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This study assesses the measurement properties of Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-Being (RPWB)—a widely used instrument designed to measure six dimensions of psychological well-being. Analyses of self-administered RPWB data from three major surveys—Midlife in the United States (MIDUS), National Survey of Families and Households II, and the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS)—yielded very high overlap among the dimensions. These large correlations persisted even after eliminating several methodological sources of confounding, including question wording, question order, and negative item-wording. However, in MIDUS pretest and WLS telephone administrations, correlations among the dimensions were much lower. Past research demonstrates that self-administered instruments provide more valid psychological measurements than telephone surveys, and we therefore place more weight on the consistent results from the self-administered items. In sum, there is strong evidence that RPWB does not have as many as six distinct dimensions, and researchers should be cautious in interpreting its subscales.  相似文献   

Using a regression-based analysis of a survey of U.S. households, we demonstrate that both environmental concern, as measured by the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) Scale, and facets of environmental concern, as measured by three NEP factors, are influenced by survey context. Survey respondents were presented with detailed information about two to four threatened and endangered marine species in the United States, including the Endangered Species Act listing status of the species and threats to the survival of the species. All else being equal, measures of environmental concern are influenced by both which species were included in the survey and by the concern expressed about these species. As such, measures of environmental concern are found to be context dependent since they are correlated with the species included in each survey. We also demonstrate that NEP-based measures of environmental concern are affected by socio-demographic variables, opinions about government spending, and environmental knowledge. Given the wide, multi-disciplinary use of the NEP Scale, it is important for researchers to recognize that NEP-based measures of environmental concern may be sensitive to information included in surveys.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the development and implementation of the multilevel sample design for the Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey, a study of children, adults, families, and neighborhoods in Los Angeles County. This survey was designed to support multilevel analyses on a number of topics, including child development, residential mobility, and welfare reform. We describe the design of the baseline wave, highlighting the analytical and statistical issues that shaped the study. We also present the results of an in-depth statistical investigation of the survey’s ability to support multilevel analyses that was carried out as part of the study design. The results of this study provide important guideposts for future studies of neighborhoods and their effects on adults and children.  相似文献   

大量证据表明,企业规模与工资之间存在正向关系,但对于导致这种正向关系的原因莫衷一是。本文基于12个地市的中国制造业企业抽样数据,对企业规模-工资效应及导致其存在的原因进行了验证。我们在整体样本层面发现了企业规模-工资效应的存在,且验证了资本规模是导致该效应的原因。但是,分所有制和分地区的子样本检验结果表明,上述结论对于外资企业和东部地区并不成立。  相似文献   

Public policy programs must often impose limits on who may be eligible for benefits. Despite research on the impact of exclusion in developed countries, there is little evidence on how people react to being excluded from benefits in developing societies. Utilizing repeated waves of data from an experimental evaluation of Mexico’s foundational PROGRESA antipoverty program, we examine the impact of exclusion and distinguish two separate forms. “Statistical exclusion” occurs where determination of benefits is based on randomized assignment to a treatment and control group. “Needs-based exclusion” occurs when benefits programs are designed to be selective rather than universal, basing eligibility on characteristics, like relative poverty, that are difficult to measure simply and accurately. Focusing on temporal variation in survey non-response as our behavioral outcome, we show that needs-based exclusion has much greater negative effects on continued participation than statistical exclusion. We also show that these effects are concentrated among the wealthy, that is, those furthest from the eligibility cut-off line. These findings reinforce general concerns about the validity of evaluation studies when incentives are at work. We discuss both the behavioral explanations that might underlie these findings as well as some potential approaches to reduce threats to evaluation validity.  相似文献   

Challenges to survey data collection have increased the costs of social research via face-to-face surveys so much that it may become extremely difficult for social scientists to continue using these methods. A key drawback to less expensive Internet-based alternatives is the threat of biased results from coverage errors in survey data. The rise of Internet-enabled smartphones presents an opportunity to re-examine the issue of Internet coverage for surveys and its implications for coverage bias. Two questions (on Internet access and smartphone ownership) were added to the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), a U.S. national probability survey of women and men age 15–44, using a continuous sample design. We examine 16 quarters (4 years) of data, from September 2012 to August 2016.Overall, we estimate that 82.9% of the target NSFG population has Internet access, and 81.6% has a smartphone. Combined, this means that about 90.7% of U.S. residents age 15–44 have Internet access, via either traditional devices or a smartphone. We find some evidence of compensatory coverage when looking at key race/ethnicity and age subgroups. For instance, while Black teens (15–18) have the lowest estimated rate of Internet access (81.9%) and the lowest rate of smartphone usage (72.6%), an estimated 88.0% of this subgroup has some form of Internet access.We also examine the socio-demographic correlates of Internet and smartphone coverage, separately and combined, as indicators of technology access in this population. In addition, we look at the effect of differential coverage on key estimates produced by the NSFG, related to fertility, family formation, and sexual activity. While this does not address nonresponse or measurement biases that may differ for alternative modes, our paper has implications for possible coverage biases that may arise when switching to a Web-based mode of data collection, either for follow-up surveys or to replace the main face-to-face data collection.  相似文献   

An experimental CATI-survey (N = 2041), asking sensitive questions about xenophobia and anti-Semitism in Germany, was conducted to compare the randomized response technique (RRT) and the direct questioning technique. Unlike the vast majority of RRT surveys measuring the prevalence of socially undesirable behaviors, only few studies have explored the effectiveness of the RRT with respect to the disclosure of socially undesirable opinions. Results suggest that the RRT is an effective method eliciting more socially undesirable opinions and yielding more valid prevalence estimates of xenophobia and anti-Semitism than direct questioning (‘more-is-better’ assumption). Furthermore, the results indicate that with increasing topic sensitivity, the benefits of using the RRT also increase. Finally, adapted logistic regression analyses show that several covariates such as education and generalized trust are related to the likelihood of being prejudiced towards foreigners and Jews.  相似文献   

地震灾害给人类社会生活带来重大影响。加强建筑工程质量管理,防止地震灾害,成为备受社会关注的热点问题。要从提高全民质量意识入手,建立健全有效的质量监督机制、提高建筑设计质量,加强施工质量控制.为人民安居乐业创造良好的环境。  相似文献   

目前,国内关于经济发展方式转变评价指标体系的研究尚处于探索阶段,如何构建一个科学合理的评价指标体系对转变经济发展方式来说具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。在前人研究的基础上,从经济增长、经济结构、经济效益、自主创新、资源环境以及社会事业和民生六个方面构建了一套评价指标体系,对2001年-2010年河南省经济发展方式的变化趋势进行实证研究。  相似文献   

FDI影响贸易顺差:基于两缺口模型的理论分析和实证检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于钱纳里两缺口模型进行的理论分析显示,发展中国家劳动力的增长可以无条件地增加其贸易顺差,而FDI扩大贸易顺差则须满足一定的条件,即产出一资本(由FDI与国内资本组成的总资本)比必须大于临界值.对此,本文不仅从产业结构转移、技术外溢、两种体制的投资比赛和劳动力的资本配备等方面给予了理论阐释,而且还运用30个省份的数据作了面板协整经验,实证结果显示:FDI和固定资产投资对贸易顺差具有抑制效应,而城镇劳动力则向上拉动贸易顺差.  相似文献   

张兰 《延边大学东疆学刊》2008,25(3):108-112,F0003
学报的版式应是科学性与艺术性的和谐统一,是实用性与美观性的完美结合,它的版式设计应最大限度地服务于学报的内容和特色,吸引读者的注意力,并力求易读、易检索、清晰明了;通过合理的编排、布局,烘托出内容的科学之美,理性之美,凝重之美,并与内容浑然一体,体现学报整体的实用之美。由于学报的性质、功能、阅读对象等方面的不同特点,学报的版式设计要遵循其自身发展的规律,本着形式服务于内容的原则、规范化原则及美学原则,努力突破传统“瓶颈”,大胆创新,使学报在信息化时代更好、更快地发展。  相似文献   

Every social science researcher must make a number of methodological decisions when planning and implementing research projects. Each such decision carries with it both advantages and limitations. The decisions faced and made by Regnerus (2012) are discussed here in the wider context of social science literature regarding same-sex parenting. Even though the apparent outcomes of Regnerus’s study were unpopular, the methodological decisions he made in the design and implementation of the New Family Structures Survey were not uncommon among social scientists, including many progressive, gay and lesbian scholars. These decisions and the research they produced deserve considerable and continued discussion, but criticisms of the underlying ethics and professionalism are misplaced because nearly every methodological decision that was made has ample precedents in research published by many other credible and distinguished scholars.  相似文献   

在实施产业转型升级过程中,构建合适的效果评价指标体系是一个复杂而重要的环节。依托京津冀一体化的发展现状,在分析了评价指标体系设计原则的基础上,从河北省钢铁产业转型升级对环境的影响、对省内经济的产业贡献和产业自身高效持续发展这三个维度出发,建立了京津冀一体化背景下河北省钢铁产业转型升级效果评价指标体系,为河北省钢铁产业转型升级的效果评价提供了一种结构性方法。据此,又提出了运用这一指标体系具体实施评价的原则与思路,从而为这一宏观实践活动提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

学术不良行为:类型与治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应该用学术不良行为取代学术腐败一词。可把中国的学术不良行为划分为三种类型:主要与有法不依相关的违法性学术不良行为,主要与无法可依相关的违纪性、违德性学术不良行为,主要与病态规则难依相关的违理性学术不良行为。作者提出的对应治理手段有:国家知识产权局应设立垂直的类似于工商行政管理的打击违法性学术不良行为的机构,制定可操作的学术规则并成立学术道德委员会,取消病态的学术管理制度。  相似文献   

本文提出了在学科教学论课程教学过程中有效提高师范生教学能力的方案———实地试教训练模式 ,并阐述了这一模式设计的原理 ,以及在语文教学论课程教学中所进行的实验的情况。  相似文献   

张国辉 《阴山学刊》2007,21(1):117-118
工程测量是一门理论与实践紧密结合的课程,且仪器的实践操作是教学效果的关键,演练室教学达到理论和实践教学的双重功能,提高了教学质量,加快了教学进度。  相似文献   

百年大计,教育为本;教育大计,教师为本,提高教师素质是教育事业发展永恒的主题.本文基于对现代教育理论的理解,基于对浙江树人大学这所在中国改革开放之初应运而生并具有代表意义的民办高校的实际调查和分析,着重研究了民办高校教师素质现状和存在问题,并从国家、学校和教师个人等方面提出了提升民办高校教师素质、推进民办高校可持续发展的对策.  相似文献   

孙小玲 《阴山学刊》2004,17(3):38-41
《茶馆》对传统久远的亚里斯多德戏剧观念予以了大胆突破,它不推崇情节(行动),而是以人物(叙述)取胜。在表现方式和艺术技巧上,《茶馆》则以"面式"叙事结构、充满历史感的宏大艺术构思、叙事诗般的讲述方式,以及"陌生化"技巧和象征手法等的运用,表现出与世界文艺的相通融合。老舍先生以其立足中国、面向世界的现代意识和不拘一格、扬弃整合的创造性劳动,赋予了《茶馆》以开放性、多元化为特征的现代艺术品格。  相似文献   

梁志平 《兰州学刊》2011,(12):115-123
文章考辨了上海居民传统饮用水源,认为以河水为主,辅以井水、雨水。由于上海地区水网结构受潮汐等因素的影响,易淤塞,居民通过乘潮而汲与明矾澄清来获得清洁的水源。开埠后,人口激增,城市化与工业快速发展。自晚清到建国初,上海地表水水质经历了重要支浜支河不堪饮用,到苏州河的黑臭,再到黄浦江黑臭,地表水完全不合直接饮用的过程,上海成为一个水质型缺水城市。面对源水水质的恶化,社会的应对是缓慢。改水与水质恶化都是一个动态的过程,饮水改良并不是一个直线的"河水——井水——自来水"的变化过程,民国时期的改水活动已相当成熟,建国后初期的改水活动反而因大搞"运动"而流于形式,改水并没有达到设想的目的。  相似文献   

Relatively few studies examine the relationship between racial residential segregation and educational or cognitive outcomes. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health and the institutional resources model of neighborhood effects, I investigate one account of how macrostructural arrangements between race, neighborhood segregation, and school quality interact to produce inequalities in test scores. Consistent with the institutional resources model, results suggest that school quality varies across neighborhoods based, in part, on their degree of racial concentration. Indeed, school quality and other school characteristics mediate the relationship between racial concentration and verbal skills, particularly among black males. These findings have implications not only for inequalities in cognitive skills among blacks across residential space, but also between blacks and whites given high levels of residential segregation in the United States. In sum, findings illustrate yet another way in which residential segregation contributes to, and not merely reflects, racial inequalities.  相似文献   

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