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A controlled experiment and three replications examined the relationship between a person's age as a status characteristic and the value placed on that person as a potential group member. The experiments used computer-generated avatars to isolate the effects of age on the status value of partners being chosen for a work-related task. The design allowed us to compare the effect of age on status for members of three distinct groups: younger adults, middle-aged adults, and much older adults. Results showed that undergraduate participants rated middle-aged adult avatars higher on status indicators and chose to work with middle-aged adult avatars significantly more often than younger adult or much older adult avatars. The participants rated the much older avatar higher on most indicators of status than the younger adult avatar. They also chose to work with a much older adult more often than a person closer to their own age. This sample of undergraduate students placed the most value on the potential contributions of a middle-aged adult compared to a younger adult and also to a much older adult, suggesting that age as a status characteristic has more than two relevant categories, younger versus older. Further research is needed to determine whether the status value of age rises to a peak in middle age and declines thereafter.  相似文献   

Building on a recent theoretical development in the field of sociological social psychology, we develop a formal mathematical model of social influence processes. The extant theoretical literature implies that factions and status should have non-linear effects on social influence, and yet these theories have been evaluated using standard linear statistical models. Our formal model of influence includes these non-linearities, as specified by the theories. We evaluate the fit of the formal model using experimental data. Our results indicate that a one-parameter mathematical model fits the experimental data. We conclude with the implications of our research and a discussion of how it may be used as an impetus for further work on social influence processes.  相似文献   

Affect control theory (ACT) and status characteristics theory (SCT) offer separate and distinct explanations for how individuals interpret and process status- and power-relevant information about interaction partners. Existing research within affect control theory offers evidence that status and power are related to the affective impressions that individuals form of others along the dimensions of evaluation and potency, respectively. Alternately, status characteristics theory suggests that status and power influence interaction through the mediating cognitive construct of performance expectations. Although both theories have amassed an impressive amount of empirical support, research has yet to articulate theoretical and empirical connections between affective impressions and performance expectations. The purpose of our study is to address this gap. Elaborating a link between ACT and SCT in terms of their central concepts can serve as a stepping stone to improving the explanatory capacity of both theories, while providing a potential bridge by which they can be employed jointly.  相似文献   

This paper develops a mathematical model of the distribution over time of talking in discussion groups. Researchers of small group processes and social inequality have long recognized that interaction in small discussion groups is usually not equally distributed and that being a person who talks more than others is associated with having higher status outside the group and greater prestige and influence within the group. There is also a history of mathematical approaches to describing this phenomenon. As an addition to this literature, here a nonlinear dynamical system model is presented and used to develop computer simulations that are compared with data from a laboratory study of real four-person discussion groups. The model is based on theoretical assumptions about group processes including individual differences in volubility, status generalization, deference hierarchies and norms of taking turns and of fairness. While none of these alone make predictions that match the data, when they are all combined simulations are produced that closely match the data in both changes over time and differentiation among members. The dynamical system using the parameters as estimated for these data reaches a fixed point, which may help understand how groups structures become stable under some conditions but not others.  相似文献   

从位格伦理的视角分析,人类基因表彰了一个潜在的具有完全道德意义和法律权利的具体位格,因此成为位格人的自然基础并具有尊严价值.在主体客体化的背景下,在现有法学理论和法律技术框架下,可以把人类基因法律地位归于特殊人格财产.但不能忘记人类基因的首要属性是人格,其次才是其物化后适用不可让渡规则的财产属性.  相似文献   

由独立学院的学生现状浅谈辅导员队伍建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过分析独立学院的学生现状 ,阐述了在独立学院中建设专职辅导员队伍的必要性。结合南昌航空工业学院的实践经验 ,探讨了高素质专职辅导员队伍建设的策略和措施。  相似文献   

创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是一个政党永葆生机的源泉。创新包括理论创新、制度创新、科技创新和实践创新。本文围绕着理论创新与制度创新、科技创新的关系和理论创新与实践创新的关系,讨论了理论创新的地位,并且根据当代中国所处的世情、国情,阐述了理论创新对于推动我国现代化事业的特殊意义。  相似文献   

Scholars have long recognized status and reputation as pervasive forces reproducing comparative advantage in social and economic systems. Yet, due in part to methodological challenges, relatively few studies have examined how status and reputation interact. We use data from an online market for peer-to-peer lending to study independent and joint effects of status and reputation on borrowers’ success at obtaining loans. First, we find a positive main effect of status, even when reputational signals are reliable and abundant. Second, we find that status matters the most for borrowers with moderate (rather than high or low) reputations, suggesting a curvilinear effect of status x reputation on loans. These results support the idea that status matters not only under conditions of too little information that creates information asymmetry, as typically assumed, but also under conditions of abundant information and too many choices that creates ambiguity about how to evaluate candidates.  相似文献   

可以从五个方面探讨瞿秋白在马克思主义哲学早期传播中的历史地位:(一)以确凿的史实纠正学界长期流行的瞿秋白是在中国传播辩证唯物主义第一人的错误说法。(二)瞿秋白比较系统地传播马克思主义哲学。(三)瞿秋白是我国第一个传播辩证法的矛盾运动、否定与否定、量变与质变等三个基本原则的人。(四)瞿秋白是我国马克思主义社会学的主要奠基者。(五)瞿秋白是马克思主义中国化的开拓者之一。  相似文献   

We conducted a vignette survey to investigate the effects of situational factors—such as a group’s size, the amount of status differentiation among its members, and the type of task on which they work—on respondents’ reports of the “fair allocation” of resources to members of status-heterogeneous task groups. We argue that to the degree that situational factors make productivity, status and competence more relevant, allocators will increase the weight of equity compared to equality, and to the degree that they make the maintenance of positive relations among members relevant, allocators will decrease the weight of equity compared to equality. Each vignette described members of a status-unequal work group with three, four, or five members. We use status characteristics theory to calculate status inequality for each group. Groups’ tasks were described as either regular or temporary, requiring either interdependent or independent relations between coworkers, and involving routine or nonroutine working conditions. Participants from the United States and from Turkey read a series of vignettes and for each wrote what they thought was the fairest salary for each group member. Using reward expectations theory, our balance model and reported allocations, we estimate empirically the weight of equity for respondents and vignettes. All of the situational factors we identify do affect the equity-equality balance, though some only in interactions. We demonstrate that our balance model of distributive justice provides a useful instrument to capture these effects.  相似文献   

This paper employs sociological theories of status and power to explore the mechanisms wherein status characteristics produce power in exchange relations. Theories in the status and exchange literature suggest that status characteristics produce power most strongly when actors possess (i) multiple differentiating status characteristics, and (ii) multiple resources. An experiment manipulating these factors finds that the former is related to expectations of competence while the latter induces perceptions of status value — mechanisms whereby status produces power. A second experiment manipulates the race and gender of the participants enabling white males to negotiate with African-American females in dyads. This study produces some of the largest dyadic power differences ever reported in micro sociology. These findings have implications for the mechanisms of power from Thye's (2000a) status value theory of power and Berger and Fisek's (2006) formal theory of status value. More generally, this research bears on the rudimentary foundations of social stratification in groups both small and large.  相似文献   

Why is individual success so strongly affected by parental socioeconomic status? We argue that parental socioeconomic status affects the socioeconomic status of one's romantic partner, thereby partially determining one's own social capital and socioeconomic status. Censored-inflated structural equation models using data from the NEtherlands Longitudinal Lifecourse Study (NELLS) and British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) confirm these relationships, while cross-lagged analyses suggest that they may be causal in nature. The strong tendency for people to have a romantic partner that reflects their socioeconomic origin shows how far the influence of the parental home stretches and why it does so.  相似文献   

水是人类世界生活中不可缺少的物质,随着居民生活水平和居住环境的不断提高,落后的供水模式已经不能满足目前居民生活用水需求,所以,小区供水建设和改革已经成为了一个重要的课题,而高效节能的变频恒压供水技术是未来小区供水的主要方式,其具有一定的稳定性和经济性,所以值得我们大力推广。本文主要对传统恒压供水和新式恒压供水的优点、缺点及设计做深入综述。  相似文献   

作者简述了道教置建宫观的历史,对唐代政府置建宫观的常制作了较为详细的阐释,剖析了唐代政府控制置建寺观的重要手段——赐额制度,还对唐代置建宫观的资金来源做了分析。  相似文献   

Despite its recent slowdown, immigration from Latin America continues to be a controversial issue. Some scholars argue that the social climate is increasingly inhospitable to Latinos, potentially fueling discriminatory attitudes and behaviors. However, little research has examined Latinos' experiences with discrimination, especially variation by nativity and legal status. We address this issue with research on perceived discrimination among Mexican and Central American residents of Los Angeles County, a major destination for Latin American immigrants. Using data from the Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey and the American Community Survey, the analyses consider immigrants’ legal status, intersectionality, and competing perspectives on assimilation. The results show that undocumented immigrants do not report especially high levels of discrimination. Instead, young U.S.-born Latinos are the most likely to report mistreatment in interpersonal and institutional domains. Neighborhood ethnoracial and income diversity also have implications for perceived exposure to different types of discrimination.  相似文献   

国有企业的改革最终是建立现代化企业制度,这种现代化企业制度的建立必然会引起企业产权的置换和国企职工身份的置换。特别是职工身份的置换,是一项复杂、艰难、棘手而又细致的工作。如何在职工身份置换过程中,切实保障职工的合法利益,本文就此进行了分析和探索。  相似文献   

While much research has documented the pattern and extent of sex segregation of workers once they are employed, few studies have addressed the pre-hire mechanisms that are posited to produce sex segregation in employment. While the notion of a labor queue—the rank order of the set of people that employers choose among—plays a prominent role in pre-hire accounts of job sex sorting mechanisms, few studies have examined the ways in which job candidates are sorted into labor queues. In this paper, we explore the mechanisms by which labor queues contribute to the gendering of jobs by studying the hiring process for all jobs at a call center. Being placed in a queue has a clear gendering effect on the hiring process: the sex distribution of applicants who are matched to queues and those who are rejected at this phase diverge, and among those assigned to queues, women are prevalent in queues for low pay, low status jobs. The screening process also contributes to the gendering of the population of hires at this firm. Females are more prevalent among hires than they are among candidates at initial queue assignment. Among high status jobs, however, males are more prevalent than females. Moreover, there are important wage implications associated with matching to queues. While there are large between-queue sex differences in the paid wages associated with allocation to queues, once allocated to queues the wage differences between male and female candidates are nil. Consequently, the roots of gender wage inequality in this setting lie in the initial sorting of candidates to labor queues.  相似文献   

关于非物质生产领域的劳动是否创造价值的争论由来已久。非物质生产领域生产无形商品的劳动也创造价值,旨在确立一种判断标准或基本原则,即不管是物质生产领域还是非物质生产领域,凡是生产商品的劳动都创造价值,不生产商品的劳动都不创造价值。这里的关键是要承认非物质生产领域用于交换的劳动产品也是商品——无形商品。  相似文献   

自莫茨和夏拉夫首次提出“审计假设”概念以来,审计假设就成为了审计理论研究的一个重要课题。40多年来,审计假设研究虽然取得了一定的成就,但进展仍然缓慢。在本文中,作者从考察国内外审计假设研究的现状出发,归纳出成为审计假设应具备的条件,并用这些条件对现有的审计假设进行了检验。最后在这些条件的指导下,从审计本质出发,对审计假设进行了设计。  相似文献   

颜鹏飞、刘解龙等教授就深化对劳动和劳动价值理论认识的必要性和如何深化对劳动和劳动价值理论的认识等问题作了历史的、比较的和辩证的分析和研究。深化对劳动和劳动价值理论的认识还必须同公平和效率的讨论结合起来。  相似文献   

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