数——欣赏与厌憎,赞美与诋毁,协作与竞争,扶助与拆台,喜剧与悲剧等等不和谐的杂音…  相似文献   

产业集群对区域人才集聚有显著的正向效应,尽管人们对于产业集群的正向效应的期望日益膨胀,但是,不能不接受这样一个现实:产业集群也会对区域人才集聚的发展产生负向效应。一方面,产业集群自身的一些特点会对区域经济人才集聚产生负面影响;另一方面,对产业集群发展模式的不恰当运用,也会对区域人才集聚的长远发展造成危害。本文首先解释了产业集群对区域人才集聚的形成机制,引用产业集群人才引力模型,在此基础上,探讨产业集群对区域人才集聚的正向效应和负向效应,最后提出一些促进区域人才集聚的建议。  相似文献   

傅敏  陈明龙 《领导科学》2020,(5):110-112
情感绝缘困境是一种破坏性力量,严重影响人的成长与发展。哪吒是不幸的,因为从出生之日起,他就身处偏见之中,被迫陷入情感绝缘困境;同时哪吒也是幸运的,因为他最终冲破了情感绝缘困境,做到了拯救苍生,实现了逆天改命。哪吒情感绝缘困境的形成与消解启示新生代职场员工,职场永远都不是避风港,有些爱是深沉晦涩的,孤胆英雄往往是悲壮的。  相似文献   

康超 《领导科学》2021,(2):82-84
压力传导机制通过层层下传压力和责任,起到了"四两拨千斤"的效果,提升了下级成员的工作效率和执行进度。但压力传导机制在对组织成员个体发挥作用、施加效力的过程中,通常会产生正负两方面效应:正向效应即产生积极推动力、适度压力转化为奋进动力、全面提升员工综合实力;负向效应即产生阻碍不利影响、压力过度转化为心理负担、导致员工困滞不前。想要最大限度地发挥压力传导机制的正向激励作用,可以通过甄别抗压心理、分类部署工作,量化权责清单、限定压力边界,问责激励结合、转压力为动力等举措加以改进。  相似文献   

职场"年龄倒挂"不仅容易引致年长员工怀疑自我能力、焦虑职位晋升,还会导致上下级身份错位,引发信任危机。这就需要引导年轻领导和年长员工主动纠正年龄与能力挂钩的错误认知,摆正尊重与领导的关系,端正对晋升标准的理性认知,正视变迁与发展的客观存在。为化解职场"年龄倒挂"引致的困境,应革新能力认知,定位核心因素;转变情感认知,拉近心理距离;确保公正裁决,营造公平氛围;探索代际模式,畅通信息交流渠道。  相似文献   

随着中国入世及新一轮的经济增长,跨国公司对我国企业的并购行为将日趋活跃。跨国并购在给国内经济增长带来资金、技术、市场及先进管理方法的同时,也不可避免地带来一些负面影响,如容易滋生垄断倾向、并购过程中的国有资产流失、本土品牌消亡及投机性并购行为的存在等。本文尝试对此提出一些应对策略。  相似文献   

本文通过分析已有相关实验研究,总结了进行最后通牒游戏时公平性这一情感因素影响游戏中接受者决策的三个可能途径:不同价值观、易得性启发式及社会进化论。  相似文献   

周雪梅  柴俊武 《管理学报》2009,6(9):1236-1244
对职场Tweens的消费态度进行了研究,发现可将职场Tweens的消费态度分为炫耀型、变动型和理智型3种类型.分析了性别、文化程度等人口统计学变量对某一特定消费类型影响的差异程度,结果显示:不同性别的职场Tweens在炫耀型消费方面无显著差异,而在变动型消费和理智型消费方面有显著差异;不同文化程度的职场Tweens仅在炫耀型消费方面有显著差异;处于不同城市的职场Tweens也仅在炫耀型消费方面有显著差异.  相似文献   

传统上下级关系的负效应主要表现在组织沟通、组织管理、人际交往、人文关怀和组织控制五个方面。改进传统上下级关系,要疏通沟通渠道,构建双向互动关系;优化组织管理,创新层级管理模式;端正人际交往,营造良性交往环境;转变领导观念,优化组织关怀机制;减少刚性控制,融入软性驱动元素。  相似文献   

员工负面情绪的产生既有个人原因,又有领导者原因。负面情绪不仅会影响工作效率和工作目标的达成,形成扩散效应,更会影响个人身心健康。领导者转化员工负面情绪,要做善于沟通的倾听者、轻松氛围的营造者和员工身心健康的守护者。  相似文献   

刘意 《领导科学》2020,(7):109-111
单位治理中争端表现依据争端主体、争端类型、表现形式和组织化程度的不同而不同。单位治理中争端的出现具有促进单位交流沟通、强化单位决策认同、消除成员个体歧见和塑造单位价值观念等正效应,也存在耗散组织资源、区隔人际关系、裂化单位整体和阻滞决策执行等负效应。  相似文献   

Research on knowledge strategies argues that the configuration of activities used by companies to acquire new and leverage existing knowledge is an important influencing factor of company performance. However, we do not know very much about how companies actually structure knowledge acquisition. In addition, we do not know which configurations of knowledge acquisition are conducive to company performance. Furthermore, knowledge strategies have largely been neglected in the context of young and entrepreneurial companies. Drawing on an explorative analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, we investigate strategies and activities for knowledge acquisition in the context of young biotechnology companies in Germany. The study reveals four distinct knowledge acquisition strategies (low key, mid range, focus and explorer) and shows that these strategies differ in their relation to company performance as a result of their configuration of knowledge acquisition activities and the type of knowledge acquired.  相似文献   


Organizational performance is a function of many variables, two of which are work process factors and human performance factors. Our study compared the effects of changing a work process versus human performance improvement techniques and the combined effects of combing both techniques. A 2 (manual vs. electronic process) X 2 (with vs. without behavioral intervention) between-subjects design with stratified random assignment was employed. Forty-eight participants performed a word processing task where their minutes-in-possession and error rate were recorded. Results revealed a main effect for process type and a main effect for behavioral intervention. The largest effects were observed with the context of a combined intervention. The implications of using a combined approach and topics for future researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined the positive effects of social capital in organizations, whereas the possible negative effects have attracted considerably less scholarly attention. To rectify this imbalance, this paper first undertakes a rigorous review of the published scholarly empirical evidence pertaining to the negative effects of social capital in organizations through a search of Web of Knowledge and Scopus, and then enumerates six potentially negative effects arising from increased levels of social capital. The review focuses on negative effects arising from bonding social capital and those arising from dense networks and closure, advancing new theory to elucidate the generative mechanisms that give rise to the proposed negative effects. Finally, the authors identify potential moderators of the negative effects thus theorized. Using the lens of social identification theory, the authors argue that dysfunctional identification processes restrict the processing of information and stimulate over‐commitment to established relationships, diluting in turn the dialectical process, and inhibiting individual learning within organizations, culminating in groupthink, the postponement of structural adjustments, the non‐rational escalation of commitment, and the blurring of firms’ boundaries. This review thus furthers the agenda of a more balanced inquiry into the effects of social capital in organizations.  相似文献   

朱卫东  洪勇 《中国管理科学》2004,12(Z1):237-241
随着股票期权计划的广泛应用,由于权利与义务、激励与约束的不对称而带来的一系列负面效应已开始凸现出来.本文在股票期权负效应的存在及其成因分析的基础上,从股票期权数量的确定与控制、行权条件的限定、业绩下滑时的约束等三个方面对股票期权负效应的对策问题进行了初步的探讨,以图防范与减轻其负效应,从而使股票期权计划的激励效应得到更充分的发挥.  相似文献   

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