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Tough Love: Social Work, Social Exclusion and the Third Way   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary This article argues that New Labour's priorities for socialinclusion through employment, and for strenthening civil society,have relegated public-sector social work to a limited role inassessing and managing risks. However, as failures in the government'stop-down, regulatory approach emerge, there will be new opportunitiesfor a broader-based version of the profession to contributeto a more progressive programme.  相似文献   

Tony Blair's adoption of the catchphrase ‘the Third Way’ to précis New Labour's policy orientation allowed him to distance ‘New’ Labour from ‘Old’ Labour and to appropriate many of John Major's modifications to Thatcherism, albeit framed within a new political language. This article sets out the basic similarities and differences between the social policies of the Major and Blair governments, arguing that, although the policies have been presented within different discourses, there has been a marked similarity in policy content, with Major espousing Third Way policies if not Third Way rhetoric. Indeed, towards the end of his second term of office, Blair started to go beyond the Third Way and towards Margaret Thatcher's favoured model of spirited competition between public and private suppliers.  相似文献   

This study attempted to validate distinctions between popularity and social acceptance in the cultural context of Hong Kong. We recruited 280 Chinese children (132 girls, 148 boys, mean age = 9.5) from Hong Kong primary schools. These children completed a peer nomination inventory assessing popularity, social acceptance, social rejection, aggression, peer victimization, and social behavior. Consistent with research conducted in western samples, we found that social acceptance was correlated primarily with positive behavioral characteristics (i.e., assertiveness‐leadership and low levels of submissiveness‐withdrawal). In contrast, popularity was associated with a more mixed pattern of features including high levels of aggression. The overall pattern of findings closely replicates past research conducted in North American and European settings.  相似文献   

徐丽敏 《社会工作》2011,(12):20-22,25
从20世纪社会工作发展轨迹来看,专业社会工作的发展曾先后受到社会民主主义和新自由主义两种价值体系的影响。随着第三条道路福利思想的提出及其在西方国家的政策实践,专业社会工作开始受到了第三条道路福利思想的启发,在社会工作价值基础、受助者与工作者关系、社会工作功能和过程模式上都出现了新的反思和发展。  相似文献   

探索中国社会保障体系的城乡整合之路   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
本文以社会保险制度为重点,对我国社会保障体系城乡整合的基本模式与实现途径进行了探讨.根据国际经验与我国国情,作者将未来我国城乡整合的社会保障模式设计为一种"有差别的统一模式".按照这一模式,进城务工农民与乡镇企业(小城镇)职工应逐步和城市企业职工实行统一的社会保险制度;作为社会保险基本项目的养老保险的第一支柱--保障最低生活水平部分与医疗保险的大病统筹部分应渐次过渡为全民共享项目;至于以上两大项目的其他部分,以及社会保险的其他项目,如失业、工伤等,可依城乡职业的不同特点而在制度形式上保持一定的差异.  相似文献   

法律和道德规范是对现实的反映并同时作用于现实。以精神实践方式反映现实的规范可以用来解释人如何适应他根本无法理解的现实。道德规范和法律规范的确立需要经过实践确证。法律实证主义并非完全可靠,价值体系虽并非能被社会指标体系证明,但它是有效的。在社会治理过程中,应该考虑到道德规范产生的特点及其对个体的作用。  相似文献   

提高高校哲学社会科学的社会服务能力,既是回应重大理论与现实问题的新要求,也是提升国家软实力的使命所在。文章通过问卷调查和深度访谈等方法发现,我国高校哲学社会科学社会服务能力在服务意识、理论储备、能力水平、成果转化和智库建设等方面已取得了显著成绩,但也存在主动服务意识淡薄、服务能力有限、服务信息不对称、成果转化率偏低、社会服务能力有待加强等问题。在此基础上,提出了提高高校哲学社会科学的社会服务水平、提高思想认识、增强人文社会科学辐射能力、强化人文社会科学的宣传作用、提高社会服务反应能力、加强高校哲学社会科学话语体系和国际传播能力建设等六点对策建议,为新时代我国高校哲学社会科学社会服务水平提升到一个新高度提供参考。  相似文献   

塑造良好的地方社科院形象是地方社科院文化建设的主要构建内容。塑造良好的社科院形象有助于提升科研人员素质,有助于营造地利人和环境,有助于培养科研人员自我约束能力。而独特的管理与特色、高水平的科研质量与创新、拔尖的学术带头人与杰出的优秀领导、高素质的科研人员、科辅人员及优美的空间环境与文化环境是塑造社科院良好形象的六大要素。  相似文献   

新业态领域中的社会风险主要表现为政治安全风险、金融安全风险、社会安全风险、信息安全风险和身心健康风险.引致新业态领域社会风险的成因在于:一是法律法规供给不充分,职能部门执法权受疑;二是犯罪证据取证难度高,涉案资产处置效率低;三是监管主体责任欠清晰,部门协同监管不到位;四是市场主体缺乏自律性,社会责任意识较淡薄.要有效治理新业态领域中的社会风险,就必须要在坚持总体国家安全观的前提下,建设一个人人有责、人人尽责、人人享有的风险治理共同体.一是要完善新业态法律法规,推进新业态风险法治;二是要创新追赃挽损方法,提高资产处置效率;三是要完善政府监管体系,强化部门协调联动;四是要健全风险防控机制,加大违法打击力度;五是要发挥多元主体作用,打造多元共治格局.  相似文献   

This work examines the mental health problems faced by “old” elderly couples, and explores various interventions aimed at helping this group. The authors observe that although almost every couple that enters treatment appears to be in a state of crisis, problems tend to have a rather chronic underlay. This will be analyzed from several theoretical perspectives, with emphasis being placed upon how couples “negotiated” earlier life stages, transitions, and experiences. The authors' own practice style and objectives for treatment will be discussed; interventions outlined, Critical attention will be given to why therapy with this group is challenging, and where failures occurred. Suggestions will be offered as to how this therapy can be made more effective. Case examples will be used to highlight the points that are made.  相似文献   

People labelled with disabilities in Chuadanga, Bangladesh, are denied equitable access to social networks and formal services. In terms both of funding future formal service programmes and of designing community‐based outreach programmes, this lack of access is not a simple reflection of one's impairment but a facet of the social exclusion and stigma that is culturally ascribed to disability in Chuadanga. We utilize a social model to focus on the cultural processes initiated by the onset of illness or impairment. Our participants are drawn from four types of diagnosed disability: blindness, orthopaedic impairment, hearing impairment and mental disorder. Although this inquiry is in line with Daly's focus on how future spending on formal services to promote care and equity in Europe can be helped by searching out information that is often ignored, the particular focus of this study is Chuadanga and the research questions incorporate a disability studies perspective. The authors consider care as a social good and an expenditure of social capital, in reviewing findings from a recent empirical study of disability and employment in the Bangladesh district of Chuadanga. Regardless of disability, poverty can be a morally and socially devastating ordeal. However, the authors conclude that the added loss of social solidarity and equitable access, due to the social exclusion and stigma of disability for the families concerned, make it statistically far less likely that they will access formal services or be able to escape poverty.  相似文献   

Summary Despite the dearth of research into the health of children andyoung people in contact with or ‘looked after’ bylocal authorities, a series of official and quasi-official reportshave begun to raise awareness of this issue. There are goodreasons to believe that this group of children will be disadvantagedin terms of health as they are in other aspects of their lives.The evidence suggests that local authorities do not live upto the standards of ‘good parents’. Current notionsof good practice are critically appraised and the article concludesthat social work is unable to do more than mitigate the effectsof Government policies which affect health and social servicesand which have lead to widening social inequalities.  相似文献   

推进节能减排、发展低碳经济,既是转变经济发展方式的当务之急,更是确保经济社会可持续发展的长远之举和战略选择。几年前,节能减排作为约束性指标首次写入中国"十一五"规划,明确规定5年内将单位国内生产总值能耗降低20%左右、主要污染物排放总量减少10%。节能减排既是"硬约束",更是"动员令"。"十一五"期间,辽宁主要污染物总量减排工作取得  相似文献   


This study examines the potentially mediated relationship between volunteering and well-being. Using survey data from a random sample (N = 2,990) of the population of the state of Victoria, Australia, three hypotheses were tested: Volunteers will report higher well-being than nonvolunteers; volunteers will report higher self-esteem, self-efficacy, and social connectedness than nonvolunteers; self-esteem, self-efficacy, and social connectedness will mediate the relationship between volunteer status and well-being. Results supported the hypotheses and showed that self-esteem, self-efficacy, and social connectedness were all significant mediators of the volunteering–well-being relationship. Increased social connectedness associated with volunteering was found to be the strongest first step in these pathways. This points to the importance of social connection for well-being, but future research using longitudinal designs is required to further test these relationships and provide the capacity for evidence of causality.  相似文献   


A substantial minority of veterans struggle as they reintegrate into civilian life, reporting problems with vocational attainment, legal/financial/housing challenges, physical and mental health conditions, and social/interpersonal issues. While there are thousands of programs and services offered to veterans, little is known about which ones they use. In the current exploratory study, veterans separated from active duty in the prior three-months (48,965) were invited to complete a survey. Two primary questions were addressed: What programs/services did veterans use to assist in their reintegration to civilian life? What specific components/attributes of those programs did veterans report using? A total of 9566 veterans completed the survey. Approximately, two-thirds of veterans used at least one program to enhance their well-being, while one-third reported using multiple programs across multiple domains. Veterans primarily sought assistance for employment and educational advancement. Fewer veterans sought assistance for legal/financial/housing, health, and social functioning challenges. Social service providers and policy makers should be aware of the resources veterans use as they reintegrate into civilian life. Future research should examine factors that predict the use and nonuse of veteran reintegration programs, how use changes over time, and what factors predict program/service use, particularly among veterans at risk for poor transition outcomes.  相似文献   

当前要深刻认识和高度重视哲学社会科学的重要地位和作用。“三个代表”重要思想是衡量我国哲学社会科学性质、方向和水平的根本尺度。用“三个代表”重要思想统领哲学社会科学工作 ,必须坚持理论创新 ,在马克思主义中国化、时代化上下功夫 ,用发展着的马克思主义指导新的实践 ;必须坚持先进性 ,在代表“发展要求”和“前进方向”上下功夫 ,使理论研究始终走在时代潮流的前头 ;必须坚持围绕中心、服务大局 ,在落实党执政兴国的第一要务上下功夫 ,全力推动经济社会的发展 ;必须坚持牢记宗旨 ,在代表根本利益上下功夫 ,把科学回答广大干部群众关心的重大理论和现实问题作为哲学社会科学研究的出发点和落脚点 ;必须坚持面向社会、推动普及 ,在促进领导干部掌握基本知识、增强执政能力上下功夫 ;必须坚持贯穿全部、统筹全局 ,在全部哲学社会科学工作中充分体现“三个代表”重要思想。坚持用“三个代表”重要思想统领哲学社会科学工作 ,必须牢牢把握四个突出 :突出现实 ,贴紧要务 ;突出重点 ,破解难题 ;突出优长 ,打造精品 ;突出创新 ,繁荣学术 ,在理论创新中推进哲学社会科学的繁荣和发展。  相似文献   

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