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Class inequalities in education and health in several advanced capitalist countries are examined, distinguishing between three types of inequality: access to service, use of service and outcome. The evidence provided shows that the scope and complexity of class inequality increase as one moves from consideration of access to use and then to outcome. Hence the reduction of inequality of outcome is the most difficult. The evidence shows that inequality in all three areas is marked in all countries and it also suggests that reduction of inequalities over the years has been, at best, only slight. Continuation of present policies is unlikely to change the situation substantially. More egalitarian policies, however, appear unlikely to be pursued within the power constraints of advanced capitalist societies.  相似文献   

The relationship between gender and health inequalities is potentially complicated, raising questions for health and social research, practice and policy. In this paper, I use two population health case studies – obesity and smoking – to explore the interplay between gender and socioeconomic position. The cases show that, on its own, neither dimension of inequality affords a comprehensive picture of these significant risks to public health. Furthermore, historical change in the socioeconomic and gendered distribution of these health risks suggests that gender is best considered as a dynamic and layered form of differentiation, rather than as a simple or stable dichotomy. A more nuanced approach to the analysis of gender and health has the potential to generate both more fruitful research and more effective health and social policy.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is a discussion of the application of social workknowledge and values in practice. It draws on ethnographic researchin a child-care team in the UK which set out to explore theconstruction of clients as gendered. It is argued that socialworkers' accounts of practice reveal tensions between an emphasison clients as individuals and an emphasis on social collectivity.These tensions could be seen as inherent in social work knowledgeand values. There are various implications of these tensionsbetween the individual and the social, but there is a particularfocus in the paper on the implications for questions of gender.It concludes with some ideas for a theory for practice thatwould better equip social workers for the complex task of negotiatingthe gender tensions raised in the paper.  相似文献   

Christopher F. Black, Italian Confraternities in the Sixteenth Century (1989), xiv + 321 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £35.00).

Ralph Houlbrooke, English Family Life, 1576–1716: An Anthology from Diaries (1988), xiv + 268 (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, £14.95).

Judith Moore, A Zeal for Responsibility: The Struggle for Professional Nursing in Victorian England, 1868–1883 (1988), xvii + 214 (University of Georgia Press, Athens, Georgia, $23.00).

Dieter Fricke, Handbuch zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung 1869 bis 1917 (1987), 2 vols, 1468 (Dietz Verlag Berlin, East Berlin, DM 58). [Handbook for the History of the German Labour Movement, 1869–1917].

Diane Langmore, Missionary Lives. Papua, 1874–1914 (1989), xxiv + 408 (University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, $28.00).

Christine Collette, For Labour and For Women: The Women's Labour League, 1906–1918 (1989), iii + 225 (Manchester University Press, Manchester, £29.95).

Sebastian Balfour, Dictatorship, Workers, and the City. Labour in Greater Barcelona since 1939 (1989), viii + 288 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, £30.00).  相似文献   

Objectives. This article examines the effects of economic globalization on gender inequalities in urban China. It argues that the significance of economic globalization on gender inequality depends on its impact on job queues in the labor market of a country. Methods. Using both individual‐ and city‐level data, and a series of multilevel linear and logistic models, we analyze the effects of three city‐level variables on the gender gap in income: foreign direct investment (FDI) per capita, growth rate of FDI, and opening up to overseas investment early on. We also examine gender differences in employment in high‐paying foreign‐invested firms, and in lower‐paying export‐oriented manufacturing. Results. We find no variation in gender gap in income among cities of varying levels of FDI, growth rates of FDI, or whether they were among the earliest to open up to international investment. Women are more likely to be employed in export‐oriented manufacturing industries that offer lower wages and are less likely to work in high‐paying foreign firms and joint ventures. Conclusions. These results suggest that economic globalization profoundly influences gender inequalities by changing the nature of job queues, and men and women are sorted and matched into jobs accordingly. Economic globalization contributed to and perpetuated a gendered distribution of male and female workers in the Chinese urban labor market in the late 1990s.  相似文献   

This study was designed to fill our current knowledge gap in children's representation of romantic love. To this end, we used a drawing task: 127 children ages 6 to 10 were asked to draw a person and a person in love. Performing content analysis, we identified seven graphic indicators used by children to depict romantic love in their drawings. As expected, results exhibited age and gender differences. First, older children used a higher number of graphic indicators than younger children. The use of each type of indicator (except for one) varied with age. Second, girls used a higher number of graphic indicators than boys. These gender differences were specific to three graphic indicators. Results are discussed in terms of children's developing representation of romantic love and of the potential impact of their socio‐cultural environment on this representation.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Prof. Colin Pritchard, Department of Social Work Studies, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO9 SNH. Summary The Department of Health's Health of the Nation aims at a substantialreduction in suicide; this is a ‘vote of confidence’in the effectiveness of the community psychiatric and healthservices. However, it will be shown that a number of socioeconomicchanges have occurred which may lead to increased suicide; forexample British male suicide rose in the 1980s, significantlyassociated with unemployment. Though female suicide fell substantiallyover the period, across the regions suicide rates for both menand women were worse amongst the ‘work age’ bands,16–44 years, than the older groups. In respect to therelatively poorer rates amongst younger women, this may be linkedto unemployment and their unfulfilled job expectations. If thesuicide targets are not met, it is feared that the ‘failure’will laid at the door of the community and health services.  相似文献   

Objective. We explore whether observed sex‐based differences in political knowledge have an impact on men's and women's participation in six different political activities. Methods. Utilizing ANES data from the five presidential elections between 1984 and 2000, we employ logistic regression to estimate the likelihood of voting, influencing a vote, attending a political meeting, working on a political campaign, wearing a political button, and making a campaign donation. Results. At lower levels of political knowledge, women's lower political knowledge depresses their participation in politics. The participation gap disappears at higher levels of political knowledge for three participatory acts: attempting to influence a vote, attending a political meeting, and donating to a political campaign. Furthermore, at higher levels of political knowledge, women are more likely than men to vote, wear a political button, or work for political campaigns. Conclusion. Our analysis reveals that political knowledge differentially affects men's and women's political participation. These findings complement existing scholarship that finds women hold themselves to a higher standard before engaging in political activities such as running for elected office.  相似文献   

Although qualitative research offers some unique advantages over quantitative research, qualitative methods are rarely employed in the evaluation of ethics education programs and are often criticized for a lack of rigor. This systematic review investigated the use of qualitative methods in studies of ethics education. Following a review of the literature in which 24 studies were identified, each study was coded based on 16 best practices characteristics in qualitative research. General thematic analysis and grounded theory were found to be the dominant approaches used. Researchers are effectively executing a number of best practices, such as using direct data sources, structured data collection instruments, non-leading questioning, and expert raters. However, other best practices were rarely present in the courses reviewed, such as collecting data using multiple sources, methods, raters, and timepoints, evaluating reliability, and employing triangulation analyses to assess convergence. Recommendations are presented for improving future qualitative research studies in ethics education.  相似文献   

计算机游戏与性别关系——性别研究的新领域   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着计算机和网络技术的普及,计算机游戏正成为现代社会文化中一个不可忽视的组成部分。它不仅对青少年,而且对成年人也有着重要影响,尤其是对于性别角色期待、性别角色扮演以及性别刻板印象的强化或淡化方面更有着明显的影响。自20世纪90年代以来,计算机游戏的内容及其对于女性掌握数字技术的影响已成为国外一些学者关心的问题。  相似文献   

Thriving research has been dominated by a psychological perspective. Individuals are typically the unit of analysis and thriving is generally operationalized using psychological measures. This article discusses a race, class, and gender perspective that derives from feminist sociology, as well as its implications for thriving research. This perspective, which focuses on the role of race, class, and gender inequality in organizing social relations, draws attention to the need to recognize that both the likelihood that someone will face a challenge and their ability to thrive in the face of that challenge are determined largely by their location in the social hierarchy. It also demonstrates that distinctions must be made between thriving in the face of the routine challenges of daily life and thriving in the face of challenges that are an extraordinary part of life. Finally, the race, class, and gender perspective has implications for the development of interventions to promote thriving. Each of these issues is elaborated further with illustrations drawn from life history and focus group interviews with and field work conducted among drug-addicted women.  相似文献   

Although women's status has improved remarkably in the 20th century in many societies, women continue to lack access to power and leadership compared with men. This issue reviews research and theory concerning women's leadership. The articles included in the issue provide evidence of bias in the evaluation of women, discuss effects of gender stereotypes on women's influence and leadership behaviors, and evaluate strategies for change. This introductory article provides a brief summary of changes in women's status and power in employment and education and the absence of change at the upper echelons of power in organizations. Also included is an outline of the contributions of the other articles in the issue.  相似文献   

Gender has been neglected in models of the social determinants of health. We use walking as a case study to demonstrate how gender might be incorporated into multilevel social determinants of health frameworks to investigate health behaviours. We found that while men and women had some similar individual (e.g. confidence in doing regular physical activity) and environmental (e.g. presence of destinations) predictors of walking there were also gender differences in the associations found at both of these levels. For example, low levels of education were only associated with men's walking time while having people in the household who made walking easy or hard was only associated with women's walking time. Likewise, having a variety of places to walk to was important for women's walking but not men's. These results indicate that both universal and gender‐specific approaches to health education, health promotion and planning might be needed to improve walking levels.  相似文献   

Social Work: Gender, Care and Justice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to: Joan Orme, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Lilybank House, Bute Gardens, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8RT, UK. Summary This article, in examining gender and justice, seeks to examinethe relationship between feminist theory and social work. Specificallyit reviews writings on social work ethics and suggests thatlittle attention has been paid to feminist scholarship thatresonates with social work practice. Focusing primarily on communitycare, it demonstrates how debates within feminism have becomemore complex and have problematized understandings of both careand justice. It argues that for social work it is unhelpfulto dichotomize justice and care; we should aspire to just socialwork practice.  相似文献   

本文运用北京和日本东京的生活时间分配调查资料,从生活时间分配角度分析比较了社会经济发展阶段等不同的两个城市居民生活活动的性别差异。研究表明,提高受教育水平和就业水平,对于提高社会成员特别是女性的社会地位、家庭地位,实现男女平等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

王杰  李姚军 《社会》2023,43(2):210-233
本文利用2018年“中国家庭追踪调查”(CFPS)数据,使用对数线性模型,分析了1978~2018年家庭背景与自身教育在择偶过程中地位交换的性别与时期差异。研究发现,在跨越出身阶层与自身教育地位的异质婚中,夫妻一方会利用自身的相对教育地位优势交换另一方的相对出身阶层优势,这支持了地位交换论。1978~1991年结婚的夫妻中,女性更多通过相对教育优势交换男性的相对出身优势。随着时间的推移,出身阶层与教育在择偶过程中的地位交换强度不断增强,但更多体现在男性通过自身相对教育优势交换女性相对出身优势的婚配模式上,而女性的这一婚配模式呈先降后升趋势。可见,随着时代变迁,家庭背景在女性的向上婚姻流动中扮演着越来越重要的角色。  相似文献   

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