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人口大流动、大融居时代背景下,大散居、小聚居、交错杂居的民族人口空间分布格局不断深化,为促进各民族交融互嵌发展提供了重要契机,也给全面深化认识各民族人口空间分布变迁规律提出了新要求。基于1953年以来历次人口普查汇总数据,通过计算群内接触指数、人口区位熵、人口再分布指数等指标,从人口空间分布的集散程度、地区偏好、动态变化三个维度,全面分析我国各民族人口空间分布格局的变迁及模式。研究发现:我国各民族人口群内接触指数呈下降态势,族际接触互嵌程度强化、分散化程度进一步提高;各民族人口空间扩散地区偏好存在明显差异,地区偏好具有距离邻近与经济吸引的双重效应特征;各民族人口再分布仍然保持活跃,民族人口空间分布格局仍处重要调整期。基于此,文章认为各民族人口空间分布的再构为当前民族交融互嵌发展提供了重要基础,但是已有研究仍然忽视了我国人口空间分布的族际差异性,忽略了各民族人口空间分布变迁的渐进性和长期性,对非传统民族地区少数民族人口关注明显不够。未来应从动态差异视角出发全面认识我国民族人口空间分布格局,从民族互嵌高度出发重新审视我国民族人口空间分布变迁,从民族工作需求出发从容应对我国民族人口格局变迁与...  相似文献   

本文利用第五次人口普查和第六次人口普查数据,以新疆两个主要民族——维吾尔族和汉族人口为例,分析了民族口人空间分布的全局和局部特征及其变化趋势。研究结果发现,新疆的维吾尔族和汉族人口都有较强的空间内聚性;两个民族人口集中的地区总体呈现互补状态,各有人口密集地区;比邻聚居、成片联结的区位形态都较明显。维吾尔族人口聚居的集中程度高于汉族人口。汉族人口的聚集区域面积相对小而分散。了解和认识民族人口的空间分布特征,对于推动建立各民族相互嵌,入的社会结构和社区环境,促进各民族的交往交流交融,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

少数民族的人口现状和计划生育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、少数民族的人口现状 我国有五十五个少数民族,1982年人口普查时有6,723万人,占全国总人口的6.7%,分布在占全国总面积60%以上的广大地区。大多数居住在边疆地区和高寒山区,部份居住内地,与汉族参错杂居,形成各民族大杂居小聚居的分布形式。  相似文献   

民族传统与民族人口   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆是多民族地区.少数民族人口的发展对于自治区的政治、经济、文化都有重大影响.所以.加强对新疆少数民族人口发展的研究,是必要的.本文试就民族传统与民族人口作个初步探讨,就教于各位专家学者.一、新疆少数民族人口分布及发展的概况新疆少数民族是大聚居、小杂居与大杂居、小聚居互相交错.各少数民族人口分布情况  相似文献   

准确把握我国少数民族人口老龄化态势是积极应对少数民族人口老龄化的前提与关键。利用2000—2020年三次全国人口普查数据,系统分析我国少数民族人口老龄化的最新特征与发展趋势,并探讨我国少数民族老龄问题和积极应对措施。研究发现,2020年少数民族60岁及以上老年人口比例达到13.10%,人口老龄化呈现加速增长态势,但老龄化进程慢于汉族。少数民族老年人口呈现高龄化和女性化特征,人口老龄化城乡倒置现象明显。此外,少数民族老年人口主要集中于壮族、满族、回族等人口较多的民族中,39个少数民族已进入老龄社会或老龄化社会阶段,各民族人口老龄化水平的分化进一步增大。各民族地区人口老龄化进程加快,老年人主要生活来源为家庭供养,老年空巢家庭规模持续增长,老年人家庭空巢化现象凸显。少数民族人口老龄化既是我国各民族共同繁荣发展的重要体现,也为少数民族和民族地区的养老保障与养老服务带来了诸多挑战。一是民族地区养老保障发展滞后于少数民族人口老龄化进程;二是伴随少数民族人口老龄化,民族地区养老服务需求迅速增加,养老服务体系建设还需破解多重挑战;三是面对各少数民族和民族地区人口老龄化进程与经济、文化、地域特征的差异,...  相似文献   

出生性别比是人口发展的"生态基础",而出生性别比失调问题是和谐人口生态关系的一个极不和谐的因素。已有的人口学研究一般从全国或区域的范围分析出生性别比问题,忽视了少数民族地区出生性别比失调自身的特点。基于人口生态视野分析贵州民族地区出生性别比失调的特征、成因和后果。男性偏好在该地区特定的人口生态制约下有着深刻的经济、文化、社会、性别根源。贵州民族地区综合治理出生性别比失调必须采取一系列措施,其中,提高贵州民族地区妇女社会地位具有根本性的意义。  相似文献   

王军  陈可 《南方人口》2016,(4):18-28
作为民族分层的关键指标,主观阶层认同对于研究族际冲突意识和冲突行为具有重要意义。本研究利用全国性调查数据,对民族间的阶层认同差异及其影响因素进行分析。研究发现,虽然当前少数民族社会经济地位要略低于汉族,但其阶层认同与汉族相比并不存在显著差异。究其原因,这可能与少数民族实现向上社会流动的比例高于汉族有关,即虽然相对较低的社会经济地位对于少数民族的阶层认同有拉低作用,但这种效用却被少数民族相对较高的向上社会流动机会所消融。本研究的启示在于,在民族关系问题日益重要的今天,我们在注重发展民族地区经济的同时,还要努力提高各民族成员向上社会流动的机会,促进各民族之间的社会交往和文化交融。  相似文献   

赤峰市位于内蒙古自治区中东部,是国家最早在民族地区确定的综合改革试点市,辖3区7旗2县,总面积9万多平方公里,有蒙、汉、回、满等30个民族,总人口439.3万人,其中蒙古族人口82万人。赤峰市是一个以蒙古族为主体、汉族居多数,多民族“大杂居、小聚居”的民族自治地区。2001年初,赤峰市被确定为全国人口和计划生育工作综合改革试点市后,围绕建立人口与计划生育管理新机制总目标,结合赤峰地区实际,市人口计生委把推行计划生育村民自治作为综合改革的突  相似文献   

甘肃省是一个多民族杂居的地区,全省共有四十一个民族成份.人口在一千人以上的主要少数民族有回、藏、蒙古、裕固、东乡、撒拉、保安、哈萨克、满、土等十个。其中回、藏、东乡族人口在二十万以上。回族是我省少数民族人口最多的一个民族,人口达九十五万多人。东乡族、裕固族、保安族为我省特有的民族。甘肃省共有少数民族人口154.9万,占全省总人口的7.9%。少数民族的分布很广,共居住在2个民族自治州,7个民族自治县,面积17.4万平方公里,占全省总面积的38%。我省的少数民族人口在1964年  相似文献   

相互嵌入是促进各民族在物质上和精神上相互交流交融的一种全新理念,有助于多民族社会的团结和人口发展.贵州作为多民族的人口大省,由于民族内部其人口的生育率、文化素质以及社会环境的差异性,人口结构的民族性问题较为突出,这在很大程度上不利于多民族互嵌型社会的建构.利用"六普"及相关数据,从嵌入式发展的视角概括和分析了贵州省各主要民族当前的人口结构特征及其问题,并提出对策建议.  相似文献   

Monden CW  Smits J 《Demography》2005,42(2):323-345
We gain insight into the dynamics of ethnic intermarriage in times of social change by studying marriages between Latvians and Russians (including Belarussians and Ukrainians) that occurred in Latvia before and after independence from the Soviet Union. Before independence, ethnic intermarriage was already rather common, involving about 17% of the marriages annually. Since independence, intermarriage between Russians and Latvians has increased substantially. Part of this increase can be explained by selective emigration, but at least half of it may be due to integrative processes. Although there were more marriages between Russian men and Latvian women before independence, the gender pattern reversed after independence. Intermarriage levels were the highest among the less educated, children of mixed couples, partners with similar educational levels, and people in the countryside.  相似文献   

We investigate macro-level implications of ethnic/racial intermarriage in one generation on ethnic/racial inequality in the subsequent generation. In our theoretical model, ethnic intermarriage affects ethnic stratification through intergenerational transmissions of socioeconomic status and ethnicity. The effects of ethnic intermarriage depend on the association between ethnic intermarriage and socioeconomic status in the parents’ generation, as well as the association between ethnic (self-)identification and socioeconomic status in the offspring generation. The model suggests that under plausible scenarios, intermarriage may increase socioeconomic gaps across ethnic groups. Thus, the model's predictions temper those of assimilation and melting pot theories, which suggest that ethnic intermarriage unequivocally reduces ethnic inequality.  相似文献   

Social cohesion theory is tested using data on ethnic intermarriage in former Yugoslavia. Before the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the proportion of marriages outside the own ethnic group was generally low, but in this respect large differences among the groups existed. The proportion of mixed marriages with a Serbian partner was much higher among the Montenegrins and Hungarians than among the Muslims, Slovenes, or Albanians. The findings are largely in line with the predictions of social cohesion theory that intermarriage reduces the probability of violent conflict among social groups. Besides proportions of mixed marriages, loglinear parameters are presented. These parameters show that percentages not always give a good indication of the social distances among groups. The boundaries of the largest ethnic groups, the Serbians and Croatians, were less closed than their rather low intermarriage rates suggested. The social distance between the Hungarians and the Serbians, on the other hand, was larger than expected on the basis of their intermarriage rates. The findings stress the importance of including information on ethnically mixed marriages into models of ethnological monitoring and early warning systems for ethnic conflicts.  相似文献   

Over the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, veterans have been more likely to enter into race/ethnic intermarriages than non-veterans. Theories of race/ethnic intermarriage variously point to how minority race/ethnicity, race/ethnically diverse social settings, progressive racial attitudes, and high socioeconomic status increase individuals’ likelihood of intermarrying. Veterans’ unique racial and socioeconomic characteristics may contribute to their greater likelihood of intermarrying relative to non-veterans: larger percentages of veterans than non-veterans are members of racial and ethnic minority groups, while military service increases individual service members’ long-term economic and educational prospects. At the same time, veterans share in common their exposure to the unique military environment, which may increase their likelihood of intermarriage by diversifying their social circles, and subjecting their attitudes and behavior to group norms that are more explicitly egalitarian than those of society at large. The present study considers these two possible explanations for veterans’ greater likelihood of intermarriage. We use data on seven cohorts of men over six decades in the Current Population Survey, representing a total of 1,456,742 observations, to decompose the difference in likelihood of racial intermarriage between veterans and non-veterans among married men aged 18–65. We find that across cohorts and decades, veterans’ greater likelihood of intermarrying is not fully explained by their race/ethnic and socioeconomic composition. We argue that veterans’ greater likelihood of intermarrying may therefore be driven by their exposure to the military environment.  相似文献   

马彪  邓艾 《西北人口》2008,29(4):43-48
本文基于甘南(合作市)的实地调查资料,对民族地区族际通婚的影响因素作了实证研究,并以此为依据对地区的民族关系问题作了分析。主要调查结果和结论如下:第一。“藏、回、汉”三元民族关系构成了甘南(合作市)民族关系的基本格局,不同民族之阃的族际通婚反映出了甘南(合作市)地区存在着整体上比较和睦融洽的民族关系:第二。宗教信仰对族际婚姻范围的扩大起着阻碍作用,这在主要聚居于西部地区普遍信仰伊斯兰教的回族表现的尤为明显;第三,民族混居、互交朋友、教育水平和语言能力是影响各民族族际通婚的重要条件,其中语言能力是影响汉族族外通婚的最主要因素,但这一因素对于藏族却并不明显;第四,职业因素和迁移情况在调查中会发现在通婚方面具有一些特征,但在回归分析时由于编码方法的影响。对族际通婚的影响并不明显。  相似文献   

Studies of ethnic intermarriage in Australia have found that group size, residential segregation, and religious homogeneity, as well as social distance from the dominant (Anglo) cultural group, are important factors determining the likelihood of ethnic intermarriage. However, studies to date have predominantly focused on the first generation, and have less to say about interethnic marriages among members of the second and later generations. This paper analyses marriage patterns across immigrant generations, focusing on specific European ancestries: German, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Polish and Hungarian, contrasted with members of the dominant group. The results reveal strong effects of ancestry, immigrant generation, cross-generational preferences, and intergroup exchanges, as well as a few disjunctions reflecting discontinuities in the history of settlement among different immigrant groups. The results also show that social distance is important in determining the likelihood of intermarriage, as well as the cohesiveness of ethnic groups across generations.  相似文献   

Images and interpretations of the past, present, and future of the American racial and ethnic landscape are contradictory. Many accounts focus on the increasing diversity that results from immigration and differential natural increase as well as the proliferation of racial and ethnic categories in census data. Less attention has been paid to the formation and erosion of racial and ethnic identities produced by intermarriage and ethnic blending. The framers and custodians of census racial classifications assume a “geographic origins” definition of race and ethnicity, but the de facto measures in censuses and social surveys rely on folk categories that vary over time and are influenced by administrative practices and sociopolitical movements. We illustrate these issues through an in‐depth examination of the racial and ethnic reporting by whites, blacks, Asians, and Hispanics in the 2000 census. The emerging pattern, labeled here as the “Americanization” of racial and ethnic identities, and most evident for whites and blacks, is of simplified racial identities with little acknowledgment of complex ancestries. National origin is the predominant mode of reporting racial and ethnic identities among Asians and Hispanics, especially first‐generation immigrants. The future of racial and ethnic identities is unknowable, but continued high levels of immigration, intermarriage, and social mobility are likely to blur contemporary divisions and boundaries.  相似文献   

Little is known about the validity of group-level theories of ethnic intermarriage despite the fact that such theories are often invoked in explaining why certain ethnic groups are “closed,” whereas others are relatively “open.” We develop a comparative perspective by analyzing the marriage choices of 94 national-origin groups in the United States, using pooled data from the Current Population Surveys, 1994–2006, and multilevel models in which individual and contextual determinants of intermarriage are included simultaneously. Our analyses show large differences in endogamy across groups. After taking compositional effects into account, we find that both structural and cultural group-level factors have significant effects on endogamy. Cultural explanations (which focus on the role of norms and preferences) play a more important role than structural explanations (which focus on meeting and mating opportunities). Our results reinforce the common but untested interpretation of endogamy in terms of group boundaries.  相似文献   

Okun BS 《Demography》2004,41(1):173-187
Increases in ethnic and racial intermarriage in immigrant countries have led to growing proportions of persons of mixed ancestry and backgrounds. The marriage patterns of these persons both reflect and affect the salience and meaning of current forms of ethnicity and race in these societies. This article analyzes the marriage behavior of children of ethnically mixed unions in the Jewish population of Israel. Among persons of mixed ancestry, educational attainment plays a large role in whether they marry Ashkenazim or less economically advantaged Mizrahim. Such patterns suggest that intermarriage in Israel does not necessarily reduce ethnic differences in socioeconomic status or the salience of ethnicity among disadvantaged groups.  相似文献   

Positive assortative matching in terms of traits such as ethnicity and race has been prevalent in marital formation. One possible explanation for this is that spouses in endogamous marriages possess complementary skills and tastes that increase marital surplus. This paper aims to estimate the effects of ethnic assortative matching on a variety of household outcomes by using the exogenous variation in immigrant flows in the USA during the period 1900–1930 to disentangle the selection effect of partners. The major finding is that the complementarities in home production from same ethnic marriage enhances investment in household public goods such as childrearing and home ownership and reduces the market labor supply of wives. The OLS estimates of the sizes of these effects appear to be substantially biased downward, indicating positive selection into intermarriage in terms of unobservable traits that increase marital surplus.  相似文献   

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