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All-pairs power in a one-way ANOVA is the probability of detecting all true differences between pairs of means. Ramsey (1978) found that for normal distributions having equal variances, step-down multiple comparison procedures can have substantially more all-pairs power than single-step procedures, such as Tukey’s HSD, when equal sample sizes are randomly sampled from each group. This paper suggests a step-down procedure for the case of unequal variances and compares it to Dunnett's T3 technique. The new procedure is similar in spirit to one of the heteroscedastic procedures described by Hochberg and Tamhane (1987), but it has certain advantages that are discussed in the paper. Included are results on unequal sample sizes.  相似文献   

One of the most important steps in the design of a pharmaceutical clinical trial is the estimation of the sample size. For a superiority trial the sample size formula (to achieve a stated power) would be based on a given clinically meaningful difference and a value for the population variance. The formula is typically used as though this population variance is known whereas in reality it is unknown and is replaced by an estimate with its associated uncertainty. The variance estimate would be derived from an earlier similarly designed study (or an overall estimate from several previous studies) and its precision would depend on its degrees of freedom. This paper provides a solution for the calculation of sample sizes that allows for the imprecision in the estimate of the sample variance and shows how traditional formulae give sample sizes that are too small since they do not allow for this uncertainty with the deficiency being more acute with fewer degrees of freedom. It is recommended that the methodology described in this paper should be used when the sample variance has less than 200 degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

When testing the equality of the means from two independent normally distributed populations given that the variances of the two populations are unknown but assumed equal, the classical Student's two-sample t-test is recommended. If the underlying population distributions are normal with unequal and unknown variances, either Welch's t-statistic or Satterthwaite's approximate F test is suggested. However, Welch's procedure is non-robust under most non-normal distributions. There is a variable tolerance level around the strict assumptions of data independence, homogeneity of variances, and identical and normal distributions. Few textbooks offer alternatives when one or more of the underlying assumptions are not defensible. While there are more than a few non-parametric (rank) procedures that provide alternatives to Student's t-test, we restrict this review to the promising alternatives to Student's two-sample t-test in non-normal models.  相似文献   

We address the problem of sample size determination in multiple comparisons of k treatments with a control for step-down and step-up testing, assuming normal data and homogeneous variances. We define power as the probability of correctly rejecting all hypotheses for which the treatment vs. control difference exceeds a specified value. Our paper supplements papers by Hayter and Tamhane (J. Statist. Plann. Inference 27 (1991) 271–290) who solved the problem for one-sided comparisons using the step-down procedure and by Liu (J. Statist. Plann. Inference 62 (1997b) 255–261) who considered the two-sided case using the single-step method. We provide expressions that allow computer evaluation of the power and necessary sample sizes for one- and two-sided tests using either step-down or step-up procedures. Tables are given from which sample sizes to guarantee a specified power can be determined.  相似文献   

A general testing procedure is proposed to multivariately test for equality of p variances among k groups. The procedure applies a multivariate analysis of variance on an appropriate measure of spread for the uncensored original observations. Three such measures of spread are compared in a simulation experiment which considered two and three variables with equal and unequal sample sizes for the null and alternative hypotheses for Gaussian, Student's t (8, 12, and 20 degrees of freedom) and gamma (α=2,4,6 and 10) distributions . The likelihood ratio test (Box, 1949) was included in the above simulations. The results suggest that if one chooses a measure of spread appropriate for the distribution of the original observations, the proposed MANOVA-based testing procedure is robust and reasonably powerful. Using this procedure for the normal distribution, similar power was observed to that of the likelihood ratio test when the variables were uncorrelated or had little positive correlation.  相似文献   


This article develops an adjusted empirical likelihood (EL) method for the additive hazards model. The adjusted EL ratio is shown to have a central chi-squared limiting distribution under the null hypothesis. We also evaluate its asymptotic distribution as a non central chi-squared distribution under the local alternatives of order n? 1/2, deriving the expression for the asymptotic power function. Simulation studies and a real example are conducted to evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed method. Compared with the normal approximation-based method, the proposed method tends to have more larger empirical power and smaller confidence regions with comparable coverage probabilities.  相似文献   

Heteroscedastic two-way ANOVA are frequently encountered in real data analysis. In the literature, classical F-tests are often blindly employed although they are often biased even for moderate heteroscedasticity. To overcome this problem, several approximate tests have been proposed in the literature. These tests, however, are either too complicated to implement or do not work well in terms of size controlling. In this paper, we propose a simple and accurate approximate degrees of freedom (ADF) test. The ADF test is shown to be invariant under affine-transformations, different choices of contrast matrix for the same null hypothesis, or different labeling schemes of cell means. Moreover, it can be conducted easily using the usual F-distribution with one unknown degree of freedom estimated from the data. Simulations demonstrate that the ADF test works well in various cell sizes and parameter configurations but the classical F-tests work badly when the cell variance homogeneity assumption is violated. A real data example illustrates the methodologies.  相似文献   


Through simulation and regression, we study the alternative distribution of the likelihood ratio test in which the null hypothesis postulates that the data are from a normal distribution after a restricted Box–Cox transformation and the alternative hypothesis postulates that they are from a mixture of two normals after a restricted (possibly different) Box–Cox transformation. The number of observations in the sample is called N. The standardized distance between components (after transformation) is D = (μ2 ? μ1)/σ, where μ1 and μ2 are the component means and σ2 is their common variance. One component contains the fraction π of observed, and the other 1 ? π. The simulation results demonstrate a dependence of power on the mixing proportion, with power decreasing as the mixing proportion differs from 0.5. The alternative distribution appears to be a non-central chi-squared with approximately 2.48 + 10N ?0.75 degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter 0.174N(D ? 1.4)2 × [π(1 ? π)]. At least 900 observations are needed to have power 95% for a 5% test when D = 2. For fixed values of D, power, and significance level, substantially more observations are necessary when π ≥ 0.90 or π ≤ 0.10. We give the estimated powers for the alternatives studied and a table of sample sizes needed for 50%, 80%, 90%, and 95% power.  相似文献   

Six procedures which convert tests of homogeneity of variance into tests for mean equality for independent groups are compared. The tests are the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Welch F statistics. The Welch statistics are included since it was anticipated that ANOVA would not provide a robust test when samples of unequal sizes are obtained from non-normal populations. However, the Welch tests are not found to be uniformly preferrable. In addition, a prior recommendation for Miller's jackknife procedure is not supported for the unequal sample size case. The data indicates that the current tests for variance heterogeneity are either sensitive to non-normality or, if robust, lacking in power. Therefore, these tests cannot be recommended for the purpose of testing the validity of the ANOVA homogeneity assumption.  相似文献   

We propose a Bayesian computation and inference method for the Pearson-type chi-squared goodness-of-fit test with right-censored survival data. Our test statistic is derived from the classical Pearson chi-squared test using the differences between the observed and expected counts in the partitioned bins. In the Bayesian paradigm, we generate posterior samples of the model parameter using the Markov chain Monte Carlo procedure. By replacing the maximum likelihood estimator in the quadratic form with a random observation from the posterior distribution of the model parameter, we can easily construct a chi-squared test statistic. The degrees of freedom of the test equal the number of bins and thus is independent of the dimensionality of the underlying parameter vector. The test statistic recovers the conventional Pearson-type chi-squared structure. Moreover, the proposed algorithm circumvents the burden of evaluating the Fisher information matrix, its inverse and the rank of the variance–covariance matrix. We examine the proposed model diagnostic method using simulation studies and illustrate it with a real data set from a prostate cancer study.  相似文献   

We propose a test statistic for discrimination between alternative univariate binary response models which is asymptotically equivalent to the likelihood ratio statistic and Pearson's goodness of fit statistic. We propose an optimal design procedure. Under certain conditions we prove that the maximum value of the power can be obtained when the degrees of freedom of the test statistic is one. Several mathematical properties of the incomplete gamma function ratio and the non-central chi-squared distribution are required in the discussion and these are established.  相似文献   

We establish general conditions for the asymptotic validity of single-stage multiple-comparison procedures (MCPs) under the following general framework. There is a finite number of independent alternatives to compare, where each alternative can represent, e.g., a population, treatment, system or stochastic process. Associated with each alternative is an unknown parameter to be estimated, and the goal is to compare the alternatives in terms of the parameters. We establish the MCPs’ asymptotic validity, which occurs as the sample size of each alternative grows large, under two assumptions. First, for each alternative, the estimator of its parameter satisfies a central limit theorem (CLT). Second, we have a consistent estimator of the variance parameter appearing in the CLT. Our framework encompasses comparing means (or other moments) of independent (not necessarily normal) populations, functions of means, quantiles, steady-state means of stochastic processes, and optimal solutions of stochastic approximation by the Kiefer–Wolfowitz algorithm. The MCPs we consider are multiple comparisons with the best, all pairwise comparisons, all contrasts, and all linear combinations, and they allow for unknown and unequal variance parameters and unequal sample sizes across alternatives.  相似文献   

Bartholomew's statistics for testing homogeneity of normal means with ordered alternatives have null distributions which are mixtures of chi-squared or beta distributions according as the variances are known or not. If the sample sizes are not equal, the mixing coefficients can be difficult to compute. For a simple order and a simple tree ordering, approximations to the significance levels of these tests have been developed which are based on patterns in the weight sets. However, for a moderate or large number of means, these approximations can be tedious to implement. Employing the same approach that was used in the development of these approximations, two-moment chisquared and beta approximations are derived for these significance levels. Approximations are also developed for the testing situation in which the order restriction is the null hypothesis. Numerical studies show that in each of the cases the two-moment approximation is quite satisfactory for most practical purposes.  相似文献   

The delete-a-group jackknife is sometimes used when estimating the variances of statistics based on a large sample. We investigate heavily poststratified estimators for a population mean and a simple regression coefficient, where both full-sample and domain estimates are of interest. The delete-a-group (DAG) jackknife employing 30, 60, and 100 replicates is found to be highly unstable, even for large sample sizes. The empirical degrees of freedom of these DAG jackknives are usually much less than their nominal degrees of freedom. This analysis calls into question whether coverage intervals derived from replication-based variance estimators can be trusted for highly calibrated estimates.  相似文献   

We use what we call the bent-cable model to describe potential change-point phenomena. The class of bent cables includes the commonly used broken stick (a bent cable without a bend segment). Theory for least-squares (LS) estimation is developed for the basic bent cable, whose incoming and outgoing linear phases have slopes 0 and 1, respectively, and are joined smoothly by a quadratic bend. Conditions on the design are given to ensure regularity of the estimation problem, despite non-differentiability of the model's first partial derivatives (with respect to the covariate and model parameters). Under such conditions, we show that the LS estimators (i) are consistent, regardless of a zero or positive true bend width; and (ii) asymptotically follow a bivariate normal distribution, if the underlying cable has all three segments. In the latter case, we show that the deviance statistic has an asymptotic chi-squared distribution with two degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

When testing the equality of the means from two independent normally distributed populations given that the variances of the two populations are unknown but assumed equal, the classical two-sample t-test is recommended. If the underlying population distributions are normal with unequal and unknown variances, either Welch's t-statistic or Satterthwaite's Approximate F-test is suggested. However, Welch's procedure is non-robust under most non-normal distributions. There is a variable tolerance level around the strict assumptions of data independence, homogeneity of variances and normality of the distributions. Few textbooks offer alternatives when one or more of the underlying assumptions are not defensible.  相似文献   

The accuracy of a normal approximation to the exact conditional power function of the Manic!-Haenszcl one degree ni freedom chi-squared procedure is nnesugaied The maximum approximation error over the parameter space is studied for designs with equal numbers of cases and controls within and across strata. An empirical rule is provided for the estimation of the maximum error, the rule performs well over a range of design constants of importance in stratified case-control studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is threefold. First, variance components testing for ANOVA ‐type mixed models is considered, in which response may not be divided into independent sub‐vectors, whereas most of existing methods are for models where response can be divided into independent sub‐vectors. Second, testing that a certain subset of variance components is zero. Third, as normality is often violated in practice, it is desirable to construct tests under very mild assumptions. To achieve these goals, an adaptive difference‐based test and an adaptive trace‐based test are constructed. The test statistics are asymptotically normal under the null hypothesis, are consistent against all global alternatives and can detect local alternatives distinct from the null at a rate as close to n ? 1 ∕ 2 as possible with n being the sample size. Moreover, when the dimensions of variance components in different sets are bounded, we develop a test with chi‐square as its limiting null distribution. The finite sample performance of the tests is examined via simulations, and a real data set is analysed for illustration.  相似文献   

The Cornish-Fisher expansion of the Pearson type VI distribution is known to be reasonably accurate when both degrees of freedom are relatively large (say greater than or equal to 5). However, when either or both degrees of freedom are less than 5, the accuracy of the computed percentage point begins to suffer; in some cases severely. To correct for this, the error surface in the degrees of freedom plane is modeled by least squares curve fitting for selected levels of tail probability (.025, .05, and .10) which can be used to adjust the percentage point obtained from the usual Cornish-Fisher expansion. This adjustment procedure produces a computing algorithm that computes percentage points of the Pearson type VI distribution at the above probability levels, accurate to at least + 1 in 3 digits in approximately 11 milliseconds per subroutine call on an IBM 370/145. This adjusted routine is valid for both degrees of freedom greater than or equal to 1.  相似文献   

We investigate the properties of the locally most powerful nonparametric criterion against logistic alternatives developed by Govindarajulu (1975) for testing one-way random effects modcls. We deduce the appropriate computational forms for the test criterion T and tabulate the critical values of T for α = .01, .05 and 0.10, and various sample sizes. Certain features of the computational methods are discussed. In the tables we retain only those sample sizes beyond which the asymptotic theory is meaningful. We also study the power comparison of the test for two populations with the classical F-test under a range of normal alternatives.  相似文献   

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