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目前青少年的性成熟年龄日趋提前,而初婚年龄的不断推后,待婚期的时间延长使未婚青少年发生婚前性行为的可能性大大增加。而婚前性行为对未婚女性而言极易造成非意愿妊娠、流产、性传播疾病等生殖健康问题,从而对她们的健康造成极大危害。本文利用2009年中国青少年生殖健康可及性调查数据,对中国未婚女青年流产服务现状进行分析,从而为更...  相似文献   

近年来,未婚性行为与人工流产已经成为社会关注的焦点。2009年中国15-24岁青少年生殖健康调查显示:22.4%的青少年具有性经历。有性经历者中,流动女青少年妊娠比例为28.5%,高于非流动女青少年(19.3%)。部分专家根据地方门诊调查的情况估计,未婚人流至少占人流总数的20%-30%,重复人流约占所有人流的比例30%。《2013中国卫生和计划生育统计年鉴》公布,2012年全国人工流产共669万例,据此推测2012年未婚人流大约为133.8-200.7万例,未婚青少年面临的人工流产问题,形势非常严峻。人工流产会给女性的健康带来潜在威胁,并影响到未来的婚姻与生育,  相似文献   

中国未婚青年的生殖健康状况   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目前,中国青少年的性成熟已明显提前,未婚青年(包括少年)性行为发生率在不断上升,首次性行为的年龄呈提前趋势。但他们缺乏性和生殖健康知识,有性行为的未婚青年避孕措施的采用率较低,导致未婚妊娠和人工流产的发生率上升。未婚青年性行为、妊娠和人工流产的发生与性观念与社会观念的变化、文化教育、家庭背景、环境因素、国家政策及社会因素等有关。要提高中国未婚青年的生殖健康状况,应满足未婚青年的需求,给未婚青年提供性教育和生殖健康服务。  相似文献   

上海市1010例未婚女性人工流产情况的调查分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
调查结果显示,未婚人流女性以20—24岁年龄组为主,占70.4%,许多未婚人流女性有过人流史,近1/3的人首次性行为及首次人流年龄小于法定结婚年龄,78.6%的人此次人流的原因是没有采取避孕措施。提示24岁及以下年龄组是未婚先孕人流的高发人群,特别是一些不到结婚年龄的女青年正在受到人工流产的威胁,没有采取避孕措施是导致未婚人流的主要原因。因此,有必要在未婚青年中开展生殖健康教育,向她们提供计划生育服务,特别是避孕药具的服务指导。  相似文献   

本文根据对农村未婚青年生殖健康现状问卷调查和座谈调查的结果,对农村未婚在业青年的生殖健康现状及其对婚前性行为、人工流产的态度进行了分析研究,同时还探讨了农村未婚青年对计划生育服务的需求,最后还就提高农村未婚青年生殖健康水平提出了一些对策性建议。  相似文献   

在校研究生生殖健康知识、态度和行为情况的调查报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报告了对8个城市18所高等院校的2730名已婚和未婚男女研究生生殖健康知识、态度和行为调查的结果。调查表明,中国在校研究生的生殖健康知识仍很缺乏,未婚研究生尤为严重,已婚、未婚研究生对婚前性行为的看法比较一致,但女性研究生所持态度比男性谨慎;在校已婚研究生的避孕率为72.96%,明显低于全国水平,所采用的避孕措施多为临时性的方法;有10.9%的学生有婚前性经历;38.6%的已婚女研究生有人工流产经历。无论是已婚还是未婚研究生都期望学校能开展生殖健康教育,同时也能提供适合学生特点的计划生育服务。  相似文献   

上海市未婚女青年避孕方法应用状况及其影响因素的分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文根据1995年在上海3个市区和2个郊县婚前体检的大青年及其未婚夫调查数据,对该地区未婚女青年的避孕方法应用状况及其影响因素进行分析。研究结果提示,在目前未婚青年中,性行为发生率高、未婚人工流产率高、而首次性行为避孕率低;有必要加强未婚青年性教育,包括学校教育、计划生育部门的校外教育、家庭教育等,尤其是加强恋爱中大龄青年及定婚同居青年的避孕教育,以避免早婚、早育,并达到提高妇女生殖健康水平的目的。  相似文献   

城市外来青年女工的生殖健康状况与需求   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文利用小组专题讨论会和深入访谈资料对外来青年女工的生殖健康状况和需求进行了分析。流动人口的生活和工作与家乡的同龄人及城市居民都不相同 ,这给他们的健康带来一系列问题。对年轻妇女而言 ,与性和生育相关的问题尤为突出。外来未婚女工发生婚前性行为的可能性较大 ,随意性性行为的比例较高 ,因此人工流产及性病的发生率较高。因为产前保健不足 ,外来人口发生产时并发症的可能性较大。目前迫切需要加强对未婚人群的教育和服务 ,以减少风险行为的发生。应结合计划生育管理和服务加强对已婚妇女的生殖健康服务 ,以提高她们的健康水平  相似文献   

青少年处在一个特殊的生命阶段,在1994年开罗国际人口与发展大会上,国际社会第一次承认青少年在生殖和性健康方面有不同于成年人的需要。在通过的《行动纲领》中还明确指出青少年生殖健康的目标是:“通过提倡负责任和健康的生殖和性行为解决青少年的性和生殖健康问...  相似文献   

随着生殖健康概念被人们广泛接受和理解,生殖健康问题也日益受到公众的重视,但是,未婚青少年作为群体的生殖健康需求迄今仍为现行的生殖保健所忽视。未婚青少年处于特殊的生命周期,生理上日趋成熟,但他们也面临着非意愿妊娠、包括HIV在内的性传播疾病、以及其它许...  相似文献   

We use a method of standardization and decomposition developed by Das Gupta to update Smith and Cutright’s analysis of demographic factors responsible for increases in the nonmarital fertility ratio (illegitimacy ratio) among blacks and whites in the United States. We create standardized rates for each year between 1960 and 1992, and consistent, exhaustive decompositions of the nonmarital fertility ratio for any interval during this period in terms of four components: (1) the age distribution of women of reproductive age, (2) the proportion of women unmarried at each age, (3) the age-specific birth rates of married women, and (4) the age-specific birth rates of unmarried women. Nonmarital fertility ratios are much higher among blacks than among whites, but both increased monotonically from 1960 to 1992. During the last 10 years, each increased by nearly 10 percentage points. Increases in the proportion of women not married, at all ages, account for the preponderance of the increase in black nonmarital fertility ratios. Increasing rates of unmarried childbearing, however, have played a role during the most recent decade (1983–1992). For whites, from 1960 until 1975, declines in marital fertility were most important in producing increases in the proportion of children born out of wedlock. Since then, these proportions have increased primarily because of increases in unmarried women s birth rates, and secondarily because of declines in the proportion of women who are married. These trends are consistent with arguments that emphasize declining economic incentives to marry and reduced access to, and acceptability of, abortion.  相似文献   

Estimates of induced abortion in urban North Carolina   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In 1965, Warner developed an interviewing procedure designed to eliminate evasive answer bias when questions of a sensitive nature are asked. He called the procedure ‘randomized response.’ The authors have been studying the technique for several years and, in this paper, are reporting some of the estimates of induced abortion in urban North Carolina using randomized response. Estimates of the proportion of women having an abortion during the past year among women 18–44 years of age are reported. For the study population indices were developed relating induced abortion to total conceptions for whites and nonwhites. The illegal abortion rate per 100 conceptions was estimated to be 14.9 for whites and 32.9 for nonwhites. Estimates of the proportion of women having an abortion during their lifetime among women 18 years old or over are also shown. Among ever married women, the proportion having an abortion during their lifetime declined as education increased. Estimates were high for women with 5 or more pregnancies. Most of the respondents stated that they were satisfied that the randomized response approach would not reveal their personal situation. Furthermore, they did not think their friends would truthfully respond to adirect question regarding abortion.  相似文献   

The effect of expansions in medicaid income eligibility on abortion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper we examine the effect of expansions in Medicaid income eligibility on abortion, using individual-level data from South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. The results suggest that for unmarried nonblack women with less than a high school degree, expansions of income eligibility lowered the probability of abortion by two to five percentage points. Most of the impact of the Medicaid expansions on abortion occurred in the first round of expansions from approximately 45% of the federal poverty level to 100%. For black unmarried women with less than a high school degree, we generally find no effect of expansions in Medicaid income eligibility on abortion.  相似文献   

An economic model of teenage pregnancy decision-making   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
In this paper, we model unmarried teenagers' decisions about their pregnancy outcome by considering that the teenager contrasts her expected utility (1) as a married mother, (2) as an unmarried mother, or (3) after abortion. We use cross-sectional data on 297 California teenagers aged 13-19 who were pregnant for the first time between 1972 and 1974. Both Anglo and Mexican-American girls are included. We find that pregnant girls who are eligible for or are receiving public assistance are more likely to give birth and remain unmarried. Teenagers with greater time values are more likely to choose abortion, and Mexican-American girls are more likely to carry their pregnancies to term.  相似文献   

Mortality Differentials by Marital Status: An International Comparison   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Although the greater longevity of married people as compared with unmarried persons has been demonstrated repeatedly, there have been very few studies of a comparative nature. We use log-linear rate models to analyze marital-status-specific death rates for a large number of developed countries. The results indicate that divorced persons, especially divorced men, have the highest death rates among the unmarried groups of the respective genders; the excess mortality of unmarried persons relative to the married has been generally increasing over the past two to three decades; and divorced and widowed persons in their twenties and thirties have particularly high risks of dying, relative to married persons of the same age. In addition, the analysis suggests that a selection process is operating with regard to single and divorced persons: the smaller the proportion of persons who never marry or who are divorced, the higher the resulting death rates.  相似文献   

Despite concern over high pregnancy rates and levels of risk for sexually transmittedinfections, adolescent fertility rates in the Dominican Republic have not changed substantially since the early 1980's, and actually increased during the early to mid 1990s. The present study was undertaken to assess the factors contributing to the recent rise in fertility among Dominican adolescents. The findings suggest that although contraceptive use among adolescents and young adults has increased, this has been more than offset by ominous trends on other determinants of fertility. Among these are declines in mean age at first sex and first marriage/union without a commensurate decline in mean age at first contraceptive use, and stubbornly high discontinuation rates for oral contraceptives andcondoms. There is also some evidence that rates of induced abortion among adolescents may have increased, without which adolescent fertility rates would have been even higher. Demand for children among Dominican adolescents remains strong, suggesting that efforts to reduce the current high prevalence of risky sexual behaviors need to influence social norms in order to be successful.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a validation survey of abortion conducted in Tallinn, Estonia in April and May 1992. The sample was drawn from patient records in a maternity hospital. Women who had an abortion in that hospital in 1991 were asked about recent abortions as part of a survey about women’s health. More than 80% of the respondents reported having a recent abortion. Some respondents misreported their abortion as a miscarriage. Moreover, some variation in reporting was associated with respondents’ characteristics. Ethnic Estonians were less likely to report their abortion than were Russians, women over age 40 were less likely to report the abortion than younger women, and women who had the abortion late in the first trimester were less likely to report that abortion. There was some evidence that unmarried women were less likely than married women to report their abortion, and that women who had borne three or more children were less likely to report their abortion than women who had borne fewer children. These differences probably stem from the extent to which pregnancy or abortion is considered stigmatizing for women in different situations.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey, Youth Cohort, logistic regression models are estimated to show the impact of various sociodemographic and economic factors on the abortion decision for 1867 pregnancies occurring between 1983 and 1985 in the data set. The results suggest a profile of a woman choosing the abortion decision as being White, unmarried, residing in the Northeast or West, relatively well-educated, and either in-school or working. Additionally, the female is likely to have a relatively high person income and, if present, a relatively low spousal income. Being Baptist or Catholic appears to have no significant influence on the abortion decision, and the same is true for Baptists and Catholics who are religious (attend church more than two times per month). The degree of religiosity is a predictor of abortion outcome, irrespective of religious affiliation. Finally, it is found that for low income women, access to Medicaid funding does significantly increase the probability of choosing the abortion option.  相似文献   

John Ermisch 《Demography》2009,46(1):193-202
A recent article by Gray, Stockard, and Stone contended that the increase in the proportion of births to unmarried women since 1974 in the United States was not caused by any major change in underlying fertility behavior, but rather by a decrease in the proportion of women who are married, which increased both the population at risk and the birth rate of unmarried women relative to that of married women. In this comment, I argue that the statistical test of this explanation used in the article is invalid because the variables in the analysis are not stationary time series. Correct statistical tests reject the explanation. In particular, I demonstrate persistent, nonstationary deviations from the relationships predicted by the theory advanced by Gray et al. For long periods, the proportion unmarried played only a small role in the changes in the ratio of nonmarital to marital birth rates, contrary to the theory.  相似文献   

As the age at marriage continues to rise in East and Southeast Asia, the fertility behavior of unmarried teenagers is receiving more attention from population policymakers. In addition to fertility reduction through family planning, Asian societies today consider population planning strategies in relation to national needs and social goals, including such matters as the population's growth rate, age structure, educational quality and skills. The number of single youth in Asia is growing much more rapidly than the total youth population. By the year 2010, for example, India is projected to have nearly 70 million single teenagers, aged 15-19, 188% more than in 1980. In many developing countries today, such as the Philippines and Korea, the rising age at marriage has combined with rapid urbanization, improved status for women, and more educational opportunity to alter both the behavioral norms of young people and the traditional means of social control over youth. Studies of contemporary adolescent sexuality have been conducted in 4 Asian countries. In the Philippines an overt independent youth homosexual culture was found to exist in urban and to some extent rural areas. In Thailand research revealed little conservative resistance to family planning or to contraceptives for young unmarried people. Surveys in Taiwan indicate that behavior related to dating and choice of spouse has become more liberal, and a survey in Hong Kong revealed a higher level of premarital sex and use of prostitutes among Chinese men than expected. Population policy perspectives that need to be considered in these changing times include: 1) issues of access to family planning services by unmarried people below the legal age of maturity; 2) the development of social institutions, such as exist in Thailand and the Philippines, to guide adolescents' behavior; 3) more extensive study of adolescent sexuality; 4) establishment of the scope of family policy.  相似文献   

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