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This article examines access to legal aid for women in light of the Australian government's social inclusion agenda. It is notable that the government's image of social citizenship does not include the ability to invoke and enforce legal rights, and that discourses of social exclusion have paid relatively little attention to gendered patterns of exclusion. The article reports on a study of applications for and refusals of legal aid for family law, domestic violence and anti‐discrimination matters by socially excluded women in Queensland. It demonstrates the variety of ways in which Legal Aid Queensland's grants process operated to further exclude and marginalise these women. It argues that effective access to legal aid is an important element of social inclusion, but that this goal cannot be achieved by reliance on the tools of New Public Management.  相似文献   

This article considers the complex relationships between law, welfare policy and social work practice, in order to address the question of what role legal frameworks might play in achieving welfare policy and professional practice goals. It traces how law has developed as a core component of professional practice, and challenges some of the false expectations placed upon it. It then draws on findings from an international knowledge review of law teaching in social work education to propose a model for understanding how professional practice incorporates legal perspectives, and proposes ways in which legal frameworks can provide positive and constructive vehicles for accountable practice.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse the role of the legal representative in therapeutic law, specifically in Swedish administrative court hearings relating to compulsory care. Data are collected from three types of cases where a health or social welfare authority argues that it is necessary to apply coercion to a citizen: the Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act, the Care of Alcohol and Drug Abusers (Special Provisions) Act and the Compulsory Psychiatric Care Act. The data consist of audio-recordings from 39 hearings, supplemented by 28 interviews with participants in these hearings, and court documents. Three primary roles of the legal representatives are identified: defender, spokesperson and therapist. We show how the primary role of the attorney becomes that of the spokesperson, but also that the role of the therapist takes precedence over that of the defender.  相似文献   

行政行为应受成文法的拘束,是法治国家的根本,如果法律没有明文规定,行政行为仍须受法治国家一般法律原则的拘束。法治国家的一般法律原则,可作为引导行政行为的准据,更可提供法院作为审查的基础。本文拟尝试就台湾行政法学理论及实定法的规定与实务的操作,释论行政法的一般法律原则。  相似文献   

论法治社会中的司法自由裁量权   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘海渤 《求是学刊》2004,31(2):83-87
有的学者认为法治社会与司法自由裁量权有相互冲突的一面 ,并以严格法治主义的名义试图排斥司法自由裁量权的存在。本文论述了司法自由裁量权在法治社会存在的必然性及其必要性 ,探讨了在维护法制权威的前提下 ,如何使司法自由裁量权在最合理的范围内存在并能够最公正地行使 ,依法制约其随意性 ,使其为健全法制、完善法治社会而服务  相似文献   

章高荣 《社会》2020,40(1):187-212
寻求法律移植与习俗的有机统一无疑是中国法律现代化最为重要的问题。由于缺乏微观政策过程的分析,对这一问题的探讨大多停留在宏观层面。本文从法律现代化和法律多元主义的理论视角出发,以《慈善法》中“慈善”概念的形成为例,探讨了法律移植与习俗如何通过立法体制影响法律的形成。研究发现,习俗通过回应性立法的制度安排以及立法者的双重身份被纳入到决策中。法律移植的慈善概念则通过法律专家与立法者的深度互动产生作用。然而,立法过程中提案与审议的分离以及政治官僚制的决策模式使得形式理性法律的建构面临双重消解。因此,促进立法体制的优化才能实现立法中形式理性与价值理性的有效融合。  相似文献   

王青林 《求是学刊》2004,31(1):74-79
法制下法治和法治下法制是两种不同的社会存在。法制下法治之治理主体单一,法治下法制治理主体多元;法制下法治依赖国家法正义观支持,法治下法制依赖多维正义观支持;法制下法治以人为治理客体,法治下法制则以人和法律同为治理客体。在特定历史阶段,法制下法治曾经起过积极的作用;但是随着社会发展,民主勃兴和社会转型的逐步推进,法制下法治已经成为中国法制建设的瓶颈,应为法治下法制的理论和实践所突破。法治下法制是多元法律规则并存于社会与依法办事之法治原则的结晶。通过各种法规则的冲突、互动和整合,法治自然会从理想走向现实。  相似文献   

法治的实质:自由与秩序的动态平衡   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈福胜 《求是学刊》2004,31(5):75-80
人是自由的存在物 ,也是遵循规则的存在物。自由和秩序的需求源于人类本性 ,人的个体性彰显为自由 ,人的社会性体现为秩序。法治是法律运行良好的“法大于权”的生活方式 ,法治的核心价值是自由 ,法治的基础价值是秩序。法治的自由与秩序价值难以在静态中达到平衡 ,法治的实质是寻求自由与秩序的动态平衡  相似文献   

国际强行法的出现改变了国际法体系纯粹由任意法组成的局面,使得国际法获得了“公法”属性,成为名副其实的“国际公法”.国际强行法的约束力并非根源于主权同意,其法律渊源与传统国际法大相径庭.国际强行法与《联合国宪章》第103条共同促使国际法律体系出现了一定规范的等级秩序,前者在于维护所确立的法律关系之排他性,后者在于确保宪章义务之优先性.  相似文献   

俄罗斯 90年代的法学思潮 ,集中表现在对法的理解上 ,伴随着前苏联改革及其解体后俄罗斯的社会转型展开和演进。总体上说 ,俄罗斯法学界在对待法的问题上 ,主要有三种思潮 :自然法 (道德 )的、社会学的和规范主义的。前期注重法的内容 ,忽视法的形式 ,夸大国家权力的消极方面 ,强调法与法律的区别 ;通过法与国家关系的探讨和实践总结 ,后期兼顾法的内容与形式 ,正视国家作用的观点成为主流。文章拟从 90年代前期和后期俄罗斯法学研究的不同侧重来揭示这一时期的法学思潮。  相似文献   

Going beyond the analytical model of the holistic state in rule of law discussion, we can classify the rule of law into national and local levels based on the stages and increments of its execution. The phenomenon of the local rule of law reflects the stages and incremental progress of building a rule of law China. It has a realistic foundation in society and a profound basis in legal theory. Comprehensively advancing the rule of law in China necessitates giving encouragement and support to construction of the rule of law at the local level. The attempts and experiments of local government enable us to explore and innovate the developmental model of the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics. The rule of law at the local level is embodied in three dimensions: “text—action—concept.” Assessment mechanisms and indicators for the local construction of the rule of law should also be established in accordance with this framework. The building of the rule of law at the local level should be synchronized with assessment of the rule of law. We need to optimize top-level design, conduct evaluations of local legislation, improve local rule of law work performance assessment and use a rule of law index to assess the local rule of law in an overall manner.  相似文献   

焦宝乾 《求是学刊》2004,31(2):73-77
文章在探讨当今西方法理学关于法律和道德、规则和原则等若干争论的基础上 ,从整体上把握当代法律本体论的一种重要理论走向 :即在哲学诠释学的知识背景上 ,诠释逐渐上升为法律的本体。  相似文献   

This article examines the extent to which the Australian and UK social security systems meet their legal obligations to provide basic relief to citizens in need. Conditionality and “mutual obligation” are at the core of both the UK and Australian social security systems and are based on the concept of moral hazard, the goal being to ensure that claimants do not consider living on benefits to be preferable to engaging in paid work. Yet, we argue that the element of “mutuality” is missing in both systems; welfare claimants are subject to myriad conditions and obligations, whilst the state operates free of any legal responsibility to provide even basic relief to those in need, to prevent or alleviate extreme poverty and destitution. We outline the extent to which Australian and UK social security laws require governments to relieve destitution, examining both domestic and human rights law. We conclude that legal protections are weak and that both systems fail to meet the basic conditions of humanity toward their citizens. On this basis, we argue that such failings demonstrate a lack of integrity which undermines the standing of both the UK and Australia to invoke a claim of moral hazard to defend claimant conditionality.  相似文献   

法院在审理涉外民事案件时,经常会面临法制不统一国家法律的适用问题.在这方面,我国立法无明确规定,存在立法上的空白.为配合我国正在进行"涉外民事关系的法律适用法"的立法,文章对其中的"法制不统一国家法律的适用"条文进行了设计,并从立法和实践的角度,对"法制不统一国家"的内涵、法制不统一国家法律的适用方法等问题作了说明和论证.  相似文献   

该文提出建筑管理法调整建筑活动中发生的建筑管理关系以及与其密切联系的建筑协作关系,并探讨了建筑管理法与其它法律部门相区别的若干特征。  相似文献   

胡敏飞 《求是学刊》2005,32(2):77-81
对涉外民商事关系的准确定性是正确适用冲突规范的前提,但我国现行立法并未就定性问题作出明确规定.文章采条文设计的形式,从立法、理论和实践的角度对定性及其依据进行了充分、深入的阐述,并认为,涉外民商事关系的定性依法院地法,法院地法没有相应的法律制度或法律概念的,定性依与该涉外民商事关系有最密切联系的外国法.  相似文献   

The way Australian federal governments have approached Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment and welfare policy over the last two decades has been a paradigmatic example of what not to do in policymaking. In the absence of effective engagement or consultation, a series of decisions under Coalition and Australian Labor Party governments have had a range of negative consequences for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. These changes – centred around the closure of the Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) scheme and implementation of the Community Development Programme (CDP) – have resulted in increased unemployment, inadequate support for job creation, a dramatic over‐application of income penalties to social security recipients and reduced capacity in many community organisations. This article argues that these outcomes constitute policy failure, especially given that genuine engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people could have prevented many of these consequences. It then turns to an exploration of three ways in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are responding to such policy failure: through promotion of new narratives, new alliances, and new institutions. The study concludes that while we should avoid “specious hope”, there is room for optimism in a renewed push for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sovereignty.  相似文献   

城市综合管理问题是社会转型期的中国在城市化进程中所遇到的特有问题,城市管理综合执法是我国城市行政管理体制改革的突破口。从试点发展至今已经十六年,虽然取得了不少成绩,但也仍然面临着管理和信任危机。要走出城管执法面临的困境,必须转变执法理念,加强城管执法队伍建设,规范执法程序,完善法律保障机制。本文以广州城管建设为例,分析了我国城市管理综合执法面临的困境,对今后城管体制改革和发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

Modern analytical models for anti-monopoly laws are a core element of the application of those laws. Since the Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China was promulgated in 2008, law enforcement and judicial authorities have applied different analytical models, leading to divergent legal and regulatory outcomes as similar cases receive different verdicts. To select a suitable analytical model for China’s Anti-Monopoly Law, we need to consider the possible contribution of both economic analysis and legal formalism and to learn from the mature systems and experience of foreign countries. It is also necessary to take into account such binding constraints as the current composition of China’s anti-monopoly legal system, the ability of implementing agencies and the supply of economic analysis, in order to ensure complementarity between the analytical model chosen and the complexity of economic analysis and between the professionalism of implementing agencies and the cost of compliance for participants in economic activities. In terms of institutional design, the models should provide a considered explanation of the legislative aims of the law’s provisions. It is necessary, therefore, to establish a processing model of behavioral classification that is based on China’s national conditions, applies analytical models using normative comprehensive analysis, makes use of the distribution rule of burden of proof, improves supporting systems related to analytical models and enhances the ability of public authorities to implement the law.  相似文献   

彼得拉任斯基心理法学说有着特定的历史背景和理论渊源 ,其主要内容包括 :法学方法论 ,法的概念及其分类 ,法和国家 ,法与正义、道德 ,法的功能与发展等。虽然彼氏关于法是具有命令和归属性的法律冲动的定义不可能揭示法的本质 ,但他的学说却可能成为后人在法学研究中建功立业的起  相似文献   

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