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正确规模(right size)策略是全球范围内广泛应用的解决城市收缩问题的重要方法,而绿色基础设施规划是实现正确规模规划的关键。本文针对绿色基础设施在解决城市收缩问题中的有效性,提出建立适应我国国情的包含绿色基础设施规划、土地银行和合作规划在内的针对我国收缩城市的正确规模模型,旨在指导我国收缩城市回归到正确的规模。同时,文本从设计层面提出了可以用于小尺度的、针对收缩城市弃置空间的绿色基础设施设计策略,用来弥补国际上收缩城市绿色基础设施规划微观层面的不足,并且提高城市废弃空间的社会、生态和经济价值。  相似文献   

天津市建委出台《贯彻落实市第十一次党代会精神指导意见》,从以改革创新为动力,努力破解建设管理体制机制瓶颈;夯实基础设施“底盘”,增强现代化城市建设发展后劲;坚持绿色发展理念,加快建设生态宜居的现代化大都市;坚持城乡统筹发展,建设基础设施齐备环境优美的新型乡村等方面阐明了今后天津城乡建设事业发展的奋斗目标和实施举措.  相似文献   

在极端雨洪灾害日趋频繁和我国城市持续推进绿色发展理念的时代背景下,本文提出了以海绵城市理念,推进蓝绿灰基础设施结合,系统构建雨洪韧性城市体系的框架,从空间管控、工程建设以及制度建设等方面阐述了构建思路,并建立了雨洪韧性城市的风险适应、风险防治及灾害应急实施策略与措施.在此基础上,结合我国多个新区规划建设案例从理想蓝绿空...  相似文献   

赵峥  张亮亮 《城市观察》2013,26(4):161-168
绿色城市理论的演进经历了萌芽、形成、发展三个阶段,近二十年来国内外学者主要从发展模式、生态系统和城市设计三个角度对绿色城市的概念和内涵进行了阐释。本文在对国内外绿色城市研究相关文献综述的基础上,对绿色城市的概念和内涵进行界定,并对发达国家的城市绿色转型实践经验进行总结,认为中国应借鉴国外城市转型经验,从创新制度设计、营造绿色文化、发展绿色科技、制定绿色规划四个方面着手,立足国情,有序推进绿色城市建设。  相似文献   

新型城镇化既是对传统"圈地式"、"造城运动"、"掠夺式"旧有城镇化的反思,同时也是"建设美丽中国"、构建"天蓝、地绿、水清"的城乡生态建设重要发展思路与途径。旧有城镇化建设进程后的国土"千疮百孔",城乡空间生态环境恶化,城乡居民生活品质下降,需要适应于以城乡生态宜居为首要目标,走集约、绿色、城乡特色分明的新型城镇化发展路线的城乡生态建设规划框架与理论,同时需要起到缝合弥补、整合改良、提纲挈领作用的规划方法来修补、缝合、改良、统筹现有城乡环境物质空间。新型城镇化城乡生态建设要实现美丽中国建设,本质上要求城乡规划更好地应对生态效应、社会效应和经济效应综合性,绿色基础设施正是在这种社会、经济和生态需求的背景下产生的。这一概念的提出主要源于人们对土地永续利用与可持续发展的重新认识。绿色基础设施是一个服务于环境、社会和经济健康、综合效益发展的生态学框架,立足于平衡土地开发与环境资源关系的统筹城乡自然、人文生态生活支持系统。可以说,绿色基础设施正是针对我国新型城镇化城乡生态建设的重要规划理论与方法,但二者尚未实现真正实质意义上的系统衔接。因此,本文的研究目的是探索城乡规划专业角度如何通过绿色基础设施规划框架体系构建与城乡绿色空间系统用地布局落实等实现自然、人文生态环境美好的理想家园这一新型城镇化的最终物质空间环境目标。论文从绿色基础设施的定义、工作内容及其国内外的理论与实践发展入手,在认识论的层面去解析新型城镇化城乡绿色空间建设与绿色基础设施规划的关系,在方法论的层面去建构基于新型城镇化城乡绿色空间网络体系建设的绿色基础设施规划框架,从技术手段层面以绿色基础设施线性要素系统、面状要素系统、点状要素系统以及绿色生态技术工程系统为新型城镇化城乡绿色空间规划具体落实层面,建构起定性、定量相结合的城乡绿色空间不同层级的各要素系统规划设计方法与用地布局落实技术框架,同时提出能够应用于不同尺度的绿色基础设施规划具体策略,以对城乡绿色空间系统进行整体优化,并针对新型城镇化绿色基础设施规划实施、长效管理与维护提出针对性方法与策略。论文共分为七章进行论述:第一章主要介绍选题的研究背景、研究的目的和意义,对国内外关于绿色基础设施及城乡绿色基础设施规划的研究动态进行综述,明确研究范围和研究方法,界定了本研究所涉及的相关概念,阐述研究的内容与研究框架。第二章对绿色基础设施的哲学思想基础、概念缘起、发展历程、基本理论等进行总结和归纳,对国外绿色基础设施规划的建设实践与先进经验借鉴等进行详细阐述,同时回顾我国古代"绿色基础设施"相关思想与实践,并归纳总结我国绿色基础设施现行建设情况以及存在的相关问题。第三章通过论述新型城镇化概念、特征、核心目标以及新型城镇化城乡生态建设城乡规划角度涉及层面,同时对应论述了绿色基础设施规划内涵、特征、与重要作用等方面,立足新型绿色基础设施生态、社会、经济综合效益与新型城镇化城乡生态建设之间的同构关系进行辨析,即核心价值、目标体系、空间尺度、作用载体等同构关系,并分析了城乡绿色基础设施规划与新型城镇化城乡生态建设的相互影响,揭示了绿色基础设施规划对新型城镇化城乡生态建设的动力机制作用,新型城镇化城乡生态建设对绿色基础设施规划实施与长效管理的保障作用。第四章重点对新型城镇化城乡绿色基础设施要素构成、规划类型以及层级体系等进行理论与实践相结合的论证,建立了新型城镇化城乡绿色基础设施规划体系,提出城乡绿色基础设施规划框架与相关操作性的技术框架。第五章则在第四章中所建立的城乡绿色基础设施规划框架下绿色基础设施不同层级的线性要素系统(GI廊道系统)、面状要素系统(GI基质系统)、点状要素系统(GI斑块系统)、生态技术工程要素系统(雨水收集系统)四个重点要素系统进行定性与定量相结合的具体技术层面的规划设计分析,针对不同尺度层面(宏观城乡层面、中观城市、镇、乡村层面、微观生态社区层面)对各要素系统规划进行用地布局落实。第六章主要对适合不同尺度层面的绿色基础设施要素提出建策,包括城乡绿木、林、森策略;绿色农场策略、绿色屋顶、绿墙策略、绿色街道策略等,并针对新型城镇化城乡绿色基础设施规划实施与长效管理机制建设提出优化建议。第七章研究结论与研究展望。  相似文献   

陆小成  冯刚 《城市观察》2015,(3):185-192
生态文明建设凸显了城市经济新常态下的执政新思维、新理念、新战略。城市绿色发展是遵循绿色、生态、低碳的可持续发展原则,以绿色的城市经济增长来实现城市的现代化、生态化、持续化发展。学者对生态文明建设与城市绿色发展的现状、问题、国内外经验比较、评价、路径等方面进行研究,尚存在诸多不足。未来研究需要深入研究生态文明建设与城市绿色发展的内在关系,全面阐释城市绿色发展的内涵与特征、问题与成因,建立城市生态文明建设政绩考核体系和选择有效路径。  相似文献   

林靖  赵树明  刘卉 《城市》2012,(9):42-46
城市是人类文明的主要载体和日常生活的家园,文明的主加速器就是科学技术。在21世纪这个城市的世纪,绿色基础设施融合了科学技术,保障了城市的可持续发展,成为成就人类城市梦想的重要支撑力量。笔者结合现代科学技术革命的知识和思想,剖析纽约、新加坡与凤凰城三市绿色基础设施建设中的领先经验,供我国城市工作者借鉴和参考。一、回溯饮用水的"流域计划"1842年,纽约开辟了老克鲁顿水渠,通过从克鲁顿河引水,保障了城市人口、工业迅速膨胀的需求。以前,纽约的水源以地下水为主。1883年,进一步建成新克鲁顿水渠,  相似文献   

向高效、可持续的城市基础设施转变是建设弹性城市的重要方面。本文在对《纽约绿色基础设施规划》实施内容进行概述的基础上,从弹性城市视角对其进行剖析。此计划的生态弹性主要体现在规划所带来的可持续性效益,主要包括:以更低的成本吸收径流、改善水质、减轻洪涝风险、减缓城市热岛效应等。工程弹性主要体现在收集城市运转系统数据可有效改善城市功能,而流域划分则为针对性措施的提出以及设施效率的提高带来了契机。社会弹性主要体现在其构建了开放的对话机制、合作机制、决策机制,从而使不同利益相关者可以参与其中。最后提出适应性管理作为评估弹性城市的主要手段,其应用对于规避风险、保障规划顺利实施具有重要意义。  相似文献   

刘治彦 《城市》2017,(9):47-50
当前我国正处于经济转型升级过程中,以绿色、智慧和人文发展为引领的新型城镇建设是落实“五大发展理念”、提高城市发展质量和促进经济转型升级的重要引擎.尤其是基础设施与城市建筑的绿色智能化改造,城市产业发展智慧化的意义重大,市场空间广阔.  相似文献   

城市建设,这是一个常被人们各自理解的范畴。现今中国行政管理体制下的城市建设,是指市政基础设施与房地产业。这里着重研究城市市政基础设施,也涉及房地产。城市市政基础设施主要包含:城市供水、供热、  相似文献   

刘刚  沈清基 《城市观察》2012,(6):33-45,75
基于对生态化进程的普遍性、旧城更新对生态城市建设的重要作用的认识,以及对相关案例城市的旧城更新中问题的分析,提出了旧城更新生态化的概念和内涵,提出了旧城更新生态化的步骤,构建了旧城更新生态化的支撑体系。从旧城建筑生态化更新、旧城基础设施生态化更新、旧城道路交通生态化更新、旧城绿地系统生态化更新四个方面论述了我国旧城主要物质要素生态化更新的意义、内涵、措施等要点。  相似文献   


“Backyard” green infrastructure programs are an innovative way to manage urban stormwater, with many social and ecologic benefits. In many programs, however, residents with lower incomes are not reached, though they could benefit from participation, and though their participation could benefit the socioecological system. We examined awareness of and interest in backyard green infrastructure among lower- and moderate-income residents (N = 234). Awareness among our study population is low to moderate, but interest is moderate to high, with variability by some demographic and other characteristics. A spouse/partner, city agency, and/or neighbor may have influential roles in increasing participation in backyard green infrastructure.  相似文献   

Lee  Jee Min  Tan  Jenny  Gill  Aman S.  McGuire  Krista L. 《Urban Ecosystems》2019,22(4):721-732

Due to extensive areas of impermeable surfaces, combined sewer overflow (CSO) is currently a major problem in urban areas across the United States. In CSO systems, sewage can travel through underground pipes to be decontaminated in treatment facilities, or it can combine with stormwater after a precipitation event and discharge into local waterways. Many cities are implementing green infrastructure installations, which use vegetation and bioactive soil microbial communities to enhance soil water-holding capacity, thereby minimizing CSO events. Understanding the factors that structure soil microbial communities in green infrastructure will facilitate more effective management of these engineered ecosystems; however, few studies to date have evaluated ecological patterns and processes of microbes in the urban environment. Nitrogen loading is known to be a major factor structuring fungi and bacteria in non-urban soils, and since cities also contain large populations of canines, N-rich urine deposition is a potential factor that could be important for structuring soil microbes in ground-level green infrastructure installations. Our study investigated the effects of canine urine on the urban soil microbial communities in a greenhouse experiment by treating Liriope muscari, a common plant found in New York City green infrastructure, with different concentrations of canine urine for 4 weeks in an experimental setting. We found that urine application significantly decreased total soil microbial biomass and microbial richness, and increased water runoff volume. These findings indicate that canine urine may have negative consequences for soil water-holding capacity and nutrient cycling in urban green infrastructure installations by directly decreasing the abundance and richness of soil microbial communities.


Urban Ecosystems - The popularity and use of green infrastructure measures such as green roofs, green walls, and curb extensions is growing, especially in dense urban areas. At the same time, from...  相似文献   

Green infrastructure in urbanized areas has a dual purpose that achieves both sociological and ecological goals. To benefit society and the urban ecosystem, green infrastructure should be effectively managed. We investigated carabid diversity and assemblage structure as indicators of biodiversity in green infrastructures in a rapidly developing urban area to identify the habitat’s values. In addition, we attempted to reveal the effect of environmental variables (e.g., vegetation structure, soil, and disturbance) that strongly contribute to carabid diversity and assemblage structure. Of the collected organisms, 6,154 individuals representing 20 carabid species were identified in the green infrastructure. Those species with flight ability and that were found in dry habitats were widely distributed and dominated green infrastructures. Carabid assemblages changed significantly in response to management practices. These changes were both positive and negative, with the negative changes increasing the instability of the carabid assemblages through the destruction of their habitat. Other factors, such as the presence of original habitat, habitat age, and habitat succession, also had a considerable effect on carabid diversity. We revealed that management practices prevented habitat succession, and these interactive effects determined carabid diversity and structure in green infrastructures.  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Urban green infrastructure, such as gardens, can mitigate some of the consequences of climate change, e.g. reducing flash-flooding or urban heat islands. Green infrastructure,...  相似文献   

There is no consensus on a comprehensive classification for green infrastructure (GI). This is a consequence of the diversity of disciplines, application contexts, methods, terminologies, purposes and valuation criteria for which a GI typology is required. The aim of this systematic literature review is to evaluate the existing evidence on how GI is being categorised and characterised worldwide. We reviewed a total of 85 studies from 15 countries that were analysed for contextual trends, methods, parameters and typologies. Results show that relevant literature lacks a common terminology and that a universal typology for all scenarios is impractical. Analysis reveals that GI can be organised into four main GI categories: (a) tree canopy, (b) green open spaces, (c) green roofs and (d) vertical greenery systems (facades/walls). Green open spaces and tree canopy attracted the attention of researchers due to their complexity, variability and important roles in GI planning. Evidence suggests that a ternary approach in terms of the functional (purpose, use, services), structural (morphology) and configurational (spatial arrangements) attributes of GI should be applied for a more comprehensive classification. Although this approximation is inherently generic, since it can be used across different research disciplines, it is also sufficiently specific to be implemented for individual scopes, scenarios and settings. Further research is needed to develop a typology capable of responding to particular research aims and performance analyses based upon the findings discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Zhang  Dan  Zheng  Haifeng  He  Xingyuan  Ren  Zhibin  Zhai  Chang  Yu  Xingyang  Mao  Zhixia  Wang  Peijiang 《Urban Ecosystems》2016,19(1):455-473
Urban Ecosystems - Urban forest is considered as the most important component of urban green infrastructure and can make vital contributions to urban biodiversity. Understanding the species...  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Barriers negatively affect green infrastructure (GI) planning and sustainable development of urban areas. The aim of this study is to analyze the major barriers to GI development...  相似文献   

The innovativeness of the traditional construction sector, composed of construction companies or contractors, is not one of its strong points. Likewise, its poor productivity in comparison with other sectors, such as manufacturing, has historically been criticized. Similar features are found in the Spanish traditional construction sector, which it has been described as not very innovative. However, certain characteristics of the sector may explain this behavior; the companies invest in R+D less than in other sectors and release fewer patents, so traditional innovation evaluation indicators do not reflect the true extent of its innovative activity. While previous research has focused on general innovation evaluation models, limited research has been done regarding innovation evaluation in the macro-construction sector, which includes, apart from the traditional construction companies or contractors, all companies related to the infrastructure life-cycle. Therefore, in this research an innovation evaluation model has been developed for macro-construction sector companies and is applied in the Spanish case. The model may be applied to the macro-construction sector companies in other countries, requiring the adaption of the model to the specific characteristics of the sector in that country, in consultation with a panel of experts at a national level.  相似文献   

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