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Consider a regression model where the regression function is the sum of a linear and a nonparametric component. Assuming that the errors of the model follow a stationary strong mixing process with mean zero, the problem of bandwidth selection for a kernel estimator of the nonparametric component is addressed here. We obtain an asymptotic expression for an optimal band-width and we propose to use a plug-in methodology in order to estimate this bandwidth through preliminary estimates of the unknown quantities. Asymptotic optimality for the plug-in bandwidth is established.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents a selective survey on panel data methods. The focus is on new developments. In particular, linear multilevel models, specific nonlinear, nonparametric and semiparametric models are at the center of the survey. In contrast to linear models there do not exist unified methods for nonlinear approaches. In this case conditional maximum likelihood methods dominate for fixed effects models. Under random effects assumptions it is sometimes possible to employ conventional maximum likelihood methods using Gaussian quadrature to reduce a T-dimensional integral. Alternatives are generalized methods of moments and simulated estimators. If the nonlinear function is not exactly known, nonparametric or semiparametric methods should be preferred. Helpful comments and suggestions from an unknown referee are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

In this article we consider the problem of estimating a nonparametric conditional mean function with mixed discrete and continuous covariates by the nonparametric k-nearest-neighbor (k-nn) method. We derive the asymptotic normality result of the proposed estimator and use Monte Carlo simulations to demonstrate its finite sample performance. We also provide an illustrative empirical example of our method.  相似文献   

We introduce a class of models for longitudinal data by extending the generalized estimating equations approach of Liang and Zeger (1986) to incorporate the flexibility of nonparametric smoothing. The algorithm provides a unified estimation procedure for marginal distributions from the exponential family. We propose pointwise standard-error bands and approximate likelihood-ratio and score tests for inference. The algorithm is formally derived by using the penalized quasilikelihood framework. Convergence of the estimating equations and consistency of the resulting solutions are discussed. We illustrate the algorithm with data on the population dynamics of Colorado potato beetles on potato plants.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In most treatments of nonparametric regression, it is assumed that the marginal density of the explanatory variables is strictly bounded away from zero and infinity. This note investigates the pointwise asymptotics for nonparametric regression when this assumption fails, that is, the marginal density of the explanatory variable has either an isolated zero or a pole at the point of interest.  相似文献   

Summary This paper surveys the state of the art of the analysis and application of large scale structural simultaneous econometric models (SSEM). First, the importance of such models in empirical economics and especially for economic policy analysis is emphasized. We then focus on the methodological issues in the application of these models like questions about identification, nonstationarity of variables, adequate estimation of the parameters, and the inclusion of identities. In the light of the latest development in econometrics, we identify the main unsolved problems in this area, recommend a combined data-theory-driven procedure for the specification of such models, and give suggestions how one could overcome some of the indicated problems.  相似文献   

Penalized likelihood methods provide a range of practical modelling tools, including spline smoothing, generalized additive models and variants of ridge regression. Selecting the correct weights for penalties is a critical part of using these methods and in the single-penalty case the analyst has several well-founded techniques to choose from. However, many modelling problems suggest a formulation employing multiple penalties, and here general methodology is lacking. A wide family of models with multiple penalties can be fitted to data by iterative solution of the generalized ridge regression problem minimize || W 1/2 ( Xp − y ) ||2ρ+Σ i =1 m  θ i p ' S i p ( p is a parameter vector, X a design matrix, S i a non-negative definite coefficient matrix defining the i th penalty with associated smoothing parameter θ i , W a diagonal weight matrix, y a vector of data or pseudodata and ρ an 'overall' smoothing parameter included for computational efficiency). This paper shows how smoothing parameter selection can be performed efficiently by applying generalized cross-validation to this problem and how this allows non-linear, generalized linear and linear models to be fitted using multiple penalties, substantially increasing the scope of penalized modelling methods. Examples of non-linear modelling, generalized additive modelling and anisotropic smoothing are given.  相似文献   

The varying-coefficient single-index model has two distinguishing features: partially linear varying-coefficient functions and a single-index structure. This paper proposes a nonparametric method based on smoothing splines for estimating varying-coefficient functions and an unknown link function. Moreover, the average derivative estimation method is applied to obtain the single-index parameter estimates. For interval inference, Bayesian confidence intervals were obtained based on Bayes models for varying-coefficient functions and the link function. The performance of the proposed method is examined both through simulations and by applying it to Boston housing data.  相似文献   

This paper extends the partially adaptive method Phillips (1994) provided for linear models to nonlinear models. Asymptotic results are established under conditions general enough they cover both cross-sectional and time series applications. The sampling efficiency of the new estimator is illustrated in a small Monte Carlo study in which the parameters of an autoregressive moving average are estimated. The study indicates that, for non-normal distributions, the new estimator improves on the nonlinear least squares estimator in terms of efficiency.  相似文献   

In this note we discuss two-step kernel estimation of varying coefficient regression models that have a common smoothing variable. The method allows one to use different bandwidths for different coefficient functions. We consider local polynomial fitting and present explicit formulas for the asymptotic biases and variances of the estimators.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel shape-invariant modeling approach to quasi-periodic data. We propose a dynamic semiparametric method that estimates the common cycle shape in a nonparametric way and the individual phase and amplitude variability in a parametric way. An efficient algorithm to compute the estimators is proposed. The behavior of the estimators is studied by simulation and by a real-data example.  相似文献   

This paper defines a new procedure to efficiently estimate non parametric simultaneous equations models. The proposed estimation procedure exploits the additive structure and achieves oracle efficiency without the knowledge of unobserved error terms. Furthermore, simulation results show that our new estimator outperforms the existing estimator in terms of mean squared error.  相似文献   

A common problem in environmental epidemiology is the estimation and mapping of spatial variation in disease risk. In this paper we analyse data from the Walsall District Health Authority, UK, concerning the spatial distributions of cancer cases compared with controls sampled from the population register. We formulate the risk estimation problem as a nonparametric binary regression problem and consider two different methods of estimation. The first uses a standard kernel method with a cross-validation criterion for choosing the associated bandwidth parameter. The second uses the framework of the generalized additive model (GAM) which has the advantage that it can allow for additional explanatory variables, but is computationally more demanding. For the Walsall data, we obtain similar results using either the kernel method with controls stratified by age and sex to match the age–sex distribution of the cases or the GAM method with random controls but incorporating age and sex as additional explanatory variables. For cancers of the lung or stomach, the analysis shows highly statistically significant spatial variation in risk. For the less common cancers of the pancreas, the spatial variation in risk is not statistically significant.  相似文献   

In this article, we extend smoothing splines to model the regression mean structure when data are sampled through a complex survey. Smoothing splines are evaluated both with and without sample weights, and are compared with local linear estimator. Simulation studies find that nonparametric estimators perform better when sample weights are incorporated, rather than being treated as if iid. They also find that smoothing splines perform better than local linear estimator through completely data-driven bandwidth selection methods.  相似文献   

Maximum penalized likelihood estimation is applied in non(semi)-para-metric regression problems, and enables us exploratory identification and diagnostics of nonlinear regression relationships. The smoothing parameter A controls trade-off between the smoothness and the goodness-of-fit of a function. The method of cross-validation is used for selecting A, but the generalized cross-validation, which is based on the squared error criterion, shows bad be¬havior in non-normal distribution and can not often select reasonable A. The purpose of this study is to propose a method which gives more suitable A and to evaluate the performance of it.

A method of simple calculation for the delete-one estimates in the likeli¬hood-based cross-validation (LCV) score is described. A score of similar form to the Akaike information criterion (AIC) is also derived. The proposed scores are compared with the ones of standard procedures by using data sets in liter¬atures. Simulations are performed to compare the patterns of selecting A and overall goodness-of-fit and to evaluate the effects of some factors. The LCV-scores by the simple calculation provide good approximation to the exact one if λ is not extremeiy smaii Furthermore the LCV scores by the simple size it possible to select X adaptively They have the effect, of reducing the bias of estimates and provide better performance in the sense of overall goodness-of fit. These scores are useful especially in the case of small sample size and in the case of binary logistic regression.  相似文献   

We incorporate a random clustering effect into the nonparametric version of Cox Proportional Hazards model to characterize clustered survival data. The simulation studies provide evidence that clustered survival data can be better characterized through a nonparametric model. Predictive accuracy of the nonparametric model is affected by number of clusters and distribution of the random component accounting for clustering effect. As the functional form of the covariate departs from linearity, the nonparametric model is becoming more advantageous over the parametric counterpart. Finally, nonparametric is better than parametric model when data are highly heterogenous and/or there is misspecification error.  相似文献   

We consider estimation in the single‐index model where the link function is monotone. For this model, a profile least‐squares estimator has been proposed to estimate the unknown link function and index. Although it is natural to propose this procedure, it is still unknown whether it produces index estimates that converge at the parametric rate. We show that this holds if we solve a score equation corresponding to this least‐squares problem. Using a Lagrangian formulation, we show how one can solve this score equation without any reparametrization. This makes it easy to solve the score equations in high dimensions. We also compare our method with the effective dimension reduction and the penalized least‐squares estimator methods, both available on CRAN as R packages, and compare with link‐free methods, where the covariates are elliptically symmetric.  相似文献   

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