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Summary Despite a debate lasting some decades, there has been littleor no clear resolution about the way knowledge may be relatedto practice. To a considerable degree this is because of anassumption that knowledge is ‘knowledge as product’:given knowledge, researched and applied to practice. In recentyears, the concept of ‘knowledge as process’ hasemerged, focusing on knowledge of rigorous ways to think aboutpractice situations. This has generated a focus on hypothesisgeneration, testing and falsification, as well as lessons tobe learned from rigorous methods of qualitative analysis insocial research. Rigorous social workers, it has been suggested,would behave like ‘practical qualitative researchers ofthe individual instant’. However, there is little empiricalresearch on the matter. This paper evaluates process knowledgeforms used by social workers. It presents findings that socialworkers vary considerably in the extent to which they develophypotheses about the whole case, or aspects of it, in the depthwith which they analyse cases, and the systematic way they pursuean information gathering strategy. The paper concludes thatthere is clear evidence of social workers behaving as practicalqualitative researchers, but the rigour with which they do sovaries, with fundamental implications for the training process,and the extent to which rigorous strategies, along the linesof research methodology, should be taught.  相似文献   

Correspondence to University of Exeter, Department of Sociology, Amory Building, Rennes Drive, Exeter EX4 4RJ. Summary In undertaking a piece of research, one can expect to encounterintellectual puzzles along the way. Here, the story is recountedof one particular puzzle that arose when examining learningprocesses in social work. An extract from a research interviewis presented and the learning represented by the social worker'sactivity and opinions is interpreted in three distinctive ways,drawing on perspectives in sociology, education and feminism.Consideration turns to the process of interpretation itselfand recent ideas encountered through literary theory are invokedas a means towards appreciating interpretive practice. In sofar as both social workers and researchers consider themselvesengaged with the issues multiple interpretations pose, it issuggested that this brand of literary theory may be of valuethrough its illumination of the construction and deconstructionof understandings.  相似文献   

Summary The paper examines the processes of a research project aboutthe continuing care needs of head-injured people in order toillustrate an interactive approach in social work research.Influenced by the social work values of empowerment and workingin partnership, the key function of the interactive approachinclude a multidisciplinary research team analysing the researchtopic through different disciplinary perspectives, and selectingresearch methods and dissemination strategies that promote interactiverelationships amongst researchers, respondents and sponsors.Social work practice supplies transferable knowledge, valuesand skills for the interactive approach. The skill of negotiationis used to mitigate unequal distributions of power between researchersand respondents. The paper concludes that the interactive approachis a distinctive characteristic of social work research thatdeserves wider recognition.  相似文献   

Summary The role of social workers within the penal system has beenthe subject of much discussion and heart-searching by probationofficers and others since the probation service took on responsibilityfor rilling prison welfare posts in 1966. Many officers havebeen reluctant to undertake secondment as Prison Welfare Officersbecause of the difficulties of applying their social work trainingand experience in a penal setting and their fears of absorptioninto a punishment-oriented culture. This article explores thenature of the stresses involved in the practice of social workin this setting, and argues the case for the positive contributionthat social workers can make, at present often ignored in discussingthe stress and conflict inherent in the situation. Stress, itis argued, may be a necessary function of effective work inthis context, and the attempt to reduce it by giving the PWOa more detailed role definition and a clearer position withinthe prison hierarchy is premature. The role is best definedas it emerges from the experience of good practitioners withinthe setting, a concept which has implications for the choiceof probation officers for this type of work and for their approach.They should be able to see and utilize the opportunities foreffective social work, and incorporate available research ina flexible and imaginative methodology  相似文献   

Constructivism in Social Work: Towards a Participative Practice Viability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Social work has traditionally drawn upon an expansive rangeof social science research and theorizing as its claim upona ‘knowledge base’. Recent debates have exploredthe need for the profession to develop its own theory of socialwork knowledge arising from practice. This paper seeks to extendthe boundaries of these ideas through an operational and epistemologicalelaboration and critique of Sheppard's (1995a; 1998) notionof a practice paradigm. In an examination of the contributionof constructivism and the seminal work of George Kelly's (1955)Psychology of Personal Constructs, arguments are put forwardfor social work practice to focus upon the co-construction ofviable working relationships with service users as the basisfor an anti-oppressive and participative professionalism. Itargues that the sterile philosophical dichotomies between objectivism/realism-subjectivism/interpretivismand the equally unhelpful social work division between practice-theoryshould be integrated within a situated, participatory, constructivistapproach to knowledge creation in social work practice and continuingprofessional development.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Michael Sheppard, Department of Applied Social Science, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA. Summary Social work has for some time had an ambiguous and ambivalentrelationship with its social science knowledge base. However,this has arisen, at least in part, because of the emphasis onthe outcome or product of social science rather than the processby which research is conducted. This paper, focusing on assessment,argues that an emphasis on process goes some way to closingthe gap between social science and social work, that the methodsused by social researchers are, in many respects, simply refinementsof the methodology of everyday life, and that social workers,when conducting assessments operate rather like practical qualitativeresearchers. Using Analytical Induction as an heuristic device,it proceeds to explore critical characteristics of good practicein social work assessments. It concludes that practice shouldbe characterized by critical awareness, involving imaginativedevelopment of alternative hypotheses, a sceptical attitudetowards case assessments and a principle of adopting hypothesesleast likely to be in error.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Professor Michael Sheppard, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA, UK. E-mail M.Sheppard{at}plymouth.ac.uk Summary A new paradigm of ‘process knowledge’ has emergedin recent years, distinct from the dominant ‘product knowledge’paradigm in social work. While the latter refers to existentknowledge, which may be applied, the former refers to the developmentof knowledge about the ‘methodology of practice decisionmaking’, focusing on the processes by which judgementsare made. At its heart is the emerging idea of a reflexivityfor practice, but studies have been, until recently, theoretical.A very small number of empirical studies have begun to identifysome key elements of process knowledge. These have developeda range of concepts relating to critical appraisal, hypothesisdevelopment and hypothesis testing which characterize socialwork process knowledge. These include, for example, focusedattention, querying information, causal inferences, partialcase, procedural, and speculative hypotheses. A process of quasitriangulation is characteristic of social work practice methodology,together with a combination of inductive and deductive thinking.This paper seeks to develop our understanding by focusing onhow social workers develop and appraise hypotheses, and in particularhow the substantive content of hypotheses emerges (these enablesocial workers to make sense of, define, and respond to, situations).To understand this, the notion of rules is used, and socialworkers emerge as analysts employing three types of rules: substantive,application, and practice rules. A significant link betweenprocess knowledge and the content of product knowledge is identifiedin the form of technical language. The concept of ‘probabilisticcausation’ is identified as a key epistemological dimensionin the conduct of rigorous practice.  相似文献   

Correspondence to M. Aldridge, School of Social Studies, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD Summary Under a regime of quasi-markets, UK public sector occupationsare having to promote themselves as enterprising and argue theircase for a share of public spending. Much of this takes placethrough the news media. In order to do this effectively, somekind of professional grouping is essential. The paper reviewsthe failure of non-probation social work to achieve a professionalformation thus far. Rejecting explanations rooted in attitudes,values and gender, it argues that the core problem since theearly 1970s has been the shifting nature of social senices workbecause of central government policy changes. Now that the profileof social senices tasks is more settled, it is time for socialworkers to abandon their reluctance to claim distinctive expertiseand set about developing a more confident set of intellectualskills and thus an effective voice. In a postmodern age of scepticalconsumers they need not fear élitism as they will, rather,be judged by their effectiveness.  相似文献   

Summary Dreadful moments often happen in social work. This is when theordinary, reliable, taken-for-granted world is called into questionby a calamitous or hopeless situation. In order to respond thesocial worker has to relocate himself after momentarily plunginginto a vortex of trouble that destroyed the client's and, fora short time, his own sense of relatedness. Existentialism,which focusses on the whole structure of personal and interpersonalbeing and the necessity to act in the knowledge of freedom andresponsibility, does help with this relocation. Two cases, basedon actual social work, are reconstructed dramatically in orderto illustrate the positive use of the idea of dreadful moments.These are ideal-typical examples of successful social work whichcould be a model for a general phenomenological-existentialperspective in social work in which the author is at presentengaged.  相似文献   

John Paley. Department of Social Policy, School of Policy Studies, Cranfield Institute of Technology, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0AL. Summary The research literature on social workers' use of theory suggeststhat social work, conceived as a form of knowledge in action,is amenable to a sociology of knowledge approach. This papertries to illustrate the relevant parallels, and uses both empiricaland philosophical themes in the recent sociology of scienceto identify a strategy for social work research.  相似文献   

Summary The recommended knowledge base of social work is seen to bewide-ranging on the one hand, and subject to divides and tensionson the other. This state of affairs is reviewed briefly. Anargument is then developed which maintains that only certaintypes of activity within the considerable range often identifiedas social work, offer a clear suggestion that the job whichis being described is that of social work. These various activitiesand practices appeal to different kinds of theory and knowledge.As the knowledge base and practical possibilities of the jobhave become increasingly elaborate and extensive, an argumentwhich recommends that social workers recover a simplier notionof what they are about also entails the idea that social workis a job which is seen to have necessary and definite limitsto its practice and theory.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this paper is to explore the nature of the disciplineof social work and to argue that perhaps its central and uniquecharacteristic is the way theory and practice are closely interrelated.In doing so it suggests it is important to locate social workin its particular social, political and historical contextsand to identify some of the key factors which have influencednot only its development but its forms. Social work is identifiedas being essentially ambiguous, complex and uncertain such thatits major strengths are in terms of its ability to improve dialogue,understanding and interpretation, rather than simply be concernedwith legislating and acting with authority. In this sense ithas the potential to make a significant contribution to thecontemporary social sciences more generally.  相似文献   

Professional Values and Ethics in Social Work: Reconsidering Postmodernism?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Professor Richard Hugman, School of Social Work, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. E-mail: r.hugman{at}unsw.edu.au Summary The ‘postmodern turn’ in social theory has raisedquestions for understanding the social world. The implicationsof these debates for social work values and ethics are the centralfocus of this article. The implications of a postmodern viewof social work are examined and compared with criticisms ofpostmodern theory. It is argued that a critical considerationof postmodern insights may assist social work to examine thediverse, provisional and uncertain nature of all aspects ofour world, including knowledge and skills, values and ethics.Such an approach strengthens the case for a discursive modelof ethics.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Jim Campbell, Department of Social Work, The Queen's University of Belfast, 7 Lennoxvale, Belfast BT9 5BY, Northern Ireland. Jim Campbell lectures in the Department of Social Work, The Queen's University of Belfast. His doctoral thesis was on the concept of violence in social and political thought. His current research interests include social policy in Northern Ireland and mental health social work Summary This paper addresses a subject relatively unknown to the Britishand international social work audience—that of trainingfor anti-sectarian practice. In doing so, it points to someof the complex, even dangerous issues raised by such trainingfor social work students and practitioners in Northern Ireland.The paper comments upon the limited but significant ways inwhich social work educators and practitioners have tried tochallenge sectarian discrimination in Northern Ireland, andproposes methods in train ing and research which might facilitatea better understanding of these processes.  相似文献   

Summary In 1996 the Higher Education Funding Council undertook the fourthResearch Assessment Exercise (RAE) in universities in England,Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Performance in researchis a crucial measure in university departments because it hasdirect implications for funding, but some doubt that the criteriaused are appropriate measures of quality of research. Many factorshave an impact on the way that research by social work academicsis presented in the RAE. After the 1996 RAE, the Joint UniversityCouncil Social Work Education Committee undertook a survey ofdepartments which teach social work to try and elicit responsesto the assessment exercise which might inform preparations forthe next RAE.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Professor Michael Sheppard, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA, UK Summary In the last few years there have been significant developmentsin conceptualizing the role and nature of knowledge in socialwork. This has been based on a fundamental review of epistemological,ethical and theoretical facets of social work and its knowledgebase. Amongst some of the most significant developments havebeen the emergence of new concepts (for social work) such asprocess knowledge, reflexivity and a range of ideas relatingto hypotheses. In a recent article, Susan White (1997) soughtto critique some of my ideas on this matter. This article representsa response to her paper; one which uses the opportunity to drawout wider issues for a general theory of social work knowledge.In particular, it focuses on three key dimensions: the centralityof the concept of practice validity, the importance of a conceptof reflexivity which is not simply transferred from the disciplineof sociology but which has a social work-specific meaning, andthe dangers of an unrestrained relativism.  相似文献   

Summary The 1975 Children Act implies an increased statutory involvementof local authority social workers with West African childrenwho are fostered, and with their parents. The Act gives a newurgency to the need for a greater understanding of West Africanculture if effective social work help is to be given and suchwork should help to prevent legal disputes concerning the custodyof these foster children. A general discussion of variablesthat influence child-training is followed by a more specificconsideration of West African and British approaches. Importantdifferences are noted and areas of possible misunderstandingindicated. The mediating role that the social worker could playin this cross-cultural fostering is emphasized. Attention isdrawn to limitations in our present knowledge and the need forfurther research is stressed. Not only would this have practicalvalue but, it is suggested, it could increase our knowledgeof socialization processes in general.  相似文献   

Summary Poverty across the United Kingdom is a growing phenomenon. Itsimpact on the users of social work services is well documented.This paper puts forward the argument that poverty is a legitimatepart of the social work agenda rather than being seen as a complexproblem which is somehow outside the scope of social work agenciesand best left to politicians and policy makers. Social workpractitioners and managers must not only begin to accept andacknowledge that poverty is a social work issue but also tobegin confronting this challenge in a changing society whereexclusion, social inequality, racism and oppression deny peopletheir citizenship. The community needs profiling approach is proposed as a usefultool in addressing service user poverty whereby practitionersand their agencies can become more aware of the needs of usersand the communities in which they live. It is argued that, armedwith this knowledge, social workers have the potential to becomepart of the solution rather than remaining on the margins ofthe lives of poor people. Using evidence and ideas drawn froma range of community needs profiling research studies and texts,the author offers working suggestions for applying the approach.  相似文献   

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