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This article is concerned with the power of language to shapeand confirm social works identity and to control itsessential direction and task. Social work has perennially concerneditself with communication but paid surprisingly little attentionto the more abstract concept of language. The authors tracethe changing language used throughout social works UKhistory, placing this into socio-political and socio-economiccontext and analysing the discourses thus created and promoted.We identify three broad periods in the development of socialwork, characterized as the moral enterprise, the therapeuticenterprise and the managerial enterprise. We conclude by connectingthis discussion with some key challenges, issues and dilemmascurrently facing social work in the criminal justice and communitycare arenas, highlighting the language and discourse of punishment,risk management, consumerism and the market economy. The articleconcludes by arguing that social work must reclaim the languageof its activity as it engages with the challenges to its identity. 相似文献
This paper concentrates on the issues of merit and diversityin social work. The principal focus is ethnic diversity, usedas an example to illustrate a wider point about diversity. Itis clear that ethnic diversity in particular has become a majorpolitical objective across the public sector as part of thecommunity cohesion initiative. Several benefitshave been identified and linked to the achievement of ethnicdiversity in the workforce; many of these have appeared in socialwork debate. The argument here is that while diversity has transformativepotential, it must be located within a more radical agenda ifit is to be successful. As a profession with a radical threadto its pedigree, social work is well placed to take this agendaforward. 相似文献
This paper discusses trends in social work in the last twenty-fiveyears. Within the broad theme of social work as a social institution,more detailed attention is focused on: services for childrenand elderly people; manageralism; and social work research andevaluation. Processes of secularization, professionalism andmanageralism have weakened the impetus for social reform. Thishas sharpened dilemmas for social work in balancing benefitsfor service users and public involvement with tight state controland regulation. 相似文献
Monica Dowling 《Social Policy & Administration》1999,33(3):245-261
This paper sets out the environment of inequality in which social work and the poor have recently operated. It explores pragmatic and idealist arguments concerning whether or not the poor need social work. Finally, policy solutions developed in consultation with social service users and carers are suggested in relation to poverty and social exclusion. Social exclusion can be linked to relative poverty as exclusion from economic and social norms. However, there is a wider brief in our own government’s publications and those of Europe, of examining how people are excluded from actions and policies of agencies who are there to support them. This paper will retain the concepts of poverty as lack of material income, and inequality as the gap between the rich and the poor, while being aware of the policy implications for social service users and carers of the more comprehensive process of being shut out partially or fully from social, economic, political and cultural systems. The debates around social work, social exclusion and inequality that follow establish: that some of the poor do need social work; that the poverty of social service users is related to policies that have restructured welfare in Britain; that the reason for individuals approaching or being referred to social services are complex but are likely to include financial deprivation as a key contributory factor; that if the poor do need social work, advocacy is essential rather than social work being seen as concerned only with social control—taking children into care, mentally ill people into hospitals, and advising the DSS on the suitability of claimants for benefits. Finally, the discussion turns to new policy agendas on social exclusion instigated by the Labour government. What positive difference can such policies make for social service users, their carers and social workers?. 相似文献
《Journal of gerontological social work》2013,56(2):35-43
Abstract Gerontology education in one graduate school of social work is advancing across a life course. From its origins of three students, now over 100 graduates serve elders and significant others. Grounding, growing, and sustaining gerontology as a “concentration” comes with challenge and reward. This article denotes the origins of a gerontology concentration, describing “community as impetus” and “outreach to students.” It proceeds to concentration outcomes, presenting “alumni as partners” and “community as beneficiary.” Sustainment of gerontology as a concentration is attributed to internal and external investment in a gerontologically- and geriatrically-sophisticated social work force. 相似文献
This paper locates the social work literature on spiritualitywithin the broad theoretical and epistemological perspectivesof late modernity. It focuses particularly on the rise of individualismand its culmination in the theory of reflexive modernization—lifepolitics and subpolitics—and makes an appeal for an ecospiritualsocial work—one which would take social work awayfrom individualism back to its communitarian roots. The riseof spirituality in social work is linked to individualism. Bothresult from the depersonalizing and alienating effects of modernity:the detraditionalization and secularization of society; therise of science, rationality, the professions, and industrialand technological progress; and the decline in religion. Socialwork mirrors this process in that it has worked vigorously toshake off its religious, moralistic beginnings, and to embracethe secular trappings of professionalism in the process increasinglyembracing highly individualistic values and scientific explanationsof reality. The literature on spirituality in social work, inwhich the influence of New Age spirituality is strongly evident,tries to re-instantiate our search for quality and meaning.However, social work has yet to examine broader sociologicaltheory and the way in which it can deepen our understandingof the rise of spirituality in social work. 相似文献
This paper comes at a time when the social work profession inthe UK is redefining its professional ideology and working practicesin the face of key government initiatives for social work educationand the regulation of practice. It seeks to contextualize and,thereby, inform these deliberations by providing a cross-nationalperspective. Indeed, the search for international perspectivesthat might advise or validate national perspectives on socialwork has become increasingly important (Midgley, 2001). Thepaper uses data from a global study (Weiss et al., forthcoming)that identifies and compares the attitudes of graduating socialworkers at the point of qualification in ten countries representinga diverse range of social, economic and cultural contexts (n= 781). Through a comparison of commonalities and differencesof professional ideologies and practice preferences across samples,the paper distinguishes particular characteristics of the socialwork profession in the UK. Whilst a claim cannot be made tobe representative, the findings present a set of empiricallybased contentions that provide information about what socialworkers are being trained for and what they prefer to do. Findingsreveal a mix of psycho-social orientation, whereby a welfareagenda was preferredone that co-existed with the espousalof elements of a statutory social work role in terms of ideology,level of practice, choice of technologies, age and populationgroupings and practice strategies. Whilst such a mix appearedcontradictory in conceptual terms, the students appeared toreconcile the dilemma through the espousal of a particular valueposition. A key finding for policy makers and educators, however,concerns the fact that while the UK students felt willing towork through social problems in individual situations, theywere unhappy about the extent to which they were able to utilizetheir therapeutic skills in statutory social work settings.Their preference would be to work in the independent sector. 相似文献
《Social work with groups》2012,35(3):235-252
In this article the authors explore the gap between education and action in putting the social work core value of social justice into practice. Describing how their School of Social Work has taken up this challenge, the authors analyze how a new social action course helps bridge this gap and draw on student reflection on their experiences and assignments in the course to show how students concretize and interiorize the meaning of social action and social justice. Learning by doing social action through a case study, group work becomes the vehicle through which students act on social issues and work for social change. 相似文献
Norma C. Lang 《Social work with groups》2016,39(2-3):97-117
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this article is to explicate the features of a model of practice (and its theoretical supports) that characteristically employs processes other than those that are deliberatively thought out and processed verbally. The model, identified as a nondeliberative form of practice, has the capability of extending significantly the range of social work practice options. This article articulates the central features of nondeliberative forms of practice and provides a conceptual way of thinking about this modality for use throughout the profession, and in particular in social work with groups. 相似文献
What (a) Difference a Degree Makes: The Evaluation of the New Social Work Degree in England 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Orme Joan; MacIntyre Gillian; Green Lister Pam; Cavanagh Kate; Crisp Beth R.; Hussein Shereen; Manthorpe Jill; Moriarty Jo; Sharpe Endellion; Stevens Martin 《British Journal of Social Work》2009,39(1):161-178
After many years of debate in the UK about the need for a degree-levelqualification in social work, the arguments for a minimum degree-levelqualification were accepted. The requirements for the degreein England were developed drawing on work from a number of sources,including a benchmark statement for undergraduate degrees insocial work and focus groups with stakeholders. The new degreein England, launched in 2003, involves one extra yearsstudy; improvements in the qualifying standard for social work;and specific curriculum and entrance requirements. At the timeof launching the degree, the government department responsiblefor funding (Department of Health) commissioned a three-yearevaluation of the implementation of the new degree to establishwhether the new qualifying level leads to improvements in thequalified workforce. The aim of the evaluation is to describethe experiences of those undertaking the degree, collect theviews of the various stakeholders about the effectiveness ofthe degree and measure the impact of a degree-level qualificationon those entering the workforce. This article, written by theteam undertaking the evaluation of the England degree, exploresthe reasons for the methodological approach adopted and theissues that have arisen in setting up the research. 相似文献
Globalization can seem a remote process, related only to theeconomic and commercial world. However, it impacts (differentially)on the work opportunities and living conditions of populationsaround the world and has also influenced thinking about welfarepolicies, including through state provision. It thus has implicationsfor the practice and education of social and community workersin both affluent and poverty stricken states. In addition tosocial professionals who seek opportunities to work internationally,globalization is also affecting the practices of those who wouldpreviously have seen their work as essentially rooted in localconditions and community needs. This paper therefore gives someexamples of the ways in which local practice may have cross-borderand international dimensions, drawing on experiences in thechild-care field, particularly in the UK and European context.The author indicates how international social work courses areaiming to equip specialist international social workers, whilealso arguing for the development of educational programmes whichprepare local social workers for practice in aninterdependent world. 相似文献
学校社会工作在高校学生工作中的介入探析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
随着社会的进步和高校改革的进一步深入,大学生群体出现了许多新情况新问题,传统的学生工作系统不能及时对此做出回应,很难满足大学生的个别化的需要。社会工作在我国已经有了20余年的发展,已经积累了相关的研究和实践,在高校学生工作中引入学校社会工作的时机日渐成熟。 相似文献
在我国,社会工作和社会政策进行着有中国特色的社会建构,在此过程中,两者之间存在着相互的作用,本文旨在探索这种相互作用。把握这种相互作用,有助于我们更好地增强它,并利用它为解决社会问题、建设和谐社会服务。 相似文献
Social work addresses social issues that constrain the betterment of a community. However, social work practice is struggling to deal effectively with the development challenges of Bangladesh. Based on a literature review and the experiences of the authors, this paper explores the emerging issues where social work practice is anticipated as a promising alternative for bringing sustainable social development in Bangladesh. Simultaneously, the paper discovers the limitation of social work practice in Bangladesh addressing these challenges. 相似文献
Kerry Brydon 《Asian Social Work and Policy Review》2010,4(3):119-133
One central concern of social work is advocacy for social justice. This is a lofty ideal but a difficult ideal to achieve in view of social work being delivered in sociopolitical contexts with varying degrees of tolerance of advocacy. This discussion is based on a case study from Singapore and considers some of the particular constraints and opportunities in that context, while also making the point that those similar constraints and opportunities exist in all contexts. A model that combines principles of advocacy and collaboration is proposed as a means of embracing social work advocacy in Singapore and other contexts. 相似文献
This article uses a political-economic lens to clarify the development of social group work in Taiwan. During the past 50 years, Taiwan has experienced a great economic and political transition. This article focuses on three different periods of time. Under the political repression of the 1950s and 1960s group activities were a means of social control. In the 1970s economic development evoked social changes that led to relaxed controls over civil organizations and political freedom. Community development and “Americanized” social work education marked the first step for social work with groups. During that period group work in Taiwan placed more emphasis on individual problems. In the 1980s political change brought the expansion of group work in Taiwan. An open political scene and flourishing social movements gave impetus to extension of various forms of group work in all kinds of situations. In particular social action and self-help groups played a critical role in the growth of the interests of people. 相似文献
This article addresses the process of developing an educational model for teaching social work with groups in an undergraduate social work degree program in Israel. The model was developed against a backdrop of decreasing status of social group work within the profession and the consequent loss of its unique identity and power in the social work field. The model's aims are to provide the students with the basic principles of social group work, to ensure its place in their professional identity, and to awaken curiosity regarding its use in their future practice as social workers. 相似文献
《Journal of gerontological social work》2013,56(1-2):139-144
This paper focuses on the educational and supportive functions of the long-standing practice tradition of supervision in social work with the aged and their families. It examines the way in which educational supervision extends the clinician's knowledge and deepens his or her perceptions, feelings, and self-understanding of geriatric practice. It also explores supportive supervision as a means of helping supervisees cope with job-related stress and the ethical issues and value conflicts that are likely to occur in geriatrics. A case study illustrating some of these conflicts is included. 相似文献
Social Work Education in Mainland China: Development and Issues 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The present paper gives an overview of the current trend of social work education in Mainland China, a fast-expanding academic subject of higher education in Mainland China during the last 20 years. This rapid development was brought about by the increasing recognition of the use of social work knowledge in tackling some of the social problems arising from the social and economic changes induced by the open door policy of China. New initiatives were undertaken by government departments, academic institutes and service providers, to explore possible reform of service delivery models in serving the elderly, children and youth, women and other vulnerable groups. It thus creates demands for personnel with new skills and knowledge. It has also led to the promulgation of government policies in 2006, in establishing a strong work force of social work, by setting up an accreditation system for social work as a vocation, making available funding for service development and setting up of NGOs. This paper also highlights some of the imminent issues that cause concern, such as the search for a theoretical model of social training and practices suitable for Chinese society, standardization of curriculum design, teaching and learning, consolidation of accreditation examination and career structure, and creation of a working environment conducive to the professionalization of social work in terms of motivating and retaining social work graduates to stay in the service sector. 相似文献