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We describe a class of random field models for geostatistical count data based on Gaussian copulas. Unlike hierarchical Poisson models often used to describe this type of data, Gaussian copula models allow a more direct modelling of the marginal distributions and association structure of the count data. We study in detail the correlation structure of these random fields when the family of marginal distributions is either negative binomial or zero‐inflated Poisson; these represent two types of overdispersion often encountered in geostatistical count data. We also contrast the correlation structure of one of these Gaussian copula models with that of a hierarchical Poisson model having the same family of marginal distributions, and show that the former is more flexible than the latter in terms of range of feasible correlation, sensitivity to the mean function and modelling of isotropy. An exploratory analysis of a dataset of Japanese beetle larvae counts illustrate some of the findings. All of these investigations show that Gaussian copula models are useful alternatives to hierarchical Poisson models, specially for geostatistical count data that display substantial correlation and small overdispersion.  相似文献   

B. Klar 《Statistics》2013,47(6):505-515
Surles and Padgett recently introduced two-parameter Burr Type X distribution, which can also be described as the generalized Rayleigh distribution. It is observed that the generalized Rayleigh and log-normal distributions have many common properties and both the distributions can be used quite effectively to analyze skewed data set. For a given data set the problem of selecting either generalized Rayleigh or log-normal distribution is discussed in this paper. The ratio of maximized likelihood (RML) is used in discriminating between the two distributing functions. Asymptotic distributions of the RML under null hypotheses are obtained and they are used to determine the minimum sample size required in discriminating between these two families of distributions for a used specified probability of correct selection and the tolerance limit.  相似文献   

The exponential–Poisson (EP) distribution with scale and shape parameters β>0 and λ∈?, respectively, is a lifetime distribution obtained by mixing exponential and zero-truncated Poisson models. The EP distribution has been a good alternative to the gamma distribution for modelling lifetime, reliability and time intervals of successive natural disasters. Both EP and gamma distributions have some similarities and properties in common, for example, their densities may be strictly decreasing or unimodal, and their hazard rate functions may be decreasing, increasing or constant depending on their shape parameters. On the other hand, the EP distribution has several interesting applications based on stochastic representations involving maximum and minimum of iid exponential variables (with random sample size) which make it of distinguishable scientific importance from the gamma distribution. Given the similarities and different scientific relevance between these models, one question of interest is how to discriminate them. With this in mind, we propose a likelihood ratio test based on Cox's statistic to discriminate the EP and gamma distributions. The asymptotic distribution of the normalized logarithm of the ratio of the maximized likelihoods under two null hypotheses – data come from EP or gamma distributions – is provided. With this, we obtain the probabilities of correct selection. Hence, we propose to choose the model that maximizes the probability of correct selection (PCS). We also determinate the minimum sample size required to discriminate the EP and gamma distributions when the PCS and a given tolerance level based on some distance are before stated. A simulation study to evaluate the accuracy of the asymptotic probabilities of correct selection is also presented. The paper is motivated by two applications to real data sets.  相似文献   

When available data comprise a number of sampled households in each of a number of income classes, the likelihood function is obtained from a multinomial distribution with the income class population proportions as the unknown parameters. Two methods for going from this likelihood function to a posterior distribution on the Gini coefficient are investigated. In the first method, two alternative assumptions about the underlying income distribution are considered, namely a lognormal distribution and the Singh–Maddala (1976) income distribution. In these cases the likelihood function is reparameterized and the Gini coefficient is a nonlinear function of the income distribution parameters. The Metropolis algorithm is used to find the corresponding posterior distributions of the Gini coefficient from a sample of Bangkok households. The second method does not require an assumption about the nature of the income distribution, but uses (a) triangular prior distributions, and (b) beta prior distributions, on the location of mean income within each income class. By sampling from these distributions, and the Dirichlet posterior distribution of the income class proportions, alternative posterior distributions of the Gini coefficient are calculated.  相似文献   

In this article, tests are developed which can be used to investigate the goodness-of-fit of the skew-normal distribution in the context most relevant to the data analyst, namely that in which the parameter values are unknown and are estimated from the data. We consider five test statistics chosen from the broad Cramér–von Mises and Kolmogorov–Smirnov families, based on measures of disparity between the distribution function of a fitted skew-normal population and the empirical distribution function. The sampling distributions of the proposed test statistics are approximated using Monte Carlo techniques and summarized in easy to use tabular form. We also present results obtained from simulation studies designed to explore the true size of the tests and their power against various asymmetric alternative distributions.  相似文献   

The odd Weibull distribution is a three-parameter generalization of the Weibull and the inverse Weibull distributions having rich density and hazard shapes for modeling lifetime data. This paper explored the odd Weibull parameter regions having finite moments and examined the relation to some well-known distributions based on skewness and kurtosis functions. The existence of maximum likelihood estimators have shown with complete data for any sample size. The proof for the uniqueness of these estimators is given only when the absolute value of the second shape parameter is between zero and one. Furthermore, elements of the Fisher information matrix are obtained based on complete data using a single integral representation which have shown to exist for any parameter values. The performance of the odd Weibull distribution over various density and hazard shapes is compared with generalized gamma distribution using two different test statistics. Finally, analysis of two data sets has been performed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

The two-parameter generalized exponential distribution was recently introduced by Gupta and Kundu (Austral. New Zealand J. Statist. 40 (1999) 173). It is observed that the Generalized Exponential distribution can be used quite effectively to analyze skewed data set as an alternative to the more popular log-normal distribution. In this paper, we use the ratio of the maximized likelihoods in choosing between the log-normal and generalized exponential distributions. We obtain asymptotic distributions of the logarithm of the ratio of the maximized likelihoods and use them to determine the required sample size to discriminate between the two distributions for a user specified probability of correct selection and tolerance limit.  相似文献   

Several probability distributions have been proposed in the literature, especially with the aim of obtaining models that are more flexible relative to the behaviors of the density and hazard rate functions. Recently, two generalizations of the Lindley distribution were proposed in the literature: the power Lindley distribution and the inverse Lindley distribution. In this article, a distribution is obtained from these two generalizations and named as inverse power Lindley distribution. Some properties of this distribution and study of the behavior of maximum likelihood estimators are presented and discussed. It is also applied considering two real datasets and compared with the fits obtained for already-known distributions. When applied, the inverse power Lindley distribution was found to be a good alternative for modeling survival data.  相似文献   

A number of parametric and non-parametric linear trend tests for time series are evaluated in terms of test size and power, using also resampling techniques to form the empirical distribution of the test statistics under the null hypothesis of no linear trend. For resampling, both bootstrap and surrogate data are considered. Monte Carlo simulations were done for several types of residuals (uncorrelated and correlated with normal and nonnormal distributions) and a range of small magnitudes of the trend coefficient. In particular for AR(1) and ARMA(1, 1) residual processes, we investigate the discrimination of strong autocorrelation from linear trend with respect to the sample size. The correct test size is obtained for larger data sizes as autocorrelation increases and only when a randomization test that accounts for autocorrelation is used. The overall results show that the type I and II errors of the trend tests are reduced with the use of resampled data. Following the guidelines suggested by the simulation results, we could find significant linear trend in the data of land air temperature and sea surface temperature.  相似文献   

Generalized exponential distribution has been used quite effectively to model positively skewed lifetime data as an alternative to the well known Weibull or gamma distributions. In this paper we introduce an absolute continuous bivariate generalized exponential distribution by using a simple transformation from a well known bivariate exchangeable distribution. The marginal distributions of the proposed bivariate generalized exponential distributions are generalized exponential distributions. The joint probability density function and the joint cumulative distribution function can be expressed in closed forms. It is observed that the proposed bivariate distribution can be obtained using Clayton copula with generalized exponential distribution as marginals. We derive different properties of this new distribution. It is a five-parameter distribution, and the maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters cannot be obtained in closed forms. We propose some alternative estimators, which can be obtained quite easily, and they can be used as initial guesses to compute the maximum likelihood estimates. One data set has been analyzed for illustrative purposes. Finally we propose some generalization of the proposed model.  相似文献   

An expression for the Bayesian predictive survival function of the median of a set of future observations is obtained whether its size is assumed to be odd or even. Both of the informative and future samples are drawn from a population whose distribution is a general class that includes several distributions used in life testing (and other areas as well) such as the Weibull (including the exponential and Rayleigh), compound Weibull (including the compound exponential and compound Rayleigh), Pareto, beta, Gompertz and compound Gompertz, among other distributions. A general proper (conjugate) prior density function is used to cover most prior distributions that have been used in literature. Applications to the Weibull, exponential and Rayleigh models are illustrated.  相似文献   

Weakly stationary fields of random quasiellipsoids (rigid or flat ellipsoids) in Rn are intersected with a fixed hyperplane H. The stereological problem consists in determining the size and shape distribution of a “typoical” quasiellipsoid of the sample by selectional data. The size is assumed to be independent of shape and directins. In general the problem cannot be solved uniquely (s.[1]). In the present paper the question is answered for which shape–direction distributions the stereological formulas for all size distributions are the same as in the well–known spherical case  相似文献   

The exponential and Rayleigh are the two most commonly used distributions for analyzing lifetime data. These distributions have several desirable properties and nice physical interpretations. Unfortunately, the exponential distribution only has constant failure rate and the Rayleigh distribution has increasing failure rate. The linear failure rate distribution generalizes both these distributions which may have non increasing hazard function also. This article introduces a new distribution, which generalizes linear failure rate distribution. This distribution generalizes the well-known (1) exponential distribution, (2) linear failure rate distribution, (3) generalized exponential distribution, and (4) generalized Rayleigh distribution. The properties of this distribution are discussed in this article. The maximum likelihood estimates of the unknown parameters are obtained. A real data set is analyzed and it is observed that the present distribution can provide a better fit than some other very well-known distributions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a bivariate Kumaraswamy (BVK) distribution whose marginals are Kumaraswamy distributions. The cumulative distribution function of this bivariate model has absolutely continuous and singular parts. Representations for the cumulative and density functions are presented and properties such as marginal and conditional distributions, product moments and conditional moments are obtained. We show that the BVK model can be obtained from the Marshall and Olkin survival copula and obtain a tail dependence measure. The estimation of the parameters by maximum likelihood is discussed and the Fisher information matrix is determined. We propose an EM algorithm to estimate the parameters. Some simulations are presented to verify the performance of the direct maximum-likelihood estimation and the proposed EM algorithm. We also present a method to generate bivariate distributions from our proposed BVK distribution. Furthermore, we introduce a BVK distribution which has only an absolutely continuous part and discuss some of its properties. Finally, a real data set is analysed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

The probability density function of the range R, in random sampling from a uniform distribution on (k, l) and exponential distribution with parameter λ is obtained, when the sample size is a random variable having the Generalized Polya Eggenberger Distribution of the first kind (GPED 1). The results of Raghunandanan and Patil (1972) and Bazargan-lari (1999) follow as special cases. The p.d.f of rangeR is obtained, when the distribution of the sample sizeN belongs to Katz family of distributions, as a special case. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

A large class of distributions is proposed to fit the binary data obtained from certain toxicological experiments in which, for example, the outcome of interest is the occurrence of dead or malformed fetuses in a litter. This class of distribution includes the additive model proposed by Altham (1978) as a special case. The fits to three real-life data sets using this new distribution are shown to be much better than those provided by beta-binomial distribution used by Williams (1975) and by the correlated-binomial distribution proposed by Kupper and Haseman (1978).  相似文献   

The estimation problem of epsilon-skew-normal (ESN) distribution parameters is considered within Bayesian approaches. This family of distributions contains the normal distribution, can be used for analyzing the asymmetric and near-normal data. Bayesian estimates under informative and non informative Jeffreys prior distributions are obtained and performances of ESN family and these estimates are shown via a simulation study. A real data set is also used to illustrate the ideas.  相似文献   

Some of the well known discrete distributions arise in a natural way through lattice path combinatorics (Mohanty, 1979). In this paper, we consider some discrete distributions from another point of view — as special cases of a generalized four-parameter Charlier distribution. Some properties of the distribution including recurrence relations for the mass function as well as for the moments and cumulants of the distribution are obtained. The distribution includes, as particular cases, negative binomial, Gegenbauer, and generalized Charlier distributions.Methods for fitting a three-parameter generalized Charlier distribution are indicated. The results are applied to data to which distributions were fitted earlier by Beall and Rescia (Biometrics, 1953) and Katti and Gurland (Biometrics, 1961). The distribution considered here appears to give better fit.  相似文献   

In this paper, the asymptotic distribution of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is derived and a new confidence interval for the SNR is introduced. An evaluation of the performance of the new interval compared to Sharma and Krishna (S–K) (1994) confidence interval for the SNR using Monte Carlo simulations is conducted. Data were randomly generated from normal, log-normal, χ2, Gamma, and Weibull distributions. Simulations revealed that the performance of S–K interval is totally dependent on the amount of noise introduced and that it has a constant width for a given sample size. The S–K interval performs poorly in four of the distributions unless the SNR is around one. It is recommended against using the S–K interval for data from log-normal distribution even with SNR = 1. Unlike the S–K interval which does not account for skewness and kurtosis of the distribution, the new confidence interval for the SNR outperforms S–K for all five distributions discussed, especially when SNR?? 2. The proposed ranked set sampling (RSS) instead of simple random sampling (SRS) has improved the performance of both intervals as measured by coverage probability.  相似文献   

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