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L'auteur examine les données par centre de recensement provenant des recensements de 1961,1971 et 1981 dans le but d'étudier, dans les quatorze agglomérations les plus importantes au Canada, la persistance de la répartition de la population en zones concentriques selon la situation socio-économique et la taille de la famille prédite par la théorie de Burgess. II conclut que même si le caractère des zones n'est plus tout à fait le même que dans le Canada d'antan, le phénomène de la stratification progressive a non seulement persisté, mais s'est peut-être même accentué en ce qui a trait à la situation socio-économique et à la taille des families. Cette persistance s'explique, d'une part, par les valeurs sociales, qui continuent à attacher beaucoup d'importance à la possession d'une maison unifamiliale et, d'autre part, par l'aménagement et le maintien d'un réseau routier qui permet aux gens de travailler dans les grandes villes canadiennes tout en vivant en banlieue ou à la campagne.
Using census tract data from the censuses of 1961,1971 and 1981, this paper examines the durability of concentric zonal patterns in socio-economic status and family size predicted by Burgess' theory in the 14 largest metropolitan areas of Canada. Although the character of the zones may have changed over time in modern day Canada, it was found that the gradient pattern itself not only persists but may have intensified as far as socio-economic status and family size are concerned. This persistence is attributed to the strong societal norm of owning a single family detached dwelling and the development and maintenance of roadways which still make it worthwhile to commute to work in Canadian cities.  相似文献   

Socioeconomic status and preventive health behavior   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

With the proliferation of different family forms in many western countries over the last few decades, research investigating the influence of family structure on children's socioeconomic status attainment has expanded dramatically, especially in the United States. The purpose of this study was to estimate the relative influence of family structure, maternal resources, and family mental health on predicting socioeconomic attainment in young adulthood. Data for this study were derived from a case‐comparison, three‐wave panel study of single‐parent, and two‐parent families living in London, Ontario, with interviews conducted in 1993 (wave 1), 1994 (wave 2), and between 2005 and 2008 (wave 3). There were virtually no differences in status attainment by family structure. Unexpectedly, however, we found that children raised in temporally stable single‐parent families, and those whose mothers transitioned from a single‐parent family to a two‐parent family had higher socioeconomic status occupations for their longest job held than did children raised in temporally stable two‐parent families. Maternal education was positively related to the likelihood that children would graduate from college/university. For those concerned with social policy, this implies that greater attention ought to be paid to addressing disparities in education and family income than to concerns with the kinds of families in which children grow up. Avec la prolifération de différentes formes de familles dans plusieurs pays occidentaux depuis quelques décennies, la recherche sur l'influence de la structure da la famille sur l'acquisition de statu socioéconomique des enfants s'est dramatiquement élargie, surtout aux Etats‐Unis. L'intention de cette étude était d'estimer l'influence relative de la structure de famille, les ressources maternelles et la santé mentale de la famille sur la prédiction d'acquisition socioéconomique d'un jeune adulte. Les données de cette étude résultent d'une comparaison de cas, sur un échantillonnage de 3 séries de familles monoparentales et de familles à 2 parents vivant à London, Ontario, avec des entrevues réalisées en 1993 (série 1), 1994 (série 2) et entre 2005 et 2008 (série 3). Il n'y a avait virtuellement pas de différence d'acquisition de statu par structure de famille. De manière inattendue, cependant, nous avons établis que les enfants élevés de par des familles monoparentales stables dans le temps, ainsi que ceux dont la mère avait opéré une transition d'une structure monoparentale vers une structure à 2 parents, occupaient des fonctions d'un statu socioéconomique plus élevé durant leur période d'emploi la plus longue comparés aux enfants élevés dans des familles à 2 parents stables dans le temps. L’éducation maternelle était positivement liée à la probabilité que les enfants obtiendraient un diplôme d'un niveau post‐secondaire (collège / université). Pour ceux concernés par les politiques sociales, cela induit qu'une plus grande attention devrait être accordée à la disparité entre l’éducation et les revenus de la famille plutôt que de s'attarder sur les types de famille dans lesquelles les enfants grandissent.  相似文献   

Dans le passé, deux conclusions différentes ont été tirées sur les effets de l'histoire du Canada sur l'industrialisation, par rapport aux structures de classes canadiennes. D'une part, on a tiré argument du fait que le Canada a engendré une structure de classes non caractéristique au sein des pays capitalistes évolués et d'autre part, que les filiales (branch plant) ont crée l'américanisation de la structure de classes canadiennes. Dans cet article, nous étudions ces arguments en nous servant de données d'études similaires, faites au Canada, en Suède et aux Etats-Unis. Les résultats appuient les deux hypothéses. La structure canadienne des classes porte l'empreinte d'un precédé de développement tronqué mais elle a aussi incorporé dans une forte mesure un ensemble de pratiques clairement américaines quant à l'organisation du processus de production capitaliste. Les firmes américaines et canadiennes déploient également une proportion beaucoup plus forte de main-d'oeuvre en ce qui concerne le contrôle et la surveillance des autres travailleurs et cette tendance est beaucoup plus prononcée au sein des secteurs de l'économie canadienne traditionellement dominés par le capital américain. In the past, two quite different sets of claims have been advanced concerning the effects of Canada's history of dependent industrialization on the Canadian class structure. It has been argued, on the one hand, that Canada has evolved a distorted class structure that is atypical among advanced capitalist countries, and on the other, that the branch plant brought with it the ‘Americanization’ of the Canadian class structure. In this paper we examine these claims with data from identical national surveys conducted in Canada, Sweden, and the United States. The results yield support for both sets of claims. The Canadian class structure bears the imprint of a truncated development process but, in addition, has to a large degree incorporated a distinctively American set of practices for the organization of the capitalist production process. Both Canadian and American firms deploy a much higher proportion of labour power in the work of control and surveillance of other workers, and this tendency is much more pronounced in those sectors of the Canadian economy traditionally dominated by American capital.  相似文献   

This article presents a study of the effects of a number of socioeconomic features of Canadian cities, particularly their unemployment rates, on the attitudes toward immigrants of their native-born residents. Using data from a national study of ethnicity and multiculturalism, the authors estimate several regression models predicting 3 separate dimensions of attitude toward immigrants and including as independent variables both individual characteristics and structural characteristics of city of residence. They found no evidence of a sizeable effect of local unemployment rate on attitude toward immigrants. Of the other contextual variables included in the models, the only 2 consistently influencing these attitudes included in the models, educational attainment and income, along with mother tongue, exhibit the strongest and most consistent effects on the attitude dimensions.  相似文献   

Individuals of higher socioeconomic status live longer and enjoy better physical and mental health relative to individuals of lower social status. Socioeconomic status differences in health status persist over time. This paper examines the association between socioeconomic status, psychosocial factors, and health in Georgetown, Guyana. The major causes of death are cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease; life expectancy at birth is 67.3 years for males and 72.3 years for females; and the infant mortality rate is 44 per 1000 live births. Data for the study were drawn from a probability sample of 654 adult residents of Georgetown. A significant inverse association was found between formal education and morbidity for four of the six measures of health status. The authors investigated the extent to which self-concept, health behaviors, stress, and social ties are linked to health status and socioeconomic status, and can explain socioeconomic status differences in health status. Psychosocial factors, especially the self-concept measures of self-esteem and mastery, were found to play a moderate role in accounting for educational differences in health status.  相似文献   

丛屹  李艳丽 《城市》2009,(4):3-7
1998年我国开始实施扩大内需的经济政策。理论上,内需主要包括投资需求和消费需求两个部分。起初,我国试图从国债投资入手拉动内需,但启动民间投资乏力,障碍在于消费需求上不去。投资收益前景不佳。自此,提高与鼓励消费需求的问题被提上日程,经济工作中根深蒂固的重积累轻消费、重生产轻生活的倾向开始扭转,居民消费的地位开始有所提升.但与国际经验相比,我国的居民消费状况在总量水平和结构上都呈现出一些自己的特点。国内已有许多学者做了这方面的计量分析研究.说明了不少问题.但居民消费行为以及与此有关的开拓国内市场的某些制度性因素。并不能用计量经济学的方法来处理.或者说一些计量分析的结果需要用非计量的方式予以解释.  相似文献   

The extent to which the traditional inverse relationship between infant mortality and socioeconomic status holds true in Kansas is examined for the years around 1950, 1960, and 1970. A social-ranking approach and correlation and regression analysis fail to confirm this inverse relationship. The authors suggest that the social organization characteristics of a rural U.S. state may provide a quality of life that transcends socioeconomic differentials.  相似文献   

Given the complexity surrounding various interactions among health determinants and the challenge of being able to adequately describe the dynamic processes through which health determinants have their effects, the purpose of this paper is to provide a conceptual overview demonstrating the effects of socioeconomic status and cumulative disadvantage on producing health disparities across the life course. The idea underlying cumulative disadvantage is that socioeconomic-based health inequalities will increase across the life course, mostly because of differential exposure to risk factors and access to protective resources. The advantage of life course sociology is its consideration of early life experiences, and the social and historical context of their occurrences, as important contingencies in producing these systematic socioeconomic differences in health gradients.  相似文献   

Il fut un temps où, au sein de 1'industrie financière canadienne, les institutions fiduciaries faisaient figure de parent pauvre. Mais cette époque est bien révolue, alors que celles-ci non seulement menacent ľhégémonie domestique des grandes banques, mais aussi se sont intégrées à plusieurs des principaux conglomérate canadiens. De ce fait, la division traditionelle au Canada entre institutions financières et non-financières est en voie de s'effacer. La présente analyse examine ďabord les récentes transformations qu'a connue 1'industrie fiduciaire canadienne, puis intègre ces dernières au sein de transformations structurelles similaires de ľéconomie canadienne. En conclusion, j'évalue les implications sociales de ces processus.
Within the realm of financial institutions, the Canadian trust industry has recently developed into a set of institutions that now challenges the domestic hegemony of the banks. At the same time, this industry has become integrated into several of the dominant Canadian conglomerates, thus blurring the traditional division between financial and non-financial institutions. This paper begins by analysing the recent transformation in the structure of the Canadian trust industry. It then integrates this into an analysis of similar structural transformations within the Canadian economy at large. It concludes by suggesting the social significance of these processes.  相似文献   

This study examines the interconnections among education--as a proxy for socioeconomic status--stress, and physical and mental healthy by specifying differential exposure and vulnerability models using data from The National Study of Daily Experiences (N = 1,031). These daily diary data allowed assessment of the social distribution of a qualitatively different type of stressor than has previously been examined in sociological stress research--daily stressors, or hassles. Moreover, these data allowed a less biased assessment of stress exposure and a more micro-level examination of the connections between stress and healthy by socioeconomic status. Consistent with the broad literature describing socioeconomic inequalities in physical and mental health, the results of this study indicated that, on any given day, better-educated adults reported fewer physical symptoms and less psychological distress. Although better educated individuals reported more daily stressors, stressors reported by those with less education were more severe. Finally, neither exposure nor vulnerability explained socioeconomic differentials in daily health, but the results clearly indicate that the stressor-health association cannot be considered independent of socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

Moussa  Soulé  Kuyah  Shem  Kyereh  Boateng  Tougiani  Abasse  Mahamane  Saadou 《Urban Ecosystems》2020,23(4):851-864
Urban Ecosystems - Urbanization in the Sahel is constantly competing with and greatly affecting the woody flora in urban areas. Urbanization can replace the species mix, leading to changes in plant...  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the intersections of parental support and family socioeconomic background within an undergraduate sample (N = 596) in a mid-sized Canadian Prairie city. Coresidence, financial support, and parental and professional financial advice are examined as types of ‘family capital’ that may be distributed unequally across socioeconomic groups. In keeping with previous literature, findings showed that students whose parents had university education and higher incomes received more robust coverage of their housing and school expenses. Students whose parents were university-educated were also more likely to be living with a parent, though no relationship was found between parental income and coresidence. Contrasting with previous literature, few relationships were found between socioeconomic background and receipt or influence of financial advice. These results contribute to the literature by generalising claims about family capital to a Canadian student sample, where relatively few studies have empirically examined intergenerational transfers as mechanisms for transmitting privilege during the transition to adulthood. With increasing demands for higher education and simultaneous declines in government subsidisation of its costs, disparate access to family capital is likely to intensify the reproduction of social inequality across generations.  相似文献   

Although both low socioeconomic status and cigarette smoking increase health problems and mortality, their possible combined or interactive influence is less clear On one hand, the health of low status groups may be harmed least by unhealthy behavior such as smoking because, given the substantial health risks produced by limited resources, they have less to lose from damaging lifestyles. On the other hand, the health of low status groups may be harmed most by smoking because lifestyle choices exacerbate the health problems created by deprived material conditions. Alternatively, the harm of low status and smoking may accumulate additively rather than multiplicatively. We test these arguments with data from the 1990 U.S. National Health Interview Survey, and with measures of morbidity and mortality. For ascribed statuses such as gender, race, and ethnicity, and for the outcome measure of mortality, the results favor the additive argument, whereas for achieved status and morbidity, the results support the vulnerability hypothesis--that smoking inflicts greater harm among disadvantaged groups.  相似文献   

The origins of the project reviewed in this chapter lie in discussions with a Toronto agency that has a mandate to serve youth in transition from the care of the Children's Aid Society. This service system, also known in various jurisdictions as child welfare, child protection, or foster care, includes among its clients children and youth who are living in Canada without legal Canadian status. This could have occurred because the child arrived alone and was taken into care on arrival or because the child arrived with a family but was taken into care before status was obtained. While the child is in care, this lack of status is relatively inconsequential in that health, educational, and other services are provided through the Children's Aid Societies. Once the transition is made from care, the youth's vulnerability increases dramatically if legal status has not been obtained. Health services, educational opportunities, and legal employment are often beyond reach, and the youth is subject to deportation. The major objectives of the project were to explore the national and international literature to discover the dimensions of this issue, interview youth and service providers to gain insight into their experience, and discover ways to minimize the number of youth who leave care without having obtained status.  相似文献   

Homelessness is related to poorer mental health, yet, there is limited understanding of the predictors of mental health of men and women experiencing homelessness. To support service providers in identifying individuals who might be at particular risk of poor mental health, this study investigated the predictors of mental health in 501 single men and women experiencing homelessness in Vancouver, Toronto, and Ottawa, Canada. Data were obtained via in-person, structured interviews. In order to identify whether predictors differ by gender, multiple linear regressions were conducted separately for men and women. Mental health status was measured by the Mental Component Summary score of the 12-item Short-Form Health Survey. Better mental health for men and women was associated with the presence of fewer chronic health conditions and a higher level of social support. An older age, not having experienced a recent physical attack, and absence of a mental health diagnosis were related to better mental health for women. The absence of unmet mental health needs within the past 12 months was associated with better mental health for men. The study highlights differences in factors associated with mental health for men and women. Service providers should be aware of the association of these factors with mental health to guide assessment and service planning.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the hypothesis that depressive syndrome is associated with socioeconomic status, using longitudinal data from the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area Followup. Socioeconomic measures include those used in most studies of status attainment, as well as measures of financial dependence, non-job income, and work environment. Analyses include inter- and intra-generational mobility, and replicate the basic aspects of the status attainment process, as well as psychiatric epidemiologic findings regarding gender, family history of depression, life events, and depressive syndrome. But the involvement of depressive syndrome in the process of status attainment, either as cause or consequence, is small and not statistically significant. There are strong effects of financial dependence and work environment on depressive syndrome. The findings shed doubt on the utility of the causation/selection/drift model for depression, to the extent it is based on linear relationships and socioeconomic rank at the macro level, while lending credibility to social-psychologically oriented theories of work environment, poverty, and depression.  相似文献   

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