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理想主义强调对外援助的人道主义关怀,反对把国家利益作为对外援助的优先考虑因素甚至唯一决定因素.理想主义为美国的外援活动奠定了理论基础,也成为美国政府与个人进行对外援助宣传的思想武器.实际上,美国的经济援助并非如其所说是为改善他国人民的福利,而是另有目的,尤其是美国将对外经济援助与人权挂钩的做法,削弱了经济援助原本应有的人道和慈善的本质,在国际上理应受到诸多的质疑. 相似文献
困境与机遇--美国对华战略中中国和平发展的地缘政治思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
美国对华战略以遏制为主,造成中国和平发展的困境。但是,全球化导致中国与周边国家关系复杂变化,即使在美国的对华遏制下,中国仍有一定的和平发展机会。同时,中国更应关注到美国全球战略与对华战略的调整,中美共同地缘政治利益正在扩大,为中美地缘政治合作提供契机,其中蕴含着诸多和平发展的机遇。 相似文献
美国和日本是世界最大的两个经济体,两国国内生产总值的总和占世界的40%。在经济全球化和中国经济崛起并融入国际经济体系的背景下,日美经贸关系的重要性相对下降,两国经贸关系已发生了新的变化。导致这种变化的原因,有90年代日本经济的停滞不前和中国作为贸易大国的出现改变了日美两国的关注焦点等。日美经贸关系也存在一些问题。处理日美经贸关系有双边和多边渠道,但建立日美自由贸易区是发展两国经贸关系的第三个渠道。中国应该考虑到这种可能性的存在并积极应对。 相似文献
朱世达 《Social Sciences in China》1999,(2)
IThereweremanydramatictwistsandturnsinSino-U-S.relationsinthe40yearsfromthe1911revolutionledbyDr.SunYat-sen,whichbroughttoanendthe267-yearruleoftheQingdynasty,to1949whenChiangKaisheklefttheChinesemainlandforTaiwan.Chinawasgoingthroughaperiodofgreatchangeandtransformationunprecedentedinitsmodernhistory,andtherewasheateddebateandconflictamongChinesefromallwalksoflife,includingintellectuals,overthequestionofhowtoregardtheUnitedStates.Inthelightoftheirdifferentpositions,viewpointsandattitude… 相似文献
Suna Bayrakal 《The Social Science Journal》2006,43(1):127-145
Over a decade after enactment, this paper examines the implementation of the U.S. Pollution Prevention Act to identify those factors related to implementation that contributed to, or detracted from, the achievement of policy success. Implementation is analyzed in the context of a conceptual framework which builds on existing policy implementation literature by merging top-down and bottom-up considerations [Najam, A. (1995). Learning from the literature on policy implementation: A synthesis perspective (Working Paper WP-95-61). Laxenburg: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis]. This model connects the variables affecting implementation, allowing them to be analyzed in relation to each other. Strategic use of these linkages may also help overcome the policy “implementation gap.” The nature of the case study and findings are examined in relation to one another towards refinement of the model and conceptual generalizations based on use of the analytical framework. 相似文献
20世纪50-60年代民权运动以来,随着非洲裔等有色人种在政治、经济、教育和住房等方面条件的改善,一些白人和保守主义学者开始对美国的种族关系持乐观的态度,认为美国已经进入"后种族时代"(post-racial era)。与该论调持相反的观点,系统性种族主义理论认为今天的美国与过去一样仍然是一个白人支配的压迫社会,白人对非洲裔等有色人种的支配是种族不平等的根源。该理论为美国种族研究提供了一个新范式,有助于理解美国种族主义的本质和种族关系的发展脉络。但是,该理论也受到一些质疑和批判,如陷入"黑白二元论"的窠臼,忽视了有色人种的作用,对种族关系持悲观的态度等。 相似文献
Kenneth Weddell 《Social Policy & Administration》1986,20(1):14-27
Governmental and private sector social services organizations have traditionally shared important roles for provision and delivery of social services in the United States. Over the past fifty years, however, a predominant position has developed for the public sector, especially through federal funding for social service programmes. Recent challenges to the prevailing role of public sector dominance have been expressed by the proponents for privatization at a time when decreasing federal funds are made available for social service programmes. The analysis presented here examines the potential and problems associated with the privatization strategies offered through load shedding, limited-government arrangements, fee charging and competition. As a macro level approach for a comprehensive system of social service provision and delivery, these privatization strategies raise more questions than immediate solutions. A more optimistic view is taken if privatization leads to a more meaningful balance with increased co-operation between public and private social welfare auspices. 相似文献
经贸摩擦与大国崛起--日美经济战对中国的启示 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
中国已进入战略性贸易摩擦期。20世纪后半叶的日美经济战与入世后中美经贸摩擦具有较大相似性。本文系统回顾了日美经贸摩擦中“贸易摩擦———汇率摩擦———体制摩擦”的发展演变轨迹,厘清了三者的内在递进关系,并分析了入世后中国对外特别是对美经贸摩擦的发生、发展及其特点。战略性贸易摩擦是正在崛起中的经济大国与现有国际体系和国际主导国之间在经贸领域冲突博弈的重要表现之一。本文结合对日美经贸摩擦和中美经贸摩擦的对比分析,简要概括这一战略性贸易摩擦的基本特点。 相似文献
Environmental consequences are frequently cited as a justification for restricting immigration to the United States, but there is little empirical research on the environmental consequences of immigration to support such arguments. The research that does exist shows immigration to be less environmentally harmful than native population growth, but is hampered by small samples and fails to account for spatial autocorrelation of air quality. We use the air quality domain of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Quality Index (EQI) to examine the association between immigrant and native populations and local air quality across all counties in the continental U.S. We employ spatial models to account for spatial autocorrelation of air quality across the counties, controlling for indicators of economic development and location characteristics. We find that native population is strongly associated with worse air quality, while foreign-born population is associated with better air quality. However, this association varies by immigrant country of origin, with East Asian immigrants in particular associated with worse air quality, and by immigrants’ year of entry, with some immigration cohorts positively associated with air quality, and others negatively. These findings highlight the importance of population characteristics in understanding population-environment linkages. 相似文献
198 7年 10月 ,在一个被称为“黑色星期一”的日子 ,纽约股市暴跌 ,美国经济开始步入萧条期。 1988和 1989两年 ,美国有成百家银行因不良债权问题而破产 ,就连 1990年还是美国最大银行的花旗银行的股价也因经营不善跌到了一位数。与之对照 ,为阻止日元升值 ,日本银行于 1987年 2月将再贴现率调到空前的低水平 (2 5 % ) ,导致大量游资流向土地、股票市场 ,引起了地价、股价的飚升 ,日本经济出现了 6 0年代高速增长期以来从未有过的繁荣景象。在萧条的美国与繁荣的日本形成鲜明对照的情况下 ,美国政治家敲响了警钟 :“冷战结束了 ,输的是苏联… 相似文献
中国—东盟博览会的顺利举办,为中国与东盟10国的发展搭建了一个合作的平台,提升了广西的战略地位,为广西经济的快速发展,对外开放,以及积极参与多区域合作等方面提供了良好的机遇。 相似文献
Richard V. Francaviglia 《Journal of popular culture》1981,15(1):141-156
All visitors to Disneyland and Walt Disney World must enter the “magic kingdoms” by way of Main Street, U.S.A.—the Disney version of a small town landscape of around the turn of the century, the “classical period” in American streetscape evolution. Extending far beyond its park setting, Disney's idealized Main Street (along with the overall design of which it is a part) is “one of the most successfully designed streetscapes in human history,” and has exerted enormous impact. Its design and images have influenced city and new town planning and the restoration of real Main Streets across the country, inspiring architectural restoration philosophy and practice; in short, writing an important chapter in the history of America's fondest image of itself. It was in fact from the ranks of planners and designers, not academic intellectuals or even social commentators (who scorned and reviled Disney's creations), that the initial awareness and appreciation of theme parks as structures and images came, as a leading edge in the breakthrough in perception of popular environments which has occurred only within the past decade. Richard Francaviglia is concerned with the architecture and design of Main Street U.S.A. as it preserves, controls, modifies and perpetuates a central collective image. But he goes further, comparing the original articulation in California with the Florida version a design generation later. What is ultimately revealing is the contrast of both of these related but distinct ideals within the parks to Main Street as it actually existed. 相似文献
论冷战期间美国的大战略体系 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
大战略是一战后西方军事理论界提出的新概念,二战后广为流行,并成为国家决策的重要内容。冷战期间,美国政府为了对抗、削弱并击溃苏联东欧集团,铲除所谓共产主义威胁,赢得冷战的胜利,制订并实施了以遏制战略为核心的大战略,形成了一个金字塔般的战略体系。在这个战略体系中,位于顶端的是遏制战略;其下是政治战略、经济战略、军事战略、文化战略等各领域的分类战略;这些分类战略的子战略或曰具体战略,诸如威慑战略、贸易管制战略、和平演变战略、大规模报复战略、灵活反应战略、现实威慑战略等,则为第三层次的战略。遏制战略以各分类战略及其子战略为依托,统领着众多分类战略和子战略;各分类战略和子战略则依据遏制大战略制订并以遏制大战略的目标为最终目标。该大战略体系在促使苏东裂变、结束冷战中发挥了重要作用。 相似文献
对美国硅谷奇迹的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
硅谷的奇迹产生的原因是多方面的:(1)高校的体制创新孕育了硅谷的奇迹,(2)创业资本和风险投资为硅谷的企业创新插上翅膀,(3)美国政府的支持。我们也应借鉴美国硅谷的成功经验,发展我国的高新技术开发区。 相似文献