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Canine hip dysplasia (CHD) is characterized by hip laxity and subluxation that can lead to hip osteoarthritis. Studies have shown the involvement of multiple genetic regions in the expression of CHD. Although we have associated some variants in the region of fibrillin 2 with CHD in a subset of dogs, no major disease-associated gene has been identified. The focus of this study is to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with CHD. Two sequential multipoint linkage analyses based on a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo approach were applied on a cross-breed pedigree of 366 dogs. Hip radiographic trait (Norberg Angle, NA) on both hips of each dog was tested for linkage to 21,455 single nucleotide polymorphisms across 39 chromosomes. Putative QTL for the NA was found on 11 chromosomes (1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 14, 19, 21, 32, 36, and 39). Identification of genes in the QTL region(s) can assist in identification of the aberrant genes and biochemical pathways involving hip dysplasia in both dogs and humans.  相似文献   

Hidden Markov models form an extension of mixture models which provides a flexible class of models exhibiting dependence and a possibly large degree of variability. We show how reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques can be used to estimate the parameters as well as the number of components of a hidden Markov model in a Bayesian framework. We employ a mixture of zero-mean normal distributions as our main example and apply this model to three sets of data from finance, meteorology and geomagnetism.  相似文献   

Summary.  The method of Bayesian model selection for join point regression models is developed. Given a set of K +1 join point models M 0,  M 1, …,  M K with 0, 1, …,  K join points respec-tively, the posterior distributions of the parameters and competing models M k are computed by Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations. The Bayes information criterion BIC is used to select the model M k with the smallest value of BIC as the best model. Another approach based on the Bayes factor selects the model M k with the largest posterior probability as the best model when the prior distribution of M k is discrete uniform. Both methods are applied to analyse the observed US cancer incidence rates for some selected cancer sites. The graphs of the join point models fitted to the data are produced by using the methods proposed and compared with the method of Kim and co-workers that is based on a series of permutation tests. The analyses show that the Bayes factor is sensitive to the prior specification of the variance σ 2, and that the model which is selected by BIC fits the data as well as the model that is selected by the permutation test and has the advantage of producing the posterior distribution for the join points. The Bayesian join point model and model selection method that are presented here will be integrated in the National Cancer Institute's join point software ( http://www.srab.cancer.gov/joinpoint/ ) and will be available to the public.  相似文献   

Extremely discordant (ED) and concordant (EC) sib pairs are recommended by Risch and Zhang ( 1995, 1996 ) and Zhang and Risch ( 1996 ) for the detection of linkage on the basis of power analysis. They did not, however, include both discordant and concordant sib pairs simultaneously in the test statistic. We construct a new test statistic including both types of sib pairs. The size of the sample needed to identify the sib pairs and parents, who will be genotyped, is reduced substantially by including a hybrid of discordant and concordant sib pairs in the analysis. This mixed design also provides a common parameter that simplifies meta-analysis of sib pair linkage studies.  相似文献   

There has been significant new work published recently on the subject of model selection. Notably Rissanen (1986, 1987, 1988) has introduced new criteria based on the notion of stochastic complexity and Hurvich and Tsai(1989) have introduced a bias corrected version of Akaike's information criterion. In this paper, a Monte Carlo study is conducted to evaluate the relative performance of these new model selection criteria against the commonly used alternatives. In addition, we compare the performance of all the criteria in a number of situations not considered in earlier studies: robustness to distributional assumptions, collinearity among regressors, and non-stationarity in a time series. The evaluation is based on the number of times the correct model is chosen and the out of sample prediction error. The results of this study suggest that Rissanen's criteria are sensitive to the assumptions and choices that need to made in their application, and so are sometimes unreliable. While many of the criteria often perform satisfactorily, across experiments the Schwartz Bayesian Information Criterion (and the related Bayesian Estimation Criterion of Geweke-Meese) seem to consistently outperfom the other alternatives considered.  相似文献   

There has been significant new work published recently on the subject of model selection. Notably Rissanen (1986, 1987, 1988) has introduced new criteria based on the notion of stochastic complexity and Hurvich and Tsai(1989) have introduced a bias corrected version of Akaike's information criterion. In this paper, a Monte Carlo study is conducted to evaluate the relative performance of these new model selection criteria against the commonly used alternatives. In addition, we compare the performance of all the criteria in a number of situations not considered in earlier studies: robustness to distributional assumptions, collinearity among regressors, and non-stationarity in a time series. The evaluation is based on the number of times the correct model is chosen and the out of sample prediction error. The results of this study suggest that Rissanen's criteria are sensitive to the assumptions and choices that need to made in their application, and so are sometimes unreliable. While many of the criteria often perform satisfactorily, across experiments the Schwartz Bayesian Information Criterion (and the related Bayesian Estimation Criterion of Geweke-Meese) seem to consistently outperfom the other alternatives considered.  相似文献   


Motivated by a longitudinal oral health study, the Signal-Tandmobiel® study, a Bayesian approach has been developed to model misclassified ordinal response data. Two regression models have been considered to incorporate misclassification in the categorical response. Specifically, probit and logit models have been developed. The computational difficulties have been avoided by using data augmentation. This idea is exploited to derive efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Although the method is proposed for ordered categories, it can also be implemented for unordered ones in a simple way. The model performance is shown through a simulation-based example and the analysis of the motivating study.  相似文献   

We propose a Bayesian stochastic search approach to selecting restrictions on multivariate regression models where the errors exhibit deterministic or stochastic conditional volatilities. We develop a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm that generates posterior restrictions on the regression coefficients and Cholesky decompositions of the covariance matrix of the errors. Numerical simulations with artificially generated data show that the proposed method is effective in selecting the data-generating model restrictions and improving the forecasting performance of the model. Applying the method to daily foreign exchange rate data, we conduct stochastic search on a VAR model with stochastic conditional volatilities.  相似文献   

Summary.  The Sloan digital sky survey is an extremely large astronomical survey that is conducted with the intention of mapping more than a quarter of the sky. Among the data that it is generating are spectroscopic and photometric measurements, both containing information about the red shift of galaxies. The former are precise and easy to interpret but expensive to gather; the latter are far cheaper but correspondingly more difficult to interpret. Recently, Csabai and co-workers have described various calibration techniques aiming to predict red shift from photometric measurements. We investigate what a structured Bayesian approach to the problem can add. In particular, we are interested in providing uncertainty bounds that are associated with the underlying red shifts and the classifications of the galaxies. We find that quite a generic statistical modelling approach, using for the most part standard model ingredients, can compete with much more specific custom-made and highly tuned techniques that are already available in the astronomical literature.  相似文献   

Summary. The classical approach to statistical analysis is usually based upon finding values for model parameters that maximize the likelihood function. Model choice in this context is often also based on the likelihood function, but with the addition of a penalty term for the number of parameters. Though models may be compared pairwise by using likelihood ratio tests for example, various criteria such as the Akaike information criterion have been proposed as alternatives when multiple models need to be compared. In practical terms, the classical approach to model selection usually involves maximizing the likelihood function associated with each competing model and then calculating the corresponding criteria value(s). However, when large numbers of models are possible, this quickly becomes infeasible unless a method that simultaneously maximizes over both parameter and model space is available. We propose an extension to the traditional simulated annealing algorithm that allows for moves that not only change parameter values but also move between competing models. This transdimensional simulated annealing algorithm can therefore be used to locate models and parameters that minimize criteria such as the Akaike information criterion, but within a single algorithm, removing the need for large numbers of simulations to be run. We discuss the implementation of the transdimensional simulated annealing algorithm and use simulation studies to examine its performance in realistically complex modelling situations. We illustrate our ideas with a pedagogic example based on the analysis of an autoregressive time series and two more detailed examples: one on variable selection for logistic regression and the other on model selection for the analysis of integrated recapture–recovery data.  相似文献   

We present a method for predicting future pavement distresses such as longitudinal cracking. These predicted distress values are used to plan road repairs. Large inherent variability in measured cracking and an extremely small number of observations are the nature of the pavement cracking data, which calls for a parametric Bayesian approach. We model theoretical pavement distress with a sigmoidal equation with coefficients based on prior engineering knowledge. We show that a Bayesian formulation akin to Kalman filtering gives sensible predictions and provides defendable uncertainty statements for predictions. The method is demonstrated on data collected by the Texas Transportation Institute at several sites in Texas. The predictions behave in a reasonable and statistically valid manner.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a Bayesian variable selection method that concerns selection of covariates in the Poisson change-point regression model with both discrete and continuous candidate covariates. Ranging from a null model with no selected covariates to a full model including all covariates, the Bayesian variable selection method searches the entire model space, estimates posterior inclusion probabilities of covariates, and obtains model averaged estimates on coefficients to covariates, while simultaneously estimating a time-varying baseline rate due to change-points. For posterior computation, the Metropolis-Hastings within partially collapsed Gibbs sampler is developed to efficiently fit the Poisson change-point regression model with variable selection. We illustrate the proposed method using simulated and real datasets.  相似文献   

Summary.  The structural theoretical framework for the analysis of duration of unemployment has been the optimal job search model. Recent advances in computational techniques in Bayesian inference now facilitate the analysis of incomplete data sets and the recovery of structural model parameters. The paper uses these methods on a UK data set of the long-term unemployed to illustrate how the optimal job search model can be adapted to model the effects of an active labour market policy. Without such an adaptation our conclusion is that the simple optimal job search model may not fit empirical unemployment data and could thus lead to a misspecified econometric model and incorrect parameter estimates.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive review and comparison of five computational methods for Bayesian model selection, based on MCMC simulations from posterior model parameter distributions. We apply these methods to a well-known and important class of models in financial time series analysis, namely GARCH and GARCH-t models for conditional return distributions (assuming normal and t-distributions). We compare their performance with the more common maximum likelihood-based model selection for simulated and real market data. All five MCMC methods proved reliable in the simulation study, although differing in their computational demands. Results on simulated data also show that for large degrees of freedom (where the t-distribution becomes more similar to a normal one), Bayesian model selection results in better decisions in favor of the true model than maximum likelihood. Results on market data show the instability of the harmonic mean estimator and reliability of the advanced model selection methods.  相似文献   

The multivariate regression model is considered with p regressors. A latent vector with p binary entries serves to identify one of two types of regression coefficients: those close to 0 and those not. Specializing our general distributional setting to the linear model with Gaussian errors and using natural conjugate prior distributions, we derive the marginal posterior distribution of the binary latent vector. Fast algorithms aid its direct computation, and in high dimensions these are supplemented by a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to sampling from the known posterior distribution. Problems with hundreds of regressor variables become quite feasible. We give a simple method of assigning the hyperparameters of the prior distribution. The posterior predictive distribution is derived and the approach illustrated on compositional analysis of data involving three sugars with 160 near infrared absorbances as regressors.  相似文献   


The shared frailty models are often used to model heterogeneity in survival analysis. The most common shared frailty model is a model in which hazard function is a product of a random factor (frailty) and the baseline hazard function which is common to all individuals. There are certain assumptions about the baseline distribution and the distribution of frailty. In this paper, we consider inverse Gaussian distribution as frailty distribution and three different baseline distributions, namely the generalized Rayleigh, the weighted exponential, and the extended Weibull distributions. With these three baseline distributions, we propose three different inverse Gaussian shared frailty models. We also compare these models with the models where the above-mentioned distributions are considered without frailty. We develop the Bayesian estimation procedure using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique to estimate the parameters involved in these models. We present a simulation study to compare the true values of the parameters with the estimated values. A search of the literature suggests that currently no work has been done for these three baseline distributions with a shared inverse Gaussian frailty so far. We also apply these three models by using a real-life bivariate survival data set of McGilchrist and Aisbett (1991 McGilchrist, C.A., Aisbett, C.W. (1991). Regression with frailty in survival analysis. Biometrics 47:461466.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) related to the kidney infection data and a better model is suggested for the data using the Bayesian model selection criteria.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a variable selection framework with the spike-and-slab prior distribution via the hazard function of the Cox model. Specifically, we consider the transformation of the score and information functions for the partial likelihood function evaluated at the given data from the parameter space into the space generated by the logarithm of the hazard ratio. Thereby, we reduce the nonlinear complexity of the estimation equation for the Cox model and allow the utilization of a wider variety of stable variable selection methods. Then, we use a stochastic variable search Gibbs sampling approach via the spike-and-slab prior distribution to obtain the sparsity structure of the covariates associated with the survival outcome. Additionally, we conduct numerical simulations to evaluate the finite-sample performance of our proposed method. Finally, we apply this novel framework on lung adenocarcinoma data to find important genes associated with decreased survival in subjects with the disease.  相似文献   

In electrical tomography, multiple measurements of voltage are taken between electrodes on the boundary of a region with the aim of investigating the electrical conductivity distribution within the region. The relationship between conductivity and voltage is governed by an elliptic partial differential equation derived from Maxwell’s equations. Recent statistical approaches, combining Bayesian methods with Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, allow to greater flexibility than classical inverse solution approaches and require only the calculation of voltages from a conductivity distribution. However, solution of this forward problem still requires the use of the Finite Difference Method (FDM) or the Finite Element Method (FEM) and many thousands of forward solutions are needed which strains practical feasibility. Many tomographic applications involve locating the perimeter of some homogeneous conductivity objects embedded in a homogeneous background. It is possible to exploit this type of structure using the Boundary Element Method (BEM) to provide a computationally efficient alternative forward solution technique. A geometric model is then used to define the region boundary, with priors on boundary smoothness and on the range of feasible conductivity values. This paper investigates the use of a BEM/MCMC approach for electrical resistance tomography (ERT) data. The efficiency of the boundary-element method coupled with the flexibility of the MCMC technique gives a promising new approach to object identification in electrical tomography. Simulated ERT data are used to illustrate the procedures.  相似文献   

Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary. We consider the problem of comparing complex hierarchical models in which the number of parameters is not clearly defined. Using an information theoretic argument we derive a measure p D for the effective number of parameters in a model as the difference between the posterior mean of the deviance and the deviance at the posterior means of the parameters of interest. In general p D approximately corresponds to the trace of the product of Fisher's information and the posterior covariance, which in normal models is the trace of the 'hat' matrix projecting observations onto fitted values. Its properties in exponential families are explored. The posterior mean deviance is suggested as a Bayesian measure of fit or adequacy, and the contributions of individual observations to the fit and complexity can give rise to a diagnostic plot of deviance residuals against leverages. Adding p D to the posterior mean deviance gives a deviance information criterion for comparing models, which is related to other information criteria and has an approximate decision theoretic justification. The procedure is illustrated in some examples, and comparisons are drawn with alternative Bayesian and classical proposals. Throughout it is emphasized that the quantities required are trivial to compute in a Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis.  相似文献   

A parametric dynamic survival model applied to breast cancer survival times   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. Much current analysis of cancer registry data uses the semiparametric proportional hazards Cox model. In this paper, the time-dependent effect of various prognostic indicators on breast cancer survival times from the West Midlands Cancer Intelligence Unit are investigated. Using Bayesian methodology and Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation methods, we develop a parametric dynamic survival model which avoids the proportional hazards assumption. The model has close links to that developed by both Gamerman and Sinha and co-workers: the log-base-line hazard and covariate effects are piecewise constant functions, related between intervals by a simple stochastic evolution process. Here this evolution is assigned a parametric distribution, with a variance that is further included as a hyperparameter. To avoid problems of convergence within the Gibbs sampler, we consider using a reparameterization. It is found that, for some of the prognostic indicators considered, the estimated effects change with increasing follow-up time. In general those prognostic indicators which are thought to be representative of the most hazardous groups (late-staged tumour and oldest age group) have a declining effect.  相似文献   

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