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梁茂春  陈文 《南方人口》2011,26(4):22-30
鉴于在中越边境居民跨界通婚研究中田野方法所存在的局限性,笔者在进行个案调查的同时开展了一项较大范围的抽样调查。调查结果表明,中越跨界通婚在我国边境地区较为普遍,但不同地区的婚姻类型、促成途径均有显著差异。  相似文献   

流动女性的婚姻质量及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹锐 《西北人口》2010,31(5):71-76
文章利用"流动人口的婚姻家庭调查研究"课题收集的数据,对流动女性的婚姻质量现状进行描述。在对中外关于流动人口和婚姻质量进行文献回顾的基础上,提出影响流动女性婚姻质量因素的假设,进而对实证资料进行回归分析,结果表明个人条件、流动经历、物质条件以及婚育状况等都是流动女性婚姻质量的影响因素。  相似文献   

本研究旨在检验婚姻承诺在女性家庭经济贡献与婚姻冲突之间的调节作用。研究中的测量工具包括:婚姻承诺量表和婚姻冲突量表。被试为763位来自北京市区的已婚女性。分析表明,婚姻承诺可以调节收入高于丈夫的女性的婚姻冲突。研究结论是:婚姻承诺对相对高收入女性的婚姻冲突具有调节作用。  相似文献   

中越边境跨国婚姻问题研究——以广西大新县隘江村为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李娟  龙耀 《南方人口》2008,23(1):34-41
中越边境跨国通婚比较普遍.在这样一些特殊的家庭里,母亲没有中国国籍、户籍,她们在国民身份认同方面出现危机,并导致婚姻关系不稳定,家庭功能无法正常发挥.同时,由于母亲是外国人,父亲是中国人,而且位于偏远的边境地区和少数民族地区,这些婚姻家庭中的子女的社会化也具有一定的特殊性.面对这些问题,有必要用新的思维来解决这些母亲的国籍问题,要更多地关注这些家庭中的子女.  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代中后期以来我国人口出现了明显的婚姻推迟现象。婚姻推迟与补偿问题不仅关系婚姻家庭本身,而且与生育水平紧密相关,因而受到广泛关注。然而,以往相关研究存在以下不足:第一,对于婚姻推迟仅仅是人口步入婚姻的“进度”上的减慢,还是随着结婚年龄的推迟最终导致相当比例的人终身不婚这一问题,现有研究持不同观点,需要进一步检验。第二,以往相关研究多关于女性,但在中国婚姻挤压非常严重的人口结构背景下,分析比较两性婚姻推迟与补偿的特点更具有意义。第三,以往研究在方法上多使用净婚姻表分析其主要指标,但净婚姻表因纳入了死亡因素反而不能反映婚姻的“净变化”。鉴于此,文章利用我国最新普查数据,采用粗婚姻表以及婚姻补偿指数等多个统计指标,从队列和时期视角探讨近30年来中国婚姻推迟趋势及其补偿效应,特别关注在婚姻挤压背景下婚姻推迟与补偿的性别差异。研究结果表明:中国人口的婚姻推迟程度不断加深,近20年男性婚姻推迟程度高于女性;男女婚姻推迟的补偿效应不断减弱,且男性婚姻推迟的补偿效应低于女性。根据男女婚姻推迟与补偿、终身未婚比例的变化趋势,未来15-20年我国男性将过渡到晚婚不婚模式,而女性还将保持在晚婚普婚模式。我国婚姻推迟与补偿的性别差异与婚姻挤压有密切关系。  相似文献   

何绍辉 《南方人口》2010,25(4):18-25
农村青年婚配难是各种结构性因素与非结构性(场景性)因素共同作用的结果;出生性别比失衡、婚姻梯次和年龄结构差等是导致农村青年婚配难的结构性因素,而个人条件、经济基础、思想观念和社会关系网络等则是引致农村青年婚配难的非结构性(场景性)因素。本文基于辽东南东村光棍现象的实地调查,通过引入社会排斥理论,对农村青年婚配难现象的非结构性因素展开了分析和探讨,认为:身体排斥、身份排斥、经济排斥、观念排斥和社会关系排斥等是导致农村青年婚配难的主要排斥机制。婚姻排斥作为一个集场景性与结构性相结合的分析性框架,是我们理解和解释婚配难、婚姻市场失衡等问题的新的理论视角。农村青年要想顺利地进入婚姻市场,青年自身、基层组织和国家必须“力所能及”地克服和消除社会排斥机制。  相似文献   

韩国统计局数据显示,2011年韩国共有326104对新人登记结婚,其中跨国婚姻有35098对,占结婚登记总数的10.8%;而在离婚案件中有12.3%为跨国婚姻。2011年共有4.3%的新生儿父母来自不同国家。  相似文献   

婚姻是影响女性劳动参与的一个重要因素,但是国内已有研究只是将婚姻状态作为控制变量,缺乏对婚姻状态与劳动参与之间作用机理的深入分析,女性市场劳动参与和其婚姻状态之间的内生性也一直被忽视。本文从劳动参与决策出发,从市场工资与保留工资的决定因素入手,使用第三期妇女社会地位调查数据进行实证分析,在婚姻的框架下分别探讨个人特征、家庭特征、世代特征和宏观经济特征对女性劳动参与的影响。基于Probit模型的回归结果,已婚状态和未婚相比对女性的劳动参与存在显著的负向影响,对城镇女性的负向影响大于对农村女性的负向影响。对于不同出生队列,婚姻状态对女性劳动参与的影响存在差异。Wald检验发现对于城镇样本,婚姻状态和劳动参与之间确实存在内生关系,对于农村样本,婚姻状态对于劳动参与并不是一个内生变量,因此后文的内生性分析是基于城镇样本进行的。在通过人口性别比和婚姻登记条例的修订控制住内生性后,通过两步法的IV Probit模型回归结果显示已婚状态对城镇女性劳动参与的负向影响显著变大,这与现在很多城市女性因为接受教育和追求事业而晚婚密切相关。提高已婚女性的劳动参与需要社会公共服务体系和劳动力市场的完善,缓解女性面临的家庭和事业的冲突。  相似文献   

婚姻与心理福利的性别差异性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章利用中国综合社会调查(2006)数据,比较了不同婚姻状况、婚姻质量的群体心理福利的差异,并分析了婚姻状况、婚姻质量对心理福利的影响机制及其性别差异,探讨了家庭代际支持、个体社会经济地位对婚姻的调节作用。研究发现,单身群体的心理福利比婚居群体差,心理福利也因婚姻质量而差异显著,但单身女性的心理福利好于婚姻质量差的女性,婚姻质量差的男性心理福利好于单身男性。回归分析结果也证实婚姻特别是高质量的婚姻对心理福利存在保护功能。婚姻状况对男性的影响较大,婚姻质量对女性的影响较大。另外,代际支持和个体地位也是影响心理福利的重要因素,对婚姻特别是婚姻质量具有替代或强化作用。  相似文献   

未婚生育状况及其婚姻进度效应是了解第二次人口转变的重要观察点,对于理解中国婚育转变和制定相关政策具有重要意义。但是当前国内研究主要将生育置于婚内讨论,鲜有关注婚前生育。文章基于2017年全国生育状况抽样调查数据分析中国1980年以后出生女性的未婚生育现状,利用事件史分析方法和倾向值匹配方法考察未婚生育对女性进入初婚的影响。结果表明约6.5%的女性曾经历未婚生育事件,其中超过九成的未婚初育是计划内怀孕的结果,随着出生队列推移,未婚生育女性的比例呈现先升后降的趋势。婚姻登记制度对婚龄的限制、传统事实婚姻惯习、计划生育对男孩偏好和多孩偏好的强化等因素在一定程度上造成了中国女性的未婚生育。从婚姻进度效应来看,未婚生育对女性初婚主要呈现出促进效应,且这种婚姻促进效应随着出生队列的推移有所增强。婚姻登记制度、相关落户制度等社会制度因素与子女中心主义、合法性诉求等个体观念因素的共同作用带来了未婚生育的婚姻促进效应。中国第二次人口转变在未婚生育领域表现出与西方国家不同的发展轨迹,传统观念和行为与现代化建设之间的冲突、错位与磨合是引发中国未婚生育及其婚姻促进效应的主要动力。在中国,生育和婚姻尚未出现“脱...  相似文献   

婚姻的经济学分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文试图运用经济学的分析方法 ,对婚姻这一社会现象作出一般的分析。其中包括婚姻契约的形成、婚姻市场、婚姻契约的解除等方面。最后 ,文章进一步对中国传统婚姻市场这一个案进行了解析 ,并指出婚姻契约和婚姻市场的共性和中国传统婚姻市场的个性特征共同决定了当代婚姻现象  相似文献   

文章对晚婚、大龄未婚、终身不婚几个概念进行辨析的基础上,结合权威部门发布的数据,对当下中国青年婚姻状况进行分城乡比较和考察。指出城市和农村在婚姻年龄模式上,男性"大龄未婚者"所面临的终身不婚风险上均存在着差异,并对这些城乡差异产生的原因及其可能的社会学后果进行深入思考。  相似文献   

Many studies have found that women decrease their labor supply upon marriage and increase their labor supply upon divorce. This paper examines whether that pattern varies depending on whether the marriage is a first or higher-order one using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics for the years 1979 through 2001. The combination of a greater expected probability that a remarriage will end and the failure of household production to bring returns upon the end of a previous marriage may make women less likely to reduce their labor supply in second or higher marriages as compared to a first marriage. The results differ for the intensive and extensive margins of labor supply. With one exception, after controlling for background characteristics, the estimates imply that the probability of working is related to marriage in a similar manner regardless of whether the marriage is a first or a remarriage. In contrast, the estimates provide support for the possibility that decreases in hours of work upon marriage are smaller in second and higher marriages as compared to first marriages.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between marriage and economic wealth of women and men. Going beyond previous research that focused on household wealth, I examine personal wealth, which allows identifying gender disparities in the association between marriage and wealth. Using unique data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (2002, 2007, and 2012), I apply random-effects and fixed-effects regression models to test my expectations. I find that both women and men experience substantial marriage wealth premiums not only in household wealth but also in personal wealth. However, I do not find consistent evidence for gender disparities in these general marriage premiums. Additional analyses indicate, however, that women’s marriage premiums are substantially lower than men’s premiums in older cohorts and when only nonhousing wealth is considered. Overall, this study provides new evidence that women and men gain unequally in their wealth attainment through marriage.  相似文献   

青年人口迁出对农村婚姻的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
石人炳 《人口学刊》2006,36(1):32-36
我国当前农村青年外流对地区婚姻问题和自身婚姻的影响主要表现在三个方面:一是对自身婚配的影响,一些大龄未婚农村外流青年择偶难;二是贫困地区女青年婚姻迁移导致当地男性青年成婚困难;三是农村已婚青年流动对婚姻稳定性产生影响。针对农村青年外流带来的婚姻问题,要关心大龄未婚打工仔和打工女的婚姻问题;要关注农村单亲家庭中的孩子;要关注婚姻迁移导致的贫困农村地区“弱势累积”问题。  相似文献   

This paper studies the influence of premarital cohabitation on marital fertility by applying life table methods to data for cohorts of Danish women born in 1926–1955, collected in retrospective interviews made in 1975. For each five-year cohort, the data have been analyzed by duration of marriage or by duration since previous birth, for women who had no reported births before marriage. Our main empirical results are: (a) that women who married at age 15–19 had higher rates of marital first and second births than those married at ages 20–24, and (b) that premarital cohabitation had very little influence on births of these two first orders in our data.  相似文献   

We analyze Dutch panel data to investigate whether partnership has a causal effect on subjective well-being. As in previous studies, we find that, on average, being in a partnership improves well-being. Well-being gains of marriage are larger than those of cohabitation. The well-being effects of partnership formation and disruption are symmetric. We also find that marriage improves well-being for both younger and older cohorts, whereas cohabitation benefits only the younger cohort. Our main contribution to the literature is on well-being effects of same-sex partnerships. We find that these effects are homogeneous to sexual orientation. Gender differences exist in the well-being effects of same-sex partnerships: females are happier cohabiting, whereas marriage has a stronger well-being effect on males.  相似文献   

Schwartz CR 《Demography》2010,47(3):735-753
There is considerable disagreement about whether cohabitors are more or less likely to be educationally homogamous than married couples. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, I reconcile many of the disparate findings of previous research by conducting a “stock and flow” analysis of assortative cohabitation and marriage. I find that cohabitors are less likely to be educationally homogamous than married couples overall, but these differences are not apparent when cohabiting and marital unions begin. Instead, the results suggest that differences in educational homogamy by union type are driven by selective exits from marriage and cohabitation rather than by differences in partner choice. Marriages that cross educational boundaries are particularly likely to end. The findings suggest that although cohabitors place greater emphasis on egalitarianism than married couples, this does not translate into greater educational homogamy. The findings are also consistent with a large body of research on cohabitation and divorce questioning the effectiveness of cohabitation as a trial marriage.  相似文献   

This paper promotes research methods specific to men, the new focus of fertility and family planning studies (especially in sub-Saharan Africa). I propose a novel marriage categorization based on married men’s intentions to take another wife. The three marriage groups are currently monogamous men who intend to remain so, currently monogamous men who intend to become polygynous, and currently polygynous men. The first analysis demonstrates that typical marriage analyses may misclassify men who intend to become polygynous. Applications of the marriage trichotomy illustrate that men with varying marital intentions have differing desires regarding fertility and family planning.  相似文献   

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