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The concern of the Chinese world of learning over the existing problems of urbanization is concentrated at present on environmental pollution, traffic jams, tight accommodation, increasing unemployment and social disorder, and little attention is given to the damage to peasants' rights and interests as a matter of overriding importance for the development of urbanization. This phenomenon is rooted in the theoretical hypoth-  相似文献   

“市场转型理论”有四个特点:第一,所关心的主要是正式组织和制度等结构性特征。第二,对于结构性特征的关注,主要是通过大规模问卷调查的方式进行的。第三,基本的理论视角是自上而下的。第四,布达佩斯学派所研究的市场转型国家,主要是东欧,特别是中欧的匈牙利。在这些社会中,市场转型伴随着政体的断裂。本文以对中国市场转型的经验性研究为基础,提出一种“对市场转型实践过程的分析”的研究路径。这种研究路径强调面对市场转型的具体实践过程,通过对市场转型中的过程、机制、技术和逻辑的关注,来实现对市场转型的新的理解。这种路径在方法上更加重视深度的个案研究,并通过将“日常生活”看作是“上”“下”两种力量互动的舞台,来综合“自上而下”和“自下而上”两种互相对立的视角。  相似文献   

One of the major contradictions con- fronting Chinese rural areas today is the con- stant increase in farmers' individual needs and the equally rapid growth in their public needs on the one hand, and on the other the double shortage of private and public goods. As a low-income group, individual farmers bear too much of the burden of supplying public goods and have to put their limited funds into the production of public goods. As a result, not only have they not solved the problem of shortage of public goods,  相似文献   

朝鲜战争的爆发迫使美国最终确定了单独媾和的对日和约新方针,并且期待战局好转而实现对日媾和;美国为了阻止中国出席旧金山会议,在对日和约签订之前采取了拖延谈判的策略;旧金山会议后美国急于停战,而因对日和约在远东陷入困境和被动局面的苏联和中国却决心在停战谈判中坚持强硬的和不妥协的立场,以便在朝鲜战场吸引和消耗美国的力量。这就是在冷战大背景下对日和约与朝鲜停战谈判之间的微妙关系。  相似文献   

Studies on social movement and theoryof revolution are of utmost importance topresent-day China. Generally speaking, in faceof a movement challenging the local or cen-tral government, countries of different typeshave different capacities to bear the bruntand take measures to deal with the situation.In the same country, the reaction from theparticipants in the movement to the measuresthe state takes to deal with the movementalso varies with their organizational ability andtheir understanding of…  相似文献   

本文运用五次大规模调查所得的资料,以同龄非独生子女作为参照对象,以青少年问卷与家长问卷相互对比,从性格特征、生活技能、社会交往、社会规范、生活目标、成人角色、自我认识等方面,描述和分析了中国城市第一代独生子女青少年的社会化过程及其结果。研究表明,从总体上看,城市独生子女青少年的社会化发展是正常的,他们与同龄非独生子女之间在社会化各个方面的相同点远多于相异点。文章针对研究发现,提出了“消磨—趋同”、“社会交往补偿”等理论解释。  相似文献   

Themarketeconomyhasthreebasicfunctions;rationalallocation,stimulatingsocio-economicandtechnicalprogress,andguaranteeingefficientdistributionaccordingtomarketindicators.Inanationaleconomywithasocialdivisionoflaborandinwhichtheeconomyitselfindependentlydisperseseconomicadvantages,themarketeconomybecomesthefundamentaleconomicregulatorymechanism.However,themarketeconomy,asameansofallocatingresourcesandregulatingandcontrollingtheeconomy,canneverautomaticallyoronitsownfulfilltheentireoperationalaims…  相似文献   

Families(jiating)andclans(jiazu)aretwocategoriesinChinawhicharerelatedtoanddifferentfromeachother.FamiIiesinancientChinawerecommunitieswithcommonpropertieswhichtooksmall-scaleblood-relationshipsastheprincipalcomponentandwereestablishedonthebasisoftherelationshipofmarriage,familysupportandchildadoption.Clansrefertothesystemofblood-relationships,includingsmallclansinfamilies,orlargeclansmadeupofanumberofsmallclans,namelypatriarchalclans.Therefore,thestructure,functions,andinterrelationsofthemem…  相似文献   

Objective. Capitalizing on attention directed to judicial agreement and the associated consequences of judicial elections, this article conducts an examination of the effects of seniority and state methods of judicial retention on decisions by state supreme court justices to dissent. Methods. Using data drawn from the State Supreme Court Data Archive, this research analyzes decisions by individual justices to dissent in 33,582 tort cases from 1995 to 1998. GEE logistic analysis with cases as the clustering unit is the estimation procedure. Results. While the seniority of justices is positively connected to dissent, the findings illustrate that seniority's effect is nuanced and conditioned by a state's method of judicial retention. The impact of a justice's seniority relative to his or her colleagues is most powerful in appointive courts where justices serve without fear of electoral retaliation. Alternatively, within elective courts, justices respond to elections by pursuing a consensual approach regardless of their seniority. Conclusion. The dissent characteristics of justices in state supreme courts are intricately tied to the length of careers and the methods by which states keep justices in office.  相似文献   

中苏军事同盟存在着一种体制上的弊病,这一点在苏联对中国的核援助以及中苏之间的军事合作方面表现得尤为突出。从战略目标看,苏联想要维持现状,争取一个缓和的国际环境,而中国强烈要求改变现状,制造一种紧张的国际局面;从同盟性质看,苏联强调军事“共同体”,采取一致行动抵制美国,而中国只想获得安全保障和物质援助,过分追求独立性,其结果必然是军事合作的失败和同盟的破裂。  相似文献   

司法权的伦理关涉着司法权的品行,而司法权的品行则又关涉着社会的正义信仰体系建设。司法权的伦理根植于司法权的中立本质之中,因而必然迥异于党政伦理、军警伦理。法官职业伦理能力之实质是在相互叠加、冲突的利益关系中做出恰当选择的能力,而选择的恰当性则以绝对排除自利标石。欲使此标石稳固于每一法官的灵魂结构中,就必须开伦理规则控约、机构监督、法官自我修行三途。  相似文献   

太平洋战争爆发后国民政府积极参与联合国的筹建活动,外交决策层就联合国的组织架构、运作机制以及中国在其中的地位提出了多个方案,而将确保中国的大国地位作为参与筹建联合国的首要目标。为实现这一目标,国民政府在敦巴顿橡树园会议上采取务实的方针。至旧金山会议中国的大国地位已基本确立之时,中国代表团才更多地关注联合国的组织和机制。  相似文献   

This study shows that although Norway and Sweden have rather similar family policies, the seemingly small differences that exist reflect different national ideals of care, and these differences encourage parents to employ different gendered moral rationalities. However, Sweden's ideal of ‘equal‐sharing/professional care’, encourages fathers to take longer leaves than the Norwegian ideal of ‘partial sharing plus choosing between professional or parental care’. Given their different national ideals of caring, different gendered moral rationalities emerge. While in Norway the dominant gendered moral rationality among our interviewees is ‘man‐doing‐his‐duty’, in Sweden two different rationalities arise: the ‘breastfeeding‐plus‐sharing’ rationality and the ‘male‐opt‐out’. This conclusion is based on 60 interviews with mothers and fathers in Oslo and Stockholm.  相似文献   

By 2010, when the Greek sovereign debt crisis changed into an existential crisis of the euro, all developed democracies entered a phase in which they had to consolidate their budgets, typically implying a politics of austerity. The scholarly literature, as well as the popular press, suggests that – consequently – welfare retrenchment and cost containment became the only games left in town. In this article, we study the welfare state reform measures taken between 2010 and 2012 in four countries characteristic of mature welfare state regimes (liberal, UK; conservative, Germany; social democratic, Denmark; and hybrid, the Netherlands) to examine empirically whether austerity has indeed become the only item left on the policy menu. Our analysis reveals that retrenchment features prominently on the agenda everywhere, but nowhere by itself. While compensation for income loss is rare since 2010, this still happens. More unexpectedly, reforms in line with a social investment agenda (like expansion of child care or active labour market policies) are still being pursued in all our four cases.  相似文献   

20世纪20-30年代,四川大学由一所地方性很强的大学转化为真正的国立学校,在此进程中,中央、地方和学术界围绕着"国家"这一象征性资源展开了竞争,展示出其时"国家"这一概念在人们认知与实践中的多歧性。与通常采纳的理论假设不同,在具体的历史语境下,中央并不总是被视为"国家"代表;而中央和地方之间的矛盾也启示出"国家建设"理论并不尽符合近代中国的"国情"。这一理论构建出的"国家-社会"二元分析框架,实更近"前近代"中国的官、民之分。  相似文献   

Thepropertyrightssystemisthebasisonwhichenterprisesoperate,andanimportantcomponentintheoperationofthemarketeconomy.Asaresult,completingthereformofthesystemofstateownershipisthecornerstonefortheconstructionofthesocialistmarketeconomy.ThisauthorfullysupportstheviewthatinthelonghistoryofChinesepropertyrelationships,therehasneverbeenaclearlegalfoundation,whichisoneofthemajorreasonwhytherehasneverbeengreataccumulation,inspiteofthesometimesstartlinglyprosperouscommodityeconomiesthathaveonoccasionsev…  相似文献   

Correspondence to John Harris, School of Health and Social Studies, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. E-mail: j.harris{at}warwick.ac.uk Summary The notion that social work is an international profession,operating with generally similar goals, methodologies, and commonvalues is considered critically. Examining the political andsocial contexts of three countries with liberal democratic governments—Australia,Britain and the United States—the role of social workwithin the welfare processes of each country is compared. Whilesocial work as an identifiable professional activity sharessome features, it is argued that the idea of its having a coreessence needs to be tempered with a realistic assessment ofthe importance of contextually created difference. Recent andrapid developments in the institutional context, such as thoseexperienced in these three countries, further underscore thelimited utility of the notion of a common professional project.  相似文献   

ThispaperwillfocusonadiscussionoftherelationshipbetweentheMingcourtandthegreatandminorfeudallordsofTibetcenteredaroundthePhag-druPoliticalauthority,andthechangesandcharacteristicsoftheTibetanfeudallordeconomyduringtheMingperiod.Ⅰ.MingPolicyforRulingTibet…  相似文献   

In terms of the construction of meaning, what jingxue(study of the classics) deals with is precisely the hermeneutics of the Confucian classics. Jingxue hermeneutics is fundamentally practical statecraft; therefore, its specific objectives do not point to an objective existence unrelated to human beings, but to yi(meaning) or yili(principles), otherwise known as jingyi(meaning of the classics) or dayi(profound significance). “The meaning of the classics” is the product of interpretation. In jing...  相似文献   

I.LocatingCiintheHistorVofthePoeticGenresTraditionalviewsandresearchonci(poetrywrittentocertaintuneswithstricttonalpatternsandrhymeschemesinfixednumbersofwordsandlines)haveinvariablyfocusedonthegenrefromtheperspectiveofthehistoryofmusic,comparingciasanartisticformwithqu.Acomprehensiveexaminationoftheindependentpositionofciinthehistoryofpoetryandtheessentialfeaturesofciasapoeticgenrehasstillnotbeenundertaken.Thereisonlyahistoricalratherthanalogicalexplanationofwhypoetryevolvedintoci-Inordert…  相似文献   

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