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自1972年颁布<教育法第九篇修正案>(Title Ⅸ)以来,美国女性在获得教育机会平等方面取得了巨大的进步.文章根据<教育法第九篇修正案>以及1997年和2003年的两个报告,概述了美国女性迈向教育机会平等的30年历程.  相似文献   

While Title IX certainly places pressures in the budgets of intercollegiate athletic programs, it is not directly responsible for the elimination of most men's teams. Title IX has had an uneven implementation since the 1970s. Male wrestling teams have been cut at faster rates during periods of relative dormancy of Title IX. Moreover, there are many sources of excess and waste in athletic budgets, which, if rectified, would provide more than enough resources to prevent the further attrition of men’s teams. He has widely consulted in and extensively written about the sports industry. His most recent book is May the Best Team Win: Baseball Economics and Public Policy.  相似文献   

This study examines and evaluates the problems associated with the current Title IX regulations. It examines and gives examples of many inequities with the current three part test utilized by the Department of Education to determine compliance. A major reform in the Title IX regulations is advocated in order to establish a new era of equity and fairness for female athletes in intercollegiate sports. These new regulations involve not only participation, but also scholarships, operating budgets, recruiting budgets, and coaching salaries.  相似文献   

On September 17, 2002, the Commission on Opportunity in Athletics held the second of four public meetings to hear testimony about Title IX and its current enforcement mechanisms. One of the panelists at the meeting, held in Chicago, was Katherine Kersten, senior fellow for cultural studies at Center of the American Experiment in Minneapolis, MN. According to Ms. Kersten, the “proportionality” test—currently used to determine compliance under Title IX—is a gender quota of the kind that the language of Title IX specifically rejects. In her view, the proportionality test needlessly limits male students' athletic opportunities. Ms. Kersten recommended that the Commission use statistical analysis to determine whether factors like campus demographics or differences in student interest—rather than discrimination—account for numerical disparities in men's and women's participation in college sports. On Junuary 31, 2003, the Commission released its report to Secretary of Education Rod Paige. Among other things, the report recommended that the Department of Education consider permitting colleges to use interest surveys as part of their planning for athletics. However, on February 28, 2003, Secretary Paige rejected this recommendation, along with all other recommendations that the commissioners did not approve, by unanimous vote. As a result, the Department will likely continue to use the proportionality test as a primary means of judging compliance under Title IX. Ms. Kersten's testimony—a critique of the proportionality test—is thus of continued relevance, and appears below.  相似文献   

The following was written as an assignment for a Graduate School of Education class, titled Program and Policy Analysis, at the University of Pennsylvania. The students were instructed by Professor Rebecca Maynard to develop a research plan for a topic of interest to them. "How to Evaluate the Implementation of Title IX at Colleges and Universities and Attitudes and Interest of Students Regarding Athletics" was selected by Barbara Murray.  相似文献   

The Athletic Directors’ Dilemma evaluates and ranks the Division I-A, I-AA, and I-AAA colleges according to their commitment to the spirit of Title IX in intercollegiate sports. The colleges are graded on the criteria of proportionality, scholarships, operating expenses, recruitment budget, and coaching salaries. The conferences are also evaluated and compared according to their sports’ expenditures and revenues. Charles L. Kennedy is a senior instructor of political science at Penn State York. He is a former Peace Corps volunteer, director of Pennsylvania’s Governor’s Action Center, and Assistant to West Virginia’s Secretary of State. He has developed and published numerous education simulations.  相似文献   

普通话水平测试(PSC)虽然不是文化水平的考核,但是离不开文化水平作为基础,尤其是汉字的识记,直接影响着普通话水平的测试成绩。测试中,应试者第一二题出现的谬误应该引起语文工作者的注意,如何进一步改进教学方法,提高教学效果,是普通话水平测试给我们提出的新课题。  相似文献   

This study of the BCS is an attempt to rank the major football universities according to their compliance with the spirit and intent of Title IX. The variables used in the study are based on the four criteria suggested by the Chronicle of Higher Education in its study on “gender equity” in 2004. The criteria are participation, scholarship, coaching salaries, and operating expenses. The study focuses on the major conferences in the BCS—The Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC), Southeastern, Big East, Big Ten, Big 12, and Pac-10. For purposes of analysis the average score for all the schools in each conference was computed for each of the four variables. The conferences were ranked and examined on each variable and then the average rank was computed to rank the conferences first to eighth. The Mountain West Conference and the Mid-American Conferences were added in order to set-up an eight-team BCS playoff system. Charles L. Kennedy is a senior instructor of political science at Penn State York. He is a former Peace Corps volunteer, director of Pennsylvania's Governor's Action Center, and assistant to West Virginia's Secretary of State. He has developed and published numerous educational simulations.  相似文献   

本文对《玉台新咏》赵均刻本的编目实况进行细致考察,发现其卷首目录的编辑体例包括[作者名+诗题或诗类名+总篇数]和[作者名+总篇数]两种格式,前者属于中古时期习用的体例,具有相当明显的时代性;其正文编目体例包括“题附辞后”和“题置辞前”两种格式,其中“题附辞后”的编目格式以及双重编目格式并存一书的现象至唐以后已属罕见。较之五云溪馆本和冯班抄本,赵均刻本更多的保留了徐陵旧本原始痕迹,当为目前最可靠的覆宋本。  相似文献   

记名提单的性质与放货   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对Document of Title的涵义的分析,指出记名提单就其性质而言,是货物占有与授权凭证,记名提单与海运单的本质区别也在于此,论述了记名提单作为Document of Title应当凭单交货。  相似文献   

在所有权保留买卖制度中,期待权为民法特别是合同法理论十分关注的问题,国外研究相对较多,并且已经形成了多种学说。尽管我国《合同法》第134条规定了所有权保留制度,但对买受人的期待权未明确规定,理论研究也不够深入。对所有权保留买卖中买受人期待权的性质、效力、转让以及保护等问题进行阐释并作进一步探讨,有利于更好地解决司法实践中不断出现的纠纷。  相似文献   

标题作为广告的基本部分,发挥着重要的人际功能,因而起着促销的作用.运用 Halliday 的功能语言学相关理论分析广告标题的人际功能:陈述、提供和提问功能.分析发现,广告标题作为话语其人际功能体现自身特点.  相似文献   

不动产权利登记制是一种高效用、高成本的制度供应,效用包括直接效用和间接效用,成本也包括直接成本和间接成本。影响成本的因素包括单位土地面积、流转频率、登记程序以及机关设置等。我国的不动产登记立法应注意降低成本、提高效用。  相似文献   

买地券作为一种随葬明器,是非常宝贵的碑刻材料.从买地券所保留的文字而言,或因文字有所磨泐而漫漶不清,或俗讹字形近字较多,或用典使事、言辞深奥等原因,致使已经刊出的许多买地券在文字释读上存在不当之处.笔者尝试加以指正.  相似文献   

标题是广告的主题和灵魂。广告学者在活的标题语言实践中,有时会有意识地违反谚语内部的语言规律,故意偏离常规而选择特殊性的表达方式,变异谚语。本文试图从现代俄罗斯报纸广告的最新资料去分析、探讨俄罗斯广告作品创意者是如何巧妙地使用俄罗斯谚语作为广告标题的。  相似文献   

标题的英译与语句、语篇的翻译有着本质的不同 :不仅要实现语义的准确传达 ,还要使其在形上“标新立异” ,更要实现其功能的有效转换。从一定意义上来说 ,语形比语义更为重要。要从语言、文化的角度 ,美学的角度入手 ,才能做到“形神皆备”  相似文献   

李义山的《无题》诗,历来论者众多,解说纷纭。由于典事与"本事"相融,而致虚实相生,朦胧无定。这首《无题》诗,应主要是一首思念情妻之作。在诗中,作者并非一贯以男性为抒情主人公的立场,有时甚至以女性的角度来审视和抒发其情,更增加了义山诗的朦胧性。这种创作心理和审视角度的迁变,也引起了对此诗一些不确定的新解,很有必要提出并待商榷。  相似文献   

标题作为言语作品的名称,概括了文章的主要内容。文章依据尹世超(2005)《标题语法》的分类原则,将外语类核心期刊上271条标题分为有标记标题、无标记标题两大类,分析标题中破折号和冒号的用法,对比271条英汉标题,归纳出期刊论文标题英译常用的四种方法:直译、省译、增译和改写,以期对论文标题的英译起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

贯云石为元代散曲创作成就突出的少数民族作家,在延佑、至治的曲坛上是领时代风骚的“曲状元”。其散曲艺术风格呈现出以豪放直率为本色而又多格并存的风貌,语言以通俗自然为本色而又不乏雅炼精整之风韵。其作品兼收各民族文化之长,既有北方文学的阳刚之美,又有南方文学的阴柔之美,代表性地体现了我国各民族文化互相影响、互相渗透的特色。  相似文献   

19世纪中期美国大学体育校际比赛诞生,随着1906年全美大学运动联合会的建立,大学体育竞赛发展迅速,但大学女子体育竞赛由于本身的特点被长期排除在全美大学运动联合会之外,发展缓慢。美国大学女子体育竞赛经历了发展的雏形、AIAW统一全国大学女子体育竞赛、教育法第九修正案对大学女子体育竞赛的推动、进入NCAA后的大学女子体育竞赛等发展过程。目前和男子大学生运动员一样,美国女子大学生运动员已成为美国参加奥运会的支柱。  相似文献   

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