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Previous research finds a positive relationship between a wife’s education and her husband’s earnings using data from the 1960s. Earlier theories suggest that benefits accrue from informational sharing between partners in a marriage. This paper tests the hypothesis that a wife’s education is positively associated with her husband’s earnings, using data from the 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 Censuses. Between 1960 and 2000, the educational attainment and labor-force participation of married women has increased dramatically. As women have embarked upon their own careers, has their education continued to be positively associated with their husbands’ earnings? Yes. The coefficient of the wife’s education remains positive and significant for all the years under study. The size of the coefficient decreases, however, from 1960 to 2000.  相似文献   

Literature examining child support compliance among non-resident fathers has primarily come from the perspective of collecting child support payments. Receiving limited attention in the literature has been the exclusive discussion of establishment of paternity, which is related to child support compliance. Furthermore, the literature has given limited attention to never married, cohabitating, unemployed, underemployed, and low-income, non-resident fathers. This study focuses on the intra- and inter-networks these non-resident fathers utilize in fulfilling their child support obligations, establishing paternity. The results indicate that non-resident fathers’ relationships with their former spouses or partners contribute to an increase in the establishment of paternity. Implications for policymakers and program service delivery are offered.  相似文献   


This qualitative study examined the experiences of social workers who participated in the 2011 Israeli social protests. Data were collected through 1 focus group interview. The sample included 11 social workers employed in 11 social welfare departments throughout the country. Findings highlight the complexities and dilemmas experienced by social workers who protested against the system that employs them. Research findings contribute to the discourse regarding the conflict of loyalty experienced by public social workers engaged in social activism that targets the system that employs them.  相似文献   

The KONY 2012 campaign, released by Invisible Children in early March 2012, is a carefully strategized program of destruction through promotion (aimed at destroying Joseph Kony’s image while making him famous). It is composed of a series of branded visual identity images, logos, text, and videos that are currently rewriting contemporary strategies for generating activism through social media. This article investigates the visual imagery and media of the KONY 2012 campaign and considers how the campaign team purposefully creates a subversive brandspace where individuals interact with the preformulated anti-Kony imagery that aids in the construction, communication, and maintenance of an antipathetic political brand identity. It also considers the implications of the iconoclastic visual rhetoric used by campaign designers to encourage the symbolic destruction of Kony’s image by making him notoriously iconic. Finally, it investigates the religious undertones of the campaign and its selective recruitment of followers through evangelical churches and organizations.  相似文献   

The recent “social turn” in art, in which art favours using forms from social life above its own, has been extensively discussed. Relational Aesthetics by Nicolas Bourriaud, Conversation Pieces and The One and the Many by Grant Kester, essays by Claire Bishop who supplies the term “the Social Turn,” and her recent publication Artificial Hells, are now as important to the field as the art they scrutinise. Ironically, however, when this discussion regards the implications of the “turn”, it habitually addresses the effects of this development from – and for – art’s point of view, overlooking the way in which artists’ inroads into social life may be differently regarded in the social realm. As much as this represents a failure to illuminate a particular area for knowledge, it also signifies a failure to take art’s revalorised commitment to the social to its ethical conclusion: such, from two perspectives, is the “dark side” of art’s social turn. This article seeks to mitigate these oversights. In particular, it looks at art in which an artist undertakes another person’s professional work. Considering the effects of this on those whose practices are appropriated, I propose a consultative approach, involving ethnographic and empathetic modes of address. Consequently, this article does not present an answer to the question it poses, “how do professionals in the social realm see art’s appropriations of their practices?” but rather, a framework for approaching that.  相似文献   

We here investigate the extent to which labour-market changes explain the decline in the time spent home cooking by married women in France between 1985 and 2010. Using time use data and Oaxaca-Blinder decompositions, we find that rising women’s employment and observed wages together account for about 60% of the fall in the time married women spent cooking. We then use a semi-parametric matching technique to construct an implicit wage rate, which better reflects the change in labour-market incentives that individuals face. The rise in women’s implicit wages explains no more than 20% of the decline in their cooking time, while the wage of their partner has no effect. Changing labour-market incentives are thus far from being the main driver of the decline in home-cooking. We also find evidence that home cooking continues to be structured by the gendered social norm of the “proper family meal”.  相似文献   


Using dyadic data from a national longitudinal survey in Germany (N?=?3,674 couples), we tested associations between congruence/discrepancy in partners’ reports of providing and receiving social support (i.e., whether a recipient reports more or less than the provider) and relationship quality. All participants reported how much social support they provided to, and received from, their partner. Latent Congruence Modeling was used to enhance the reliability of difference scores between one partner’s reported provision and the other's reported receipt. In most instances, perceiving more support than one’s partner reported giving (over-perception) and extensive support reported jointly by providers and recipients were positively associated with recipients’ and providers’ relationship quality. Conceptual, methodological, and possible clinical issues are discussed.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - Social enterprises have gained wide recognition as a tool for solving social and environmental problems. They generate new...  相似文献   

This article analyzes the political process leading to the recent legalization of abortion in Uruguay, underlying the multiple strategies resorted to by the women’s movement to create a social consensus around women’s rights—and, more generally, around sexual and reproductive rights—as belonging to the realm of human rights. It seeks to identify the main reasons accounting for the movement’s success, which appear to be connected to the breadth of its repertoire of actions, progressively expanded to include various (and sometimes innovative) strategies operating in both the realm of civil society and public opinion and the sphere of political institutions and political representation. Focusing on the dyad speech action, the article examines the movement’s broadened repertoire of actions as well as its discourse setting human rights as a horizon of legitimacy in the context of a cultural war against a countermovement organized in defense of the status quo. Last but not least, it analyzes the issues pertaining to political representation brought to the forefront by the clashes, discrepancies, and disconnections between social movement and political institutions.  相似文献   

The list of white Englishwomen, who formed intimate relationships with African men between 1680 and 1750 in Maryland, is impressive, more so because by 1664, Maryland laws made interracial marriages between white women and African men illegal. Court records exist documenting the punishment of women both for ‘fornicating’ with men of African descent and for having children by them, though how rigorously early colonial Maryland marriage laws were enforced remains unknown. What is known and what increasingly stringent marriage laws in Maryland suggest is that after 1664 white English women continued to choose black partners (both slave and free), regardless of serious social consequences that included social exclusion, lengthened indenture service, forced servitude of their children and of their sexual partners, and public physical punishment including whipping. By 1715, it became illegal in Maryland for black women to engage in intimate relationships with men. Mixed-race women, commonly called ‘mulatto’ in early records, found themselves with few choices in their sexual partners, since legally they were not allowed to engage in intimate relationships with either white or black men. One of these women, Molly Welsh, serves as a reminder of the unusual and unique position for women during the seventeenth century as servants, slave owners, property owners, and as partners in interracial relationships.  相似文献   

The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), the largest amnesty in U.S. history, took effect in 1986 and legalized all immigrants who arrived before 1982. The IRCA creates a discontinuity, according to the year of entry, in the probability of having legal status. Therefore, I use the regression discontinuity approach to study the impact of legality on immigrants’ labor market outcomes and human capital. Using Californian Latino immigrants from Census 1990, I find that the 1975–81 arrivals, on average, outperform the 1982–86 arrivals in male wages, female employment probability, and male English-speaking ability. These findings are not due to a general trend in U.S. labor market conditions because the same analysis, using refugees, Puerto Rican migrants and U.S.-born Latinos—three comparison groups without legality issues—indicates no difference in outcomes between the 1975–81 and 1982–86 cohorts. However, the advantage of Latino immigrants of the earlier cohort over the later cohort diminishes in Census 2000.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse data on the rates of return of investment projects sponsored by three international institutions: the European Union (EU), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the World Bank (WB). The focus of the paper is on the variability of ex-ante economic rate of returns (ERR), of financial rates of return (FRR, available for EU and EBRD) and ex-post or re-estimated economic rates of return (RERR, available for WB only), along with the co-financing rate (EU). We propose a framework of analysis of FRR and ERR variations across projects, sectors, financing institutions and time, of the wedge between ERR and FRR, and of the gap between ERR and RERR. Our main conclusions are that the informational content of projects’ rates of return is valuable and is needed for cost–benefit analyses, and that sectors, countries, time and funding institutions explain much of the variability of these rates. We advocate the collection of standardized and comparable data since our framework could be used for comparing rates of return variability of development projects across countries, time of approval or completion, or any other relevant sampling criterion.  相似文献   

Age is often used in law and public policy as a low-cost proxy for competency, maturity, and ability. Age is also used in numerous sport (and non-sport) labor markets to determine workplace eligibility. We exploit the enactment of the women’s professional tennis minimum age rule (AR) in 1995 to estimate the effects of ARs on short-run and long-run labor market outcomes. We find very limited evidence that the AR has had any systematic beneficial effect on players’ career longevity or success. Our results suggest that sport governing bodies should (re-)evaluate the efficacy and necessity of “one size fits all” age eligibility rules.  相似文献   

The fathers’ rights movement emerged in its current form in the 1980s as a decentralized, transnational, grassroots network of activists, support groups, and public polemics concerning child custody and child support laws and policies in the context of separation and divorce. This scoping review reports on existing research on the fathers’ rights movement to provide a comprehensive roadmap of how the fathers’ rights movement has so far been understood and interpreted in terms of its characteristics and its impacts. Implications include specifying suggestions for future research as well as the implications for practitioners working with separated fathers and their families.  相似文献   

Social media is said to offer organizations numerous opportunities to engage dialogically with their audiences. This view has resulted in scholars emphasizing the value of dialogue over persuasion even though both have a role to play in the development and maintenance of relationships. Rooted in quantum thinking, this article suggests that dialogue and persuasions exist simultaneously within the complex social media environment. It introduces the Per–Di Principle, which proposes that persuasion (Per) and dialogue (Di) are entangled and that we err in approaching the two styles of communication as binary oppositions. The article concludes by suggesting that effective professional communicators not only are fluent in dialogue and persuasion but can gauge the state of the organization–public relationship by the style of communication being used.  相似文献   

How youth manage their money may influence their transitions to adulthood. This may be particularly true for youth in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where many youth and young adults lack access to economic opportunities. Parental financial socialization is associated with youth financial knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in research studies conducted mostly in the US, yet little is known about the financial lives of youth living in SSA. Propensity score analysis and robust standard errors with multiple regression were used to examine the relationship between parental financial socialization and youth financial behaviors among a sample of 3,623 youth ages 12–19 and a parent or other adult guardian living in eight out of 10 regions of Ghana. Findings indicated that both parent- and youth-perceived parental financial socialization was a strong and consistent predictor of youth financial behaviors, as was receipt of earned income. Practitioners interested in empowering youth through financial education and inclusion programs might consider how to involve parents and other family members in programs and capitalize on opportunities for youth to have some earned income while they learn how to manage money.  相似文献   

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