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We examined the age structure and sex ratio of a viperid snake,Trimeresurus flavoviridis, based on samples collected by hand by local inhabitants, habu hunters and by baited traps in the middle and south of Okinawa Island, Japan. Small individuals had a low possibility of capture in all the collecting methods. The age structure was estimated through summing up the age frequency in each snout-vent length (SVL) class in samples with a similar SVL structure. From the age structures, annual survival rates of adult females and males were estimated to be 0.7 and 0.8, respectively. In most samples the sex ratio was biased towards males, especially in March and August and in large individuals. However, the female proportion increased in June.  相似文献   

Body masses of wild-caught habu,Trimeresurus flavoviridis, were measured with known error range. Habu larger than mature female size had steeper slope in length-mass regression than smaller individuals. Females outweighed males in most snout-ventlength classes and in early summer. Gravid females outweighed non-gravid ones by about 20% on the average, but the body mass ranges of the two groups overlapped. Through the body mass change in mature females, the proportion of gravid females was estimated to be about 0.5.  相似文献   

Summary The three year (1988–1990) life tables ofNephotettix cincticeps were constructed, and the daily survival rate and longevity of female adults were estimated by Hokyo and Kiritani’s (1967) method for the overwintering and the first-generations on the foxtail grass in Okayama, southwestern Japan. The life tables and the population parameter values estimated were compared with those in the other generations on rice. The FARMCOP suction sampler was employed to survey the population density. The durations of pre-ovarial maturation of female adults of the 1st generation on foxtail grass and rice seedling were similar. Longevity of adults of the overwintering and the first generations which emerged on the wild host was longer than that of the other generations (2nd and 3rd generations) on the rice plants. Fecundity of females decreased successively as the generation proceeded and it became lowest in the final 3rd generation. Only about 3.5 percent of first-instar nymphs of the 1st generation emerged as adults in the fallow field. The survival rate of nymphs on foxtail grass was always lower in comparison with that on rice plants. However, the survival rates of nymphs on foxtail grass and rice seedling were not significantly different from each other under laboratory conditions. In the fields, senescence of foxtail grass occurred in the midst of nymphal period of the 1st generation. The survival rate of nymphs on foxtail grass decreased with the increasing in the nymphal density. Abundance of spiders during the 1st generation was higher than that in the early stage of rice plants.  相似文献   

Summary A model is presented for analysis of mark-recapture data of mobile insects which, unlike the Lincoln Index, does not require marked individuals to remain within the sampling area or to mix uniformly with the wild population. The model assumes a single or multiple releases of marked insects from the centre of the sampling area and that captured individuals are not returned to the population. Dispersal rates of marked insects are estimable from serial recaptures and, for catches that are either unaffected by or have been corrected for weather effects, the model also provides estimates of mortality and age-dependent trappability. Application of the model is illustrated using mark-recapture data for adults of the Australian sheep blowflyLucilia cuprina. A Biometrics Unit report detailing all source data, program code and comparisons between dispersal models is available on request from the authors.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty carcasses of the red fox were collected in Tochigi Prefecture, by the Tochigi Prefectural Museum, from 1981 to 1991. The young/adult ratio of the sample was 1.60, which suggests that the hunting pressure has been relatively low in this area. Six percent of the animals were 5 years or older which compares to those taken in Hokkaido, but is higher than those in Europe and North America. The sex ratio for all specimens had a tendency towards male bias (0.587), but this bias was higher for the adult (0.605) than for the young (0.576). Among young (0 year-old) foxes, more individuals were killed on roads than by trapping or shooting (P<0.02, chisquare test). This mortality pattern was caused by high mortality of young males (P<0.02). The proportions of adults killed by the three mortality factors were similar, though only one of the 14 foxes older than 4 years old was shot, probably due to age-linked activity patterns. Most road-kills of young foxes occurred in May when juveniles began exploiting and in November when sub-adults began dispersal. The ratios of road-kills for the whole sample and for adults alone were 42% and 34%, respectively. These high rates of road-kills suggest that the mortality pattern in Tochigi has been affected by factors characteristic of urban environments.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in the population size of a phytophagous lady-beetle were analyzed to identify mechanisms affecting lady-beetle population dynamics at different spatial scales. The study area (15 ha) included 18 habitat patches. The major host plants were potato for first generation larvae and eggplant for second generation larvae. The habitat patches were classified into three groups according to the major host plants in each patch: P-E patches (both host plants available), P patches (potato only), and E patches (eggplant only). The winter disappearance of adults in the whole study area, and larval mortality in E patches were apparently the most important factors disturbing the overall population density. Density-dependent movement of females appeared to have the greatest stabilizing effect on the yearly fluctuation of population density. Rate of increase of female adults from the first to the second generation,R, was generally higher on eggplants in E patches than in P-E patches because the adult density of the first generation was much higher in P-E patches. The yearly fluctuation of adult density in each generation tended to be less in patches with all habitat components necessary for the full life cycle (P-E patches). However, such patches were not favorable for first generation females, as indicated by the lower rate of increase from the first to the second generation. The density and stability of lady-beetle populations is discussed in relation to habitat structure.  相似文献   

Summary The number of larvae reaching maturity within the gall ofAdelges japonicus was positively related to gall volume, and the relationship between the number of mature larvae and gall volume did not change with different densities of colonized larvae. The population changes in the bud galls ofA. japonicus were surveyed by collecting the galls, which did not suffer predation or parasitism within the galls, from young artificial plantations ofPicea jezoensis over two years. In the year when the density of colonized larvae was high, they suffered a 42% mortality within the galls, whereas mortality was nearly zero in the low density year. The numbers of larvae per gall were positively correlated with gall volume. The regression lines of the number of colonized larvae on gall volume did not differ significantly in the regression coefficients between the two years, whereas the intercept was significantly higher in the year when the density of colonized larvae was higher. However, different within-gall mortality nullified this difference, and the regression lines of the number of mature larvae on gall volume had no significant difference both in the regression coefficients and the intercepts. This suggests that the number of mature larvae per gall was limited by available resources within the gall which were positively related to gall volume. In 25% of the galls in which mature larvae inhabited, the space within the galls were completely filled by the larvae, indicating that space was one of the limiting resources. Gall volume also affected the number of adults that emerged from the gall and the potential number of their progeny.  相似文献   

On an intertidal sandflat in western Kyushu, Japan in 1979, the trochid gastropod,Umbonium (Suchium) moniliferum (Lamarck), and the thalassinidean ghost shrimp,Callianassa japonica Ortmann, densely inhabited the lower and upper zones, respectvely.Callianassa japonica subsequently expanded its distribution range considerably, having occupied almost the entire sandflat by 1983. Concurrently, theU. moniliferum population gradually declined, becoming extinct in 1986. Furthermore, the populations of 9 species associated withU. moniliferum (predators, an ectoparasite, and subsequent inhabitants of emptyU. moniliferum shells) had disappeared by the end of 1992. The extinction processes ofU. moniliferum and the two other most numerically dominant species, the ectoparasitic gastropod,Odostomia sp., and the hermit crab,Diogenes nitidimanus Terao, were described in detail. It is believed that the bioturbation of sediments byC. japonica was responsible for the extinctions, possible mechanisms involved being discussed. This is the first documented record of the extinction of a large part of a macrobenthic assemblage centering on a filter-feedingUmbonium species which is characteristic of the benthic communities on many intertidal sandflats extending from Japanese to Southeast-Asian waters.  相似文献   

Summary Population dynamics ofNephotettix virescens was studied in 17 paddy fields transplanted at intervals of about 1 month in 1988–1990. The adult density was highest either in the immigrant or the 1st generation and sharply decreased to the 2nd generation. The survival rate of the 1st generation was lowest in the transition season when areal population density increased. Key factor analysis revealed that the nymphal and adult mortality of the 1st generation (kn) was the principal source of population fluctuations. No significant correaltion was found between kn and natural enemy density, natural enemy density/healthy egg density, or the precipitation during the nymphal period. On these bases adult emigration was suspected to be the key factor. Areal population build-up ofN. virescens in the transition season was considered to occur as a result of increasing immigration to young stages of rice. Contribution from Indonesia-Japan Joint Program on Food Crop Protection (ATA 162), which was implemented by the Directorate of Food Crop Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia and Japan International Cooperation Agency, Japan.  相似文献   

A population census was conducted to describe the effects of the growth stage of rice on the population dynamics ofS. furcifera, in particular, on immigration, seasonal abundance, population growth rate, and wing-form expression. The number of immigrants was highest on rice plants 17 to 30 days after transplanting (DAT), which suggested that immigrants prefer to settle or remain more on rice plants at the tillering stage (approximately 20–30 DAT). Population growth rate from immigration to the 1st generation decreased with an increase in rice plant age. In contrast, population growth rate from the 1st to 2nd generation was not influenced by rice plant age and was negatively density-dependent. The percentage of macropters (flyers) was positively related to the growth stage of rice when rice was in the vegetative or early part of the reproductive stage, and reached 100% at about 10 days before heading (booting stage). Threafter, most adult females molted into macropters regardless of population density. The roles of host plant age and crowding effect on the population dynamics ofS. furcifera are discussed.  相似文献   

We estimated the population size of the finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) in Ariake Sound and Tachibana Bay of western Kyushu, southwestern Japan, from aerial sighting surveys using line transect methods. All 12 surveys were conducted from May 1993 to May 1994 (8 in Ariake Sound and 4 in Tachibana Bay). In addition to these, 14 surveys were also carried out to obtain information on porpoise occurrence in Tachibana Bay (5 surveys) and in neighboring Sumo Nada (5) and Yatsushiro Sound (4). In Ariake Sound, 225 porpoise groups (369 animals) were detected during all flights totalling 1,694.4 km. In Tachibana Bay, a total of 997.8 km was surveyed and 55 groups (290 animals) were sighted. However, no sightings were recorded in Sumo Nada (distance searched = 148.7 km) and Yatsushiro Sound (208.4 km). In Ariake Sound, few sightings were recorded from waters shallower than 5 m in depth. In Tachibana Bay all animals were detected from waters of less than 50 m depth. The population size was estimated as 1,983 animals in Ariake Sound (95% CI = 1,382-2,847), 1,110 in Tachibana Bay (95% CI = 642-1,920), and 3,093 in the 2 waters (1.3 individuals/km2, 95% CI = 2,278-4,201).  相似文献   

Summary We studied the interpecific competition between 2 species of predatory aquatic bugs,Diplonychus japonicus andD. major by conducting a field experiment. We set up 3 types of experimental plots in the paddy fields whereD. major predominated. The two plots contained single species of eitherD. japonicus orD. major, respectively, and one plot had both species in equal number. We compared the development and the reproductive performance between plots in each species. InD. japonicus, the number of eggs and early instar nymphs were significantly smaller in the plots containing both species than in the monospecific plots. However, the numbers of late instar nymphs and newly emerged adults were not significantly different between plots. The proportions of starved nymphs in both plots were larger than those in theD. japonicus's natural habitats. The final densities of adults in both plots were lower than those in the natural habitats. These results suggest that lower density ofD. japonicus in these paddy fields is due to the lack of available food for nymphs rather than the effects of interspecific competition withD. major. InD. major, significant differences were not found in the number of eggs, each instar nymphs and adults. These results suggest that the effects of interspecific competition did not affect the reproductive performance ofD. major.  相似文献   

The effects of distance between hatching larvae on survival and development were investigated inMonochamus alternatus. Two newly-hatched larvae were inoculated intoPinus densiflora bolts at a distance of 2.5 cm or 10 cm, simultaneously or at an interval of 2 weeks. Some larvae were inoculated singly as a control. When larvae were inoculated simultaneously, mortality of the closely-inoculated larvae was significantly higher than that of distantly-inoculated larvae. Such high mortality was identified as due to conspecific bites. When the two larvae were inoculated asynchronously, the first-inoculated larvae killed some second-inoculated larvae but were never killed by them. Consequently, mortality was higher in second-inoculated larvae than in first-inoculated larvae. In particular, there was a significant difference in mortality between them when the larvae had been inoculated closely. The mortality of second-inoculated larvae was higher in the closely-inoculated group than in the distantly-inoculated group although there was no significant difference between them. In the case of two simultaneously-inoculated larvae, the initial distance between them had no significant effect on the development and growth in the early larval stage. When the larvae were inoculated asynchronously, the first-inoculated larvae grew more quickly than singly-inoculated control larvae.  相似文献   

Plutella xylostella in the temperate zone shows a clear seasonal change in adult body size. In the laboratory, large and small moths were produced during immature stages at 15°C and 25°C, respectively. These moths were then used to evaluate longevity, age-specific flight ability, flight ability of mated and unmated females, and the influence of flight experience on the subsequent reproductive success. The large moths lived longer and displayed a greater flight ability over 3 weeks. Irrespective of body size, unmated females flew for a longer time than mated females, and flight experience affected their subsequent reproductive success. Females of both sizes mated and laid eggs soon after emergence, without any obvious pre-reproductive period. More flight experience did not delay oviposition, but did reduce egg production. It is likely that large moths with a longer adult life span and greater flight ability are better fitted for long-distance flight and more fecund than small ones. These experimental results may explain why long-distance migration ofP. xylostella is mostly seen during cool seasons, when relatively large moths with long forewing appear in the field.  相似文献   

Nymphs ofNilaparvata lugens were experimentally reared from the 2nd instar in a cage covering part of the leaf sheath of an individual rice plant grown in a Wagner pot. Plants were covered with the cage from the water surface of the pot to 10 cm above the surface (lower cage-group) or from 10 cm to 20 cm above the surface (upper cage-group). Temperatures measured at three different parts of the cage remained fairly constant in both groups at around 25°C (23.7–25.2°C in mean value). In the lower cage-group, relative humidities measured at the three heights in the cage in (76.3–90.5% in mean value) markedly increased with the approach to the water surface. The nymphs of this group, particularly during the molting period, aggregated close to the surface. Eighty-two percent of the released nymphs emerged in this group. Relative humidities measured at three heights of the upper cage-group were 69.5–72.7% in mean value, and all the nymphs in this group died within 3 days after their release although half of them stayed on the rice plants within 6 h after their release. The role of relative humidity as a limiting factor on the range of the microhabitat and the population density ofN. lugens in rice fields was discussed on the basis of the results.  相似文献   

A complete understanding of the evolution of sociality in aphids requires a detailed knowledge of the patterns of soldier investment in their ecology. The eusocial bamboo aphidPseudoregma bambucicola has a morphologically specialized first-instar soldier caste. The proportion of soldiers was positively correlated with colony size. Within a colony, soldiers were evenly distributed among subcolonies; within each subcolony, however, their distribution was biased toward peripheries which were exposed to many predators. Field experiments introducing natural enemies such asEupeodes confrater (Diptera: Syrphidae) andSynonycha grandis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) revealed that the survival rate of these predators was negatively correlated with the density of soldiers, suggesting that soldiers can more or less defend their colonies by killing or removing a range of natural enemies. Observations suggest that large mature colonies attract more predators than newly established small colonies and that, within a colony, the predators attack each subcolony regardless of its position on bamboo shoots. This implies the presence of a positive correlation between colony size and predation risk. Thus, the investment in soldiers seems to reflect the attacking pattern of predators within a colony. These results agree with the defence-optimization hypothesis in soldier investment ofP. bambucicola colonies.  相似文献   

Summary Reproduction and egg diapause of the oriental chinch bug,Cavelerius saccharivorus, in the subtropical winter season were investigated in relation to its wing polymorphism. Macropterous females collected from the southern part of Okinawa Is. in the autumn season delayed their oviposition and were less fecund early in the adult life period, but survived much longer than brachypterous females collected from the same locality. The total fecundity was not significantly different between wing morphs. The diapause of eggs laid by brachypters tended to be terminated more easily at a high temperature than that of eggs laid by macropters. This indicated that the eggs laid by macropters were more intense in their diapause than those laid by brachypters. However, irrespective of the parental wing form, diapause showed considerable variation in its intensity within and between clutches.  相似文献   

The wild crucifers,Rorippa indica andLepidium virginicum, are known to serve as host plants for the diamondback moth (DBM),Plutella xylostella, but they are less suitable than the preferred cultivated cruciferous plant, cabbage, in terms of adult body size and fecundity. The life history traits and flight activity of DBM adults grown on various host plants were investigated. The adults thus reared on each host plant were divided into three size groups (small, medium and large). In general, female adults grown on the wild crucifers were less fecund and lived longer than those reared on cabbage. Flight activity was higher in adults grown on wild crucifers than in those reared on cabbage. Male adults flew longer than females. Fecundity, longevity, flight activity and morphometrical characters of adults were positively correlated with pupal weight in individuals reared on the same host plant. A negative relationship was found between fecundity and flight activity in females of the same size group, but a positive one was observed in females reared on the same host plant.  相似文献   

The larvae ofPlutella xylostella were fed on five wild crucifers,Capsella bursa-pastoris, Lepidium virginicum, Cardamine flexuosa, Rorippa indica, R. islandica and a crop, cabbage. The developmental period of the immature stages, adult longevity, preoviposition period, fecundity and morphometrical characters of the adults were measured. The flight activity of the adults was also measured by the tethered flight method. All the wild plants except forR. islandica were less suitable host plants than cabbage, and larvae which were fed on these less suitable plants emerged as smaller adults with shorter wings. The smaller female adults had lower fecundity but a higher flight activity. Smaller adults measured in terms of their pupal weight among individuals fed on the same host plant had longer wings. These smaller adults with longer wing flew more actively.  相似文献   

Summary Females in hibernation site (FH) were significantly larger than foundresses (FO), suggesting that larger FH were less successful in founding their nest. Body size of FO did not correlate with two nest characters, i.e., the number of cells at pupal stage (CP) and the timing of nest foundation (DP). However, CP negatively correlated with DP in 2 of 3 studied years, suggesting that foundress who founded her nest earlier than others tended to construct larger number of cells irrespective of her body size.  相似文献   

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