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杨长明 《城市观察》2014,(1):139-145
建设中国特色的社会主义,必须坚持走中国特色新型城镇化道路,完善城镇化健康发展的体制机制。要着力推进以人为核心的城镇化,着力推动大中小城市和小城镇协调发展,着力推进区域城市协调发展,着力推进城乡一体化发展。  相似文献   

怎样"推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化",在全面深化改革中完善城镇化健康发展的体制机制是一条重要路径。我们知道,随着中国的城市化进程,城市已成为经济、政治、社会和文化等发展的主要载体,全面深化改革自然对城市体制也提出改革要求。这就是坚持走中国特色新型城镇化道路,推进以人为核心的城镇化,推动大中小城市和小城镇协调发展、产业和城镇融合发展,促进城镇化和新农村建设协调推进。优化城市空间结构和管理格局,增强城市的综合承载能力。中国城市体制历经变革,目前形成了以地域性建制为主、层级繁多,实行市管县、  相似文献   

王陈伟  卢向虎 《城市》2016,(5):37-40
西咸新区围绕“城、人、地、钱”等城镇化中的几个关键问题,按照“组团式”发展模式优化城市布局,以就业和城市功能为导向布局产业,创新投融资方式,坚持节约集约用地,坚持以人为核心,破解传统城镇化弊病,积极推进新型城镇化,为我国新型城镇化发展提供了新思路.  相似文献   

正3月5日,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂向第十二届全国人大第二次会议作政府工作报告,在"2014年工作总体部署"中提到9项"重点工作",其中,"推进以人为核心的新型城镇化"位列第五。但横亘在新型城镇化面前的最大难题,就是钱从何来的问题,无论是基础设施建设、发展经济,还是进城农民融入城市所面临的就业、社保、住房等,都需要大量资金的支持。据国开行预测,2020年前,新型城镇化至少需要50万亿元新投资以满足新增城市居民的需  相似文献   

城镇化是我国实现社会转型所提出的现实课题。推进城镇化,核心是人的城镇化,关键是提高城镇化的质量,目的是造福百姓和富裕农民。随着城镇化的发展,让农民工逐步融入城镇成为一项重要的内容。在以人的城镇化为核心的新型城镇化理念中,我国需要重点解决的问题在于,如何实现新型城镇居民的社会融入,或者说实现农民的市民化问题。  相似文献   

包蕾萍  吴岩 《科学发展》2013,(12):97-102
上海推进的公共租赁住房建设,是上海"十二五"期间住房保障体系的重要组成部分,符合深化住房制度改革和加快完善住房保障体系的总体要求,同时也与上海推进新型城镇化建设相呼应。新型城镇化的核心是"人的城镇化",人的安居乐业是新型城镇化的关键所在。上海公租房政策对推动"人的城镇化",具有极为重要的引导作用:强化了对非沪籍居民和中等收入阶层居住权的保障;有助于对工作者居住权利的保障;有助于带动整个区域的和谐、均衡发展。政府在推动公共租赁住房建设的过程中,还须适度扩大规模,改变产权式保障的传统思路;从严实行进出筛选机制,鼓励向上流动;坚持运作市场化、社区社会化、政策政府化;关注产业布局,突出其人才属性。  相似文献   

<正>"城镇化和地方性"中德双边研讨会在北京大学召开中国目前正经历着由快转稳的新型城镇化阶段,城镇化的新模式,不仅影响着中国,也可能会影响整个世界;而德国作为世界上高度城镇化的国家之一,拥有较高的城市管理水平和丰富的城市建设经验。尤其在以人为核心和可持续发展的时代背景下,如何解决城镇化过程中人地关系所凸显的多重矛盾;如何以一种创新的方式,通过强调其自然和文化特征,实现遗产保存和城镇  相似文献   

流动儿童是跟随农民工父母或其他监护人进入城市生活或学习的0-16岁农村户籍儿童。我国流动儿童的各项社会福利已取得显著进展,包括营养与健康、教育机会与教育质量、家庭与社会支持等。但是,流动儿童的社会福利水平仍有待提高,许多福利不平等问题亟待解决。为此,需建立新型的以“常住人口”为服务对象的管理模式,建立流动儿童登记管理制度,建立健全流动儿童社会福利工作协作机制等。  相似文献   

孟颖  周长林  沈锐 《城市》2015,(12):24-28
从我国近年城镇化发展历程来看,县级单元已经成为新增城镇人口的重点空间,这一现象在西部地区更为明显.由于西部地区地广人稀、区域发展差异大,中心城市辐射带动能力有限,其城镇化道路不能过度依赖大城市的集聚吸纳能力,而是需要形成多点支撑的城镇化空间格局.笔者以宁夏为例,分析县城发展中存在的问题,探讨县城在西部新型城镇化道路中发挥的重要作用,并提出了以集聚为核心动力,突出"以人为本"、生态底线和文化底蕴的新型城镇化道路.  相似文献   

以城镇基本公共服务均等化促进农业转移人口市民化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新型城镇化的核心是人的城镇化,人的城镇化主要是解决进城的农业转移人口能否顺利转变为城镇居民的问题,而实现这种转变的关键是能否享受均等化的基本公共服务。城镇基本公共服务不均等既表现在城镇社会的不同群体间,也表现在区域间。两者都会影响到农业转移人口的市民化过程。本文首先界定了城镇基本公共服务的内涵,并对其在群体间和区域间不均等的表现进行了考察,进而深入分析了不平等产生的原因,在此基础上提出了城镇基本公共服务均等化的实现路径。  相似文献   

Every child deserves a fair chance in life. However, migrant children are at higher risk of developing mental health problems. The problem of migrant children who have left their hukou registration place for 6 months or longer with their parents from rural areas to cities in China has become a unique social issue in the social transformation of China. However, even up to this day, little is known about life satisfaction of migrant children in small and medium-sized cities. To investigate the current situation of migrant children’s life satisfaction, several scales including Chinese Adolescent Students’ Life Satisfaction Questionnaire, Social Economic Status Scale, Social Support Rating Scale and big five inventory were used to obtain data on 142 migrant children and 165 local primary school students. Results showed that migrant children’s life satisfaction was significantly lower when compared to local non-migrant students. The study also highlighted that subjective and objective support, utilization of support, conscientiousness and parent’s educational level were predictive factors of life satisfaction. Migrant children’ life satisfaction was not optimistic and social support was significantly influencing factors of migrant children’s life satisfaction, so they need a support system of government, school, community, family to help them through difficulties.  相似文献   

The problems which migrants and their families face when they return to their own country arise from the personal circumstances of the individuals themselves as well as the characteristics of both the country of origin and the host country. A great variety of conflicts can arise during reintegration and the interrelation between them is complex. Nevertheless, some problems occur more frequently than others; a number of the most common include the following: 1) reintegrating the return migrant into the labor force is very difficult, particularly when unemployment is a problem in his homeland. 2) Degrees earned abroad often do not transfer from one high school or university to another at the same academic level. 3) Most returning migrant workers lose their retirement benefits acquired during the period of emigration because of no social security convention between the countries concerned. 4) Patriotic feelings and ties to family and friends lead the migrant to gloss over the real problems he faces. 5) Migrant children commonly face problems related to education because of differences between languages, teaching contents, and educational methods practiced in the two countries. Recommendations to relieve these and other problems migrants face upon reintegration include: 1) efforts should be made to orient return migration when jobs are available; 2) cultural agreements allowing recognition of studies and accreditation of degrees and diplomas should be promoted; 3) social security conventions between countries should be extended to include the transfer of benefits and recognition of years of work; 4) priority should be given to educational problems faced by migrant children with a dual sociocultural identity; and 5) assistance should be given to countries in carrying out empirical studies on reintegration problems and measures to solve them.  相似文献   

许庆 《科学发展》2013,(5):14-18
现阶段城市户籍实际代表了三项公共服务:以城市最低生活保障为主的社会救助服务,以经济适用房和廉租房实物或租金补贴为主的政府补贴性住房安排,以及迁移人口子女在城市公立学校平等就学的机会。户籍制度改革的关键,就在于如何通过有效的政策改革方案,为外来人口提供可支付的住房,以及为其子女教育建立有效的融资机制,从而使外来务工人员主要是农民工可以在城市定居下来。土地制度改革可以作为突破口,通过城中村政府和村民有效的公私合作,充分利用市场机制为外来人口提供可支付住房,辅以相关财税体制改革,同时可以有效解决外来务工人员子女的教育问题。在通过土地制度改革和相关财税体制改革有效解决了外来人口住房问题和子女教育问题后,户籍制度改革也就完成了实质性突破。  相似文献   


This study examines the effect of adult Chinese migrants’ geographic distance from home on their intergenerational relationships with parents who remain behind. We compared monetary and family care support as well as emotional relationships among four parent-child groups: older adults and international migrant children, older adults and internal migrant children (who migrated to other cities in China), older adults and coresiding children, and older adults and local children (living in the same city as their parents). Data were derived from 332 older adults in Beijing, China, with at least one child who migrated to another country or city. Results from chi-square tests, anaylsis of variance (ANOVA) tests, and regression analyses indicate that international and internal migrant children maintain similar intergenerational relationships with their parents, and that both of those groups are less likely than coresiding and local children to have family care exchanges and emotionally close relationships with their parents. The results may help professionals develop supportive services and policies for older adults in migrant families.  相似文献   

This study, which draws on the practice knowledge of 20 migrant educators employed in the public school system in Florida who were interviewed in 2013, shows how migrant educators support migrant students and their families in navigating the public school system. We found that migrant educators supported students and their families in navigating the school system in several ways: by helping students access supplies, technology and practical help and other school-related assistance; providing students with a supplemental education; supporting students emotionally; liaising between students, parents and the school; empowering parents to resist discrimination; and by managing school logistics. We discuss our findings in the context of existing scholarship and present implications for policy and future research.  相似文献   

中国"农民工"现象是城市化进程的产物。农民进城务工常态化,其随迁子女城市入学问题随之产生。由于中国社会长期沿袭的城乡二元分割文化体系及其以等级意识进行身份界定的社会心理支撑,使农民工子女城市就学存在制度障碍及跨文化适应障碍。开展社会机制建设,确保农民工合法权益,消除农民工及其子女面临的身份歧视,实现文化调试(跨文化适应)与文明融合,是促进农民工随迁子女学校融入与社区适应的规范路径。  相似文献   

This paper examines the situation and problems of migration on family structure, with emphasis on family reunification. The study is based on conditions and practices in Western Europe and Mediterranean countries relating to temporary labor migration. Most migrant workers have no intention of settling permanently and return to their country within a few years. The International Labour Office estimated in 1974 that at least 1/2 the migrant workers in Western Europe live without their families. Generally, migrants send for their families only when they are employed, earning adequate wages, and have adequate housing. Some reasons why migrants live apart from their families include 1) the receiving country discourages family immigration because it does not coincide with the economic necessities of migration policy and 2) some sending countries discourage it to ensure that the migrant worker returns to his own country. The main danger arising from family separation is that it frequently leads to the break up of the family. The leading European authorities recognize as a fundamental right the freedom of a migrant worker and his family to lead a normal family life in the receiving country. The author outlines the conditions for admission for residence and employment of migrant spouses and children for the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Austria, Luxembourg, and the United Kingdom. All countries require that the head be in regular employment for some time and be able to provide his family with suitable housing. Other problems concerning the arrival of migrant spouses and children include 1) acquiring employment and social information and counseling, 2) education of children, 3) obtaining vocational training and adaptation and 4) achieving entitlement to social security benefits. The effects of migration in the family context in sending countries include 1) providing activities for migrants to maintain cultural links with their countries of origin and 2) acquiring the nationality of the receiving countries. Countries should facilitate the admission to employment of migrant spouses and children, by maintaining provisions for the reuniting of families and imposing no limits on admission to residence; and 2) by overcome obstacles to admission to employment, by observing existing recommendations. In conclusion, governments should give family cohesion 1st priority, regardless of regulations.  相似文献   

The integration of migrant children into German society is a controversial pedagogical task for educational institutions. An important part of this task is assigned to the kindergarten, since the early learning of social values and norms increases the chance of integration. The increasing number of migrant children in kindergartens has confronted teachers with new problems and changed tasks. In the 1980s, almost all kindergartens have migrant children enrolled in them; in some urban areas, there are kindergartens with 50% or more migrant children students. Some migrant children confront the use, or the continous use, of the German language for the 1st time in kindergarten. A secondary danger is abandoning a child with incomplete knowledge and inadequate German. These children will encounter new language problems in school. Although very little information is available on migrant parents' opinions of kindergartens, the limited data available indicate that parents generally respond favorably, although they fear alienation from their children. The migrant parents expect the kindergartens to teach their children German. The German kindergarten will not and cannot prepare children for life in their home country, even if it is kindly disposed towards a multitude of cultures. The kindergarten is only able to prepare children for life in Germany. Migrant children have special problems with bilingualism and cultural distance. Migrant children do not "cause" problems. Rather they offer an occasion to reflect on the work of the kindergarten and to include new and different experiences.  相似文献   

Not much attention has been paid to the children of migrant families in the receiving Israeli society. Our research focuses on how migrant children cope with future orientation and challenges how those children perceive their future course of life. This study speaks with the voices of the children, as represented in their personal stories and interviews, and reveals their interpretation of their futures, their integration in the receiving society, and the significance they accord to the events, activities and experiences they have undergone. Our findings reveal that in the area of future life course the children expressed a positive approach to school, to matriculation, to work and fulfilling future ambitions. In contrast in the area of existential life course children expressed a negative view and most of them reported that it is difficult for immigrant families live in Israel, and therefore they would prefer to migrate to another country.  相似文献   

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