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Marital therapists have an, as yet, unrecognized contribution to make to the treatment of depression. It is incumbent upon them to keep abreast of the growing literatures concerning both biological and interpersonal aspects of depression, and to inform other mental health professionals, policy makers, and depressed persons and their families as to what marital therapy has to offer. Consistent with this goal, this article provides an introductory overview of recent findings concerning the biology of depression, the relative merits of medication versus psychotherapy, and the complex relationships between marriage and depression. While there is considerable evidence that many depressions have a biological component and that medication is an efficacious way of providing symptomatic relief, this in no way contradicts findings concerning the efficacy of psychotherapy and the importance of the marital relationship in the outcome of a depressive episode.  相似文献   

Family therapists presume, observe, and predict that depression can move from member to member in the family system depending upon the dynamics of the system as a whole. When an adolescent who is depressed begins to improve in family treatment, many family therapists have reported that the parents will often begin to experience an increase in their level of depression. This observation has been reported but has not been objectively measured. In this clinical study of four families, adolescent and parental depression during family therapy is measured to determine if depression movement does occur during family treatment. Results indicate that in three of the four families the parents did initially show depression level increases reactive to improvement in the adolescent. Such findings are supportive to the idea that some forms of adolescent depression often do serve a family system function.  相似文献   


This article explores the relationship between zoning regulations and co-residential family caregiving in the United States. It first provides an overview of U.S. housing policies, especially zoning. We then describe major changes in family structure and composition in the United States with their implications for caregiving and discuss how multigenerational housing options, particularly accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in single-family homes, can help support family caregiving. After an overview of zoning policies and actions that inhibit ADU production, we document current trends, incorporating information from a small non-random study of ADU activity we conducted in 2004. Finally, we present recommendations for promoting more multigenerational housing as a supplement to other family support programs (e.g., dependent care assistance, family caregiver payments) and as a source of affordable, supportive housing for those families choosing co-residence as their eldercare solution.  相似文献   

This report presents salient issues for therapists in understanding and treating the remarried (Rem, second, blended, reconstituted or step) family. The structure of the remarried family is differentiated from that of the intact family. Specific treatment goals for Rem families are elaborated and various treatment modalities advocated. The need to include former spouses and to consider the meta family system are discussed. Common reactions and difficulties engendered in therapists when working with Rem systems are explicated.  相似文献   

In this informal paper I discuss my personal evolution as a family therapist, developments in the field, the politics of a systems approach in conventional settings, resistances to family and marital therapy by other professionals, some still puzzling aspects of family therapy, whether family or marital therapy works and what do we mean by working, directions my own work has taken, some comments about the nature of family life, the satisfactions and frustrations and stresses of being a family therapist, some hidden agendas of family therapy practices, how one's own personal family relationships affect and are affected by this kind of work, the casualties among family and marital therapists, and, finally, whether family therapists should have family therapy for themselves and their own families.  相似文献   

Family‐based treatment (FBT) is an evidence‐based approach to anorexia nervosa in young people. Because it is not always successful, attention has been given to how families experience the treatment. A number of therapists have proposed possible additions to, or improvements in, the model. In successful cases relational containment may be achieved in the first phase of treatment. The treatment is often successful, but when initial goals, such as weight recovery, are not achieved, continuing to use the techniques described in the manual may become unhelpful. Sometimes therapists may need to address issues such as emotion coaching that are not specifically addressed in the FBT model. We describe a case in which the therapist addressed the family's emotional style in the first stage of treatment. This focus enabled progress to be achieved despite the adolescent's continuing difficulty in eating without parental support, and her escalating symptoms of anxiety and obsessional compulsive disorder (OCD). Therapy helped the adolescent and family understand that anorexic and OCD symptoms can be understood as a way of distracting from and managing distress. When this connection was made in therapy, the parents could help their daughter to manage distress in more adaptive ways. Parents may need help with their own difficulties in processing distress. In this case the parents needed the opportunity to resolve feelings of grief about a miscarriage in order to do so. We propose that therapy should address family difficulties with managing distress from an early stage.  相似文献   

In recent years an increasing number of therapists have come into contact with ex‐cult members. Consequently there has been a renewed interest in various facets of intervention with this population. However, the effects of cult affiliation and disaffiliation on the cult member's family are not as well documented, particularly in Australia. This paper offers an overview of cult dynamics as well as some of the difficulties experienced by families whose loved one has had cult involvement.  相似文献   

Family therapy understands the benefits of therapeutically supported dialogue amongst family members when there are challenging themes and topics that need to be discussed. This paper is an attempt to explore ways that family therapists can work with family members who are thrust into therapy rather than ‘voluntarily’ signing up for it. It applies ideas from the drug and alcohol field such as Stages of Change theory and Motivational Interviewing. The paper explores how these ideas and approaches might help family therapists to formulate a concept of resistance and to make helpful dialogue more likely. They are applied to families experiencing sibling sexual assault, where they become involved with a legal response that necessitates a therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The authors have developed a family-centered interactive art exercise from a synthesis of clinical tools used by attachment theory and family art therapists. The exercise aims to facilitate assessment and treatment of families with younger children (two to eight years) at a tertiary referral child and family psychiatric facility, by observing how a family collectively as well as individually sets about planning and completing an art task. Art exercises allow for both verbal and non-verbal communication. The exercises are deliberately kept simple in order to span a range of developmental abilities, and allow the therapist/s to observe from behind a one-way screen, so as to be less intrusive in the family dynamics. Although developed for assessment with a specific population, the exercise is likely to be useful in other clinical situations and has been used as a treatment tool by the authors.  相似文献   

Family therapists often see separating parents who need to agree on co‐parenting arrangements. This article provides a guide to current research and practice in family mediation. The limited available research suggests mediation is a useful approach for some separated parents and their children, but often is not successful with highly conflicted parents, parents with mental health problems, parents struggling to accept the separation from their partner, or parents with unrealistic co‐parenting expectations. We analyse ways in which mediation might be enhanced, and discuss the potential roles of family therapists to support separating families to negotiate positive co‐parenting.  相似文献   

This article applies and extends literature on the micropolitics of trouble and family rhetoric perspectives by analyzing how therapists in a family therapy agency practicing the brief model used family rhetoric in defining and responding to client problems. Family rhetoric is the use of images of family (the family perspective) to (1) persuade others to one's preferred orientation to issues of mutual concern and (2) attribute identities to one's self and others. The article focuses on how the therapists rhetorically enacted and applied the family perspective in interactions with colleagues and clients to define and remedy client troubles. In general, troubles were defined and remedied by treating them as products of clients' family systems, defined as enduring roles, relationships, and perspectives. The therapists sought to remedy client troubles by initiating changes assessed as appropriate for their troubles and family systems. The article concludes by considering some of the implications of the findings and analysis for the sociological study of human service work.  相似文献   

Integrating Reflective Practice in Family Therapy Supervision   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses how to integrate reflective practice in the family therapy supervisory relationship. This enables family therapists to think creatively, be insightful, and develop a range of perspectives regarding systemic formulation and practice. It encourages review of the past and promotes understanding in the present with the aim to improve therapists work with families in the future. Reflective practice encourages independent thinking and learning and helps therapists to develop a systemic process of critical enquiry to investigate and critique their own practice. It encourages therapists to be self‐reflective and develop confidence to think hypothetically regarding change. This allows them to pose questions for exploration, construct a new lens to conceptualise therapy and the therapeutic relationship and develop awareness of the personal as well as the professional self.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the rationale and methods for using a multiple family marathon as a teaching device in the context of an intensive group-supervision family therapy training program conducted by the authors. Procedures used in the marathon are described, as well as how the concept stimulates increased focus on issues common to family therapy and broadens the experience of the students. The effects of the marathon on the students' views of their therapy families and of themselves as family therapists are explored.  相似文献   

Children and adolescents with functional somatic symptoms are challenging to understand and to treat. The challenges begin at the very outset of the intervention – with the neurological and psychiatric assessments. Patients presenting with functional somatic symptoms, as well as their families, frequently deny any emotional or family problem, and parents are often genuinely baffled as to why a child has suddenly become so ill and why no medical explanation is forthcoming. Families can be unwilling to engage in family assessment and therapy, and therapists may find that standard approaches to family therapy simply can end up alienating these families – the door to therapy is slammed shut. This article is the story of my struggle to understand somatising children and their families and to find a common language to enable us to co‐construct formulations, to agree to a treatment plan, and to work together towards a pathway to health. It is also about the role of research and how knowledge from different system levels – and most specifically about the body – may need to be integrated into the therapy to help bring about change.  相似文献   

This study examined the fidelity of attachment-based family therapy (ABFT) for depressed adolescents. Trained observers used the therapist behavior rating scale (3rd version) to code therapist behaviors in 45 sessions of ABFT and 45 sessions each from two empirically based treatments for adolescent substance abusers: multidimensional family therapy (MDFT) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Results indicate that ABFT therapists employed essential ABFT interventions, such as focusing on vulnerable affect, highlighting attachment-related themes, and promoting adolescent-parent reattachment through in-session enactments. In accordance with the sequential nature of the treatment, these interventions were used more extensively during the early stage of treatment, when there is a greater focus on reattachment. ABFT was perfectly discriminable from CBT, with ABFT therapists using more restructuring and reattachment interventions and CBT therapists using more signature CBT interventions, such as cognitive monitoring and homework. ABFT was also discriminable from MDFT, with ABFT therapists placing a greater emphasis on reattachment. These results suggest that ABFT is a viable and differentiated treatment. Together with prior findings supporting its efficacy, ABFT should be considered a promising new approach for working with depressed adolescents and their families.  相似文献   

As the number of individuals and families impacted by AIDS continue to multiply, family therapists will increasingly be asked to become engaged in the challenge of caring for those affected. To date, little has been written in family therpy journals regarding the response of family therapists to this crisis. This paper represents an initial attempt to examine the atitudes of clinical members of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy toward AIDS and persons with AIDS. Included in the study are data regarding the therapists' contact with persons with AIDS, gays, and lesbians, and the impact of such contact on attitudes. Implications for future research, training, and treatment of those affected by AIDS are also provided.  相似文献   

Healthy, normal families pass through a sequentially developmental life cycle. Family therapists need a normative framework within which to test for dysfunction and pathology in family process. This paper provides an exposition of these developmental stages and forms, and therefore, hopefully some universal guidelines for the practice of family therapy.  相似文献   

Few family therapists have expertise in the psychology of giftedness, and little research has been conducted to determine the effectiveness of family therapy with talented children and their families. The purposes of this paper are: (1) to provide family therapists with information on the unique psychosocial stressors associated with giftedness and (2) to stimulate further research and development on the efficacy of family therapy in alleviating distress and actualizing potential in gifted and talented children and their families. The paper provides a critical overview of the existing research literature on gifted children and their families. First, current conceptualizations of giftedness are described. Then the research literature on the characteristics of intellectually and creatively gifted children and their families is reviewed with an emphasis on the endogenous (individual) and exogenous (systemic) factors that can create or exacerbate psychosocial problems. Finally, we suggest an eclectic, eco-systemic approach to three common concerns that bring gifted children and their families to therapy.  相似文献   

Postnatal depression impacts on a significant number of women and their families. As a topic it is attracting much interest from researchers as we become clearer about its impact on the long‐term mental health of both women and their partners, as well as on the couple's relationship and their children's mental health. This article will provide a brief overview of postnatal depression and the current research associated with it, and consider the usefulness of systemic family therapy interventions. Examples of these are included along with a clinical vignette.  相似文献   

Leadership studies in group work have found that leadership style is an important factor in influencing the success of a group. It is vital that family therapists also consider this area and examine their leadership behaviour and its effectiveness in helping the family they see. In this paper a model is presented which links leadership style with the types of families coming for treatment, and to changes in their functioning over time.  相似文献   

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