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运用经济学的基本分析方法,对于我国民办教育中的有关政策进行了初步的分析。主要观点是:第一,政府应该建立有效的民办教育激励机制和质量保证体制;第二,区分营利性教育机构与非营利教育机构;第三,应该在更高层次的目标指导下制定民办教育政策;第四,政府应该综合使用各种政策工具,经济激励措施往往比行政管制更为有效;第五,有效的民办教育制度是在演化过程中形成的,而不是人为设计的;第六,对于独立学院这种办学形式来说,第三方的规制措施是必要的。  相似文献   

教育制度与政策层面的中国民办高等教育发展定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的民办高等教育机构已经从非学历教育发展到有资格从事高等本科学历教育的阶段,在这个艰辛的过程和光辉的结果中取得了法律地位。但是,目前规范民办高等教育发展主要还是依靠教育政策。由于现行教育制度对民办高等教育层次结构规范的模糊性与缺失性,以及教育政策自身所固有的局限性,形成了教育制度和政策对民办高等教育办学激励机制的不确定性,中国的民办高等教育机构很难作出长远办学规划与打算。这一问题在某种程度上易使民办教育机构扭曲办学行为,同时也影响了社会资本介入民办高等教育领域。因此,我国教育制度与政策层面的民办高等教育发展定位,是一个必须迫切明晰的问题。  相似文献   

This contribution assesses the performance of national education systems along two important dimensions: The degree to which they help individuals develop capabilities necessary for their successful social integration (educational quality) and the degree to which they confer equal opportunities for social advancement (educational equality). It advances a new conceptualization to measure quality and equality in education and then uses it to study the relationship between institutional differentiation and these outcomes. It relies on data on final educational credentials and literacy among adults that circumvent some of the under-appreciated conceptual challenges entailed in the widespread analysis of international student assessment data.The analyses reveal a positive relationship between educational quality and equality and show that education systems with a lower degree of institutional differentiation not only provide more educational equality but are also marked by higher levels of educational quality. While the latter association is partly driven by other institutional and macro-structural factors, I demonstrate that the higher levels of educational equality in less differentiated education systems do not entail an often-assumed trade-off for lower quality.  相似文献   

隋幸华  刘理 《云梦学刊》2013,34(1):111-114
产学研合作育人是行业企业、高校、研究机构与政府等多方联动的教育模式,其媒介是知识,其关键是动力机制。产学研合作育人动力机制的建立,需从转变观念入手,以学校教育教学改革为突破口,遵循互利原则,调动学生积极性,争取政府政策支持,建立监控与评价机制。  相似文献   

民办高等教育的性质界定及制度设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民办高等教育投资办学的本质特征与法律层面上的非营利性定位,两者业已构成尖锐的冲突。合理回报措施的出台,不仅没有解决以上冲突,反而成为冲突的一部分。因此,有必要对民办高校进行营利性和非营利性的划分,并予营利性高校以礼待。营利性高校和非营利性高校的区别,不是通过贬抑和限制营利性高校,而是通过特别嘉奖等方式突出非营利性高校来凸显不同。上述民办高等教育的制度设计与其等待中央政府的明文规定,不如通过地方政府的积极有为落实于实践。民办高等教育的性质界定及其制度设计只是在社会转型阶段顺势而为的举措,真正的解决之道在于一个公正的竞争环境。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the skill divide in job quality and the role of social institutions in structuring the relation of workers’ qualifications to the attributes of their jobs. Four measures of job quality are examined: job security, job achievement, job content and work schedule flexibility. The study is based on the 2005 ISSP module on work orientations and encompasses 28 countries. Obtained through multilevel modeling, the findings show that low-skilled workers are disadvantaged in all aspects of job quality. However, skill inequality in the quality of employment depends on countries’ characteristics, with declining inequality in countries at higher levels of technological development and to some extent also in times of technological growth. At times of high unemployment, skill disparities in job security widen while on other measures of job quality they decline. Under high market regulation, the low skilled enjoy better job security but on other measures, skill inequalities increase.  相似文献   

在网络社会中,政治的权威性与教育多元化之间的张力、廉政的公共需求和个体需求之间的差异、廉政目标的赋权和控权的双重导向,共同塑造了网络社会廉政教育的多重特性。制度化因其具备适应性、复杂性、自主性和内部协调性的特征,为重构网络廉政教育制度体系提供了新的路径。未来廉政教育的制度化应遵循网络社会的特殊性,更新制度观念,明确教育对象,完善和整合网络廉政教育的机构设置和管理体制,借助互联网技术优势探索参与学习模式,建立廉政教育参与的动员机制和规范性原则,注重网络教育与传统教育的衔接,建立网络廉政教育立法保障机制,实现廉政教育机制的协调一致。  相似文献   

结构功能主义技术—功能论的教育公平观认为通过机会均等的教育与职业的联系,激励社会层级流动,实现社会公平正义,对转型中国公共教育制度构建与教育政策影响深远。实践中的精英复制,使之黯然失色。为教育公平祛魅,警惕政治国家利用教育公平弱化公民社会,回归政治国家公共资金提供者与教育权利保障者角色,是实现教育公平,最终实现社会公平的必由之路。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes trends in educational homogamy in six European countries (Sweden, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, and Italy). We use vital statistics on all marriages contracted between 1990 and 2016. Absolute educational homogamy increases in all countries (very moderately in the Czech Republic and Italy), it changes its structure, and the absolute educational hypogamy of women increases. The trends over time and among countries in relative educational homogamy are tested using log-linear and log-multiplicative models. We expand a regression-type layer effect model (the Goodman-Hout model) into a four-way table. The results indicate differing assortative mating by educational categories. Relative homogamy decreases in tertiary education. In lower educational categories, relative homogamy increases. We present the hypothesis that a decrease in relative homogamy in tertiary education is a consequence of the rise of social homogamy. We conceptualize this homogamy balance as a “complementary maintained homogamy.” Because changes in relative educational homogamies are the same in all countries, the cross-country differences remain constant over time. We conceptualize this as a “maintained flux.” The European countries are not in convergence, even though the relative homogamies delineated by educational categories change.  相似文献   

推进高校创业教育 提升大学生就业水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦成龙  彭阳红 《云梦学刊》2009,30(5):124-127
创业教育,是指通过相关活动开发、培养和提高大学生的创业意识、创业精神和创业能力,帮助大学生实现自主创业的一种教育理念和教育模式。创业教育的实施,对于提高大学生培养质量、促进高等教育的发展特别是对破解日趋紧张的社会就业难题具有非常重要的意义。当前高校创业教育存在认识偏颇、教学体系不完善等问题。进一步推进创业教育,应当创新运行机制,构建系统科学的教育教学体系,大力加强学生的创业体验。  相似文献   

高职院校中外合作办学促进人才培养的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史征 《兰州学刊》2005,(2):298-300
加入WTO,我国在教育领域作了相应的承诺,我们将在更广领域、更高层次上与世界上教育发达国家进行交流和合作,这将有利于引进国外先进的教育科技成果,促进教育对外开放的整体水平,提高办学质量,培养更多具有国际化背景的技能型人才,全面提高我国教育的国际竞争力.  相似文献   

高校作为国家建设的主力军,所培养的人才能否符合社会发展的要求,在很大程度上取决于是否用先进文化武装学生.高校思想政治工作是先进文化的重要组织部分.因此,用先进的科学的文化指导大学生思想政治工作不仅体现社会主义的办学方向,而且是社会发展和社会进步的现实需要.  相似文献   

发展教育中介组织是促进民办高等教育的新课题.但在现实中,教育中介组织在数量、服务质量、独立性以及操作上等等存在明显的不足.因此,需要从法律、民办高校、中介组织本身建设等方面着手,构建适合我国国情的民办高等教育中介组织.  相似文献   

This study extends the theoretical and empirical literature on the relationship between education and smoking by focusing on the life course links between experiences from adolescence and health outcomes in adulthood. Differences in smoking by completed education are apparent at ages 12–18, long before that education is acquired. I use characteristics from the teenage years, including social networks, future expectations, and school experiences measured before the start of smoking regularly to predict smoking in adulthood. Results show that school policies, peers, and youths’ mortality expectations predict smoking in adulthood but that college aspirations and analytical skills do not. I also show that smoking status at age 16 predicts both completed education and adult smoking, controlling for an extensive set of covariates. Overall, educational inequalities in smoking are better understood as a bundling of advantageous statuses that develops in childhood, rather than the effect of education producing better health.  相似文献   

Societal variations in the organization of educational institutions are thought to affect the distribution of students into levels of educational achievement. This paper analyzes the diverging achievements of British and American cohorts as they pass through secondary and post-secondary education. The ways students' locations in the systems' structures deflect their achievements are charted, and the cumulative effects of those deflections between the ages of 16 and 28 are estimated. Despite the more stratified and standardized organization of the British educational system, and despite its sharper differentiation between academic and vocational credentials, the cumulative deflections during these years are greater in the United States. Explaining this outcome requires an understanding of both organizational and normative differences between the two systems.  相似文献   

经济全球化和社会转型等因素对我国研究生思想政治教育造成了较大冲击。为了提高研究生思想政治教育的科学化水平,运用SWOT分析法,要充分发挥高校思想政治教育具有较完整课程和教学体系的优势,克服教育理念落后、研究生思想政治状况差异大的劣势;要抓住网络快速发展带来的机遇,迎接思想日益多元化的挑战;要健全体制机制,建立党委、党支部、导师和辅导员四位一体的研究生思想教育模式,加强队伍建设,拓宽教育途径等。  相似文献   

赖换初 《云梦学刊》2004,25(2):96-98
孔孟的“乐教”观,就是把教育当作人生最大的快乐,它是对知之、好之、乐之三者关系的辩证思考和把握,是建立在把握了教育对社会发展的重要作用、具有明确的教育目标、渊博的学识和精湛的教学技艺,掌握了教学的规律等基础之上的,它既是一种辩证的教育观,也是一种积极进取的人生观。  相似文献   

加拿大高等教育国际化的发展,证实了教育民间组织在高等教育国际化发展中的角色价值与推动作用。在我国高等教育国际化的进程中,应借鉴加拿大等发达国家高等教育的发展经验,针对高等教育发展中的实际问题,抓住"激发社会组织活力"及高校"去行政化"的改革机遇,通过立法,构建更开放的、更灵活的教育管理体制与机制,使更多具备社会性与国际性的教育民间组织积极参与推动,与世界共享无国界、无边界的教育资源,推动高等教育的国际化。  相似文献   

中国大陆与港台地区医学院校人文素质教育的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在医学人文素质教育方面,中国大陆与香港、台湾地区相比各具特色。中国大陆医学人文素质教育起步比香港、台湾地区晚一些,但发展迅速。中国大陆在某些方面还存在差距:没有医学人文素质教育统一的专门机构;各院校课程开设自主、不统一;高素质医学人文教师相对不足,来源和专业背景单一。  相似文献   

2007年,我国民办高等教育研究取得新的进展。专家学者在民办高等教育的发展、民办高校管理体制与运行机制、内涵建设与规范管理、教育质量与教育评价、师资队伍建设及独立学院的发展等方面都给予了深入的探讨和研究。  相似文献   

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