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改革开放以来,西藏米林珞巴族的社会文化发生了巨大变化,这是我国实行民族区域自治制度下珞巴族与藏族及其他民族密切交流的结果。从文化人类学角度考察这种文化变迁,采用文化功能和变迁的理论客观描述珞巴族文化变迁现状,勾勒珞、藏文化涵化的过程,同时提出珞巴族传统文化的现代适应机制,探讨在保存珞巴族最具特色的传统文化的基础上,如何有效地促进珞巴族社会文化发展的方法。  相似文献   

外地白领移民上海文化适应影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化适应是指当具有不同文化背景的群体开始持续、直接的接触之后,一方或双方原先文化范型发生变化的动态过程以及这个过程的结果。国外的文化适应研究开展得很早,尤其是一些移民国家如美国、加拿大等相关研究非常丰富。国内文化适应研究主要集中于流动人口或外来农民工进城后遭遇的文化适应问题。上海的外地白领文化适应是一种特殊的文化适应过程。通过对200名上海的外地白领样本的问卷调查,从身份认同、语言适应、对上海的喜爱度、交往适应和对上海的归属感五个维度测量其文化适应程度以及影响因素,可以看出:语言学习能力、本地朋友圈、移居上海前来上海的频率、和上海人接触的频率、在上海居住时间与外地白领移民的文化适应水平呈显著相关的关系。  相似文献   

何志华  叶宏 《学术探索》2012,(5):178-181
对成都某高校彝族在校大学生的文化适应状况所进行的调查显示,高校应该在教育管理过程中引导彝族学生应对文化适应障碍提出可操作性的策略,从而使少数民族学生群体解决文化适应问题,提高学业成就,成为民族文化的有力传播者和民族区域发展的合格建设者。  相似文献   

This study explored the dynamic nature of neighborhoods using a relatively novel approach and data source. By using a nonparametric holistic approach of neighborhood change based on latent class analysis (LCA), we have explored how changes in the socio-demographic characteristics of residents, as well as home improvement and refinance activity by residents, are related to changes in neighborhood crime over a decade. Utilizing annual home mortgage loan data in the city of Los Angeles from the years 2000–2010, we 1) conducted principle components factor analyses using measures of residential in-migration and home investment activities; 2) estimated LCA models to identify classes of neighborhoods that shared common patterns of change over the decade; 3) described these 11 classes; 4) estimated change-score regression models to assess the relationship of these classes with changing crime rates. The analyses detected six broad types of neighborhood change: 1) stability; 2) urban investors; 3) higher-income home buyers; 4) in-mover oscillating; 5) oscillating refinance; 6) mixed-trait. The study describes the characteristics of each of these classes, and how they are related to changes in crime rates over the decade.  相似文献   

Factor analysis is often used to study environmental concern. This choice of methodology is driven by predominant theories that tie environmental attitudes to the multidimensional construct of environmental concern. This paper demonstrates that using a clustering method such as latent class analysis can be a valuable tool for studying environmental attitudes as they exist within a given population. In making the case for the value of latent class analysis in this context, we examine UK public concern for the environment and how this concern is associated with pro-environmental behaviours. To do this we use responses to DEFRA's 2009 Survey of Public Attitudes and Behaviours towards the Environment, which is still the most nationally representative survey of its type in the UK. Grouping respondents according to homogenous response patterns, we identify four classes of people, defined by their concern for the environment: Pro-environment, Neutral Majority, Disengaged and Paradoxical. To understand how these attitude classes are associated with behaviour and socio-economic status, class membership probability is regressed onto education, income and social grade, as well as 16 measures of environmental behaviour related to transport, food, recycling and home energy conservation. The results contradict most previous research with the environmental attitude classes by being highly predictive of environmental behaviour.  相似文献   

Prior research has increasingly shown that the length of time in the U.S. and acculturation may have negative effects on a variety of immigrant outcomes, including academic performance, health, and occupational attainment. However, much of the research on the educational outcomes of immigrants focuses primarily on their academic achievement but neglects another factor that affects educational success—behavior at school. Using data from a sample of high school seniors in several Pacific Northwest school districts, I examine whether more time in the U.S. increases school misbehavior by testing the effects of immigrant generation and indicators of acculturation on three measures of disciplinary problems during the senior year of high school—attending class unprepared, getting in trouble for breaking school rules, and being put on suspension. First and one-point-five generation immigrants attend class more prepared and get into less trouble for breaking the school rules than do third or higher generation students during their senior year of high school. High academic performance and indicators of acculturation explain only part of this beneficial effect of immigrant generation on behavior at school. Additional analyses show that second generation Asian immigrants are more similar to first and 1.5 generation immigrants from all racial and ethnic groups than they are from other second generation racial and ethnic groups in regards to moderate and intermediate behavior.  相似文献   

以美国为首的欧美国家和日本、韩国等亚洲国家已经将影视文化作为提升国家文化软实力的重要阵地和主要手段,通过以互联网为代表的新媒体传播其国家文化的价值理念,用文化软实力征服着包括中国观众在内的全世界的观众。反观当下我国影视文化的传播现状,笔者通过分析具有代表性的国家影视文化与文化软实力之间的关系,思考我国影视文化的发展对文化软实力的影响。  相似文献   

跨文化传播学中文化适应研究的路径与问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化适应研究是当今国外跨文化传播学界最关注的主题之一.它在心理学、传播学和人类学等不同层面展开,形成了引人瞩目的理论景观.另一方面,由于不同学科关注的重点不一,研究和分析的方法各异,文化适应理论体系呈现出纷繁复杂的景象.本文试图通过分析、反思不同层面文化适应研究的理路,探求不同学科间文化适应研究的联系与分歧.本文认为惟有广阔的视野、多样化的研究方法和丰富的知识体系,才能使跨文化传播领域的文化适应研究更有生命力.  相似文献   

胡蓉 《学术探索》2004,(12):120-122
外语教学的最终目的是培养高素质的具有跨文化交际能力的外语人才,这已经成为我国外语教学界的一种共识。但共识的形成并不意味着问题的解决,在涉及如何培养学生跨文化交际能力的问题上,许多人仍然寄希望于教学方法的改进,而没有把着眼点放在更新教学内容上。作者看到了外语教学中引入文化教学的必要性和重要性,从外语教学中文化教学的内涵、文化教学在外语教学中的作用以及语言教学与文化教学的各自定位及其相互关系三方面对外语教学中引入文化教学进行了有一定深度的理论思考。  相似文献   

正确对待民族传统文化 牢固树立马克思主义文化观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文化作为人类社会改造客观世界的成果,其具体体现为民族文化(也包括宗教文化)。在阶级社会里,文化又分为剥削阶级的文化和广大劳动人民的文化。我们对待传统文化,必须采取“扬弃”的态度,努力使传统文化与时代发展相适应。  相似文献   

文化交流的日益频繁,使得文化适应成为当下文化研究中的重要主题之一。通过分析文化适应的涵义、文化适应的阶段模型假说、文化适应的个体对策的研究变化,以及分析文化适应中的影响因素,可以发现相关研究从以往概括性的文化整合策略逐渐转向具体文化环境中的文化适应考量,体现出了文化个体的多样性和普遍性解释相结合的趋势。  相似文献   

This study investigates the changing racial diversity and structure of metropolitan neighborhoods. We consider three alternative perspectives about localized racial change: that neighborhoods are bifurcating along a white/nonwhite color line, fragmenting into homogeneous enclaves, or integrating white, black, Latino, and Asian residents into diverse residential environments. To assess hypotheses drawn from these perspectives, we develop a hybrid methodology (incorporating the entropy index and majority-rule criteria) that offers advantages over previous typological efforts. Our analysis of 1990-2000 census tract data for the 100 largest US metropolitan areas finds that most neighborhoods are becoming more diverse and that members of all groups have experienced increasing exposure to neighborhood diversity. However, white populations tend to diminish rapidly in the presence of multiple minority groups and there has been concomitant white growth in low-diversity neighborhoods. Latino population dynamics have emerged as a primary force driving neighborhood change in a multi-group context.  相似文献   

中国文化在美国推广和展现有七次震撼性的巡回,在美国主流接受群体中获得了极大的反响。1849年华工赴美淘金,中国文化以群像出现在美洲大陆。此后李鸿章访问纽约、梅兰芳访美演出、宋美龄国会演讲、邓小平中美建交之后的亮相、中国经济地位提升华人新移民以群体形象融入主流、白先勇策划组织《牡丹亭》加州巡演,美国的主流接受群体以一种个人魅力、皇家文化、通俗文化的共鸣来欢迎中国元素。环视近年来的中国文化在美国的推展,效果似乎不够显著,其原因在于忽视了推展中国文化的接受群体研究和操作过程。  相似文献   

随着现代传媒技术的发展,动漫作为一种新兴的产业文化正日益蓬勃地发展。日本动漫以其制作精良、形象生动的特点占据了中国大部分的动漫市场,吸引了众多的青少年,而借助动漫,日本文化也在潜移默化中灌输给了青少年。文章试图分析日本动漫在中国的传播现状以及对中国的影响,从而提出面对日本动漫的冲击,中国动漫界应对的措施。  相似文献   

辛亥革命后,中国乡村社会日益落后的现状与知识分子的理想形成了一个巨大的落差,一部分知识分子带着重建乡村社会的理想"下乡",并在20世纪30年代与国家政权改革县政的政治追求相结合,形成了一股县政建设的潮流。这些知识分子通过"民族文化的重构"、"科学的西化"和"国家权力向下渗透"等方式对乡村进行改造,却又因近代以来国家政权的长期不合理而导致的乡村社会转型内驱动力缺乏的困境,最终又无可奈何地离开了乡村。  相似文献   

著名的美国华裔作家汤亭亭的作品《华人:金山勇士》,记载了一百多年北美华人移民的经历。小说在虚构文本中,穿插杂糅了华人移民中相传的故事和有纪录的史实,打破了现实主义、传记和历史书的局限,能使读者发掘和发现原来在英语语境中默默无声的华人,其实也是为荚国的发展做出巨大贡献的开国英雄——金山勇士,只是因为白人的文化偏见和歧视而被遮蔽和丑化了。同时,作者在写作时力图创造一个对话性的话语空间以及采取黑色幽默的手法,颠覆了美国的东方学表现华人的固定的模式和有关“黄祸”的神话。  相似文献   

蒙古西征对穆斯林世界的命运产生了重大而深远的影响,特别是旭烈兀西征引发了穆斯林世界政治格局的巨大变动,导致波斯尼查尔派和阿拔斯王朝的覆灭,建立了蒙古贵族统治的伊利汗国。伊利汗国的伊斯兰化使一个新的穆斯林文明在旧文明的灰烬中兴起;旭烈兀西征也对伊斯兰文化的发展和苏菲主义的传播产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

随着以信息化和数字化技术为代表的现代科技创新进程的不断加快,文化产业的发展也面临着全面转型升级,文化与科技融合成为提升我国文化产业发展水平的必要手段。科技推动下的文化产业转型升级,也需要新的政策环境予以引导和支撑。本文在综合分析现阶段我国政府在促进文化产业与现代科技融合的具体举措上,归纳出“一体两翼”的基础性政策体系框架。同时,指出了在长远性、阶段性和区域性等方面,政府在构建文化产业与现代科技融合的政策体系需要注意的关键性问题。  相似文献   

抗战前十年中国金融业的现代化趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵秀芳 《文史哲》2003,1(4):55-61
近代以来 ,中国金融业面临着传统向现代化的转型。国民政府通过废两改元和法币改革 ,不仅统一货币、建立稳定的货币基础 ,而且健全金融组织 ,建立以“四行二局”为核心的国家金融体系 ,客观上推动了金融现代化的进程。金融界也以此为契机 ,拓宽业务 ,引入科学体制 ,并直接参与企业经营管理 ,加快了金融业的现代化步伐。但随着日本发动全面侵华战争 ,中国金融现代化的进程被打断 ,从而陷入了低潮期。  相似文献   

陈林侠 《社会科学》2007,(7):185-192
尽管大陆电影空间在《黄土地》等一批先锋之作中经历了从具实到抽象的过程,形成了扩张的文化隐喻,但是空间的传统经验却陷入了影像表达的悖论;游弋出大陆的香港电影始终将地域空间限定在城市想象的自我比附,或隐或显地出现了一种"双城"现象。张爱玲作品在香港颇受导演青睐,个中原因在于其作品铭记着"双城"(上海/香港)的空间体验。如果说大陆电影的空间有一种外向性,那么身处后现代文化中的台湾电影逐渐排除了整体的空间感,缩小地域、社会空间,出现了一种内倾的迹象。从深层的文化心理上说,这恰恰是两岸三地在西方文化触发后,民族文化记忆的不同苏醒。  相似文献   

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