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The richest 1 percent in the United States is a largely unexplored group, despite its ever-increasing share of the national wealth. The Forbes roster of the richest Americans has often been used to demonstrate the fading of nineteenth-century hereditary fortunes. Based on full panel data from the annual American Forbes 400 ranking (1982–2013), this article goes beyond previous work by examining not only the sources of the very wealthy but also the factors that increase or decrease the likelihood of remaining listed among the American super-rich and the typical patterns of mobility. We find that heirs are more likely to remain listed in the Forbes 400 roster than self-made entrepreneurs, all other things being equal. While scions of great wealth are less likely to drop completely from the list, they are nevertheless more likely to fall gradually in ranking than are self-made multimillionaires. Even though entrepreneurship matters increasingly for becoming super-rich, we conclude that it is first and foremost the ability of rich family dynasties to retain control over corporations and to access sophisticated financial advice that makes fortunes last.  相似文献   

我国古代礼教对女性的参政权、经济权益和家庭地位进行了定位。明清时期的弹词小说女作家们在其作品中对这些定位进行了反思,并表达了赞成女性参政、提倡保护女性经济权益和提高女性家庭地位的女权思想。这些思想的出现和形成受到了当时明清社会变革中产生的民主思想、重商思想、批判传统理学和同情女性的思潮的影响。  相似文献   

住宅问题是工业社会中事关民生和社会安全的重要问题,住房保障是城市社会管理创新的重要方面。民国时期住房保障以抗日战争为界,前一阶段视住宅问题为劳工问题的一部分,政府初步探讨了本国的劳工住宅发展思路;后一阶段则视住宅问题为战后社会建设的重要组成部分,视住宅问题为一项集长期性、经常性、基础性等特征于一身的重要社会问题,重新定位住房保障的任务和具体措施,并从立法、政策等方面提出长远解决住宅问题的蓝图。  相似文献   

阿尔都塞在揭示了卢梭《社会契约论》的现实主题、理论参照及其内部四重“错位”关系之后,批评卢梭所构造的理论秩序缺乏实践的可操作性。其实,阿尔都塞忽视了卢梭超越霍布斯与洛克对政治合法性论证路径的理论努力,没有看到卢梭通过构造“公意”以突破普遍主义与自愿主义、个人与集体之间对立的可能意义。通过对阿尔都塞解读卢梭视角的再考察,不仅可以清理关于卢梭在政治思想史中的形象的纷争,而且还可以揭示“社会契约论”在现代政治正当性重建中的致思路径与内在困难,进而可能获得一个检视西方政治哲学问题结构的宏观视角。  相似文献   

人类的法治制度实践在文艺复兴之后得以充分展开,但法治精神的种子却在中世纪欧洲即已深深植根。当罗马法规范体系的精致和深邃与经院主义研究方法以一种意想不到的方式在欧洲中世纪的大学里相遇,共同促成了欧洲最早的法学教师群体的生成。法学教师们通过重构法治基本价值原则、指导法律规范完善和重塑法律共同体及民众法治信仰等方式,在法治客观价值确立和主体意识养成的双重意义上,为中世纪法治精神的形成做出了贡献。  相似文献   

对基本权的属性,各国宪法一般都强调其作为权利的特征。德国宪法理论却在基本权作为主观权利的基础上,又发展出基本权作为客观价值决定的属性认定。客观价值说极大地丰富了基本权的理论,亦使基本权的功能有了很大扩展。本文也因此通过分析基本权利在德国法上的这两种面向,以及由这两种面向所衍生出的特定功能,期望展示出基本权更为丰富的内涵型塑,并期望能在比较法的意义上,为我国的基本权理论带来启迪。  相似文献   

近年来,我国农村治安形势不容乐观,主要表现在农民上访事件和群体性事件呈上升趋势,偷盗抢劫等刑事案件发案率居高不下,非法宗教活动屡禁不止等。从根源上说,这是社会转型期难以避免的,传统的农村熟人社会下所形成的人们之间的普遍信任、村规民约及相互交往和组织参与在市场经济大潮的冲击下已经淡化,而这些恰恰是作为社会稳定基础的农村社会资本的重要部分。因此,改善农村治安状况关键在于重构传统农村社会资本并积极培育和发展符合社会主义市场经济的新型农村社会资本。  相似文献   

企业集群是产业和地方经济发展的一种重要形式.王庆坨自行车企业集群的快速发展表明,集群内部交易活动和缔约的制度基础是关系型契约.这种关系型契约能够有效地降低企业集群内部的交易成本,从而改善了企业集群的交易治理结构.同时,乡镇企业集群早期的快速发展还依赖于经济交换域对社会交换域的嵌入.但传统的乡村规范仍然存在着前市场经济的局限性,只有通过引入第三方中介对交易制度进行补充,乡镇企业集群才可能持续快速地发展.  相似文献   

非政府组织的非政府性、志愿性等特征决定了其成员行为的选择,在很大程度上取决于成员间的关系与互动。当环境和个人因素对消极行为扩散具有较弱的约束时,通过社会网络视角来分析成员消极行为的扩散最有预见性。基于社会网络理论,构建出非政府组织成员消极行为扩散综合模型。要预防消极行为的扩散,就应从非政府组织成员的社会网络入手。  相似文献   

在中国经济史上,农民家庭始终是一个足够理智的经济个体.尽管中国经济史上曾多次出现过诱发农民走出农业、农村,迈入工商业和城市的历史机遇,但在外在生态条件和多重制度约束下农户出于个体理性算计的结果,仍然选择以农为主、工商为辅的生产和生活方式;他们不像资本主义企业那样追求利润最大化,他们也不像雇佣劳工那样追求工资收入最大化,而是追求产量最大化和家庭的全员就业,这种多重约束下的有限理性乃是导致中国未能及时发生工业革命并迈入现代增长阶段的重要原因.  相似文献   

I compare language learning trajectories for Black and White children over the first 3 years of life using data from the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation study (EHSRE) in order to determine the timing and source of divergence in early language skill. Results indicate that that while controlling for racial differences in family background and a measure of the home language environment cannot entirely account for disparities in language acquisition, interactions between age, race and maternal education, and between race and a time-varying measure of the home language environment play a significant role. I show that returns to parental education and the home language environment, in terms of language learning, are higher for White children than their Black peers. Specification checks confirm that these results are robust to alternate definitions of child language and the home language environment, and that no interactions between race, age and any of the other covariates are significant. I discuss possible explanations for these race specific education gradients, including measurement error and test bias. In addition, I address relevant empirical issues in estimating language growth with respect to linguistic inputs and the home language environment.  相似文献   

胡滨 《社会科学》2012,(5):59-68
我国城市化进路中,人口城市化的速度和规模远远滞后于空间城市化,其实质为社会、文化、制度的构建与经济增长的不同步。究其缘由,除了政策制度的因素外,资本和权力的勾连以及"经济达尔文主义"是其"质料因"和"动力因"。这种对城市化经济性的过度追求必将带来土地金融危机、社会极化、空间区隔和"原子化社会",使生活在城市中的人缺乏尊严感和安全感,集聚社会风险。因此,城市化发展应从规模的追求转向到对质的追求,构筑一种"城市如家"和"充满选择机会"的城市化。  相似文献   

Ethnic residential concentration is often found to hamper immigrants’ majority language proficiency. However, there are still several gaps in our understanding of the relationship between ethnic concentration and ethnic minorities’ language practices. This study examines the extent to which ethnic concentration also constrains immigrants’ majority language use, whether contact with natives and co-ethnics mediates these relationships, and whether ethnic concentration relates to second-generation minorities’ minority language proficiency. Structural equation models on data for people of Turkish and Moroccan origin living in the Netherlands (N = 2163) showed that ethnic concentration is indirectly related to weaker majority language proficiency and less majority language use through contact with natives and co-ethnics. For second-generation minorities, ethnic concentration is related to better minority language proficiency.  相似文献   

Rising costs of higher education have prompted debate about the value of college degrees. Using mixed effects panel models of data from the Youth Development Study (ages 31–37), we compare occupational outcomes (i.e., weekly hours worked, earnings, employment status, career attainment, and job security) between educational attainment categories within year, and within categories across years, from 2005 to 2011, capturing the period before, during, and in the aftermath of the Great Recession. Our findings demonstrate the long-term value of post-secondary degrees. Bachelor's and Associate's degree recipients, while experiencing setbacks at the height of recession, were significantly better off than those with some or no college attendance. Vocational-Technical degree holders followed a unique trajectory: pre-recession, they are mostly on par with Associate's and Bachelor's recipients, but they are hit particularly hard by the recession and then rebound somewhat afterwards. Our findings highlight the perils of starting but not finishing post-secondary educational programs.  相似文献   

Although a number of studies have uncovered evidence of age differences in religious involvement across the life course, there has been a lack of long-term longitudinal data to test the extent to which these differences are due to changes within individuals over time. This study tracks trajectories of change in religious service attendance using data collected longitudinally over the course of up to 34 years, between 1971 and 2005, and in ages ranging from 15 to 102. Piecewise growth curve modeling was used to examine changes in the patterns of age-related change in three distinct developmental periods: the transition from adolescence to young adulthood, middle adulthood, and older adulthood. Attendance showed an average pattern of quadratic decline in adolescence, stability in middle adulthood, and a quadratic pattern of more rapid increase followed by decrease over the course of older adulthood. These results suggest that developmental factors play a role in changing patterns of religious participation across the adult life course, and may account for some of the apparent differences between age groups.  相似文献   

微传播是网络传媒快速发展、媒体技术加速变革、信息接收优化调整所带来的一场媒介革新,具有进入门槛低、传播无边界限性、管理真空化等特点。高校政治认同教育在外延层面、媒介层面、个体层面面临三重困境:一是社会思潮多元化,主流意识形态受到冲击;二是传播媒介微细化,传统认知媒介被颠覆;三是政治态度冷漠化,政治认同效能的凝聚力降低。高校需从内核、渠道、外延方面加以改进,应强化内核,提高传播内容的权威性;拓展渠道,提升传播过程的精细化水平;巩固外延,统筹传播方式的多元化表达。从微传播视域提升政治认同教育的穿透力、效能感与整合力。  相似文献   

本文以状态空间的可变参数模型为分析视角,对1998-2010年南京市住房价格变动的影响因素进行实证分析。在多变量分析框架下,根据Kalman滤波法,运用样本空间为13年的时间序列数据对参数进行连续地估计,并对其波动进行了阶段性动态分析。实证结果显示:从空间状态模型来看,市场环境的改变,如城市地区生产总值、城镇居民可支配收入、房地产开发投资额、金融机构存款余额、利率的变化、预期的转变等,住房销售价格都会通过供给与需求的后续调整来得到表现。最后,本文针对实证分析结果提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

中国故事在谭恩美的《喜福会》中扮演着特殊的角色,而以家族叙事为核心的故国书写不仅令家丑外扬,更是揭露了旧式中国的诸多弊端,这让作家备受指责.然而,依据霍尔的族裔散居认同理论,这些故国往事实为谭恩美对家族史的重构,即在对过去的重述中发现、定位个体当下的位置;但她的书写方式说明中国历史、传统文化在华裔族群中的断裂,其叙述亦为主流的权力话语所操控.华裔只能站在美国文化的立场之上“回看”中国,其文化认同受制于族裔历史、社会文化和权力等多重因素,呈现出开放、流变和不确定性等特点.因此,小说里的中国故事生动展现了华裔女性如何在断裂与延续、同一性(即所谓的“中国性”)与差异性之间协商与选择,以寻求文化身份的认同,从而解决其所面临的种族身份和社会身份间的冲突与割裂.  相似文献   

本文基于H市Z社区的个案研究,揭示在郊区城市化进程中如何才能较为平顺地解决农民市民化的问题。本文发现,Z社区农民市民化的基本经验包括:其一,长时段的角色过渡和转换,其二,与老市民充分的交往和互动。这对于其他众多城郊社区平顺地实现农民市民化具有参考价值,它表明:对于农民市民化过程必须保持相当的耐心,同时也要创造更多的机会、场景、途径让新老市民进行充分的交往和互动,从而保证农民市民化的平顺实现。  相似文献   

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