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In this article Kate Chopin's The Awakening is analyzed in psychoanalytic feminist terms,focusing on the themes of maternity versus paternity.These themes are explored in terms of Edna's awakening pilgrimage.The interactions with those people around her make her awakening undergo two stages: the first one is that she awakens to want a true self as a human being;the second one is that she finds that as a female she can never be herself,because she refuses to compromise to the false selves reflected in those people around her.Thus she can only complete her pilgrimage from bewilderment to awakening by suicide,which is regarded as a victory to protect herself in the article rather than a defeat.  相似文献   

Wang Wei 《学术界》2015,(2):262-270
Can the jury system replace the system of people’s assessors and find a way out of the jury system dilemma in our country? The author gives an affirmative answer that the jury system should be established as soon as possible in our country in order to give full play to the efficacy and value of judicial democracy and supervision. This paper tries to analyze from the following three aspects. Firstly, it analyzes the differences and advantages and disadvantages of two jury patterns including the jury system and the mixed court system; then,based on the statement of development and existing problems of the mixed court system in our country,it analyzes the feasibility of application of the jury system in our country combining with national conditions; finally, social effect of the introduction of the jury system is evaluated,which affects the situation as a whole domino.  相似文献   

Lin Xiaowen 《学术界》2015,(1):266-270
According to the basic principles of institutional economics,the Constitutional system is the underlying causes to promote the economic development.The CPC Central Committee is the source of motivation to promote economic development by the startup mechanism of Constitution am endment,and the political interpretation of the Constitution is the basic way to promote economic development.The economic development in China has challenged the Constitutional system,calling for the appropriate adjustments to the Constitutional system so as to maintain the sustainable and stable development of the economy in China.  相似文献   

We offer a new understanding of the scientific world and the contents of the basic question of philosophy,which is based on an analysis of the phenomenon of the specific information in the various components of the structure of reality.It is shown that,in addition to material objects,processes,and events,in the real world are also intangible objects,processes and conditions that are in its information content.So the basic question of philosophy is proposed to treat the relationship as a tangible and intangible component of reality.More succinctly it can be formulated as the ratio of matter and information.This allows you to point to some new challenges studying the phenomenon of information in various components of the structure of reality.  相似文献   

ucianism) During Qiandao and Chunxi Periods of TimeFAN Li-zhouCollege of Liberal Arts,Jinan UniversityGuangzhou 510632 ChinIt was the golden age for the dissemination of Lixue during Qiandao and Chunxi periods of time in the Southern Song Dynasty.The Jinhua School represented by Lu Zuqian,the Huxiang School represented by Hu Hong and Zhangshi,the Min School led by Xhuxi,and the Xinxue School represented by Lu Jiuyuan,disseminated extensively and widely.The relative  相似文献   

ained by applying the equation of state of He Ⅱ are similar to the data appeared in literatures.The Von-Karman-Nikuradse correlation and Fanning friction factor correlation were used to predict the pressure drop of the transfer system.The temperature rise caused by nega  相似文献   

In recent years,issues of letters and visits are growing in China,which urgently demands researchers to pay more attention and make profound research.The letters and visits system has ben developed over thousands of years,by which such phenomena have emerged in various ways.Nevertheless,the system has changed significantly after the Revolution of 1911 and the establishment of People' s Republic of China.When looking back at history of the system in China,we can discover,now and then,identical pictures in different historical periods.For instance,in Ming and Qing Dynasties,there were letters and visits cases concluded as " Phlegm disease " ( today's "psychosis" ),and there were events that the local government officers intercepted and caught local folks who were going to the Capital for petition.  相似文献   

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a classical novel in American literature in the 19th century. Hawthorne is deeply influenced by Puritanism. His representative work, The Scarlet Letter, reflects the Calvinistic thought of "Original Sin". His novel also expresses his pious attitude with skepticism for ethics and morality of Puritanism. On one hand, Hawthorne strongly criticizes Calvinism for constraining human nature, and on the other hand, regards some social problems as the sake of evil human nature. He advocates the believers to clear themselves of guilt and to purify their hearts by penitence and kindness.  相似文献   

There have always been two opposite opinions on the relationship between pragmatics and language norm.Some scholars hold the opinions that language norm is not the shackles of language use,so language users can break the norm occasionally in order to achieve the purpose of communication.Other scholars believe that sticking to the norm is the presupposition of successful communication.According to them,the violation of norm is the negation of the function as well as the necessity of language norm.  相似文献   

姜智芹 《文史哲》2002,(6):27-31
当今世界 ,全球经济的一体化和信息交流的网络化导致了文化上的全球化趋势 ,形成世界文学的新格局。在这一格局中生成、发展起来的中国新时期小说 ,需要一个跨文化研究的“他者”视角 ,采用这一外在视角能够发现从新时期小说研究的内在视角难以发现的东西 ,从而深化对新时期小说的认识  相似文献   

中国哲学自我观建构的“他者”阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方近代哲学以"自我"为基点的自我观建构带来理论与实践的双重困境,当代西方哲学"他者"理论则强调自我观建构的"他者"维度,从而为解决这一困境提供了新的方向。中国哲学在自我观建构的问题上虽然并不缺乏"他者"的理论资源,但由于"他者"之"他异性"的维度并未在中国哲学中得到彰显,因此,如何处理"求同"与"求异"的关系就成为中国哲学自我观建构必须面对的问题。  相似文献   

从他者伦理学角度看,身心和谐依赖于把"我他关系"在个人生活中的核心位置予以归位,需要实现"我"与"大写的他者"及"小写的他者"的和谐。与"大写的他者"的和谐,意味着对神圣事物的敬畏之心的保持;与"小写的他者"的和谐,指与具体的他人的和谐,它依赖于充分的公共生活和牺牲精神。  相似文献   

本文对奈达的读者同等反应论进行反思,认为奈达提出的将目的语读者读译文的反应与原文读者读原文的反应作比较是不切实际的,因为文化差异的客观存在决定了同等反应是不可能的。这种理论追求“同一”,对译文读者实质上是一种蒙蔽,对“他者”也是一种不尊重,其结果只能是阻碍文化交流,进而阻碍文化发展与繁荣。在全球一体化的今天,我们更应该学会尊重“他者”,欣赏“他者”,包容“他者”,这样才能实现文化共同繁荣。  相似文献   

李荣 《齐鲁学刊》2006,1(2):124-127
“实践”并非是一个其义自明的概念,它需要一定的理解框架,对马克思实践观当代超越性的解读亦是如此。马克思实践观对近代哲学所进行的变革以及它在当代哲学中所产生的效应是广泛而深刻的,仅从“他者”向度来看,一方面它在西方哲学史上实现了对近代主体哲学的超越,另一方面它在与当代哲学对话过程中先期范导了哲学的当代转向,这是马克思实践观在当代所具有的超越性之具体展现。  相似文献   

近年来,安妮宝贝的写作受到当代中国文坛的关注,由于她高度主观性和自传色彩的写作方式,对其不同时期重要作品《彼岸花》、《二、三事》和《莲花》的心理分析,可以有助于对叙述者自我剖析、自我疗救的心灵历程做出深幽的探析。  相似文献   

他者的人类学及其本土化探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类学与它诞生地的西方有着不可分割的联系 ,它所体现的是西方二元对立的宇宙精神———主体因他者的存在而得以确立 ,但它又绝非只是一种西方的学科和思想 ,因为在中国的少数民族研究中也可以找到其对应物。随着文化的本土化发展 ,西方人类学者不断地对人类学学科作出反思 ,国内几代人类学者在关注与西方文化观念构成差异的非西方文化问题时 ,也对人类学的本土化问题进行了探讨  相似文献   

在翻译西德尼·谢尔顿的自传体小说《我的另一面》的第一章中感受倍深,从忠实传意、瞻前顾后、运用技巧等几个方面归纳,进而研讨在两种语言的转换过程中何以异中求同、变中求信,从而更加深刻地认识翻译行为既受限制性约束,又有创造性的自由,其本质是在两种不同文化之间进行协调。  相似文献   

在波伏瓦那里.作为意识的"我"与作为意识的"他"之间存在着的是一换种冲突关系.其强调自我意识的"含混的道德"可以被归属于"没有道德的生存论";梅洛一庞蒂在文化共同体中探讨"我"与"他"的关系问题,与他人共在的道德意识导致的是一种"有道德的存在论";而在列维-斯特劳斯那里,一种维护文明的多样性和他人的绝对他性的道德意识超越了生存论立场.  相似文献   

对比较哲学的元哲学探讨,涉及三大类问题:什么是比较哲学;比较哲学是否可能;以及比较哲学的方法论。比较哲学扩展了哲学本身的“数据库”,从而身处当代哲学的中心课题——“他者”问题的最前沿。中国哲学的合法性问题是比较哲学中“他者”问题的集中体现。比较哲学的可能性问题,和科学哲学中的可比性、可兼容性、可通约性问题,语言哲学中的可翻译性问题,以及伦理学和宗教哲学中的相对主义问题密切相关。比较哲学不存在独一无二的方法,其关键是我们对待他者的基本态度要既立足自身的独特性,又对“他者”有开放的心态。  相似文献   

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