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Vandalism is the ultimate ‘environmental’ crime because acts of vandalism are always committed against physical objects and because the physical design and setting play an important role. Vandalism is not a ‘senseless’ crime, but has important reasons tied to the design and management of environments. Vandalism is often misunderstood by designers, planners, facility managers and administrators. Understanding the patterns and environmental context of vandalism enables us to promote better strategies for its pervention and control.  相似文献   

论污染环境罪的罪过形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《刑法修正案(八)》第46条新确立了污染环境罪,但并未明确其罪行形式,因此,理论上便存在“双重罪行说”和“过失说”之争.本文认为,这两种观点均不可采信,一方面,如果缺乏法律文理根据,则既不能认为某种犯罪同时包括故意与过失,也不能认为该罪属于过失犯;另一方面,既然成立本罪不以侵害他人生命、身体为必要,也就表明将其理解为过失犯的实质根据并不存在.此外,倘若将本罪理解为过失犯,便会导致过失严重污染环境的行为成立犯罪而部分故意严重污染环境的行为却只能宣告无罪的现象,这显然有悖于责任主义原理.质言之,本罪应属故意犯罪.  相似文献   

环境公平:环境问题的社会学视点   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
洪大用 《浙江学刊》2001,1(4):67-73
本文简略地评析了环境公平概念的提出及其社会学意义,指出环境公平的概念正是社会学与环境问题研究的链接点.作者分析了当代中国发展过程中在国际层次、地区层次和群体层次上所面临的环境公平问题,并提出了若干保障和促进环境公平的对策,如维护环境主权,警惕生态帝国主义;完善污染者付费制度;设立国家环境基金;延伸社会救助制度,实施环境救济;加强环境执法,维护公众的环境权益等.  相似文献   

王建华 《唐都学刊》2005,21(3):71-73
西部环境问题已经严重地阻碍了西部的可持续发展。现阶段传统会计未能计量出环境污染的成本,使企业缺少在减少环境污染方面的内在动力,企业为减少自身成本,不惜以牺牲环境为代价。而绿色会计强调对环境污染的计量和补偿,从而使企业自觉走环保之路,以促进西部环境问题的解决。  相似文献   

Crime rates in New South Wales are compared with overseas figures. Comparisons are made between Sydney and eight American and two Canadian cities of similar size. Urban-rural crime rates are studied by relating Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong to the rest of the State. In both rural and urban areas the rates for homicide, sex offences and other offences against the person are relatively low when compared with American rates. The rates for property offences and car theft are similar to those which exist in America and, and in the case of Sydney, exceed the rate of these offences in the two Canadian cities studied.  相似文献   

“小金库”问题的犯罪学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对"小金库"问题进行犯罪学研究,主要通过归纳犯罪现象及其危害、探求犯罪原因和提出预防、治理策略的路径。"小金库"并非法定概念,但其在社会生活中已经具有比较稳定的内涵和外延,即单位正常账目之外的资金。单位私设"小金库"现象的大量存在危害性极大,容易造成国有资产流失、导致国家税收损失,并诱发其他犯罪。预防和治理"小金库"问题的方略要着眼于:严格财务制度;合理设计利益分配制度;拓宽合理的财务报销途径;严格执行相关法律规定,不搞运动式治理;加大宣传力度,形成新的道德压力;加大涉及"小金库"的犯罪行为的打击力度等等。  相似文献   

信息犯罪作为一种新的犯罪形式的学理研究的类型化,是以信息社会为其研究背景的。信息犯罪的信息性凸显了新的高科技犯罪与传统犯罪的内在差异。文章立足于其本质属性———信息性,从根本上打破了传统研究视野下的“就现象论现象”、“以现象名本质”的研究方法。从而将信息犯罪的基本范畴及其内在特殊属性的研究引向深入。  相似文献   

毕向阳  李沫 《社会》2005,40(3):117-147
基于网络采集的养老机构数据和第六次全国人口普查数据,以公共设施区位理论为框架,使用空间分析方法,本文对北京市养老资源的分布模式进行了研究。研究发现,在乡镇/街道层面,整体上公办养老资源分布相对均衡,呈现正的空间依赖,民办养老资源则局部呈现负的空间相关性特征。空间回归分析表明,尽管两者布局均受到辖域内服务对象绝对数量这一因素的影响,但民办养老资源分布对老年人口密度这一指标更为敏感。不同类型的养老资源分散与集聚的空间模式,体现了公共设施供给问题上效率与公平原则之间的对比关系,这是行政与市场力量形塑的结果。  相似文献   

On the basis of analyzing the results of a sociological survey of women in Russian prisons, the authors give a social characterization of women's involvement in narcotics crime. Women addicts are compelled to become involved in drug dealing, and are more vulnerable to arrests and prosecutions than the men who pull them into the trade.  相似文献   

在区域生态环境治理问题上,中日两国存在着共同的利益诉求;而在节能环保与生态治理领域,两国也具有长期合作的基础。这是双方未来围绕绿色经济的发展,进一步强化能源与环境方面经济技术合作的前提。然而,双方在合作关系上的非对等性,特别是当前两国间相对紧张的政治关系,将在一定程度上影响中日间在节能环保领域经济技术合作的未来发展走向。有鉴于此,增强中日双方在能源与环境领域的资源与产业间的互补性发展、逐步建立两国间以企业为主导的新型合作模式、以区域生态环境治理的基本共识弱化政治因素的干扰,将是两国间围绕绿色经济的发展,在节能环保与生态治理方面强化经济技术合作的有效途径。  相似文献   

现代商务中心区 (CBD)对于城市、区域经济发展的重要作用在于其产业集群效应的充分发挥。本文通过实地调研 ,对北京CBD的产业集群现状及其效应、机制进行了深入分析 ,认为 ,北京CBD最基本的特征是现代高端服务业的集群 ,北京CBD的产业集群具有混合产业区的特征 ;目前北京CBD的产业集群的发展存在脆弱性 ,即 :虽已形成较明显的产业集聚的特征 ,但产业集群的机制还不健全、产业集群效应具有很大的局限性。文章对这些问题的成因及对策进行了分析  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the relationship among crime, deterrence and unemployment in Greece. A regional dataset over the period 1991–1998 was collected and analysed. Our econometric methodology follows the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimator applied to dynamic models of panel data. The results show that property crimes are significantly deterred by higher clear-up rates and that unemployment increases crime. For violent crimes, however, the effect of the clear-up rate and unemployment are found to be generally insignificant. Finally, our results may provide support to policy makers in forecasting criminal activity in the current economic downturn under a wave of harsh austerity measures, budget cuts and increased unemployment.  相似文献   

为具体掌握学生专业课的学习情况,根据学生专业课试卷各题型的得分,利用模糊聚类分析法对学生成绩进行分类。选取自动化专业学生的专业课期末考试成绩作为统计指标,对数据标准化处理,利用最大最小法建立模糊相似矩阵,通过传递闭包法作模糊聚类分析。结果表明,模糊聚类分析法可以更科学地对学生成绩进行分类,有助于掌握学生学习情况,有效提高学生的学习成绩。  相似文献   

张淑兰 《唐都学刊》2007,23(5):112-116
环境运动在印度有着较长的发展历史。1988年,NBA宣布成立,标志纳尔默达河谷的人民运动从零散抗议走向了系统整合。它的发展经历了三个主要阶段:激进的甘地式抗议阶段;合法的群众斗争阶段;曲折而严峻的斗争阶段。NBA之所以能够组织和长期维持高水平的公众参与,与其广泛的运动联盟战略有密切的关系。  相似文献   

Although crime statistics are relatively less developed in Australia than in many other advanced western nations, the information that is available suggests that crime is on the increase. To talk of overall crime rates is, however, to overlook important differences between crimes, between geographical areas, and between different time periods. Examination of crime statistics for the New South Wales north coast reveals just how difficult it is to identify general trends.  相似文献   

Summary With 21 per cent of offences recorded by the police in the 12months ending March 1999, and representing 1,077,700 theftsof and from vehicles, motor vehicle crime is the single mostcommon offence in England and Wales. Young males under 21 yearshave been found to be responsible for three-quarters of carthefts. Studies in the United Kingdom suggest the characteristicsof these offenders include those associated with socio-economicdeprivation and poor self-esteem; whilst for many, involvementin car crime is a means of seeking excitement. The requirement to identify the needs of car offenders, andthe establishment of intent and purpose within offending behaviourprogrammes, saw an increase in the number of probation-basedmotor projects from 1990. Access to the car, and opportunitiesto drive in controlled environments were present in some ofthe newer projects, although many had abandoned this principle.Whilst little empirical evidence exists to support their claims,a number of projects have boasted success in their efforts toreduce the risks of further car crime amongst offenders whohave completed programmes at motor projects as part of theirsentences. Eight motor projects that challenge offending behaviourare reviewed and the latest Home Office evaluation discussed.  相似文献   

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